Christianity in Crisis
Protestant churches have been weakened through Jesuit infiltration, false doctrines, compromise with the world, and rejection of true Bible doctrines.
Continue reading →Protestant churches have been weakened through Jesuit infiltration, false doctrines, compromise with the world, and rejection of true Bible doctrines.
Continue reading →To attract people to the Roman religion, it is necessary to foment superstition; And this is why all modern superstitions have their origin among the Jesuits.
Continue reading →This Youtube exposes UFOs and aliens to be not from other planets as the aliens claim themselves to be, but spiritual entities who seek to deceive the world into thinking that they, the aliens, are the creators of life, and to draw people away from the faith of the God of the Bible and the truth of the Gospel. They can be stopped in their tracks simply by calling on … Continue reading →
Did you know there are exactly 13 obelisks in Rome? Eight are from ancient Egypt and five are from ancient Rome. An obelisk has to do with Egyptian sun worship. See The first time the number 13 appears in the Bible is in Genesis 14:4 and it signified rebellion! Twelve years they served Chedorlaomer, and in the thirteenth year they rebelled. – Genesis 14:4 Thirteen obelisks in Rome is … Continue reading →
Be warned that the Devil is going to use all he can to lead people astray, even so-called “scientific” information about aliens from other planets. They are aliens, yes, however, they are not from other planets but from another dimension — the spirit world! But I do not agree with what Bob Trefz is saying toward the end about the “sons of God” of Genesis chapter 6 not having sex … Continue reading →
Most people today think of the prefix “anti-” as meaning “against,” but in context of antichrist it actually means “in place of.” Early Christians understood this word to not mean someone who sought to destroy Christ but someone who sought to set himself up in the place of Christ!
Continue reading →George Washington When watching the Youtube video on my other page, The Founding Fathers of America: All opposed to the Gospel of Jesus Christ! I came across a stunning revelation: (Quoted from ) “Our first President, George Washington, died a Catholic. While he lay on his deathbed he sent his slaves across the Potomac to bring back his close friend, Father Leonard Neal, S.J. Neal (a Jesuit priest!) spent … Continue reading →
The Great Seal of the United States is written in the language of Kabbalah which is a set of esoteric teachings. The eagle is the Babylonian sky-god Annu.
Continue reading →Watch this educational well made factual documentary based on the very writings of the founding fathers of the United States of America, men like Thomas Paine, George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, Benjamin Franklin, etc., and you will see that America was not founded by godly Bible believing men to be a Christian Protestant nation, but by men who actually opposed the Gospel of Christ calling it “blasphemously obscene” and … Continue reading →
I left Hirosaki in Aomori Prefecture just after 7:00 a.m. and got home in Niigata city by 2:04 p.m.! This is about as good as it gets to travel 600 km or 400 miles in only 7 hours in 5 cars with very little waiting. What’s more, the folks that picked me up made the trip really fun! It’s 200 kilometers further to take the Tohoku Expressway rather than Route … Continue reading →
Various stories and theories about what happened to Illuminati defector John Todd.
Continue reading →CHICK PUBLICATIONS October 26, 1978 PO Box 662 Chino, California 91710 To Whom it May Concern in the Lord: This letter should be a warning to us on how subtle the enemy can be as an angel of light. I consider John Todd a friend and a brother in Christ. On Sunday evening, October 22nd, I received a phone call that gunfire had hit John’s house. My wife and I … Continue reading →
The ensign of the East India Company from 1707-1801. It has 13 stripes just like the American flag The East India Company (EIC), originally chartered as the Governor and Company of Merchants of London trading into the East Indies, and more properly called the Honourable East India Company, was an English, and later (from 1707) British joint-stock company, formed to pursue trade with the East Indies but that ended up … Continue reading →
In order to save a bit more money, rather than take a train from Niigata city to Murakami, I decided to take that train only as far as Shibata. This placed me directly on Route 7 rather than Route 345 on the Sea of Japan. The last two times hitchhiking on Route 345, I had to wait over an hour to catch the first ride. I thought perhaps my chances … Continue reading →
Did you know the Bible uses the word “Easter” only once? It’s in Acts 12:4 “And when he (Herod the king) had apprehended him (Peter), he put him in prison, and delivered him to four quaternions of soldiers to keep him; intending after Easter to bring him forth to the people.” This “Easter” of course is not referring to the Resurrection of Jesus, but to the Pagan festival of the … Continue reading →
This is from chapter 46 of Charles Chiniquy’s book, “Fifty Years in the Church of Rome”. If you are a Roman Catholic or was raised a Roman Catholic like I was, I dare say you will find this interesting. The most desolate work of a sincere Catholic priest is the study of the Holy Fathers. He does not make a step in the labyrinth of their discussions and controversies without … Continue reading →
My good friend Aaron shared this article with me. “And I saw thrones, and they sat upon them, and judgment was given unto them: and I saw the souls of them that were beheaded for the witness of Jesus, and for the word of God, and which had not worshipped the beast, neither his image, neither had received his mark upon their foreheads, or in their hands; and they lived … Continue reading →
This book has key pieces to the puzzle of how the Vatican has taken over the world through the Knight Templars, Illuminati, Jesuits, Freemasons, Knights of Malta, Rosicrucians and other secret groups. Yes folks, these groups are all connected with the center being Rome, the Vatican. “All roads lead to Rome” is true today as it ever was. I deem the author Frederick Tupper Saussy to be a good honest … Continue reading →
February 28, Day 1 It’s the first day of a one week adventure traveling mainly by hitchhiking! I’m on my way to Kansai of which the principle cities are Kyoto, Osaka and Kobe. Today’s destination was Osaka. I hitchhiked again from Niigata City to Osaka. This time I made it in record time arriving directly at my friend’s house at 4:50 P.M.! And it was totally void of any cost … Continue reading →