James Arendt

My name is James Arendt but some people also know me as “James Japan.”
I’m also the webmaster of Deep Truths. I lived a total of 40 years in Japan, more than half my life. I loved to hitchhike throughout Japan because it was the main way I got to meet people, make new Japanese friends, and share with them my faith in Jesus Christ.

I’m a Christian who reads the King James Version of the Bible and holds to the values of the early Protestant reformers. Before I came to know Jesus Christ, I lived the first 20 years of my life in the darkness of Romanism. I believe all the major Protestant denominations today have been infiltrated by witches and Jesuit agents who have undermined the Protestant Reformation to bring the Protestants back under the wing of the Pope. I think they did a bang-up job of deceiving the world, don’t you? So far only about half of my close friends have been open to receiving this truth.

I was born in 1950 in Hammond, Indiana, USA, and raised in the Chicago southeast side neighborhood of Hegewisch. When a teenager, I didn’t much like Hegewisch, but now think it was probably one of the best and safest of all of Chicago’s neighborhoods. It has a small-town atmosphere. My mother, now deceased, was a very devoted churchgoer and took me to church regularly. Though I believed in God, I didn’t especially enjoy or look forward to the church experience.

When I became a teenager I got into smoking at age 13, alcohol abuse when 15, and smoking cannabis weed from 16 years of age. Though I did fairly well in grammar school, my grades in high school were very low. My friends would warn me that if I continued in my ways, I was headed for “skid row” at the most or a very bleak future at the least. I began to realize I was wasting my life.

After graduating high school I got a nighttime job at a steel factory in the neighboring town, Hammond Indiana. Working nights kept me out of trouble for a while.

In 1969 during the Vietnam War, those selected to be drafted were chosen by the lottery system. Birthdays were picked out of a box at random. My birthday, June 21, was number 60 out of a possible 365. Only those with a number of more than 250 would be exempt from the draft, so I knew the Army would soon send me a draft notification. I opted to legally avoid the Army by enlisting in the U.S. Air Force. I was accepted and went to Texas for basic training on Feb. 10, 1970.

After two months I was transferred to Kessler AFB in Biloxi Mississippi to be trained to be a “telecommunications control center specialist.” I like any field related to physics and science, especially electricity and electronics, so I studied hard and had top grades. Military life did me some good as I learned to discipline myself to do the things I needed to do. However, in my free moments, those 9 months in Mississippi were the loneliest of my life. The pain was extreme. All my friends knew it and tried to help me. I felt like the character “Neo” in the recent popular film “The Matrix”, and that there was something wrong somewhere.

In December 1970 I was transferred by the Air Force to McClellan AFB in Sacramento California. It was there that I found the answer to my chronic loneliness!

I met a group of young men, my peers at the time, who called themselves Christians. One of them, a boy by the name of David Weeks, invited me to go mountain climbing with them. It wasn’t too difficult for him to persuade me to come along. There are no mountains to climb anywhere near my hometown.

Another boy, one of David’s friends, talked to me about having a personal relationship with God through Jesus Christ. No one I considered a peer ever talked to me of this before. I knew that though I believed in God, He seemed far from me. The thought of having a daily personal friendship with Him was a totally new concept!

That night they invited me to a meeting where a famous entertainer, Tony Fontane, gave a testimony of his near-death experience, deliverance from alcoholism and conversion to Christ. I felt God speaking to me. I knew that this could be my opportunity to start my life on the right course depending on the decision I made. I decided that night to receive Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior.

The next morning when I woke, I felt something inside me had changed. There was a new spiritual nature born inside me; something I didn’t have before! I turned on the radio and surprisingly it was a Christian broadcast. I listened with unusual interest. For the first time, I could understand what the preacher on the radio was saying!

Through the months that followed, I met my new Christian friends often. They taught me many things from the Bible. I developed a Bible-reading habit myself. I felt I could hear the very Voice of God speaking to me through the pages of His Book!

I learned through the following months that God is not merely the angry judge I had perceived Him to be, but He is more the loving Father. The Bible in Jeremiah chapter 31 verse 3 says. “The LORD hath appeared of old unto me, saying, Yea, I have loved thee with an everlasting love: therefore with lovingkindness have I drawn thee.”

I learned that not only does God love me and sent His own Son Jesus to save me, but that He wants me to love Him too by spending time talking to Him, and by listening to His Voice speak to me in my heart. When I do so, He gives me the power to face and overcome any and all obstacles in life.

I learned what real faith is: Simply believing and accepting the Word of God. Romans chapter 10 verse 17 says. “So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.” In other words, through an act of my own will in choosing to read and believe the Word of God in the Bible and His prophets and prophetesses, I can increase my faith in God and His power in my life.

I learned to accept myself as God made me — a man with both weaknesses and strengths. I had the bad habit of comparing myself negatively with others, feeling inferior in physical abilities (especially sports), my appearance, and lacking eloquence in public speaking. I learned the Lord has endowed me with specific gifts that can be of service to others, i.e. teaching and writing, computer skills, faith to live frugally with little income, faith to travel, meeting new people, and talking to strangers. Some of these I had previously considered areas I was weak in, but they turned into strengths! It may surprise you to know that I was extremely shy and introverted before receiving the Lord.

God even helped me overcome my fear of public speaking! It’s still something I don’t especially relish, but I’m not scared to death doing so anymore.

For the first time in my life, I felt I could now contribute something to society. I could share with others the happiness and inner peace I had found in Christ!

You can have an exciting and fulfilling life too! Just invite Jesus Christ into your life and talk to Him as your buddy and constant Companion! If he can save me He can save you too from all your problems, especially chronic ones!

Here are Scriptures from John chapter 1 of the New Testament that show what a person needs to do to become a child of God. Some people say that all humans are God’s creation and therefore God’s children. The Bible indicates that we need to become His children by receiving the Son of God first.

10 He was in the world, and the world was made by Him, and the world knew him not.

11 He came unto his own, and his own received him not.

12 But as many as received Him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name:

13 Which were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God.

Here’s a good prayer to pray if you don’t know Christ yet. You need to pray this particular prayer only once.

Dear Jesus, please come into my heart and life as my Savior. I acknowledge you to be the Son of God. Please forgive my sins, cleanse my heart from bitterness, grudges, hatred, everything I know is bad, and give me a new spirit of love. Amen!

After you receive God’s gift of salvation in Jesus, you should continue to get to know Him better by reading His Word in the Bible. If you are a native English speaker, the old King James version is the best.

My beliefs in a nutshell:

  • The Bible is the written Word of God and the KJV is the most accurate English translation of it.
  • Evolution and Big Bang are pseudoscience and Dark Matter and Dark Energy are fudge factors to support the pseudoscience.
  • Jesus Christ is the Creator, the Word that became flesh, and Who died on a cross made of wood and resurrected 3 days later to become the Savior of all who believe on Him.
  • The Papacy is the Antichrist.
  • The Beast of Revelation 13 is the world’s political, military and commercial system.
  • The Great Whore of Revelation 17 who rides on the Beast is the Roman Catholic Church.

The reason you may not have known or may not agree with the last three points is because the Jesuit Order of the Roman Catholic Church and its counter-reformation derailed the Protestant Reformation in the 19th century with a false interpretation of Daniel 9:27. It was Jesus who confirmed the covenant (God’s covenant of grace with Abraham) with many (Jews) for one week (7 years, 3.5 years of His preaching and 3.5 years of the Apostles preaching up to the stoning of Stephen the Martyr), not a future Antichrist. All the early Protestant leaders and Bible teachers held that view. I do not stand alone. For more information, please check out the articles on this website.

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