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Famous American members of the Knights of Malta — 28 Comments

  1. a single error exposes the lie. tony blair is not an American. you have called him one. you don’t know what you’re talking about.

    • My friend, look again and you will see Tony Blair’s name under “Famous non-American Knights of Malta”. Did you read that? It says “NON-American” not American. I didn’t lie, it’s just you are not looking at all the text. I’d have to be nearly brain dead to call Blair an American. His British accent tells me he’s not. 🙂

  2. Hi brother James,
    Great article on the Knights of Malta and the list of names. Reads like the C.F.R. membership list.
    Have you mentioned or identified Robert Mugabe as a Jesuit Roman Catholic. Love your research as it lines up mostly with my own personal research of twenty-years as a christian. God bless brother.


  3. James Japan, have you figured out trumps involvement in the vaticans plans yet? From what i gather the trump family has some deep ties to the catholics. He educated at a jesuit university and has put many catholics and jesuit trained people into office. He even declared that we should denounce all forms of anti-catholic bigotry at a jesuit dinner party.

    From what ive gathered so far, the vatican through its puppet states and jesuit plants such as the usa has destablizied many arab and south american nations in order to cause mass migration. Now we have rise qausi fascist movements and populist movements that are feeding off this mass migration to sustain their movement.

    Now we are seeing a rise of anti semitic factions on the left and the right. Just was wondering what your thoughts are on all these situations and what you think the vaticans end game is. It seems to me that they are on both sides of the political aisle and are stoking fears and pitting people against each other.

    • Zachary, thank you for sharing your thoughts on this subject. I am not surprised at all about your statements about Trump and his involvement with the Catholic church. This website has documentation showing the power and influence the Jesuits have had over America from its foundation as a nation. One researcher, F. Tupper Saussy, believes that America was actually created by the Jesuits!

      I will research further and hope to post what I learn in the near future. Anything you have to send me will be appreciated.

  4. First, the Knghts of Malta have never been “a branch of the Jesuit Order”. It is an Exempt Order of the Catholic Church. The real Sovereign Order of Saint John of Jerusalem, Knights of Malta, came to the U.S. in 1908 from Russia, where it had sojourned after the Fall of Malta. It is headquartered in New Jersey.

    Then there is the Papal Order – the Sovereign Military Order of Malta – founded after the Fall of Malta and given a charter by the Church as “charitable association” in 1826; though it pretends to be the historic Order. Catholic Encyclopedia 1913, Volume IV, p. 556 – CRUSADES. This is the one with the dirty hands that everyone points to.

    Then there are all the wannabees, the King Peter Group, etc., who have nothing in reality to do with the real Order.

    • The Knghts of Malta have never been an official lay branch of the Jesuit Order, but because they are in fact a layman’s order of the Catholic Church, I would certainly bet they are led by the Jesuits either wittingly or unwittingly.

    • Thank you for clearing this up. The OM clearing staes any member must be a lay Catholic is good standing. I’d say that eliminates a number of the people on this leist.

    • If you have a reference / link to that bit of history, please share it.

      As far as American democracy goes, I think it exists only in the minds of the voters. The only hope for America is allegiance to the Constitution. We are fighting a war and it’s not between liberals and conservatives or between Democrats and Republicans only, it’s actually a war between good and evil, the forces of darkness against the forces of light of the Lord Jesus Christ.

  5. James Arendt wrote: “As far as American democracy goes, I think it exists only in the minds of the voters. The only hope for America is allegiance to the Constitution. We are fighting a war and it’s not between liberals and conservatives or between Democrats and Republicans only, it’s actually a war between good and evil, the forces of darkness against the forces of light of the Lord Jesus Christ.”

    I think you are correct about the fight not being about politics but against the principalities and powers of evil as expressed in Ephesians 6. And, I agree with you on American ideals are only in people’s minds but not in true reality. However, I think America is too far gone for it ever to return to the protections and guarantees of the Constitution.

    The only hope left is to build up the kingdom of God by our obedience and efforts in convincing people to turn to the Lord Jesus Christ, and not to get sidetracked or sidelined into less important issues. I have a feeling that we may see one of the greatest revivals in world history and many coming to Christ through the current distresses being placed upon all in the world.

    I would say more, however, it seems no matter what I say, there is considerable opposition and controversy over the simplest of Biblical matters even among some of the closest friends to me, who seemingly cannot handle the truth, being so conditioned by the mainstream media and the false prophets of dispensationalism. I think the verse most apt for this time is:

    2nd Corinthians 11:3 (WEB) – “But I am afraid that somehow, as the serpent deceived Eve in his craftiness, so your minds might be corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ.”

    The Lord warned Christians in Matthew 24:15-22 of the time to leave in haste Jerusalem, when they saw the temple being descrated. I gather that this happened not in AD 70, but when the Zealots killed the Roman soldiers in AD 66 and not being Levites, entered the temple’s holiest places reserved for the priests only. The Zealots were even more of a danger than the Romans. They even killed the Judeans who were sympathetic to Romans, even attacking them in border towns outside Judea. Then, how much more Christians.

    In similar manner, I believe in the necessity to follow the Lord wholeheartedly. When time comes, He will guide what to do, which could even be leaving western countries like the US when time comes. Do we have ears to hear His voice now, and when time comes?

    • Brother, I totally agree. Dispensationalism has really divided the Protestant churches. As far as I know only the Presbyterians hold to true eschatology.

      A different but related subject is I think that God’s people should fight a little harder and stand up to tyranny and not just think, “Oh well, it’s the endtimes, and it’s fulfillment of prophecy and therefore there’s nothing we can do about it.” I don’t think that’s the right attitude to have. God is still on the throne, and prayer changes things! I think we should pray for the Canadian truckers for their success in changing that tyrannical government. And I think we should pray for the same thing to happen in Washington DC what’s happened to Ottawa. Some of my friends are calling the Canadian trucker protest, “controlled opposition”. I sure hope they’re wrong about that!!! And it seems to me that most Christians that have this pessimistic attitude are the ones who do hold dispensationalism as biblical truth! They are anticipating great tribulation in the end time. I’m not saying that there won’t be tribulation and they’re already is, but it won’t be the same thing as what Matthew 24 is talking about.

  6. Great info here, is Tom Monaghan of Domino’s Pizza fame not a member of the Knights of Malta? also do the Knights of Malta control the banking system?

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James Japan