Is Seventh Day Adventism Part of an Unholy Triad?
Seventh-Day Adventism, Mormonism, and modern-day Spiritualism were founded in the 19th century all within a few miles of each other in New York State!
Continue reading →Seventh-Day Adventism, Mormonism, and modern-day Spiritualism were founded in the 19th century all within a few miles of each other in New York State!
Continue reading →Roman pagan religion of sun worship vs. the true message of the birth of Jesus Christ, Who He is and why He came to earth.
Continue reading →Ellen G. White not only gave a number of false prophecies, but she also preached a false Gospel that will NOT SAVE YOU!
Continue reading →Scriptural proof from the Word of God why Walter Veith and the Seventh Day Adventist church are in error about worshipping the Lord on Sunday.
Continue reading →A Scripture memorization app for either Android or iPhone that keeps me faithful to memorize and review Bible memory verses every day.
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