How The Papacy Came To Power
The union of the church of Rome with the Roman State did not Christianize the State; instead it Romanized the Christian church.
Continue reading →The union of the church of Rome with the Roman State did not Christianize the State; instead it Romanized the Christian church.
Continue reading →The Vatican supported Japan in its conquest of China & the Philippines, and even established diplomatic relations with Japan after it bombed Pearl Harbor!
Continue reading →This 1946 speech by a former Roman Catholic priest gives great insights into the Russian-Ukrainian conflict today.
Continue reading →The “Monstrance” used in Roman Catholic churches for the adoration of the consecrated wafer of bread is actually a pagan sun-worship symbol.
Continue reading →This video is a defense of the Apostle Paul against attacks by Muslims, certain Hebrew Israelites & Hebrew Roots people alike. The documentary was created by Exegetical Apologetics, also known as Reformed Apologetics Ministries. Quotations from first and second-century Church leaders about the Apostle Paul. This is my own research from independant sources to show that Church leaders of the 1st and 2nd century acknowledged Paul’s Gospel and his apostleship. … Continue reading →
Germany’s Catholic bishops have acknowledged that they were “complicit” in allowing the Nazis to rise to power and stood by while they launched World War II
Continue reading →Fasces in the U.S. House of Representatives. The fasces is an ancient Roman symbol, derived from the Latin word “fascis,” which means “bundle.” We get the word fascism from that word, the symbol of government authority, specifically ROMAN government authority. This article is from the Converted Catholic Magazine of which former Roman Catholic priest, Leo Herbert Lehmann (also known as L.H. Lehmann) is the editor. I don’t have a bio … Continue reading →
Hitler and the Roman Catholic church agree on the basic principles of fascism and the necessity of ridding national branches of the church of all liberal political elements.
Continue reading →King Saul and the Apostle Paul have so much in common and are so diametrically opposed to one another!
Continue reading →Dr. Carrie Madei says tetanus vaccines are a World Health Organization device to reduce the number of pregnancies.
Continue reading →The doctrine of Futurism exposed as pure speculation and a false interpretation of the 70th Week of Daniel.
Continue reading →The unchanging goal of the Catholic Church is the restoration of its status as the only legally recognized Church in Christendom. To attain it, liberal democratic constitutions must be continuously opposed and a type of civil government eventually established in all countries that would extend protection only to the Roman Catholic Church.
Continue reading →Most Protestant and Baptist leaders up to sometime in the 19th century did not hold the view that Daniel 9:27 will be fulfilled by a future Antichrist, but that it was already fulfilled by Jesus Christ!
Continue reading →History of the Jesuits by a patriotic American statesman, a former Secretary of the Navy, R.W. Thompson.
Continue reading →The question in the title of this article is the topic of discussion with one of my friends. He wrote me saying, “Salvation by faith not of works is not just a mere opinion of Paul. It’s the *central thesis* of his letters! Paul passionately believes it and he stands or falls on this doctrine. The important question then is whether this doctrine is true. If we were to read … Continue reading →