Guam Crippled by Super Typhoon Mawar

Guam Crippled by Super Typhoon Mawar

On Wednesday May 24, around noon local time, Typhoon Mawar hit Guam and gradually increased in strength uprooting trees and destroying dwellings that were not designed to withstand high winds! Electric power was cut. By 10 PM the force of the wind was at its peak. It continued throughout the night and finally subsided mid Thursday.

The Pacific island of Guam USA has been my home for the past 5 years. My wife and I were mostly in our bedroom during the typhoon with the storm shutter of our window closed. This meant after electric power was cut by the typhoon, it was dark in our room throughout the day. We thankfully had battery powered LED lights, and were not in total darkness.

I’m writing this article to notify my friends and visitors that I’ve been handicapped for 3 days without Internet and I’m still without power. Mobile data for our phones was finally restored on Saturday morning. We are now in survival mode without power for our refrigerator, freezer, washing machine and electric lights. Thankfully we have propane gas to cook by. My brother in law with whom we are living with now set up a way to charge our phones from a car battery. That’s why I’m able to write this post. Normally I use my PC to write posts but I can’t use it now without electricity.

Thankfully today we found a water station where we brought 30 gallons of drinking water! Tap water is down to a trickle. We save it in buckets for washing clothes and bathing. Traffic lights are not working. Drivers at intersections are courteous to each other and yield to other cars when necessary. The landscape has changed with broken and uprooted trees. Gasoline stations have long lines with some people waiting up to 8 hours to fill their vehicles! On Thursday we had to wait 40 minutes in a long line at a local store to buy food.

A friend knew his rented house would not stand the winds and took his family to a hotel before the typhoon hit. It’s good he did because the typhoon destroyed his house. He and or his family could have been killed or seriously injured had they stayed. As far as I know, nobody on the island has died due to the typhoon.

The house Tess and I are now staying at has 8 inch concrete walls and was built to withstand wind gusts up to 350 miles per hour. We knew we would be safe. Most houses on Guam are typhoon proof. And none of the utility poles were knocked down, only the power and communication lines were.

This is the second typhoon we experienced on Guam, and by far the worst, not only for me, but for many others living in the tropics. My brother in law says there was a worse one in the 1990s when no tree was left standing!

If you know Jesus, please pray the Lord will heal this island and fix the broken power grid soon! From Monday May 29 and up to June 4th we have important business in town with legal authorities to accomplish. But we don’t want to drive there without knowing we can get gasoline for the car without waiting too long for it.

I am claiming Romans 8:28 that the Lord will work this disaster for good for us and all His children on the island of Guam! And may those who don’t know Him come to repentance and the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ as a result.

Uprooted tree

Uprooted tree

Uprooted palm trees

Uprooted palm trees

Uprooted trees

Uprooted trees

Charging our phones from a car battery.

Charging our phones from a car battery.

Storing water

Storing water

Storing water

Storing water

Tuesday May 30 Update

Last night when I went to bed, I had two burdens on my heart, things I needed to do today but were made difficult to do because of the destruction of the typhoon. I claimed the promises of God that He would supply needed gasoline for the car, and He did today after a 3 hour wait! Most gasoline stations are closed, and the ones open have long lines. I saw one line at least two miles long! The one I waited at today was about half a mile long.

Public transportation on Guam is very poor. There are no trains and bus lines are few and don’t go to where we regularly need to go. The existing bus lines don’t have schedules posted by the bus stop. People are handicapped without a vehicle. I didn’t drive or own a vehicle the 40 years I lived in Japan because public transportation was so good. And of course if you’ve read some of my early posts on this website, you know I loved to hitchhike. I never expected to drive ever again but living in Guam made it necessary.

And the second burden was also resolved, praise the Lord! I had to retrieve an important document from a government agency last Wednesday but couldn’t because of the typhoon. Today I got it back.

I feel sorry for the poor tourists who came to Guam to enjoy the tropics and have ended up in a survival situation.

What is the Great City of the Book of Revelation?

What is the Great City of the Book of Revelation?

This article is an attempt to identify the “Great City” of Revelation 11:8 and Revelation 17:18.

Revelation 11:8  And their dead bodies shall lie in the street of the great city, which spiritually is called Sodom and Egypt, where also our Lord was crucified.

Revelation 17:18  And the woman which thou sawest is that great city, which reigneth over the kings of the earth.

A good friend wrote me saying,

James, I’ll see if I can sway your mind on something. I was once like you on the papacy as you know. Now look at Rev 17:18 ‘the woman (whore) which you saw is that great city, which reigns over the kings of the earth,” And compare with Rev 11:8 “And their dead bodies shall lie in the street of the great city, which spiritually is called Sodom and Egypt, where also our Lord was crucified.” Here you see the persecution of the saints by Jerusalem —> Jewish cabal. It literally identifies them and associates them with Egypt (Freemasonry) and Sodom (Sodomy and Moloch). But also they rule over kings. In chapter 17:16 the ten horns are mentioned which could symbolise these kings or corporate giants. The cabal (from Kabbalah) are the most powerful rulers. They also represent the false wife of God, the queen of heaven, who is unfaithful, and go off worshiping demons. The expression ‘great city’ is clearly identified.

So basically my friend is saying the Great City of Revelation 11:8 and Revelation 17:18 is Jerusalem, and that the evil cabal that is ruling the world is Jewish and not the Vatican / Jesuits / Roman Catholic Church hierarchy as I am teaching on this website.

I always interpreted the Great City of Revelation 17:18 as Rome because it “reignth” (present tense) over the kings of the earth in the Apostle John’s day. That’s clear history. The Roman Empire was strong in John’s day. But I also interpreted the Great City of Revelation 11:8 as Jerusalem because it says, “where also our Lord was crucified.” I never thought to compare the two verses before as being the same place. And so I thanked my friend for pointing this out to me and told him I would research the matter further rather than giving him an answer off the top of my head.

I wanted to see what famous Bible commentators of centuries past had to say about Revelation 11:8. What a surprise I had! Nearly all of them say it’s talking about Rome, and not Jerusalem! Please read what they have to say and decide for yourself whether they are right or not.

John Gill:

And their dead bodies shall lie in the street of the great city,…. Not Jerusalem, which was destroyed when John had this vision, and which will; not be rebuilt at the time it refers to; nor is it ever called the great city, though the city of the great King; however, not in this book, though the new Jerusalem is so called, Revelation 21:10; but that can never be designed here; but the city of Rome, or the Roman jurisdiction, the whole empire of the Romish antichrist, which is often called the great city in this book; see Revelation 16:19. The city of Rome itself was very large, and the Roman empire still larger, so as to be called the whole world and the antichristian see of Rome has been of great extent.

Geneva Bible notes:

And their dead bodies shall lie in the {13} street of the great city, which {d} spiritually is called Sodom and Egypt, {14} where also our Lord was crucified.

(13) That is, openly at Rome: where at that time was a most great crowd of people, the year of Jubile being then first ordained by Boniface to the same end, in the year 1300, an example of which is read in chapter 1 Extra, de poenitentys & remissionibus. So by one act he committed two wrongs against Christ, both abolishing his truth by restoring the type of the Jubile, and triumphing over his members by wicked superstition. O religious heart! Now that we should understand the things of Rome, John himself is the author, both after in the seventeenth chapter almost throughout, and also in the restriction now next following, when he says, it is that great city (as he calls it) Re 17:18 and is spiritually termed Sodom and Egypt: and that spiritually (for that must here again be repeated from before) Christ was there crucified. For the two first names signify spiritual wickednesses: the latter signifies the show and pretence of good, that is, of Christian and sound religion. Sodom signifies most licentious impiety and in the most confident glorying of that city, as it were in true religion, being yet full of falsehood and ungodliness. Now who is ignorant that these things do rather, and better fit Rome, than any other city?

Matthew Poole:

Some, by the great city, would have Jerusalem understood; but that was now far from a great city, nor do the addition of those words in the latter end of the verse prove it; for Christ was not crucified in that city, but without the gates. Most judicious interpreters, by the great city here, understand Rome, which is seven or eight times (under the name of Babylon) so called in this hook, Revelation 14:8 Revelation 16:19 18:10,16,18,19,21; nor is any other city but that so called. This great city is here said, in a spiritual sense, to be Sodom and Egypt; Sodom, for whoredom and filthiness; Egypt, for oppression of the Lord’s Israel. As to the second question, what is here meant by the street of the great city? Mr. Mede hath irrefragably proved, that it cannot be meant of any parish, or such place in this city, as we call a street:

1. Because our Lord was crucified neither in any street, or parish, or any other place within the walls of Jerusalem.

2. Both Jerusalem and Rome had many more than one street.

3. Because the bodies being dead, doubtless lay in the place where they were slain; but men do not use to fight in the streets of cities.

Matthew Poole gives the most convincing reasons in my opinion that the Great City of Revelation 11:8 is Rome, not Jerusalem as I previously thought. I’m really grateful to my friend for bringing this subject up! I don’t want to be swayed by cognitive bias but to base my thinking on what the Bible teaches.

I shared all the above quotations from Bible commentators to my friend and said:

“So sorry, the bulk of my research points to Rome, not to the Jews or Jerusalem. Of course they are all antichrist and evil as well, but Rome is a continuation of all the empires before her. Rome continues all the way to the feet of the image Nebuchadnezzar saw in his dream according to Daniel chapter 2. My wife and I read it just this morning for devotions. Israel as a nation was strong only in the time of Solomon, and the Lord weakened them because of their disobedience.”

Daniel 2:32  This image’s head was of fine gold, his breast and his arms of silver, his belly and his thighs of brass,
33  His legs of iron, his feet part of iron and part of clay.
34  Thou sawest till that a stone was cut out without hands, which smote the image upon his feet that were of iron and clay, and brake them to pieces.
35  Then was the iron, the clay, the brass, the silver, and the gold, broken to pieces together, and became like the chaff of the summer threshingfloors; and the wind carried them away, that no place was found for them: and the stone that smote the image became a great mountain, and filled the whole earth.

For over 30 years I used to think the great antichrist conspiracy for one world government had its roots in Judaism / Zionism because that’s what I was taught by my pastor at the time. He was always pointing his finger at the Jews. But now I believe the Roman Catholic Church is a continuation of the image that King Nebuchadnezzar saw in his dream in Daniel chapter two. The Stone that was cut without hands `is Jesus Christ Who ends all the governments of man and sets up His Kingdom on earth. The legs of the image represent the Roman empire. Nobody questions that. The feet are part of the legs! The Stone hits the feet which must represent the final rule of the Roman legs! That’s how I see it.

I believe the Jesuits are using the Jews / Zionists as scapegoats to deflect the blame away from Rome! That’s not to say the Jews are guiltless, but to lay the blame on an entire ethnic group for all the evils in the world is not reasonable in my opinion. My hero, William Cooper, certainly thought so too. He blamed the Illuminati. I believe that the Illuminati and the Jesuits are connected. And there is evidence that the Protocols of the Elders of Zion were written by Jesuits, and not the Jews or Zionists. For more information about that, please see:

Evidence of Jesuit authorship of the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion


Authors of the Protocols of the Elders of Zion — Jews? Or Jesuits!

My final point: How did the Roman empire come into being in the first place? Through the force of its military! That’s the reason I chose the featured image for this article. What nation today has more military bases around the world than any other nation? The USA! Just look at the American government today and tell me who outnumbers who. The last time I looked I see far more Catholics than Jews running things.

In my opinion it’s counterproductive to blame the Jews for the evils of the world. You get labeled as antisemitic. I believe it’s a Jesuit trick to divert blame to the Jews for everything like Hitler did. And as Christians we should not hate anybody, much less Jews. We should love them and try to win them for Christ! When I lived in Japan there was a time in the early 1990s when young Israelis came to Japan and sold their trinkets on the street. I used to love to talk to them. They all spoke good English. Once in Shinjuku which is one of the main business and shopping centers of Tokyo, I saw a man who I recognized as an Israeli and called out to him, “Young man from Israel! I want to talk to you!” He smiled, approached me, and offered me a cigarette which of course I refused. And we had a good friendly discussion.

Dr. James Tour was raised in a secular Jewish home. He came to know Jesus Christ as his savior though the faithful witness of a young man he went to school with. Now he’ll tell you he loves Jesus more than anything!

A Conversation with “Professor” Dave Farina About His Debate with Dr. James Tour at Rice University

A Conversation with “Professor” Dave Farina About His Debate with Dr. James Tour at Rice University

My wife and I saw on YouTube the debate with Dr. James Tour and Dave Farina that was held at Rice University on May 19th. The subject of the debate: Are We Clueless about the Origin of Life? Dr. Tour says we are clueless and Dave Farina claims science is making great progress in this area.

Dr.Tour was gracious toward Mr. Farina and gave him a gift of a picture of his face made with laser-induced graphene, something absolutely unique! Farina was an invited guest at Dr. Tour’s university, and in spite of Dr. Tour’s kindness, Farina insulted and mocked him throughout the entire debate, used childish name calling, and even accused him of lying! Dave Farina made my wife so upset she didn’t want to hear him anymore. You can watch the entire debate on YouTube posted at the end of this article if you like. Dr. Tour of course got emotional and raised his voice at him. I probably would have too. I think Dr. Tour should have stood more on his credentials and accomplishments.

James Mitchell Tour (born 1959) is an American chemist and nanotechnologist. He is a Professor of Chemistry, Professor of Materials Science and Nanoengineering, and Professor of Computer Science at Rice University in Houston, Texas. Tour is a top researcher in his field, having an h-index of 165 with total citations index over 125,000 and was listed as an ISI highly cited researcher. (Source: Wikipedia)

Dave Farina is not even listed in Wikipedia. His claim to fame is only his following on YouTube.

Sunday morning, May 21st, I found Dave Farina on Instagram and wrote him. To my surprise and his credit, he responded immediately! You can see from this conversation the difference in our worldviews and his reactive response to me telling him the facts.

My Conversation with Dave Farina

Dr. James Tour was so kind to you and gave you something unique. You don’t have anywhere near the academic record he has, and you don’t do any scientific research, and yet you presume to know better than him and take it upon yourself to insult him throughout the debate about the origin of life.
He’s a fraud who lied and shouted the whole time. You can’t tell because you’re brainwashed and stupid. Did this little tantrum make baby feel better? Stay in your lane, moron.
Your lane is insulting others. That’s the only thing you’re good at. Dr. Tour’s record shows you up to be everything you accuse him of being. He’s shining brightly in the scientific and academic world for his achievements. What have you achieved? Your fame is limited solely to YouTube.
He’s an unhinged lunatic who denies science he doesn’t like because Jesus. Again, you fell for it because you’re brainwashed and stupid. I’ll prove it. Where am I wrong? Anywhere. Be specific. Or just reply whining more about how mean I am like I know you will because you’re a pathetic waste of human life.
What’s your academic degree? You call yourself a professor while others call you Mr. Farina. There’s a disconnect there . Dr. Tour has scientists with doctorate degrees who support his views! I know who they are and what they have accomplished. And yet you expect me to listen to YOU whose only accomplishments I know of are making YouTubes? Dr. Werner Gitt’s research on information science tells me the vast amount of code in a human DNA molecule could not have happened without a mind to write all that code! Code is information and information can always be traced back to an intelligent source. You can disagree with that but nevertheless it’s provable science. Darwinistic evolution is not science according to the scientific method. Believing in darwinism is no different than belief in a religion, and a false one at that.
Please check out The Origin of Life from the Viewpoint of Information – Dr. Werner Gitt
Oh look at that can’t do it and won’t even try. That’s what I thought. Stay in your lane you brainwashed loser.
Yes indeed, I will stay in my lane, one of the victors over the lies and deceits of this evil world. I got the victory by accepting and believing what the King of the Universe Jesus Christ did for me. I hope and pray you too will wake up to the truth. It’s all written down in the Bible. I hope you read it. Start at the Book of Genesis.
Yes your lane of brainwashed reality denying adult toddlers. Stay there and don’t bother normal adults with functioning brains. We hate being reminded that people as dumb as you exist.

He accused me of not trying to answer his question but he made no attempt to answer my question about his accomplishments in science.

Let’s count how many times Dave Farina resorted to name calling in this short conversation. He called me a

  1. moron
  2. pathetic waste of human life
  3. loser
  4. dumb
  5. and said I am

  6. brainwashed
  7. stupid

The study of psychology teaches us that when someone resorts to name calling, it usually speaks to feelings of inferiority and a feeling of inadequacy of the person doing the name calling. People stoop to the process of name calling when they feel lesser and need to make themselves feel more powerful. (Quoted from Name Calling and What It Implies)

We can tell a whole lot about a person just from their words, attitudes and reactions. Jesus said in Matthew 12:34  “…out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh.” Dave Farina is a poor lost sinner who doesn’t know it. May the Lord Jesus have mercy on him and open his eyes to the truth.

Dr. James Tour vs Dave Farina | Are we clueless about the origin of life?

I found several excellent commentaries about the James Tour – Dave Farina debate on which is apparently a Christian website exposing Darwin’s evolution as pseudoscience. Here are some quotes from the author, Casey Luskin.

As I noted in a previous post, over the course of the origin of life (OOL) debate between James Tour and Dave Farina, things got technical and things got ugly. If you want to judge who had the better argument, the best place to start is to examine the opening statements. These statements reflect what the two participants carefully planned to say to the world when they were in the comfort of their offices, thinking about the best arguments they could make. These statements reflect what the participants wanted to say before the heat of emotion started to enter into the evening. Their opening statements thus speak volumes about their core arguments, and what evidence they had to back their positions. 

It’s simple: James Tour focused on science, Dave Farina focused on character assassination. It’s the first of three noteworthy rhetorical indicators I’m covering which help reveal who won the debate:

  1. Tour focused on science, Farina focused on character assassination.
  2. Tour posed reasonable scientific challenges which Farina refused to answer
  3. Farina relied heavily upon playground tactics, appeals to authority, and citation bluffing.

We’re talking about the first indicator here — so let’s dig into the specifics.

Tour’s Opening Statement

Tour commenced the debate by giving Farina a gift — a laser-induced graphene-based printout of Professor Dave that looked flattering and was seemingly given as a genuine gesture of kindness. That’s a nice present! Tour’s opening statement then proceeded to focus 100 percent on science and laid out five areas where origin-of-life models fail to work under realistic prebiotic conditions:

  1. The origin of polypeptides (i.e., proteins and enzymes)
  2. The origin of polynucleotides (i.e., RNA)
  3. The origin of polysaccharides (i.e., carbohydrates)
  4. The origin of specified information in the above polymers
  5. The assembly of the above components into an integrated functional living system — a cell. 

After laying out these five challenges, Tour provided citations from leading researchers acknowledging severe deficiencies in origin-of-life models. For example, he quoted James Shapiro at the University of Chicago saying that “certain questions like the origins of the first living cells currently have no credible scientific answers.” He quoted Richard Dawkins who admitted, “We know little more than Darwin did about how it [life and its evolution] got started in the first place.” Finally Tour quoted Lee Cronin who said, “Origin of life research is a scam” because “no one is really trying to actually answer the question or think it can be done.”

(Cronin later attempted damage control, saying these comments were made “tongue in cheek” but his words supported the original interpretation: Cronin admitted that origin-of-life researchers should not believe that making various types of molecules, e.g., RNA, in the lab will “unlock the origin of life.” He charged that researchers should be trying to “make a cell from scratch” and show that they can make “contingent information embodied outside the genome in the cell” — which Cronin admitted they have not yet done.)

Tour closed his opening comments by saying to Farina: “I’m looking forward to seeing the data with chemical specificity. That’s what I’m asking of you, so I’m telling you up front.”

Thus, before even getting into the heart of the debate, Tour said what he wanted to say in his opening statement and it was 100 percent focused on the data and substance. 

Farina’s Opening Statement

Next, Dave Farina gave his opening statement. It was highly focused on attacking Jim Tour’s character – and dealt very little with science. Here are Farina’s opening words, which framed his argument for the whole debate: 

We’re here because of James Tour. James, a chemist and also an apologist who lies about origin-of-life research on the Internet.

Farina went on to attack Tour for his “fragile, archaic faith,” because he has (supposedly) “admitted that he is a creationist” and “believes in biblical creationism” and believes that “blind faith will always beat scientific research.” (None of this is true of Tour as far as I know.) From there he just piled venomous attack upon venom attack and insult upon insult — so many that I could barely keep up trying to write them down. To recount a few:

  • Tour is “totally dogmatic.”
  • Tour “regularly lies”
  • Tour is “approaching the field not as a scientist but as a preacher.”
  • Tour “pretends he’s a scientist”
  • Farina attacked religious people who find Tour’s arguments persuasive, saying Tour provides “embarrassing commentary” for “science-illiterate Christians who share his bias and delusions.”

(Please read the rest of the article on: )

Dave Farina is a total narcissist! He doesn’t have anywhere near the academic credentials of the people he criticizes. James Tour does real science and Farina only talks about it.

What is Babylon?

What is Babylon?

Babylon is a place. In Scripture it is also a metaphor. It stands for the Godless secular systems of power in this world. The rise and fall of Babylon is the story of history.

Babylon is proud.


It’s rebellious.


It says it has no need of God.


It is shameless.


It corrupts the innocent.


It upholds debauchery.


It mocks at virtue.


It cancels truth.


It is obsessed with power.

And we feel helpless because it will not be stopped.

It rises, and it rises, and it rises as every worldly weapon we raise against it seems to fail. Who can stop it?

The return of Jesus Christ will stop it! He is the Stone made without hands that ends all the worldly governments!

Daniel 2:34  Thou sawest till that a stone was cut out without hands, which smote the image upon his feet that were of iron and clay, and brake them to pieces.
35  Then was the iron, the clay, the brass, the silver, and the gold, broken to pieces together, and became like the chaff of the summer threshingfloors; and the wind carried them away, that no place was found for them: and the stone that smote the image became a great mountain, and filled the whole earth.

The text above except for my comments about the return of Christ and the verses from Daniel were taken from the video below. I hope this inspires you to watch it!

Most Christians Don’t Know THIS About Babylon

The Parochial School – A Curse to the Church A Menace to the Nation.

The Parochial School – A Curse to the Church A Menace to the Nation.

This is part II of Jeremiah J. Crowley’s book, “Romanism, A Menace to the Nation” which is the previous post on this site.

As Jeremiah Crowley previously stated in part I, part II was written when he was still loyal to the Pope. The author hoped the Pope would take notice of the allegations put forth in his letter which you can read on this page, and do something to correct them. It was to no avail. This led to Jeremiah Crowley ultimately leaving the Roman Catholic Church altogether.


As a Catholic priest and an American citizen, I beg you, reader, to do me the favor to read this preface carefully.

I am engaged in a crusade, not against the Church, but against Catholic clerical corruption and un-Americanism. In this crusade I face the most powerful aggregation of wealth and influence on earth.

Persecution is the only reply my opponents make to my book. They are putting forth their utmost efforts to crush me. Bookdealers and canvassers are intimidated; the secular press is muzzled, and the Catholic people are threatened with eternal damnation if they read it. Within the past few months the manager of the Sherman House, a prominent Chicago hotel at which I had resided for four years, was visited by prominent Catholic politicians and office-holders in this city, and was so intimidated by these emissaries of the Roman Catholic hierarchy that notice was given me to leave the hotel, and the boast is made by my clerical enemies that they will drive me out of the city and finally force me to leave the country. Under this pressure I have been compelled to provide myself a private home, but will not leave the city.

My crusade is no ephemeral effort. Its scope is bounded by no narrow limits. It is here to stay as long as God permits me to live. Its objectives are the wide ramifications of an ecclesiastical corruption which is destroying the sheep for whom Christ died, and undermining the foundations of free government.

Catholic ecclesiastical corruption ramparts itself in the ignorance of the people and fattens on their credulity; it gathers strength from the apathy of its opposers. There is but one weapon that will destroy its power, and that weapon is TRUTH. There is but one way in which this weapon can be wielded successfully, and that way is PUBLICITY. Catholic ecclesiastical corruption can not withstand the universal, uncompromising, unceasing publicity of truth.

I feel that in this crusade I shall have the sincere wishes for success of every enlightened citizen, be he found in the United States or in any foreign country. It is a movement large enough to appall the stoutest heart, but my trust is in God, He lives! He reigns! Strong in my faith in Him, I gladly consecrate to this herculean task my time, my means, my honor and my life.

If I am to succeed, however, I must have something more than kind wishes. I MUST HAVE MONEY! My opponents have wealth which runs into the millions. I CAN NOT GET NEEDED PUBLICITY FOR THE TRUTH WITHOUT MONEY. How am I to get money? The sale of a few million copies of my book would yield enough to secure a publicity of truth which will shake the Catholic world as with an earthquake. It will also enable me to print and circulate information that will compel Catholics to read and think and act. Of course my expenses will be large. If each of my well-wishers would be the means of selling but twenty of my books, I would secure a mighty prestige and an immense capital for my crusade against Catholic clerical corruption.

While this crusade is pre-eminently an affair of Catholics, nevertheless I feel that it is not improper to accept sympathy and aid from other Christian people who value religious freedom and have at heart the interest of free government. I, therefore, submit that public-spirited citizens, whether lay or clerical, Catholic or non-Catholic, may serve the cause of Christian truth and real patriotism by aiding in the circulation of my book.

I may seem to be asking much of lovers of purity, truth and justice, but if these were the days of Savonarola I am confident that that heroic monk of Florence would find those to whom I appeal among his most ardent supporters. Although a lesser light, I too know what it means to put life in jeopardy, and my cause is not less important than was his their help would have been freely given to him; why should I not hope that it will be given to me?

I shall be pleased to hear from you and shall be thankful for any suggestions and co-operation with which you may favor me.

It will be noticed that this edition is on a much larger scale than the first. An Appendix has been added, giving an account of the school situation in Canada. After the issue of the first edition I happened to be visiting Canada, and, to my amazement, found the parochial school, though called by another name, flourishing there with great vigor. I proceeded to inquire into matters, traveling for that purpose extensively throughout the provinces of Ontario and Quebec, and meeting some of the most prominent public men from all parts of Canada. My amazement was increased on seeing how the public school system of Canada was going down before the religious school; and I felt that here was an object-lesson to my fellow-citizens by which they might profit. I thought, at the same time, that a word of warning should be given the Canadian people of their danger.

As it may be of interest to my readers to learn that I sent a copy of the first edition of my book to Pius X., in fulfillment of the promise contained in the Introductory Chapter, I now give a copy of a letter which I sent to His Holiness, but of ^vhich the Holy Father has taken no notice in any way, shape or manner, the wicked coterie which was able to keep Pope Leo XIII. silent evidently being able to keep Pope Pius X. inactive.

CHICAGO, Illinois, U. S. A.,
April 29, 1905.
To His Holiness, Pope Phis X.,
Rome, Italy.

I humbly beg to inform Your Holiness that on December 27, 1904, I published a book entitled “The Parochial School, A Curse to the Church, A Menace to the Nation,” and on its twenty-seventh page I stated that I would send to Your Holiness one of the first copies of it. I now fulfill that promise by this day sending to Your Holiness by registered mail, under triplicate cover, an autograph copy from the first edition.

As a reason for the publication of my book in addition to the reasons enumerated in it, I beg to inform Your Holiness that the illustrious predecessor of Your Holiness, Pope Leo XIII., and His advisers at the Vatican, never paid the slightest attention to any of the protests, charges and appeals which were filed at Rome during the controversy that arose in the Archdiocese of Chicago over the elevation of Rev. P. J. Muldoon of this city to the Episcopate. More than a score of prominent pastors and priests opposed his elevation on the most serious grounds. During this controversy over one hundred documents were sent to Rome by the friends of purity, truth and justice; but the Church authorities there remained as silent as the Sphinx. This course of the Vatican convinced me that the clerical and episcopal enemies, at home and abroad, of a reformation in the American priesthood, had formed a coterie which was influential enough, either to keep the documents from the Head of the Church, or to induce Him to ignore them. Since the accession of Your Holiness to the Pontifical Throne, the same course of silence has been pursued. In view of these facts, I could see no other way to circumvent the iniquitous coterie than to resort to publicity. I humbly assure Your Holiness that I was greatly emboldened to adopt this method by the fearless and encouraging words which Your Holiness addressed to the eminent historian of Holy Church, Dr. Ludwig Pastor, “The truth is not to be feared.”

Your Holiness will observe that my book deals with the parochial school as it is, and that it is in fact an expose of that institution; that it contains an appalling account of priestly graft, immorality and sacrilege, a part of which account is taken from the history of Dr. Pastor and another part of which consists of the details of the crimes and rascalities of twentyseven American ecclesiastics; that it shows that the Catholic Church in America has lost over thirty million adherents; that it discusses the existence of Apaism, and shows that among its causes are the Parochial School, the demand for the restoration of the Temporal Power of the Papacy, the insistence upon having a Papal Nuncio at Washington, and the blatant boasting of American prelates, and that for a conclusive proof of the existence of Apaism it cites the fact that no political party in this country dare nominate a Catholic for the Presidency or Vice-Presidency of the United States; that it pleads for the control of the temporalities of the Church to be placed in the hands of the laity; and that it champions the Public School on the ground that it is an absolutely necessary institution, and shows that it guarantees freedom of speech, freedom of conscience and the freedom of the press.

I humbly assure Your Holiness that my book is a truthful presentation of the facts therein stated, and that it is far less severe than the materials in my hands warrant. I humbly assure Your Holiness that only the profound conviction that a resort to publicity was the sole course left open to me by which to circumvent the powerful coterie of iniquitous priests and prelates, and thereby to save from destruction the Catholic Church in America, could have induced me to publish my book. In what I have done I am glad to assure Your Holiness that I have the comforting consciousness of the approval of Almighty God. In fact, during the preparation of my book I sought daily the aid of Holy Grace.

I humbly assure Your Holiness that I issued my book with the fervent prayer that it would lead to the emancipation of the Catholic people from the domination of drunken, avaricious and immoral priests and prelates; and that it would deliver the Church from the adoption and pursuit of policies which are antagonistic to fundamental Americanisms. That my book will ultimately achieve these results, I confidently believe.

I am pleased to inform Your Holiness that my book is being circulated in ever-increasing quantities in the United States, Canada and Europe. If my unpretentious publication could but have the patronage of Your Holiness, how vastly enhanced would be its reformatory influence! Most humbly I beseech Your Holiness to grant to it the Apostolic blessing.

I beg to inform Your Holiness that I am hoping to be able to publish ere long translations of my book in the various countries of Europe. When my arrangements are completed for the publication of the Italian edition of it, I shall humbly beg the high honor of dedicating it to Your Holiness.

I humbly call the attention of Your Holiness to the fact that the readers of my book are adversely criticising the ecclesiastical authorities for ignoring the grave charges contained in it. They say that if my book were an arraignment ot the clergy of any Protestant sect by one of its own clergymen, the officials of that sect would call the author to account before the eyes of the world, and that they would say to him, “Give the names of these clerical sinners and prove your charges, or we will forthwith expel you from our communion.” They say that such a course would be pursued in any secret order, such as the Masonic fraternity, or even in a labor union. I most humbly suggest to Your Holiness that the method outlined by my readers is the policy of conscious integrity everywhere.

I humbly submit to Your Holiness that to treat with silence the grave charges contained in my book is tantamount to a confession of fear that they are no idle tales, but that I have the proof to support them. I humbly assure Your Holiness that I would welcome an opportunity, open to the eyes of the world, to exhibit the proof which I have, proof which shows conclusively that drunken and licentious priests and prelates are ministering at our Altars and in the Confessional, proof that shows beyond a question that in the name of religion the shepherds of the flocks are robbing the devoted Catholic people.

It is with great sadness that I inform Your Holiness that since the publication of my book additional proof of priestly and episcopal depravity has been daily accumulating in my hands. It includes names, offenses, places and dates. It is minute in its details and appalling in its nastiness. Clerical and episcopal hypocrisy, licentiousness, drunkenness and avarice are the manifestations of an ulcer which is consuming the vitals of the Catholic Church in America. This ulcer should be removed by heroic measures. May the Great Head of the Church aid His Vicar to apply the necessary remedies!

That the reign of Your Holiness may be numbered among the most illustrious Pontificates in the annals of the Church, is the prayer of
Your humble servant in Christ,
A Priest of the Archdiocese of Chicago.

I deem it important at this point to direct the attention of the public to the fact that I am a priest in good standing of the Archdiocese of Chicago, as will be seen by referring to the documents set forth on page 256 of this book.

Priests and Prelates accuse me covertly of making false accusations: I now state that if my opponents can disprove the charges in my book, I will hand over to them all the plates of my book, and I will agree to stop its publication forever. Since these accusations were published nearly two years have elapsed, and the Church officials have not arraigned me, nor taken any step looking to the disproof of my accusations.

Non vale sed salve! (Latin for “But not farewell”)

J. J. C.


IN this chapter the reader will find my reasons for writing this book, and a brief sketch of my life to enable him to form an intelligent opinion as to the weight of my words.


Catholic priests and prelates are determined to destroy the American public school. Their slogan, (suggested by the Roman cry against Carthage in days of old, “Delenda est Carthago“), is, The public school must be destroyed. The Romans had in view the maintenance of their commercial and military supremacy: the Catholic hierarchy has in view the selfish interests of its priests and prelates and not the true welfare of the Church or State.

The Catholic hierarchy offers the parochial school as a substitute for the public school. I shall deal in this book with the Catholic parochial school as it is, and I shall show that it is a curse to the Roman Catholic Church, and that it is a menace to the Nation.

The utterances of the clerical champions of the parochial school clearly show an intense hatred of the public school an institution which the American people rightfully regard as one of the greatest bulwarks of their liberties.

I shall show the general’ phases of the settled clerical plan now being carried out to encompass, if possible, the utter destruction of the American public school. My information has its sources in personal experience and observation; conversations with priests and prelates; the public utterances of Catholic ecclesiastics; and the history of the school controversy which has raged, with more or less intensity, during many years.

I shall show that the parochial school, as an institution for educating and training American youth, is hopelessly deficient by reason of the anti-Americanism of its board of education, the pedagogic incompetency and moral delinquencies of its officers, the inefficiency of its teachers, and the glaring defects in its curriculum.

During the year 1903 Bishop McFaul, of Trenton, New Jersey, Archbishop Quigley, of Chicago, Illinois, and Cardinal Gibbons, of Baltimore, Maryland, three of the most prominent members of the American hierarchy, publicly expressed sentiments which are radically antagonistic to the American school system. The secular and religious press of the continent freely quoted the utterances of these ecclesiastics, and storms of adverse criticisms were aroused. If the course of these prelates is pursued by the hierarchy certain things must inevitably follow. Animosities will be engendered among the American people which should have no place in the citizenship of our Republic. The Catholic Church will lose all of Her power and prestige in America.

A hurricane of hate is brewing. I love the Catholic Church, and to save Her from destruction in America I write this book.

I shall use very plain language. I am compelled to do so because I am writing for all classes and not solely for learned men.

I shall not conceal the truth. In this I but conform to Catholic requirements as will be seen by the quotations which follow.

Pope Pius X. (the reigning Pontiff) said to Dr. Pastor, the celebrated historian of the Catholic Church:

The truth is not to be feared. The New World, November 7, 1903, p. 13.

Pope Pius II. said in a certain bull:

He who remarks anything calculated to give scandal, even in the Supreme Head of the Church, is to speak out freely. Dr. Pastor’s History of the Popes, Vol. Ill, p. 272.

Cardinal Gibbons says that the Catholic Church has no secrets to keep back:

There is no Freemasonry in the Catholic Church; she has no secrets to keep back. She has not one set of doctrines for Bishops and Priests, and another for the laity. She has not one creed for the initiated and another for outsiders. Everything in the Catholic Church is open and above board. She has the same doctrines for all for the Pope and the peasant. The Faith of our Fathers, p. 14.

Cardinal Manning declared that truth in history should be supreme:

The historica vcritas ought to be supreme, of which we have a divine example in Holy Writ, where the sins, even of Saints, are as openly recorded as the wickedness of sinners. Notice written for the first volume of Dr. Pastor’s History of the Popes.

Dr. Alzog, the renowned historian of the Catholic Church, stated that the historian should not conceal the possible shortcomings of his church:

Historical impartiality demands… that the historian … shall frankly acknowledge and openly confess the possible shortcomings of his church, for silence here would be more damaging than beneficial to her cause. Dr. Alzog’s Manual of Universal Church History, Vol. I, p. 14.

The celebrated Pere (Father) Lacordaire asserted that history should not hide the faults of men and Orders:

“Ought history,”asks Pere Lacordaire “hide the faults of men and orders? It was not,”he replies,” in this sense that Cardinal Baronius understood his duty as an historian of the Church. It was not after this fashion the saints laid open the scandals of their times. Truth when discreetly told,” he continues,” is an inestimable boon to mankind, and to suppress it, especially in history, is an act of cowardice unworthy a Christian. Timidity is the fault of our age, and truth is concealed under pretense of respect for holy things. Such concealment serves neither God nor man.”Dr. Alzog’s Manual of Universal Church History, the Preface.

The Great St. Gregory, the revered Hildebrand of the Pontifical Throne, once wrote:

It is better to have scandal than a lie. Homil. f, in Ezechiel, quoted by St. Bernard.

Cardinal Baronius once said:

God preserve me from betraying the truth rather than betray the feebleness of some guilty minister of the Roman Church! Annales, ad. ami. 1125, c. 12.

Count de Maistre proclaimed:

We owe to the Popes only truth, and they have no need of anything else! Du Pape, lib. ii. c. /j.

St. Bernard said:

I would not be silent when vice was to be rebuked, and truth defended. Epistola 78, torn, i., p. 38.

It will be alleged by the champions of the parochial school that my unfavorable views of it are founded upon unusual and infrequent facts of the moral delinquencies of its officers and the pedagogic incompetency of its teachers; but I know whereof I affirm, and I solemnly declare that I am conservative in my statements.

There is not a diocese or an archdiocese in America which has not priestly devotees of Bacchus and Venus wine and women and in the prominent dioceses and archdioceses there are scores upon scores of ecclesiastics who are the slaves of these goddesses. But the universal ecclesiastical vice is grafting. The American clergy, high and low, exhibit an insatiable desire for money. They seek and obtain it in the sacred name of religion for God and Holy Mother Church! Many of the means they employ to secure it are not only questionable but criminal. Instead of preaching the Gospel of Christ they proclaim the message of mammon. The money acquired is spent, in the main, in the service of Satan.

It is impossible for those who are not prelates, priests, monks or nuns to know how much sin there is in ecclesiastical circles. It is not difficult for me to understand how hard it must be for non-Catholics to believe that individuals, dedicated to the service of God by most solemn vows, can live in daily violation of their sacred covenants, and I know how extremely loath Catholics are to give credence to any report of clerical misconduct, no matter how well founded, as they have been trained from infancy to regard a priest as a holy man another Christ.

Policemen, railway and street car conductors, steamship officers, hotel proprietors, waiters, porters and cabmen know that I do not exaggerate in my descriptions of clerical sin. Hardly a day goes by in our great cities that policemen do not pick up drunken priests and also take them out of houses of shame. Railway conductors from all parts of America tell me that Catholic priests are among their toughest passengers. Steamship officers relate tales which make the heart sick. Hotel proprietors, waiters and porters tell facts which for numerousness and nastiness defy comparison. If policemen would suddenly become authors and tell what they know of sinning priests the world would hardly be able to contain the books. Cabmen, the knights of the whip, have as their most profitable customers clerical rounders, the knights of the cloth, whose chivalry vents itself in attentions to ladies who live in houses of shame. Catholic prelates understand full well the personal knowledge which these various individuals and others possess of priestly debauchery.

I know that the conditions are appalling in the Archdiocese of Chicago. I have been assured by an American Arch226 bishop, whose former ecclesiastical positions ought to enable him to speak with the authority of personal observation and experience, that the conditions in Buffalo, New York City and other places are many times worse than they are in Chicago. If he were to speak to-day I believe he would say, in view of the additional light he has received on the Chicago situation, that New York City and Chicago are equals in ecclesiastical rascality.

I am well aware that this book will arouse the intense wrath of Catholic ecclesiastics, who hate the American public schools. Be it so! In this connection, Catholic laymen, permit me to warn you against being deceived by the official Catholic press. It will bitterly assail me. Its columns will be rilled with villification and vituperation. But who control the official Catholic press? Priests, Bishops and Archbishops as a rule. These men will unite in bitter opposition to any publicity of sin. The editors of the official Catholic publications are under the thumb of ecclesiastical power. Woe to them if they show any independence of thought and action! I have been grossly slandered in official Catholic publications, while in private my detractors have admitted that I was right in my course. This expose will bring upon my head torrents of written wrath from men who know that -I reveal but a small part of the awful case in hand; but these same writers in private conversation will be heard to say: “O, Father Crowley, God bless him! is all right, but we have got to stand in with the authorities; we have to look out for our bread and butter.”

My opponents will seek to befog the issue raised in this controversy by charging me with making attacks in this book upon my Church. In answer to this anticipated malignant accusation I say now that / do not attack my Church; I attack solely its corrupt ecclesiastics. I am not fighting my Church and never will. / am fighting priestly corruption, and I will fight it as long as God permits me to live.

My opponents will also say that I am attacking Christian education. Let it be remembered that I am not attacking Christian education, but that I am dealing with the parochial school as it is in America. I make war not upon the theory of Christian education, but upon the present practice, for the latter, under prevalent conditions, is devilish.

The cry will be raised that by this publication I am giving scandal. My opponents will seek to blind the Catholic public by this false cry. Let the Catholic people remember that it is the only answer left to the debauched priests whose wickedness I expose. The scandalizers of our Holy Church are not the men who protest against clerical impurity, falsehood and injustice; but they are the ecclesiastics whose lives are rotten, and the Church dignitaries who try to cloak the rottenness.

Some of the grossest of the clerical sinners referred to in this book have been publicly arraigned by name. When this book becomes public property I look to see them adopt a much-abused attitude. They have already expatiated upon the hardship of their position in not being able to say a word in self-defense until the charges are proved!! If they were anxious to have the charges proved, why did they not ask Rome to thoroughly investigate them? But there was no difficulty in the way of their appealing to the civil courts, and they did not. They knew there were laws in this country to protect the slandered. Were there not penitentiaries for criminal libelers? Yes, there were, but those penitentiaries were also for clerical thieves, adulterers, rapists, seductionists and sodomists.

One of the first copies of this book will be sent to the Pope. I hope that the Pontiff, as soon as he is acquainted with the real condition of the public school controversy in America, will decree a policy for American priests and prelates which shall be in entire harmony with American history and ideals.


Yielding to the insistence of my friends and advisers I insert this biographical sketch, not for any self-laudation, but to enable my readers to see what manner of man I am so that they may form an intelligent opinion as to the weight of my words, and also that a stop may be put to a gross imposition which is being practiced all over the country by wicked priests who assume my name when they are arrested by the police, and when they ask for financial help. To aid in carrying out these objects this book contains my photograph, and I state now that my height is six feet and three inches, and my weight is two hundred and fifty pounds.

I was born November 20, 1861, in County Cork, Ireland: “The Island of Saints and Scholars.”My parents were of Celto-Norman stock and belonged to the plain people. My father was a farmer of means. He died July 7, 1904. My mother’s maiden name was Nora Burke. She died a few minutes after my birth, while I was being baptized, she having received the last rites of the church. My father thought I could not live, and immediately before the priest pronounced the words of baptism he made an offering of me to the priesthood in the hope that God would graciously spare my life.

When I was about five years of age I was sent to the National (primary) School. When I was seven years of age I became an altar boy, and so continued until I was fourteen years old, when I was sent from my native parish to Bantry for better educational advantages. I staid a year in Bantry, and I was then sent to the Model School at Dunmanway, where I remained nine months. I was then sent for three months to the Classical School at Skibbereen. When I was sixteen years of age I was sent to St. Finnbarr’s College, Cork, where I remained four years. I passed the required examination, and was sent to St. Patrick’s College (Seminary), Carlow, County Carlow (this being the oldest Catholic College (Seminary) extant in Ireland), where I remained four years and a half, and completed the prescribed classical, philosophical and theological courses.

I was ordained a priest of the Catholic Church on the I5th day of June, 1886, for my native diocese of Cork. My father paid full tuition rates for my education from the time I entered the primary school until my ordination.

My earliest thoughts were associated with the expectation that I would some day be a priest in the Holy Catholic Church and could stand at her sacred altars to offer up the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass for the repose of the soul of my dear mother, whom I had never seen.

My relatives, friends and neighbors expressed no other thought for me than that I was destined to be a priest. When I was at St. Finnbarr’s College, being nineteen years of age at the time, my father came to see me, and to test the sincerity of my vocation to the priesthood he said to me, “A priest has a great many trials and troubles; if you would prefer to follow some secular profession, there is the Queen’s College (University), I am willing that you should enter it now!” I replied, “No, father, I have but one desire in life, and that is to be a priest.”My father expressed great joy over my reply, and he was supremely delighted to learn that I was blessed with a vocation.

I said my first Mass in my father’s house. I was ordained Tuesday morning, and I traveled all night to reach the home where I was born that I might there offer up my first Mass for the eternal repose of the soul of my mother.

From boyhood I had the desire to go to America when I became a priest. Many of my friends had gone to the United States. I was ordained for the Diocese of Cork, but there was no vacancy in it, and I said Mass for some weeks as private chaplain to Bishop Delaney of Cork. The opportunity to go to America came to me then through the Very Rev. E. M. O’Callaghan, now Vicar-General of the Diocese of Manchester, New Hampshire, and the Right Rev. Monsignor D. W. Murphy, of Dover, New Hampshire. The Coadjutor Bishop of Cork gave me his permission to go to America on a temporary mission, and he wrote me the following letter:

Cork, November 7th, 1886.
My Dear Father Crowley:

I am glad you have taken the Mission offered you through the kindness of Father O’Callaghan.
You may expect a hearty welcome from me on your re- Yours faithfully,
t T. A. O’Callaghan,
Coadjutor Bishop.

My kindest regards to Father O’Callaghan.

I also bore the following letters:

St. Patrick’s College, Carlow, Ireland, June 21, 1886.

I feel happy in testifying to the excellent character borne by Rev. Jeremiah J. Crowley during such time as I have had the pleasure of knowing him in this college. In matters of discipline he was regular and attentive; in the discharge of his duties diligent; and in every branch manifested quite an anxiety to give satisfaction. His conduct while here affords every reason to believe that his future will be characterized by the same good qualities^
(Rev.) John Delaney, Dean.

St. Patrick’s College, Carlow, Ireland, July 2, 1886. Previous to his ordination to the priesthood last Pentecost the Rev. Jeremiah J. Crowley had spent four and a half years in this college. He read rhetoric, moral philosophy, and three years theology with credit to himself. His moral conduct was always edifying, and I have every reason to hope that he will be a most zealous, useful and pious priest. (Very Rev.) Edward W. Burke, D. D.

When I reached America I was appointed assistant rector of St. Anne’s Church, Manchester, New Hampshire, which was the mensal parish of the late Bishop Denis M. Bradley. I staid there sixteen months, when my time for returning to Ireland came in obedience to my promise to the Bishop of Cork.

As to the manner in which I had discharged my priestly duties in Manchester, I quote the following letters:

Manchester, N. H., April 2, 1888.
My Dear Father Crowley:
In acceding to your request to be permitted to return to your own Diocese, I cannot refrain from assuring you of my gratitude for your labors in my Diocese during the sixteen months that you have labored therein. You have always and under all circumstances carried yourself in a manner becoming a good priest.
Yours respectfully,
f Denis M. Bradley,
Bishop of Manchester.

Manchester, N. H., April 3, 1888.
To Rt. Rev. Dr. O’Callaghan,
Bishop of Cork.
Right Rev. and Dear Sir:
The bearer, Rev. Jeremiah J. Crowley, a priest of your Lordship’s Diocese, has exercised the sacred ministry in my Diocese during the past sixteen months. He returns to his home at his own earnest solicitation.

I beg leave to add that he has given me entire satisfaction during the time that he has been subject to my jurisdiction. Yours very respectfully,
f Denis M. Bradley.

I make the following quotations from the non-Catholic and the Catholic press of Manchester to show how I was regarded by all classes. Neither directly nor indirectly had I anything to do with the writing of the articles.

The Manchester Daily Union, March 28, 1888.


Rev. Father J. J. Crowley, the able assistant pastor at St. Ann’s Church for some time, is to leave Manchester for Ireland on Wednesday next, and in all probability will sever his permanent relationship with this city for all time. On Friday evening last he delivered a farewell sermon, taking for his text the following words: “Seek first the Kingdom of God and His Justice.”There was a very large congregation in attendance, and after an eloquent discourse upon the above text the Reverend Father took occasion to thank the people for their kindness, goodness and respect toward him during the sixteen months he had spent among them… The entire congregation sobbed aloud and heard with sadness the farewell words of him they had learned to love and esteem.

The Manchester Daily Union, April 2, 1888.




Since the announcement was made that Rev. J. J. Crowley, assistant pastor of St. Ann’s Church, intended to dissolve his official relations in this country and return to Ireland to accept a position in the Diocese of Cork, he has been overwhelmed with callers who have waited upon him to express their regrets because of his intended departure, and to wish him the choicest of blessings in all time to come… Among Protestants also he is highly esteemed, and among people of all manner of beliefs and callings there is but one sentiment, and that of regret because of his going away. Unnumbered kindnesses have been heaped upon him within the last few days… Father Crowley leaves Manchester on Wednesday afternoon next, but will pass several weeks in the principal cities of America before sailing for the “Isle of Saints.”

The New Hampshire Catholic, March 31, 1888.
It is safe to say that no priest captured the affections of the Catholics of this city so completely, in so short a time, as Father Crowley has done. There is nothing small about him… In the zeal with which he discharged his priestly duties he could not be surpassed. He is a model specimen of the Soggarth Aroon (dear priest) and quickly and thoroughly the people perceived the fact. Utterly devoted to his sacred calling he is also a staunch Nationalist, and is heart and soul in sympathy with the cause of Home Rule for his beloved native land…

The New Hampshire Catholic, April 7, 1888.
About three o’clock Wednesday afternoon the depot began filling up with people, most of whom were not in travelling garb, and very many had evidently come from the mills to attend the train. It was quite apparent that all eyes were turned on one person, a stalwart young clergyman, who towered head and shoulders over the throng. There was no mistaking the earnest and kindly features of Father Crowley, who had his hands full to bid good bye to the sorrowful friends who came to see him off.. There were few dry eyes in the throng… In the brief period of sixteen months he has been in this city, Father Crowley has captured and bears back with him to the diocese of Cork to which he belongs the esteem and affection of our people from the head of the Diocese down.

I arrived in Ireland about the middle of June, 1888, and September 20 I was appointed assistant pastor at West Schull (Goleen), County Cork, Ireland. I served in this place until March, 1892. This parish was about twenty miles long and seven wide, and it was inhabited principally by tenant farmers. During this time I was imprisoned seven months in Her Majesty’s prison in Cork for the heinous offense of having succored Mr. Samuel Townsend Bailey, a Protestant gentleman, seventy years of age and stone blind, who had been deprived, on a mere legal technicality, of his estate by the clergy of his own Church, and turned out upon the roadside without money, food or shelter. As my enemies charge that I was once in jail because of some grave violation of the law, in the palpable hope of discrediting me with the public, I am constrained to give the details of this incident, for on it they found their base slander. They have circulated the tale at home and abroad that I was” such a devil” that the British Government was compelled to lock me up to protect the public.

In the year 1847, which was the famine year in Ireland, Mr. Bailey, a Protestant, was in the possession of a comfortable estate, which afforded him a substantial stone residence and an adequate income. Most of his tenants died of starvation during the famine, and he was deprived of his income. Mr. Bailey’s Protestant Rector was a Rev. Mr. Fisher, whose assistant was a Rev. Mr. Hopley. The people were starving and dying all around, and Rev. Fisher wrote to Protestant societies and individuals in England, telling them that if he had money to buy food for the people he could convert all the Catholics. Money poured in upon him. He called upon Mr. Bailey, who was his chief parishioner, sympathized with him and offered him financial aid, which Mr. Bailey was very glad to get. Rev. Fisher then went home for the money; he returned with it and also a shrewdly drawn assignment of Mr. Bailey’s property to the church trustees, the assignment to take effect after the lives of three individuals and thirty-three years (which finally proved to be a term of about forty years), which assignment he wanted as a mere formality in case his generous friends in England should ever question his handling of the funds. Rev. Fisher died before my return to Ireland, and he was succeeded by Rev. Hopley. Rev. Hopley wanted to get Mr. Bailey’s stone residence and its adjoining five acres for a woman who was then his maid-servant, and he urged the church trustees to commence legal proceedings to evict Mr. Bailey. The case was fought during three terms of court. The Judge kept putting off the delivery of his decision in the hope that the church authorities would see what a harsh enterprise they were engaged in, and relent. He finally pronounced judgment, and, on a technicality, was forced to hold against Mr. Bailey.

Mr. Bailey in despair turned to me, having heard of my championship of the civil rights of Protestants as well as of Catholics in that district. His son came to see me. I said, ” Before I attempt to do anything I must see your father’s tenants and learn from them whether he has been a kind landlord.” In a few days the tenants came to me in a body, and told me that old Mr. Bailey had been a most indulgent landlord. I then said, ” It is the duty of Christians of all denominations to come to his rescue.”I then asked if anyone present would give a site for a hut (a little frame cottage) in the vicinity of the Bailey homestead. Mr. Thomas Donovan, a Protestant farmer, gave a site right across the road from Mr. Bailey’s stone residence. There was a vacant hut ten miles away, and I called for volunteers to transport that building forthwith and put it on the new site. Within twenty-four hours the hut was transferred to the new location, and above it I had placed two flags, one green and the other orange. Before the erection of the hut a fair rental was tendered on behalf of Mr. Bailey for the stone house and five acres, but it was refused.

A few days later a force of bailiffs and police evicted the blind old man and his family, and1 threw them”on the roadside.” Word was sent to me and I hastened to the seat of difficulty. There I found the blind and helpless old man sitting on the roadside; I took him by the hand and led him into the hut, his aged wife and son following.

Rev. Mr. Hopley was insanely maddened by the presence of the hut and its occupants in such close proximity io the old homestead, and to his own home, which was about a quarter of a mile distant. The Tory Government trumped up against me a charge of intimidation; I was arrested; and, under a revived statute, passed in the reign of George the Third, I was “tried,” not before the ordinary and usual tribunal, but before two”Removable” Magistrates paid government officials. My conviction was a foregone conclusion from the beginning.

My prosecution was the subject of many editorials. I give a few excerpts.

Eagle and County Cork Advertiser, Ireland, June 28, 1890.


When the history of Ireland comes to be written up to date, no more extraordinary event will present itself to the writer than that which has occurred in West Cork during the past few days. If the historian does his work faithfully, both the Land League and the National League will occupy prominent places in historical records. To the agrarian question of the present day much time and thought will be devoted, but in no event from the Clanricarde evictions, from the founding of New Tipperary, down to the most trivial affair, will be found such an episode as that which presented itself at Goleen on last Sunday. No less than eight Protestant families changed their religion, and joined the Roman Catholic Church, to show and prove their indignation at the conduct of their own pastor, the Rev. Mr. Hopley,… Out of Bailey’s eviction and the threat to remove Donovan for an act of kindness have arisen the proceedings which terminated on Wednesday in the conviction of Father Crowley under the Crimes Act…

The Cork Daily Herald of June 26, 1890.

Yesterday Mr. Cecil Roche (one of the two presiding magistrates) consummated the outrage which he was sent to West Cork to perpetrate. At the conclusion of a farcical trial, during the course of which it was quite easy to see that the Bench meant to convict, a most outrageous sentence was passed on Father Crowley, of Goleen. Seven months’ imprisonment is what is awarded against Father Crowley for tal’/ng the side of the poor Protestants of Teampeall-na-bo’ct against their evictors and persecutors. Father Crowley denounced these people. He made public charges against a parson and against a policeman which these persons could have got investigated by means of a civil action. They did not do so. The fact that the paid Castle (Government) magistrates have come down, and in violation of the spirit of the law and of all constitutional usages have sent Father Crowley to gaol for seven months does little to better their position. We have no doubt that this “trial” of Father Crowley will receive immediate attention in Parliament. The sentence is not only abominable and vindictive in itself, but it is a deliberate evasion of the law which gives every subject the right of appeal from every sentence of over a month’s duration in Ireland, and from all sentences whatsoever in England…

His imprisonment is, in every respect, a misfortune for his locality. In the poor district of Goleen he has been a peacemaker of a model type between landlords and tenants, and both classes are equally thankful to him. The fact that he interfered in favour of Protestant as well as Catholic proves the spirit of broad-mindedness in which he approached his work. It was not because the parson sided with the evictors of one of his own flock that his mouth was to remain closed, and it did not remain closed. For what arose out of his thus championing the oppressed he goes to goal…

We simply say that under the circumstances a prosecution on an absurd charge was a gross misuse of public authority and a scandal on the administration of justice.

The Cork Examiner of June 26, 1890.

The remarkable prosecution at Bantry came to an end yesterday, when the sentence demanded by Mr. Ronan, Q. C., (Crown Prosecutor) was imposed on the defendant, the Rev. Jeremiah J. Crowley, the popular young curate of the parish of Goleen…

Seeing the nature of the charge and the constitution of the Court, the result can have surprised no one. But it is a strange prosecution, arising out of very exceptional circumstances and connected with some very curious occurrences… A sentence of savage severity is imposed on this young and blameless clergyman. That severity will assuredly defeat its own purpose. The immense popularity of Father Crowley in West Cork was demonstrated in Schull and Bantry in a way that must have impressed Mr. Cecil Roche. Even before the trial the feelings of the people with regard to the prosecution and the conduct of the Rev. Mr. Hopley were exhibited in a perfectly startling and unprecedented fashion. Up to eight Protestant families left the Rev. Mr. Hopley’s congregation and joined the Catholic Church.

The incident proves, at all events, that even among the Protestants of his district the Rev. Mr. Hopley has lost his influence through his interference with tenants like Bailey and Donovan (both Protestants) and that the young priest has won the affections of Protestants and Catholics alike by his generous and practical sympathy with the poor and the oppressed. Removables Welch and Roche are, perhaps, of opinion that Father Crowley’s influence in his district will not survive a term of imprisonment, and that the National League must cease to exist west of Bantry. On the contrary, Father Crowley’s sufferings in their cause will but render him ten times dearer to the hearts of the people and make ten times stronger their resolve to overthrow a system under which the imprisonment of a young and kindly clergyman becomes a necessity of State.

West Cork is the western half of County Cork, and is about sixty miles long by thirty wide.

The details of my journey to gaol were given in extended press notices at that time. I quote briefly from one of them:

Eagle and County Cork Advertiser, June 28, 1890.

At half past six o’clock Father Crowley was driven”from the police barrack in a covered car to the railway station, accompanied by a strong escort, and followed by a large cheering crowd. Cordons of police were stationed at all approaches to the station, and allowed to pass only those who were traveling by train. A large crowd, however, by climbing over the walls and ditches, succeeded in reaching the road outside the station, but their progress to the platform was barred by a strong force of police drawn across the entrance. At the station, District-Inspector Smyth was in charge of a body of police and a great portion of the crowd was prevented from entering the railway premises, but they soon fringed the line and cheered the Rev. prisoner loudly. Father Crowley’s brother clergymen were allowed on the platform, and he had many a hearty handshake before the train started. District-Inspector Stewart, Kinsale, was in charge of Father Crowley, who was accommodated in a first-class compartment, and the bodyguard consisted of four policemen. In a third-class carriage a dozen policemen traveled, while the fifty soldiers of the Welch Regiment, who had been on duty, also returned to Cork by the train. As the train moved off the Rev. gentleman was followed by the enthusiastic cheers of those gathered on the platform, and which were vigorously echoed by those outside. At the stations en route to Cork Drimoleague, Dunmanway, Ballineen, Enniskean, etc., crowds cheered Father Crowley enthusiastically, and bonfires were lighting as the train steamed by.


In Bandon the whole populace appeared to have turned out, headed by the town band, but at the gates of the station they were met by a body of police under the command of Mr. Gardiner, R. M., who had traveled from Cork by the evening train. He at once ordered the police to charge the people, and the batonmen obeyed the order with alacrity. The bandsmen were beaten and the instruments seized. On the platform priests, Town Commissioners, shareholders of the line, railway porters and all were hustled and shoved about, and the police did all they could to provoke a row. When the train arrived Mr. Gardiner’s excitement was intense, and he rushed from carriage to carriage shouting out for military and police as if the train was about to be seized and carried off the rails. At last he rushed to the compartment in which Father Crowley was, and seeing District-Inspector Stewart, he ordered that officer to get a number of his armed policemen out of the train, and clear the people off the platform if the cheering was not stopped. The inspector carried out the magistrate’s order, and the moment the cheering was renewed the police charged the crowd, and a number of people were punched with the butts of rifles. Fathers Magner, O’Shea and Coghlan were present, together with Mr. C. Crowley and several Town Commissioners. These gentlemen protested to the stationmaster against the manner in which the Bandon people had been treated on the railway premises, but all Mr. Rattray could say was that he was powerless in the matter. After a short delay the train started for the city of Cork, Mr. Gardiner traveling by it in order to take charge o the police force on duty at the Cork terminus.


The news of the sentence on Father Crowley was pretty well known in the city of Cork about nine o’clock, and a goodly number had assembled outside the railway terminus when the Bantry train reached Cork, shortly after half-past nine. There were but few persons on the platform, as the police appeared to have superseded the railway officials in charge of the station. A body of police kept the gates, and exercised an arbitrary power over the rights of the citizens generally. The Mayor was admitted and some town councillors got through in a rather undignified manner, but dogged pertinacity alone procured admittance for some other gentlemen, while the vast portion of the crowd was crushed outside. A considerable number of plain clothes men (detectives) mingled with the crowd, while a few of them took up.positions on the station platform.

Just as the train reached the platform about twenty policemen, under District-Inspector Bourchier, drew up opposite the carriage in which Father Crowley was in custody, while the moment the train stopped the military, who occupied the carriage next the engine, quickly sprang out and formed on the left of the policemen. The large body of policemen who had come in on the train then came forward on the far end of the platform, completely barring the few persons present from approaching any portion of the train. A minute after Father Crowley stepped from the train, and was hurried by his escort to the police side-car. A number of policemen treading on one another’s heels, pressed after the Rev. gentleman, and surrounded the car while he was taking a seat beside District- Inspector Stewart. The gates being thrown open the police car, followed by the brake, which was loaded with fully armed policemen, drove out into the thick of the crowd amidst loud cheers for the Rev. prisoner. The general body of police immediately followed and kept up with the cars for some little distance.

Amongst the gentlemen who were present in the railway station when Father Crowley arrived were the Mayor; Rev. P. O’Neill, S. S. Peter and Paul’s; Rev. J. M’Donnell, S. S. Peter and Paul’s; Rev. Father Murray, C. C.; Messrs. W. Kelleher, T. C.; J. C. Forde, Sec. National League; Aid. J. O’Brien; and E. Murphy, sessional chairman, Cork, Young Ireland Society.

The route to the gaol (jail) was by the South Mall, Grand Parade, Great George’s Street and the Western Road, and all along the way the sidewalks were covered with people, who cheered loudly and long for the Rev. prisoner. The usual police cordon was drawn up at the gaol Cross, but it was rather surprising to find a crowd of people at the very gaol door as the prisoner drove up. The Mayor accompanied Father Crowley into the prison and saw him lodged in the reception ward.

I had for my jail diet the first three days bread and water; thereafter I had the usual prison fare. For the first month my bed was a plank.

Within a few days after my incarceration, letters, telegrams and cablegrams poured in upon Rev. Mr. Hopley’s bishop, asking him if he had been a party to this injustice. The bishop sent at once three clergymen to tender to Mr. Bailey his old residence and the five acres, with the privilege of occupancy rent free during the rest of his life. Mr. Bailey replied, “No, gentlemen, Father Crowley is in prison, suffering for me. You must get Father Crowley out of prison before I could think of going back to my old home.”I heard of this offer, and succeeded in communicating with Mr. Bailey and insisted upon his going back, which he most reluctantly did.

Great pressure was brought to bear upon me by the Tory Government to sign a peace bond, and thus to put an end to my captivity at the end of the first month, Mr. Gladstone, the Liberal Party and the Irish Party having become interested in my case, which was debated in the British Parliament. I refused absolutely to sign any such bond, as its signing I considered would be tantamount to an admission of guilt, and my refusal had the unanimous approval of the Catholic bishop and clergy of the Diocese of Cork. The result was that I remained in jail six months longer.

Upon my release, on my way home and at home I was greeted by vast throngs of people who testified in every possible way the esteem in which they held me; but the one welcome which touched me most was that given me by Mr. Bailey the old and blind Protestant gentleman threw his arms around my neck and kissed me.

Some press excerpts seem apropos and I give them:

Eagle and County Cork Advertiser, January 31, 1891. FATHER CROWLEY RELEASED ON SATURDAY.

Father Crowley, the gallant and patriotic curate of Goleen, was released from Cork prison at 7: 30 o’clock on Saturday morning, after undergoing seven months’ imprisonment for an “offense” under the Coercion Act. The circumstances under which Father Crowley was imprisoned are already well known to our readers. We are glad to say that the true-hearted Soggarth (priest) is in excellent health and spirits, and has borne his imprisonment with a cheerful courage worthy of the cause for which he has suffered. Father Crowley comes out of the prison with the happy consciousness of not only having done his duty as a faithful priest and a robust politician, but of having won the battle for which he fought.

The law might call his offense “intimidation.” But at least his intimidation was a success. The man whose cause Father Crowley advocated the cause of an evicted Protestant against his own parson has gained. When Father Crowley was a short time in gaol, he was re-instated, and notwithstanding this the authorities still detained the Rev. gentleman in prison.

On Wednesday Fatlier Crow-ley proceeded from Cork to Bantry. He left Cork for the purpose of visiting his friends and former parishioners in West Cork, and at the different stations along the route he received hearty ovations. Rev. W. Murphy, P. P., Kilbrittain, traveled with him as far as Enniskeane. At Waterfall a large crowd gathered, by whom hearty cheers were raised. At Bandon there was a very large number of people with the brass band of the town, including the Very Rev. Dean M’Swiney, P. P., V. G.; Rev. Mr. Magner, C. C.; Rev. Mr. Russell, C. C.; Rev. Mr. Coghlan, C. C.; Rev. Mr. M’Donnell, C. C., Kilbrittain.

When the train steamed in Dean M’Swiney was the first to shake hands with Father Crowley and welcome him back out of the hands of the Balfours and the Roches, and when the train was leaving the station he a-gain called for cheers for Father Crowley, which were heartily responded to.

At Enniskeane Rev. Mr. O’Sullivan, C. C. and a large crowd were gathered, and at Dunmanway there was another large concourse assembled.

At Drimoleague Rev. J. Murphy, P. P.; Dr. Crowley, Messrs. W. Fitzgerald, J. Connolly, A. M’Carthy, P. L. G., and a number of others were present.

At Bantry Father Crowley was met by Rev. J. O’Leary, C. C.; Rev. J. O’Hea, C. C.; Rev. J. Kearney, C. C.; Mr. J. Gilhooly, M. P.; Mr. P. T. Carroll (solicitor), and a large deputation of the townspeople. As the train steamed in hearty cheers were raised for the Rev. “ex-criminal,”and when he stepped out on the platform a rush was made to seize his hand and welcome him to liberty once more. The Rev. gentleman then proceeded to the residence of the Very Rev. Canon Shinkwin, P. P.

In the evening a meeting was held in the town hall in his honor. The building was filled to overflowing…. The Rev. J. O’Leary, C. C., presided.

The Rev. Chairman briefly introduced Father Crowley, and referred to his sufferings in prison, and the fortitude and dignity with which he had borne, them. He said the glaring injustice of which Father Crowley was the victim, and the iniquitous punishment to which he had been subjected, had only more endeared him to the hearts of the people of West Cork, and it was with a hearty caed mille failthe they welcomed him amongst them once more (cheers).

Addresses were presented from the Bantry Branch of the National League, and the Bantry G. A. A…

From Bantry Father Crowley proceeded to Skibbereen. The arrival at Skibbereen was marked by en enthusiastic ovation from a large crowd assembled at the terminus. Amongst those present were Rev. Fathers O’Brien and Cunningham; Dr. Kearney; Dr. O’Driscoll; Messrs. Florence M’Carthy; Cornelius M’Carthy, Town Clerk; Timothy Sheehy, T. C.; John O’Shea; Charles O’Shea; P. Sheehy, solicitor; Edward Roycraft, Chairman Schull Guardians; etc.

At Ballydehob a great crowd was assembled, and a most enthusiastic cheer was raised when the train pulled up at the station, the fife and drum band of the village playing a series of National airs.

It may be observed here that on the occasion of Father Crowley’s release on Saturday last the village was brilliantly illuminated, tar-barrels being lit in the streets and the windows of all the houses being illuminated. The band paraded the streets, playing National airs, and followed by a large crowd. On Thursday the band joined the train at Ballydehob and traveled with us all the way to Goleen. A tremendous cheer was raised as the train steamed out; the band playing the while. With the band the following representatives from Ballydehob accompanied Father Crowley as far as Schull Rev. D. Corcoran; Messrs. T. McSwiney, Hon. Sec. I. N. L.; D. Gallagher; J. Coughlan, M. Cotter, R. Hodnett.

On the arrival of the train at Schull a scene of the most extraordinary enthusiasm was witnessed. Before the station was reached the road for a long distance was crowded with men and women, the men waving their hats, and many men and women bearing aloft evergreens. On the platform the throng was dense, and immediately that the train stopped a rush was made fdr the carriage in which Father Crowley traveled, joy beaming on every face, and the people almost walking on each other in their eagerness to shake the hand of Father Crowley. Schull itself presented a gay appearance. All the way from the station the road and fences were lined with people, of whom there were some thousands, not alone from Schull, but from all the surrounding country, and even from Goleen. There were triumphal arches across the streets, bearing suitable mottoes, flags waved from many windows, and as the procession wended its way through the village to the Rev. Father O’Connor’s house the greatest enthusiasm was evinced. Schull, on the occasion, did honor to the patriotic priest in a splendid manner. On the day of his release they showed their joy in a befitting way with tar-barrels and illuminations, while the country all around was blazing with bonfires. .,

Father O’Connor addressed the meeting, and said that he need not say how happy they all were at seeing Father Crowley amongst them, and their pleasure was the greater at seeing him in such splendid form, notwithstanding all that he had endured endured so unjustly and cruelly, in “Balfour’s Hotel” in Cork during the past seven months. He need not relate to them the reasons why he was imprisoned. He was put into jail for trying to promote justice between man and man and for championing the cause of a poor blind old gentleman, who was a Protestant. They were all proud of Father Crowley’s action in defending one who then differed from him in creed (cheers). Father Crowley had always endeavored to see justice between landlord and tenant, and it was for these reasons that he was immured in Cork Gaol (groans and a voice, “Thank God he is not the worse for it”). They were all delighted to know that he was as determined to work in the national cause in the future as he had shown himself to be in the past (cheers); and he hoped that that future would be a long and a happy one (cheers).

Father O’Connor, then read the following address: “To the Rev. J. J. Crowley, R. C. C.

“Dear Father Crowley, On behalf of the Schull and Ballydehob branch of the Irish National League, we beg to tender you a hearty welcome from” Balfour’s Hotel.”You may feel sure we highly appreciate your noble efforts and sufferings on behalf of the poor and oppressed people of West Schull. We feel the injustice of the terrible sentence seven months inflicted upon you for no earthly reason but that you championed the cause of a poor blind old gentleman against landlord rapacity, and we feel the greater pride in your action because that he differed from you ‘in religion. We congratulate you upon the splendid state of your health after your term of imprisonment, and we hope you will be long- spared to work in the future as you have so nobly done in the past in the grand old cause of fatherland.” Father Crowley, who got a splendid ovation, addressed the people and said that he could hardly express in words his grateful thanks for the enthusiastic welcome accorded him, and for the genuinely hearty manner in which they had received him. It was almost unnecessary for him to remind them of the history of the struggle which had just come to an end…

At the conclusion of the addresses the word was given


and a long procession was formed. First came Father Crowley, accompanied by Father Corcoran and Father O’Connell. Then came a body of pedestrians, including many women; then came the Ballydehob band, followed by a long line of spring carts, equestrians, and common carts, the procession reaching nearly two miles in length. Along the line of march the people congregated in groups near the houses, bonfires blazed along the hill-sides, and evergreens were tied to long poles, fixed in the ground. At intervals in the procession flags were borne aloft, and at every now and then enthusiastic cheers were raised by the crowd of pedestrians that formed Father Crowley’s guard of honor. The evening was beautifully fine, and as the procession wended its way along with banners flying, and the horses decorated with green, the effect was picturesque in the extreme. When we arrived at


the band struck up a tune, and at the “Poor Man’s Church” some of the villagers met us. The rocky elevations around the village were occupied by cheering groups. Bonfires blazed, horns were” tooted,”and the enthusiasm of the processionists reached a high pitch when a banner was observed waving from Mr. Bailey’s window. Outside Bailey’s house a great crowd was collected, the women and children waving green branches, and the men cheering enthusiastically. A halt was called here, and Father Crowley paid a visit to Mr. Bailey, who wept for joy when he clasped Father Crowley’s hand. Poor Mr. Bailey is not very well just now, though he is able to be about. All the cabins were decorated with ivy and laurel, and the villagers gathered around Father Crowley as he emerged from Mr. Bailey’s, some saying- that but for him they would be far from Toormore now, and all expressing their joy at his return, and their sorrow at his forthcoming departure, some of them saying that they’d never let him be sent away from them. Leaving Toormore, the crowd of pedestrians was very considerably augmented, and as the shades of evening were falling,


was reached, the hillsides as we approached our destination being ablaze with bonfires in all directions. Goleen itself was brilliantly illuminated, every house in the village being a blaze of light. Before entering the village the crowd struck up”God Save Ireland,”and the chapel bell boomed forth its deep notes as Father Crowley reached his old home. On the rocky elevations above the village tar-barrels blazed, and were surrounded by cheering crowds. As Father Crowley made his way on to one of the rocks, which served as a sort of platform, the enthusiasm of the multitude reached an extraordinary pitch. He was accompanied by Fathers O’Driscoll, Corcoran, and O’Connell; Messrs. Florence M’Carthy, R. Roberts, T. Ward, S. Bailey, John Roycroft, James Roycroft, and all the principal men of the village and the surrounding locality. The whole population of the district for miles around was present on the occasion. The Rev. Father O’Driscoll, C. C, was chosen to preside, and, in opening the proceedings, said that they were assembled on a historic occasion to give a welcome home to Father Crowley after his absence of seven months in jail (cheers). The people showed their love of Father Crowley unmistakably that day. From Mizen Head to Dunbeacon the people had shown by the numbers of them who went to Schull to welcome him what popularity he had earned amongst them by his labours on their behalf. Father Crowley had every man and woman and child to welcome him back to their midst, while if Removables Welch and Roche, who sent him to jail, came there they would have nobody to greet them but the police (groans). He concluded by asking Mr. Florence M’Carthy to read the address to Father Crowley on his release.

Mr. McCarthy read the following address: “Address to the Rev. J. J. Crowley, C. C. (Catholic Curate) from the parishioners of Goleen, on his return after seven months’ imprisonment,

DEAR FATHER CROWLEY, It is with feelings of sincere pleasure that we welcome you back safely to liberty after enjoying for seven months the care and attention of our paternal Government in one of its bastiles. We are delighted to find that your long imprisonment has neither injured your health nor subdued your spirits. We cannot refrain from referring with pride to your imprisonment being the result of your denouncing the harsh and unfeeling treatment dealt out by the Trustees of his own Church to an old Protestant gentleman. Your hatred of oppression urged you to expose the cruelties and hardships of evicting and leaving to die near the ditch this old man of seventy winters, with his wife and family. Your kind thoughtfulness, however, provided them with a home, and it must have been a pleasure to you to-day, as the knowledge must have been for months past in your lonely cell, to find Air. Bailey and his family restored long since to their old home. You were beloved by us before; but the hall-mark of the prison endears you to us a thousandfold. The Government through motives of petty vindictiveness, detained you for months in prison after the wrongs you denounced had been rectified; and while you, a Catholic priest, have not hesitated to come to the aid of your oppressed Protestant neighbors, and cheerfully go to prison for their sakes, the Government and its supporters are not ashamed to urge for political purposes the knowingly false cry of ‘ Catholic intolerance ‘ and oppression of the Protestants as a reason for withholding Home Rule from Ireland. Thank God, Catholic Ireland can proudly refer to her present and past history to refute this libel. A natural hatred of wrong, an inherent sense of justice have been intensified by your sojourn in (America) the land of liberty. The hardships they were obliged to endure, and the petty tyrannies and wrongs the poor people of the parish were subjected to aroused your indignation; and once you were convinced of the necessity for action you never hesitated to espouse the cause of the oppressed, and were fearless of the consequences. Your prompt and decisive action Vept many in their homes; but while checking the aggressiveness of unfeeling landlordism, you would not tolerate the withholding or non-payment of fair rents, and have in many instances largely increased the landlords’ rent collections. Regardless of yourself, you were at any time of the day or night, when duty called, by the bedside of the suffering, bringing tender-hearted’ sympathy to the couch of pain, and succor to the poor and lowly. In our selfishness we hoped you would be left longer with us to enjoy the little improvements we recently made in your home in anticipation of your return and stay with us. If this is not to be, we can only assure you that your memory will always be treasured by a grateful people, who will look forward to your visiting them occasionally, when you may calculate on receiving at all times, as you do now, a cead mille failthe.”

Father Crowley, on coming forward to address the people, received a magnificent reception. He said that he was unable to express in words how happy he felt at being back again in Goleen, and how glad he was to find them all in such spirits. He was happy in being able to tell them that he was in good health and spirits, too (cheers). He was very thankful to his dear people for the enthusiastic manner in which they received him, and for the address presented to him on behalf of the people of Goleen…


As Father Crowley was making his way from the place of meeting to his own house, a most extraordinary scene was witnessed. The men and women flocked about him, and wept as if their hearts were breaking at the thought of his departure. It was a most pathetic scene, and as the loud sobs of many hundreds of sorrowing hearts were echoed back from the surrounding rocks, the effect was at once weird and wonderful. Such devotion as was here displayed is a thing that but few priests have ever experienced. The manifestations of sincere love exhibited were most impressive. The people rushed to kiss Father Crowley’s hand, and it was only after a long struggle that he was able to tear himself away from amidst a weeping throng of admirers, many of whom loudly declared that they would never let him be removed from amongst them.

The foregoing suggestion of my removal from Goleen was founded upon the fact that my bishop was seeking to promote me. He yielded to the wishes of the people of Goleen, as will be seen by the following letter:

Cork, Feb’y 8th, ’91 Dear Father Crowley: I have yielded to the wishes of the good people of Goleen, and I have determined to leave you with them for some time longer. There is much to be done in the parish, and the distress of the poor people will give you many opportunities of exercising your zeal. I remain Yours faithfully, f T. A. O’Callaghan.

I remained in the parish of West Schull (Goleen) fifteen months longer; then I was promoted to the parish of Newcestown, near Bandon, where I staid four years.

When I returned to Ireland I determined to go back to America at some future time. I asked permission of my bishop in 1895 to return. He begged me to withdraw my request, and would not yield until my importunity drew from him the following reluctant consent:

Cork, June 18, 1896. The Rev. Jeremiah J. Crowley, of the Diocese of Cork, has my permission to seek a mission in the United States, and I have given it to him reluctantly at his own earnest request as I sincerely regret his departure. He is a good, hard-working priest, zealous and devoted to his duties. During the eight years he has been in the diocese I have had no fault whatsoever to find with him. He has already labored on the American Mission and is now anxious to return. f T. A. O’Callaghan, Bishop of Cork.

I also received the following letters:

Bantry, County Cork, July 13, 1896. As the Rev. J. J. Crowley, who for some years officiated in the Deanery over which I preside and is now of his own accord severing his -connection with this Diocese, has asked me to say what I think about him, I feel much pleasure in complying with his request. He was always faithful in the discharge of the duties that devolved upon him and thoroughly devoted to the work of his sacred calling. His ministry was highly efficient and fruitful, and so appreciated was it by the people amongst w’iom he labored that, when he was taken from them, they manifested the greatest possible regret. His relations with priests and people were of the kindliest character. All who know him wish him a bright and happy future, and indeed none more sincerely than myself. M. Canon Shinkwin, P. P. V. F.

Bandon, County Cork, June 15, 1896. Rev. Jeremiah J. Crowley, who has ministered in this Deanery for four years, is a very worthy priest. He is hardworking and energetic, is esteemed by all who know him, and it gives me great pleasure to be able to state that he leaves us without the least stain on his character. Joseph Canon Shinkwin, P. P. V. F.

From the Cardinal Primate of all Ireland I received the following:

Ara Coeli, Armagh, July 13, 1896. From all I could learn regarding Rev. Father Crowley I believe him to be a good, regular, hard-working priest. I am sure Father Crowley will labor with zeal and success in any mission entrusted to him. | Michael Cardinal Logue.

From Bishop O’Donnell of Raphoe, Donegal, I received the following:

Letterkenny, County Donegal, June 25, 1896. Having met Rev. Jeremiah J. Crowley of Cork more than once and heard a great deal about him from others, I have much pleasure in stating that he bears the name of a zealous and efficient priest, and it is my expectation that he will prove a very useful worker in whatever mission in America his lot is cast. f Patrick O’ Donnell, Bishop of Raphoe.

I also received the following letters:

Maynooth College, County Kildare, July 20, 1896. I am happy to testify from personal knowledge and from reliable information that Father Crowley is an excellent priest with a stainless record. Intellectually, socially, and physically he is everything that could be desired. He ambitions a wider field for the use of the gifts God has endowed him with; and I confidently pray that his zeal and prudence may be as conspicuous in the future as in the past. Edward Maguire, D. D. (Professor).

St. Finnbarr’s Seminary, Cork, Aug. 15, ’96. Most Rev. M. Corrigan, D. D., Archbishop of New York. My Dear Lord: Father Crowley asks me for a line of introduction to Your Grace. He is seeking for a mission in America with permission of his bishop, from whom he has got an excellent letter. To that I would wish to add the very strong personal recommendation of my brother (Very Rev. John B. O’Mahoney, D. D.), President of our Diocesan Seminary, and who knows Father Crowley particularly well, as he was one of his earliest pupils.

I take this opportunity of thanking your Grace for all your kindness on the occasion of my last visit to New York, every way one of the pleasantest of my many pleasant souvenirs of America. I write this from my brother’s place, where I am staying for a few days on my way to All Hallows (College). Most Respectfully Yours in Christ, T. J. O’Mahoney, D. D. (Professor of All Hallows College, Dublin).

I arrived in New York in August, 1896. After a few days I paid a visit to my friends in Manchester, New Hampshire, and received the following letter to the Vicar General of the Archdiocese of New York:

Manchester, N. H., August 30, 1896. My Dear Monsignor Mooney: This will introduce to you Rev. Jeremiah J. Crowley of the Diocese of Cork. He exercised the sacred ministry in this Diocese for sixteen months. He was an assistant here in the city during his stay in this Diocese. He is an excellent priest, sober, zealous and of great faith. Yours sincerely in Christ, f Denis M. Bradley, Bishop of Manchester.

I was received most cordially by Archbishop Corrigan and other Church dignitaries at New York, but there being no vacancy I came to Chicago.

I called upon Archbishop Feehan in Chicago, accompanied by a prominent ecclesiastic. I was appointed an assistant pastor at the Church of the Nativity of our Lord, 37th St. and Union Ave., Chicago. I was there nearly three years. On December 20, 1899, I was promoted by Archbishop Feehan to the Oregon, Illinois, parish and the outlying missions thereof, receiving from His Grace the following letter: Chicago, December 20, 1899.

I hereby appoint Rev. J. J. Crowley pastor of St. Mary’s Church, Oregon, 111., and also of the missions attached to that place.

I recommend him to the kindness and confidence of the Catholic people. f P. A. Feehan, Archbishop of Chicago.

I remained in Oregon until August 3, 1901, when I was ousted by an injunction issued by the civil court on the prayer of a petition alleged to have been filed by the direction of the late Archbishop Feehan of the Archdiocese of Chicago.

And now I come to the famous Chicago controversy which arose in the summer of 1900 over the appointment of an Auxiliary Bishop to the late Archbishop Feehan. It was commenced by twenty-five priests of most excellent standing, and it is still pending.

During the Oregon, Illinois, litigation, commenced against me as stated in the name of Archbishop Feehan of the Archdiocese of Chicago, I had prepared a printed brief which set forth the pleadings, affidavits, etc., in that litigation, and I mailed copies of this publication to various Church dignitaries. To the fly-leaf I attached a little slip, a facsimile of which is as follows:

With the Compliments of The Rev. Jeremiah J. Crowley, Pastor of Oregon, Illinois, Archdiocese of Chicago

A full and authentic history of the sad condition of the Catholic Church in the Archdiocese of Chicago, is now being prepared and will be given to the public in the near future.

A consequence of the foregoing slip was the sending to tne of the following unjust and invalid document, Cardinal Martinelli, (the Papal Delegate to the Church in the United States), having been persuaded to adopt this, course in the hope that it would save himself and my opponents from exposure by frightening me into a cowardly submission:


Inasmuch as the Sacred Congregation for propagating the Faith has learned that certain priests of the Archdiocese of Chicago have taken grave offense at the election of the Rev. P. J. Muldoon to the Episcopate, and have with all their vigor, pertinaciously and wrongfully protested against his consecration, therefore, it, [the Sacred Congregation], by letters No. 45,708, dated Rome, August 21, 1901, has charged this Apostolic Delegation with the duty of watching closely lest the matter should grow to too great a scandal, and at the same time of canonically admonishing, and, as far as may be necessary, visiting with ecclesiastical censure, whomsoever it [said Delegation] might happen to find guilty.

Now, however, since we have with safety learned that the Rev. Jeremiah Crowley, a priest of the said Archdiocese, made a very bitter contest against the aforesaid election and consecration, and does not even now desist therefrom, since, indeed, we have before us

1. A bill of complaint by him presented to the civil court,

2. A defense which his advocate undertook to prepare,

3. A promise made by him in writing concerning the early publication of a work wherein he will relate the sad state of the Archdiocese existing in his mind,

We require the said Rev. Jeremiah Crowley, in the Lord, for his own good and for the honor of the Church, to desist from his pertinacity, and at the same time we peremptorily, once instead of thrice, warn him to give certain signs of repentance and reparation.

But if he shall refuse and if, within the space of ten days, to be computed from the day of his receiving notice of this Admonition, he shall not repair the scandal,

1. By desisting from the prosecution of the suit in the civil tribunal,

2. By altogether prohibiting the printing of the promised book, or, if it shall have already been printed, by not publishing the same,

3. By making public reparation for the public scandal,

4. And by submitting himself to the authority of the Archbishop,

We declare him ipso facto e.vcommunicated, and we reserve to this Apostolic Delegation the power to annul (or to absolve from) this excommunication.

Moreover, we commit to the Court of the Archbishop of Chicago the execution of this decree, and we, therefore, charge it with the duty of transmitting these presents to the aforesaid Rev. Jeremiah Crowley, all legal requirements being observed. But if the said Rev. Jeremiah Crowley is absent or cannot be found, then, the edict being posted up in the churches or in other public place, after the space of ten days, as above mentioned, he still not desisting from pertinacity, we ordain that this decree shall in like manner take effect.

Given at Washington, From the palace of the Apostolic Delegation, October 13, 1901.. Sebastian Card. Martmelli, Apostolic Pro-Delegate.

In due course the following unjust and invalid document was issued in the name of Archbishop Feehan of the Archdiocese of Chicago:

Chicago, III, Oct. 26, 1901. Whereas, the Rev. Jeremiah J. Crowley, a priest exercising faculties in the Archdiocese of Chicago, has grievously violated the laws and discipline of the Roman Catholic Church and of the Archdiocese of Chicago, and as he persists contumaciously in his unlawful conduct, therefore, after due warning from the Apostolic Delegation of the United States, as shown by the above document, which was delivered to the Rev. Jeremiah J. Crowley in person on Wednesday, the i6th day of October, 1901, and the said Rev. Jeremiah J. Crowley having failed to comply with the conditions laid down by the Apostolic Delegation within the period of time allotted to him in the said decree, we hereby declare publicly and solemnly that the Rev. Jeremiah J, Crowley is excommunicated from the Roman Catholic Church and all participation therein, according to the decree of His Eminence, Sebastian Cardinal Martinelli, Pro-Delegate Apostolic.

The effects of this most grave censure of the Church are: 1. He is cut off from the communion and society of the


2. The faithful are forbidden, under severe penalty, to hold communion with him or assist him in his unlawful conduct.

3. He cannot receive or administer any of the sacraments of the Church. Should he attempt to give absolution in the tribunal of penance, said absolution is invalid and sacrilegious.

4. He cannot be present or assist at any of the public exercises or offices of religion in the Roman Catholic Church, nor can he be present at mass, vespers or any other public service in the Roman Catholic Church.

5. He cannot receive or fill any office within the gift of the Roman Catholic Church.

6. Should he die while under this excommunication he will be deprived of Christian burial.

All the pastors of this Archdiocese are hereby commanded, sub pocna suspensionis, to attach the above decree and this letter on the wall of the sacristies of their churches for thirty days, in such a manner that it may easily be seen and read by all.

This order goes into effect immediately upon receipt thereof.

Given at Chicago, on this 26th day of October, 1901. f Patrick A. Feehan, Archbishop of Chicago.

By order of the most Reverend Archbishop, F. J. Barry, Chancellor.

This unjust and invalid ban of excommunication was removed within two months by Bishop Scannell of Omaha, Nebraska, U. S. A., he acting as the representative of the Papal Delegate, Cardinal Martinelli. / made no apology to the priests against whom charges had been made, and I made no promise to desist from issuing the publication the announcement of which had been the moving cause of my unjust and invalid excommunication.

The following- is a translation of the Celebret given to me by Bishop Scannell upon the removal of the ban of excommunication :


To the Rev. J. J. Crowley: By these presents we testify that you for honorable reasons known to us obtained leave of absence for six months, and we make known to all with whom you may come in contact that you are of good moral character, and that as far as we know you are not laboring under any ecclesiastical censure or canonical impediment. Wherefore we request in Christ the Bishops of all places in which you may be to permit you to celebrate the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass.

In proof of which etc.

Given at our palace at Omaha the 26th day of December, A. D. 1901. -J- Richard Scannell, [Episcopal Seal]. Bishop of Omaha.

I received from the Archbishop of Chicago the following Celebret, which was sent in obedience to the command of Cardinal Martinelli:

Chicago, 111., February 7th, 1902. The Rev. Jeremiah J. Crowley is, so far as I am aware, under no ecclesiastical censure and may be permitted to say mass “de consensu Ordinariorum.” Yours faithfully, f P. A Feehan, Archbishop of Chicago.

On March 9, 1902, I celebrated Solemn High Mass in the Archdiocese of Chicago, and I quote the following from the headlines of The Chicago Tribune of the next day:

Crowley Again a Priest.

Authorized by Martinelli to Celebrate High Mass. Officiates at Special Services in the Church of the Immaculate Conception and is Recognized by the Congregation Papal Benediction on the Parish is Received and Read to the Members.

Most solemn promises were made to me by Cardinal Martinelli in person at Washington, of a parish in Chicago, salary from the time I was ousted from my Oregon parish, etc., but none of these promises was kept, as the priests against whom the twenty-five prominent pastors had made grave charges insisted that I should first sign an apology to them. I refused to “whitewash” them.

It does not come within my purpose to give in this publication the history of this now famous and still pending Chicago controversy. The publication of its history remains, perhaps, for the future. But my readers will probably be able to glean a few hints of its facts and importance by perusing the quotations (a volume of which I have in my possession) which I now give from religious and secular publications of high standing. My friends insist that I shall not eliminate from them the flattering expressions, and most reluctantly I yield to their advice.

Leslie’s Weekly, New York, Nov. 2ist, 1901.


Father Jeremiah J. Crowley, until recently pastor of the Catholic Church at Oregon, 111., was the central figure of the most sensational incident in western church history, Sunday, November 3d. Defying a recent edict of excommunication from Cardinal Martinelli, of Washington, he entered the Holy Name Cathedral in Chicago, while solemn high mass was in progress, and took a seat immediately below the altar. Chancellor F. J. Barry, of the archdiocese of Chicago, was in charge of the mass, and in pursuance of the laws of the church that no excommunicated priest shall be allowed to take part in the services of a Catholic Church, ordered Father Crowley to leave. The priest quietly refused to go. The music was stopped; the choir filed out, and the priests retired. Chancellor Barry explained the situation to the congregation, most of whom left; low mass was hurriedly rendered, and Father Crowley remained to the end. The sensational incident had its origin last July, when Father Crowley, in connection with twenty-five other priests, protested against the appointment of Peter J. Muldoon as auxiliary bishop of Chicago. Archbishop Feehan disregarded the protest. Father Crowley resigned from his parish in Oregon. Later he withdrew the resignation. The archbishop, however, accepted the action of Father Crowley and appointed a pastor in his stead. Father Crowley refused to give up the church and the archbishop secured an injunction, prohibiting Father Crowley from acting. The injunction suit is still pending. The archbishop notified Father Crowley that he must desist in his charges against brother priests or suffer excommunication. Father Crowley refused to withdraw his charges, and the letter of excommunication by Cardinal Martinelli was printed in the Chicago press. Father Crowley insists that he cannot be excommunicated without a trial.

Father Crowley is forty years old and a man of striking physique. He is gifted as a scholar and orator.

The Ram’s Horn. Chicago, November 3Oth, 1901.

A brave and pious priest in the Roman Catholic communion is not so scarce a personage as he was within the memory of men now living. Indeed, it is the character of the priesthood that has been the chief objection which men have argued against this ancient church. When its own clergymen, however, come to a lively appreciation of the shortcomings of their order, hope arises that this mighty ecclesiastical system may have within itself the seeds of a new life. But the reformation, if it come, will not be without stubborn conflict, as is indicated by what is now taking place in the archdiocese of Chicago. When men were recently raised to high offices in the diocese, a young priest, Father J. J. Crowley by name, asked the church authorities for a thorough investigation of these men’s records. The answer was a sentence of dismissal of Father Crowley from his own parish, which he was serving 1 most faithfully and acceptably, and after it appeared that his contention was being seconded and supported by all honorable Catholics, he was summarily excommunicated. But this loud edict, which was so dreaded once, has failed to alter the fixed purpose of Father Crowley. He is a man whom it will be hard to defeat. He is finely endowed physically, standing more than six feet high; mentally, having a thorough classical and theological training; and spiritually, for one to look into his open face and clear eyes assures one that he is a man who has been with God. Compared with the types of priest that are seen most frequently, slim, ferret-eyed, shifty, designing creatures, or greasy, obese, dull-witted ones, Crowley looks like a man from another planet.

The St. Louis Republic. Sunday, Dec. ist, 1901.


The case of the Reverend Father Jeremiah J. Crowley, a priest of the Roman Catholic diocese of Chicago, who was excommunicated recently by authority of Cardinal Martinelli, furnishes at once the most unique and the most interesting controversy that has ever arisen between that wonderful church and one of its anointed ministers.

It differs from the McGlynn case, which was one of direct disobedience to the commands of Rome; it differs from the famous Koslowski case, which was one of schism; it differs from all the minor cases in which the accusations against the excommunicated were based on immorality or religious infidelity.

Father Crowley is a man and a priest of high intellectual endowments; one of rare, almost fanatical piety. His career as a student, as a citizen and as a minister of his church is exemplary from the standards of measurement within and without the Roman church. A product of Carlow College, a living example of the genuine Irish gentleman, young, handsome, a giant physically and yet a person of much tenderness, as well as courage, Father Crowley stands forth in his own right as a personage sure to prepossess acquaintances and likely to win and hold their high regard. He is abstemious in his habits, industrious to. the limit of his great physical power, studious to a degree, intensely sincere, direct and frank of mind and manner.

The very character and reputation of the man make his present sad plight incredible to strangers. He has been cursed by Rome through a published document of excommunication uttered by Cardinal Martinelli. If he died to-day his body would be denied burial in holy ground. His presence at mass in the parish church of Archbishop Feehan in Chicago has been sufficient to stop the ceremonial. If Lucifer himself had appeared in the church, no greater consternation could have reigned amongst the priests celebrating the sacrifice. The music ceased, the lights were quenched and the high ceremonial was abandoned. The preacher leveled his logic and his eloquence against the outlawed priest, who, in spite of her malediction, was kneeling there worshipful, silent, alone and, as it seemed, defenseless against the pontifical thunderbolts falling around him.

Having thus pilloried a good man and a good priest before all men, the authorities of the Roman Catholic Church have at least invited the astonished curiosity of all religionists, all thoughtful men. What has Father Crowley done to incur the most awful curse that can befall either a Catholic layman or priest?

According to his own statement, he began, many months ago, to oppose and expose the alleged sinful machinations of a number of clergymen then and now high in the councils of the Chicago diocese. To his Archbishop, and through him to Rome, he protested against certain deeds of priests whose lives, thought Father Crowley, were a menace to his church and a blasphemy against her holiest teachings. At first he waged his crusade through the secret channels of the hierarchy, not that he feared candor, but to evade scandal if possible.

His efforts were absolutely ignored. If his communications, offers of evidence, names of witnesses and other statements ever reached the proper authorities, they elicited no action or response. Then came Archbishop Feehan’s declaration that he would appoint the Reverend P. J. Muldoon as auxiliary Bishop of Chicago. Twenty-five priests of the diocese, one of whom was Father Crowley, protested against the appointment on grounds already exploited in the secret crusade against corruption and sin in the high places. The Archbishop ignored this protest and preparations for the consecration of Father Muldoon proceeded.

Then Father Crowley gave to the world a story of alleged priestly decadence ana corruption such as has been seldom charged even against ordinary self-respecting men of the world. The question as to whether these charges were true was never raised by the church authorities. The first action of the diocesan was to begin civil proceedings to relieve Father Crowley of his mission as pastor of St. Mary’s Church at Oregon, 111. The priest defended the injunction suit thus brought, on the ground that he had been neither accused, tried nor found guilty of anything that could debar him from his rights as pastor. But he bowed to the arm of the civil law and obeyed the enjoinder. A priest was sent thither to supplant him. The case took its place on the docket of the Circuit Court of Ogle County. The briefs then issued by Crowley’s attorneys contained between the flyleaves a slip of paper announcing that later Father Crowley would publish a book exposing the alleged state of affairs in the diocese of Chicago.

Father Crowley and his friends believe that this threat (never carried out) was the true cause for the commotion which followed in the high councils of the Catholic Church. The offending priest was warned that unless he withdrew all past charges, expressed penitence and accepted the punishment which Archbishop Feehan might mete out within ten days he (Crowley) would be excommunicated. The priest, yet believing that his charges were true and uttered in a holy cause, refused to recall his words. He permitted the ten days to elapse.

A printed circular, with Cardinal Martinelli’s name attached, was served upon him by three constables, hired laymen, while the priest was at dinner. It proved to be a stereotyped form of excommunication and upon the same day was posted in the sanctuaries of every Catholic Church in the diocese. It was a shocking surprise to Crowley, who expected at least a trial. The causes for the decree of excommunication were summed up as (first),”appealing to a civil court.”To this Father Crowley replies that it was his Archbishop and not he who went into the civil court. The second charge was that Crowley had sought to defend himself in a civil court at law. To this the priest replies that neither priest nor man needs an excuse for self-preservation. The third charge was to the effect that he had threatened to expose the “unfortunate diocese of Chicago as he believes it to exist.”

To this last and most significant accusation Father Crowley answers: “I threatened to tell’ the truth about this diocese for no other motive than to further the best interest and preserve the sanctity of my Holy Mother Church. I do not believe that my church is benefited by the suppression of truth and the continuation of evil men in her holiest offices. If I have falsified, why do they not investigate, and prove me false? But I have not. My charges were supplemented by willing and credible witnesses, names and dates. I am not fighting my church and never will. I am fighting the evil men who, in this diocese at least, are sapping her power, dishonoring her sanctuaries and blaspheming the God of all Christians. If that be a crime, I do not understand what loyalty, decency and virtue mean. But, right or wrong, I am entitled to a trial. The meanest criminal is supposed to be innocent until proven guilty. My worst enemies accuse me of no sin. I believe that my church will yet hear me; that she will uphold me. But, come what may, I shall never fight against nor villify my church. I shall remain a Roman Catholic, as I was born and as I am to-day.”

Father Crowley has appealed to Rome through the American Ablegate, Cardinal Martinelli. He is willing to withdraw from, the fight if the church authorities will appoint an unbiased court and investigate the charges he has made against his fellow-priests of this diocese. He is willing to abide by the results of that investigation. He believes it will be given.

Meanwhile he continues to attend holy mass in the face of physical, oratorical and tacit opposition. His opponents, clerical and lay, insist that he has already committed the unpardonable crime of scandalizing his church by accusations against her clergy. They insist that even the truth of those charges cannot condone the inherent offense. His friends and adherents, and they include some of the ablest and best of the priests and laity of the Chicago diocese, contend that there can be no sin in telling truth, in exposing corruption, no matter how cloaked with the sacred vesture of office. They say that there are bad priests, just as there are bad preachers, bad merchants, dishonest lawyers, but, they argue, it is the duty of honest Catholics to “drive them out.”

(The Interior, April 3, 1902. Editorial Column.)

Every new movement made by Archbishop Feehan and Bishop Muldoon of this city to crush Father Crowley is of a nature calculated to convince the Protestant onlooker that the priest has attacked the prelates and their favorites at a point where they do not dare to make a fair reply. Father Crowley’s charges of immorality among the clergy of the diocese have been definite enough in all conscience to deserve attention, but his overlords absolutely refuse to order or submit to investigation. As a climax to his tyranny Archbishop Feehan has issued an edict prescribing that any priest who gives countenance to Crowley shall by that act be automatically suspended from the priesthood. This is done in spite of the tact that Father Crowley has been upheld by the highest authority of the Catholic hierarchy in this country, Monsignor Martinelli, and stands now in perfect nominal relations to the church. This decree of ostracism, a punishment not only without conviction but even without charges, is full of the very spirit of the old-time Inquisition. We can only hope that for it the archbishop will incur the avenging wrath of the papal delegate whose will he has virtually defied. Martinelli, of course, is as tyrannical as anybody, but there would be some rude kind of justice in an apportionment to Feehan of a good big dose of his own sort of medicine.

The Ram’s Horn, Chicago, June 28, 1902, Editorial Column.

The most important question before the Vatican is, what will it do with the many protests on file there against the irregularities and immoralities in the church itself? These are made by good Catholics. They are not attacks from without, but are appeals from priests and people within. Conditions as they exist in the archdiocese of Chicago are perhaps akin to those which exist elsewhere. Instead of disproving Father Crowley’s charges or giving him a chance to prove them, the church excommunicated him. He was, however, almost immediately restored to church communion, which act was a confession that he was right, and yet there is no evident intention of cleansing the church of its unworthy priests.

Archbishop Feehan died July I2th, 1902, and Bishop Quigley, of Buffalo, N. Y., was appointed his successor, coming to Chicago March TO, 1903.

Archbishop Quigley of the Archdiocese of Chicago, with full knowledge of the villainy of some of the priests of his Archdiocese complained of by the twenty-five protesting pastors, has demanded that I sign a document which would in effect whitewash them. At our last interview he handed me an apology in Latin and what purported to be a translation of it in English, the latter paper bearing across its top in the handwriting of His Grace the words, “Authentic translation. J. E. Quigley.”I now give a photographic copy of this translation.

Chicago, Ill.
Most Reverend and Dear Archbishop:

Having come to the conclusion that the course pursued by me for the last two years Is altogether wrong, and having In mind the solemn promise of reverence and obedience to my Bishop, which 1 made on the day of my ordination, I hereby renew that promise and pledge myself to be henceforth to your Grace, an obedient son In Christ.

I regret and deplore the injury I have done to certain of my fellow-priests by publishing charges against them after said charges had been duly considered and set aside by the competent ecclesiastical authority, and I pledge myself to accept any penance which your Grace may deem fit in satisfaction therefor.

I sincerely engage myself to do all in my power to stop th further publication of anything which may give scandal or offense. I hereby bind myself to submit all matters of grievance or dispute between me and my confreres to the judgment of the proper ecclesiastical authorities; and I will abide by their decision. Therefore I have withdrawn certain cases now pending in the civil courts, specified by me in another letter of even date with this; renouncing at the same time all right on my part to re-open them.

Henceforth I shall earnestly endeavor to repair my short-comings of the past. I will accept without question any charge your Grace shall confer upon me after my re-instatement. Your Grace has my permission to make public this letter at any time or in any way you may select. Trusting that your Grace will find it possible to restore me shortly to the full exercise of faculties as.. a priest of the Archdiocese of Chicago, I remain, Your Grace most obedient servant in Christ,

To the Host Reverend James Edward Quigley, Archbishop of Chicago.

Catholic people, note this: I was but one of a band of twenty-five priests of the Archdiocese of Chicago who protested against clerical corruption. I alone am made to feel the weight of ecclesiastical displeasure, and I alone am commanded to apologize for telling the truth. I have been subjected to persecution. My name has been unjustly removed from the directory of the Catholic clergy of the Archdiocese of Chicago. I have not received, as is my ecclesiastical right, any financial support from the funds of the Archdiocese. I have been left without a parish, without a home, without any salary, and have been uncanonically forbidden by the authorities of the Chicago Archdiocese to say Mass, or in any way to exercise my “faculties” as a priest in the Archdiocese of Chicago, although I have a “Celebret.”I am convinced that I have been subjected to this cruel treatment with the deliberate design of forcing me to apologize to corrupt priests.

For the information of my readers I now state that a “Celebret” is a canonical document which is given to a priest by the head of the diocese to which he belongs, or by some higher Church dignitary of competent jurisdiction, when that priest travels outside of his own diocese. It is, in effect, a certificate that he is of good moral character and not laboring under any ecclesiastical censure or canonical impediment.

I have never looked upon the face of Archbishop Quigley since March 28, 1903, when he handed me the apologies in Latin and English. These papers, it is needless to say, remain and will remain unsigned. I will never sign a lie for any man, be he layman, priest, Bishop, Archbishop, Cardinal or Pope! I have nothing to regret or retract. I can only say: God save the Roman Catholic Church!

Archbishop Falconio succeeded Cardinal Martinelli as Papal Delegate to the Church in the United States. He was made fully acquainted with the details of the Chicago controversy by a mass of official documents on file in the Delegation Office; and a correspondence ensued between His Excellency and myself looking towards a settlement of it. I now give a photographic copy of one of his letters to me:

(Unfortunately because the text was in cursive writing, it cannot be transferred to this page.)

My reply to the letter of Archbishop Falconio of June 6, 1903, was as follows:

Sherman House, Chicago, June 9, 1903.
His Excellency,
Most Revd. Diomede Falconio,
Apostolic Delegate,
Washington, U. S. A.
May it Please your Excellency:

I beg to own receipt of your kind favor of the 6th inst., in which you inform me that you have been carefully looking into my case, and that you are ready to render your decision.

I should be glad to comply with your request to come to Washington on the I9th inst., accompanied by my advocate. But the fact is the latter gentleman is now in California, on an indefinite leave of absence. Moreover, I am somewhat deterred by the consideration of expense, since this would be my third journey to Washington on a similar errand, both of which proved fruitless, and I scarcely feel justified in thus using funds generously contributed by loyal friends in different parts of the country, to whom I feel in a measure responsible. You will kindly bear in mind, your Excellency, that I am placed in this dependent position by reason of the fact that, though I am a priest of this Archdiocese, I have not been allowed one dollar for salary or support since Aug. 3, 1901. In view of my inability to come to Washington with my advocate, I must trust to your fair consideration of the subject, which has been fully presented to you in person by my advocate and myself, April 3rd, 1903, and later, in a formal written statement, under date of April i/th.

Permit me again to beg simply that I may have your early decision. With profound esteem, I am,

Your most obedient and humble servant in Xt.,
Jeremiah J. Crowley.

About June 17, 1903, Archbishop Falconio and Archbishop Quigley met in the City of Allegheny, Pennsylvania, and discussed the Chicago controversy. Archbishop Falconio evidently departed from that interview determined to use his influence to compel me to sign the apology which had been presented to me by Archbishop Quigley, a photographic copy of the English translation of which I have already given.

My canonist is one of the most prominent priests in the Catholic Church in America, and he told me that Archbishop Falconio placed in his hands in the City of- Washington, on June 19, 1903, a document which was signed by fourteen of the accused priests, in which they begged the Papal Delegate to compel me to sign an apology to rehabilitate them before the world, solemnly declaring that they were under such a cloud since the accusations against them had been made public that they were not welcome to the homes of their own relatives. On this occasion Archbishop Falconio told my canonist that he would be in Milwaukee on June 30, and requested him to tell me to call upon him there.

I now give an abridged account of the interview that I had by appointment with Archbishop Falconio, the successor of Cardinal Martinelli as Papal Delegate to the Catholic Church in America. He arrived in Milwaukee, Saturday, the 27th of June, 1903. I went to. Milwaukee the following Tuesday morning and saw His Excellency. He said: “Are you going to sign that apology? “I said:” No, Your Excellency, I most respectfully decline to do so.”He said: “Why?” I said: “Because I would be signing a lie! Our charges were never, as it states, duly considered and set aside by the competent ecclesiastical authority.”He said: “Yes they were! “I said: “How? Do you mean to tell me, Your Excellency, that our charges were duly investigated?” He said: “They were not investigated, but they were duly considered and set aside.”I asked: “How were they duly considered and set aside? “He said: “Why, your superior officers took your charges, looked at them, and then threw them into a wastcbasket!”I replied:”Your Excellency, I must insist that that was very far from being a canonical consideration, investigation and setting aside of our charges.”

Pius X. now sits in Peter’s Chair. I am confident that in due time His Holiness will decide the Chicago controversy and that He will settle it on the basis of Fiat justitia mat coelum let justice be done though the heavens fall.

In 1897 I took out my first naturalization papers in America; and I became a full-fledged citizen of the United States in 1901. I do not forget my native land! The shamrock is in my heart! I am proud of an Irish ancestry whose characters were formed by the noblest ecclesiastical and patriotic ideals. But America is my country by adoption; I glory in her history; I rejoice in her free institutions; my ardent prayers ascend for the continued blessing of Almighty God to be poured upon her. My highest civic ambition is to discharge to the letter the solemn obligations which I assumed in my oath of naturalization.

Humbly and devoutly I thank God for ever calling me to minister at the sacred altars of His Holy Church. My supreme religious joy is the fact that I am in her priesthood. I have no other desire than to be faithful unto death to my duties as a Catholic priest. I believe that the Church is a divine institution the bride of Christ. For Her welfare I have counted it a joy to labor; for Her good I am glad to suffer; in Her behalf I will cheerfully lay down life itself. In the Catholic Church I was born; in the Catholic Church I have lived; in the Catholic Church I will die.

I am not unmindful of the seriousness of the position which I take in openly exposing the parochial school, in directly championing the American public school, and in boldly assailing ecclesiastical wickedness in high and low places. I know full well the greatness of the power financial, social and ecclesiastical which I oppose. I know that it has vast capital and great prestige. I know that it dines with rulers and is on terms of intimacy with governors, judges and other public officials. I know by several personal attacks that it has henchmen who are ready to take life for pay. I know that it claims to be able to muzzle the press, and that by a show of its strength it stifles protests against its wrong-doing. But I know some other things. I know that God lives. I know that the genius of His Church is against ecclesiastical corruption of every kind. I know that the honest Catholic people of America are crying out for deliverance from ecclesiastical tyranny, immorality and grafting. I know that the masses of the American people are lovers of purity, truth and justice, and that they are loyal to the Republic. I know that this is not the first time in human history that a lone man, relying only upon the blessing of God and the approbation of decent men, has assaulted intrenched iniquity and overthrown it. I do not dread the struggle, for

“Simple duty hath no place for fear.”

(Editor: I’m not sure how relative this material is today. The parochial school in America may be doing even better now than government run public schools! I may discontinue posting more chapters of this book for a while in order to give priority to other projects which may be more relevant for today. If you want me to finish this book, please say so in the comments section below. If you do, it will inspire me to finish it.)

The Original 1611 KJV Bible vs the 1769 Edition

The Original 1611 KJV Bible vs the 1769 Edition

What the original 1611 King James Bible looked like.

A friend on social media shared with me a YouTube entitled, “AV1611 The True Bible” by John Doerr. In it, Mr. Doerr says,

Throughout the 1800s you’ve got a number of attacks on Scripture. The most subtle would be the change of the authorized version of 1611 by a Vatican manuscript subscribing man named Benjamin Blayney who didn’t know any Hebrew. And he chose incorrect words, and he was not part of a Christian committee.

Let’s just say that KJV community is now indoctrinated to believe that this Blayney 1769 text is the same good old-fashioned text of that King James authorized and it’s not.

From Wikipedia:

Benjamin Blayney (1728 – 20 September 1801) was an English divine (Anglican clergy) and Hebraist (A Hebraist is a specialist in Jewish, Hebrew and Hebraic studies), best known for his revision of the King James Version of the Bible.

Now we have an opposing view. John Doerr says Blayney didn’t know any Hebrew, and Wikipedia says he was a specialist in Hebrew! I know we can’t always go by what Wikipedia says because it is left leaning and of a secular worldview. But Mr. Doerr doesn’t give us any primary source to back up his allegation that Blayney didn’t know any Hebrew.

My dear brothers and sisters in Christ, should we be influenced by the opinion of one man? Should we not investigate and do our own research and fact check what we see and hear on social media? That’s what I’m doing in this article. I compared the original 1611 KJV to the 1769 edition. Which is better? You decide.

I put in bold the differences in meaning between the two translations.

The original 1611 KJV text in this chart came from

Verse 1611 KJV 1769 Edition KJV
John 3:16 For God so loued þe world, that he gaue his only begotten Sonne: that whosoeuer beleeueth in him, should not perish, but haue euerlasting life. For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
John 1:12 But as many as receiued him, to them gaue hee power to become the sonnes of God, euen to them that beleeue on his Name: But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name:
John 3:36 He that beleeueth on the Sonne, hath euerlasting life: and he that beleeueth not the Sonne, shall not see life: but the wrath of God abideth on him. He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life: and he that believeth not the Son shall not see life; but the wrath of God abideth on him.
Romans 10:9,10 That if thou shalt confesse with thy mouth the Lord Iesus, and shalt beleeue in thine heart, that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saued.
For with the heart man beleeueth vnto righteousnesse, and with the mouth confession is made vnto saluation.
That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.
For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.
Deuteronomy 26:1 And it shall be when thou art come in vnto the land which the Lord giueth thee for an inheritance, and possessest it, and dwellest therein: And it shall be, when thou art come in unto the land which the LORD thy God giveth thee for an inheritance, and possessest it, and dwellest therein;
Joshua 13:29 And Moses gaue inheritance vnto the halfe tribe of Manasseh: and this was the possession of the halfe tribe of Manasseh, by their families. And Moses gave inheritance unto the half tribe of Manasseh: and this was the possession of the half tribe of the children of Manasseh by their families.
Isaiah 14:12 How art thou fallen from heauen, O Lucifer, sonne of the morning? how art thou cut downe to the ground, which didst weaken the nations? How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations!
Daniel 9:27 And hee shall confirme the couenant with many for one weeke: and in the midst of the weeke he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease, and for the ouerspreading of abominations hee shall make it desolate, euen vntill the consummation, & that determined, shalbe powred vpon the desolate. And he shall confirm the covenant with many for one week: and in the midst of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease, and for the overspreading of abominations he shall make it desolate, even until the consummation, and that determined shall be poured upon the desolate.
Ruth 3:15 Also he said, Bring the vaile that thou hast vpon thee, and holde it. And when she helde it, he measured sixe measures of barley, and laide it on her: and he went into the citie. Also he said, Bring the vail that thou hast upon thee, and hold it. And when she held it, he measured six measures of barley, and laid it on her: and she went into the city.
Psalm 69:32 The humble shall see this, and be glad: and your heart shall liue that seeke good. The humble shall see this, and be glad: and your heart shall live that seek God.
Jeremiah 49:1 Concerning the Ammonites, thus sayth the Lord; hath Israel no sonnes? Hath he no heire? Why then doth their king inherit God, and his people dwell in his cities? Concerning the Ammonites, thus saith the LORD; Hath Israel no sons? hath he no heir? why then doth their king inherit Gad, and his people dwell in his cities?
1 Corinthians 4:9 For I thinke that God hath set forth vs the Apostles last, as it were approued to death. For wee are made a spectacle vnto the world, and to Angels, and to men. For I think that God hath set forth us the apostles last, as it were appointed to death: for we are made a spectacle unto the world, and to angels, and to men.

My opinion: The 1769 edition is better not only in spelling and the fact it uses italics for words that are not present in the original, but it corrects errors in the translation! Jeremiah 49:1 in the 1611 edition is obviously wrong! It should say Gad, not God!

And lo and behold, the 1599 Geneva Bible in every case of a difference in meaning between the 1611 and 1769 edition of the KJV of verses in the chart, agrees with the 1769 edition! That in my opinion shoots the biggest hole in Mr. Doerr’s assertion that the 1769 edition is corrupt.

I worked as a translator/ proofread for 11 years. I don’t believe any translation can be perfect. There’s always something lost in translation. What we have today with the KJV is sufficient to lead any English speaker to the knowledge of salvation in Christ. If we could read the original Hebrew and Greek, we would know the meanings of the names of all the people! This is true in the Japanese language. I know Japanese and can tell you the meanings of the names just by the Chinese characters they use to write them. For example, Ichiro, the name of the famous Japanese baseball player means “first son”. How many English speakers know that? There’s no Japanese person who doesn’t know that.

I use only the KJV 1769 edition on this website, but I am not a KJV onlyist! I also like the Geneva Bible and think some of the verses are even better than the KJV. KJV Onlyism claim that the KJV is the ONLY Word of God is very unreasonable in my opinion. What about people who don’t read English? What about their Bibles? Are they devoid of the Word of God just because they can’t understand the English KJV? That being said, I don’t like modern translations simply because the New Testament is not translated from Textus Receptus but from corrupt manuscripts from Westcott and Hort. See Reasons Why the King James Version is the Best English Translation of the Bible

Can the 1769 edition of the KJV be improved? I know this sounds heretical to KJV only people, but I definitely think so. I would change Easter of Acts 12:4 to Passover, Jesus of Hebrews 4:8 to Joshua, and all 20 cases of the word “conversation” to conduct or behavior. Does that mean I am adding tp, subtracting from, or changing the Word of God? I am merely improving a translation, correcting mistakes, and using words that mean today what the Holy Spirit meant in the original language text.

If you don’t agree with this article and think I am missing something, please send me the references of Scripture you think are wrong in the 1769 edition and are correct in the 1611 edition, and I will add them to the chart.

Abraham Lincoln’s Vow Against the Catholic Church

Abraham Lincoln’s Vow Against the Catholic Church


Forward by the webmaster:

A friend introduced this publication of Abraham Lincoln’s vow against the Catholic Church, a hard to read PDF file. It has a lot of insights which inspired me to convert it to an easier to read format. I added some emphasis in bold but the emphasis in ALL CAPS is in the original document. There may be some errors I may have missed, but overall I think it’s much better than the PDF file I got it from. Any corrections to the text are welcome.

Hot Springs, Ark., April 30, 1909

Washington, D. C.

Sir: In my letter of April 9th, I endeavored to show you particularly the cope of the scheme of the Catholic Church and the American Medical Association to secure augmented political power through the movement for a National Department or Bureau of Health.

I wish to quote again to you the language of Lincoln, and quote further some interesting matter which may reasonably be held to account for his utterances and his “great purpose.”

Lincoln to 164th Ohio, August 18, 1864:

I wish it might be more generally and universally UNDERSTOOD WHAT the country is now engaged in. We have, as all will agree, a free Government, where every man has a right to be equal with every other man. In this great struggle, this FORM of government and EVERY HUMAN RIGHT is endangered if our enemies succeed.

“There is MORE involved in this contest than is REALIZED by every one. There is involved in this struggle the question whether your children and my children SHALL enjoy the privileges we have enjoyed. I say this in order to impress upon you, if you are not already impressed, that no small matter should divert us from our great PURPOSE.

The REAL issue in this country is the eternal struggle between these two principles—right and wrong—throughout the world. They are the two principles that have stood face to face from the beginning of time, and will ever continue to struggle. The one is the common right of HUMANITY, and the other the divine right of kings. It is the same PRINCIPLE in whatever SHAPE IT DEVELOPS ITSELF.” —Lincoln.

Lincoln to the Evangelical Lutherans, May 6, 1862:

“. . . I accept with gratitude their assurances of the sympathy and support of that enlightened, influential, and loyal class of my fellow-citizens in an important ‘crisis which involves, in my judgment, not only the civil and religious liberties of our own dear land, but in a large degree the civil and religious liberties of MANKIND IN MANY COUNTRIES AND THROUGH MANY AGES. You well know, gentlemen, and the world knows, how RELUCTANTLY I accepted the issue of battle forced upon me on my advent to this place by the internal enemies of our country, . . I now humbly and reverently, in your presence, reiterate the acknowledgement of that dependence, not doubting that, if it shall please the Divine Being who determines the destinies of nature, this shall remain a united people, and they will, humbly seeking the Divine guidance, make their prolonged national existence a SOURCE of NEW benefit to THEMSELVES, and their successors and to all CLASSES and CONDITIONS of MANKIND.”

Lincoln also said: “I do not pretend to be a prophet, but though not a prophet, I see a very dark cloud on our horizon and that cloud is coming from Rome. It is filled with tears of blood. The true motive-power is secreted behind the thick walls of the Vatican, the colleges and schools of the Jesuits, the convents of the nuns, and the confessional boxes of Rome.”

Lincoln also said: “At what point shall we expect the approach of danger? Shall we expect some transatlantic military Grant to step the ocean and crush us at a blow?

“Never; all the armies of Europe, Asia, and Africa combined, with all the treasures of the earth (our own excepted) in their military chest, and with a Bonaparte for a commander, could not, by force, take a drink from the Ohio, or make a track on the Blue Ridge, in a trial of a thousand years. At what point, then, is this approach of danger to be expected? I answer, if it ever reach us, it must spring up amongst us. It cannot come from abroad. If destruction be our lot, we must ourselves be its author and finisher. As a nation of freemen, we must live through all time or die by suicide.”

What did Lincoln mean in saying to the 164th Ohio in 1864, when the war was almost over; when the turning point has been surely passed: “I wish it might be more generally and universally understood WHAT the country is now engaged in. . . . There is MORE involved in this contest than is realized by every one. . . . I say this in order to impress upon you, if you are not already impressed, that no small matter should divert us from our great PURPOSE.” And to the Lutherans in 1862: “. . . not doubting that, if it shall please the Divine Being who determines the destinies of nature, this shall remain a united people, and they will, humbly seeking the Divine guidance make their prolonged national existence a SOURCE of new benefit to themselves, and their successors, and to all CLASSES and CONDITIONS of MANKIND.” What was Lincoln’s great PURPOSE—the form of the thank offering to the Almighty for National preservation, that should spring from the war as a SOURCE of new benefit to themselves, and their successors, and to all classes and conditions of mankind?

In a little book of some 320 pages, “The Engineer Corps of Hell,” compiled and translated by Edwin A. Sherman, 32d degree (late 33d, I understand) of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, a copy of which was, upon April 10, 1909, in the Congressional Library, I find an account of the defense by Abraham Lincoln of Rev. Father Chiniquy, in 1856, in the court of Urbana, Ill., in which the Catholic Bishop of Chicago was involved, and which came before Judge David Davis. On page 140 Mr. Sherman writes: “When she read the paper (Chicago newspaper) she said: ‘Chiniquy is innocent. and I know it.’ ‘I heard the whole thing as it was planned in the Priest Le Belle’s house by him with his sister, and he promised to give her two eighty-acre tracts of land if she would swear that Chiniquy had made dishonorable proposals to her and attempts upon her person.’ ‘At first she refused, and denied positively that Chiniquy had ever done anything of the kind, and that she would be guilty of perjury and damn her own soul, if she should swear to anything of the kind, for it was absolutely false. After much urging and pressing on the part of the Priest Le Belle, and she still refused, he said: ‘Mr, Chiniquy will destroy our holy religion and our people if we do not destroy him. If you think that the swearing that I ask you to do is sin, you will come to confess to me and I will pardon it in the absolution I will give you.’ ‘Have you the power to forgive a false oath? replied Mrs. Bossy to her brother. ‘Yes,’ he answered; ‘I have that power; for Christ has said to all his priests: “What you shall bind on earth will be bound in heaven; and what you shall loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.”’ Mrs. Bossy then said: “If you promise that you will forgive me that false oath, and if you will give me the 160 acres of land that you promised, I will do what you want.’ The Priest Le Belle then said: ‘All right.’

“When Narcisse Terrien heard this from his wife he said, ‘If it be so, we can not allow Mr. Chiniquy to be condemned. Come with me to Urbana.’ But his wife being quite ill, said to her husband, ‘You know well that I can not go, But Miss Philomena Moffat was with me then; she knows every particular of that wicked plot as well as I do. She is well, go and take her to Urbana. There is no doubt that her testimony will prevent the condemnation of Mr. Chiniquy.’

Upon that her husband and Miss Moffat started at once, and arrived in the night at Urbana, sought Mr. Lincoln and revealed to him the whole diabolical plot, of which he went immediately and informed Chiniquy. In the meantime the priests watched the trains and examined the hotel registers and found that Mr. Terrin and Miss Moffat had arrived. The Priest Le Belle met her coming from Mr. Lincoln’s room, a colloquy ensued, and he offered her a large sum of money to leave immediately and return to Chicago and not appear in court. She positively refused, informed him that Mr. Lincoln knew all. Fearing the evil consequences that would result when the hellish scheme would be made public, he went and informed the other priests, and they left before daylight the next morning. The suit was withdrawn by consent of the court and counsel, but not until Mr. Lincoln, with words of burning eloquence and melting pathos, described the long and malicious persecution of his client by his enemies, and with the most bitter invective that the human mind can conceive or the tongue can utter, denounced the infernal machinations of Bishop O’Regan and his accomplices, and rising to his full height, declared: ‘THAT WHILE AN ALMIGHTY RULING PROVIDENCE PERMITTED HIM TO SEE THE LIGHT OF DAY AND BREATHE THE PURE AIR OF HEAVEN, AND SO LONG AS HE HAD A BRAIN TO THINK, A HEART TO FEEL AND A HAND TO EXECUTE HIS WILL, HE WOULD DEVOTE THEM ALL AGAINST THAT INFERNAL POWER THAT WAS THE ENEMY OF ALL FREE GOVERNMENT AND OF THE FREE INSTITUTIONS OF HIS COUNTRY, THAT POLLUTED THE TEMPLES OF JUSTICE WITH ITS PRESENCE AND ATTEMPTED TO USE THE MACHINERY OF THE LAW TO OPPRESS AND CRUSH THE INNOCENT AND HELPLESS.’ ”

“He hated wrong and oppression everywhere, and many a man whose fraudulent conduct was undergoing review in a Court of Justice has writhed under his terrific indignation and rebuke.”—Judge David Davis Nicolay.

Lincoln had a powerful example of how, through the buying and selling of indulgences, by pardoning of crime committed in the interest of the church, there was practically no safeguard for the reputation or the life of a man who menaced the interests of the church. To such a man as Lincoln such action must be as odious and great a menace as treason itself. I believe if a priest had originally been a citizen of the United States, he was divested of that citizenship and became an alien, surrendered his conscience and his future action, spiritual and political, to the direction of the Pope— became a religious bigot, an intriguer and spy for the Pope the moment he subscribed to a priest’s oath. That no man having taken such or a similar oath can be naturalized within the spirit of the Constitution.. Whether the Government recognizes the temporal pretensions of the Pope or not, the priest does and makes his binding allegiance to it.

“. . . Urbana, May 23, 1856. Due A. Lincoln fifty dollars, for value received.” (p. 178.

(Page 189): . . . Mr, Lincoln, as he had just finished writing the due bill. turned round to him and said: ‘Father Chiniquy, what are you crying for? You ought to be the most happy man alive. You have beaten your enemies and gained a glorious victory,, and you will come out of all these troubles in triumph.’

Said Father Chiniquy: ‘Mr. Lincoln, I am not weeping for myself, but for you, sir, and your death; they will kill you, sir. What you have said and done in court, holding them up in derision and making the declarations you have in court, and defeating them in ignominy and shame, there will be no forgiveness for you, and sooner or later they will take your life. And let me say further, that were I a Jesuit, as they are, and some one of them been in my place and I in theirs, it would have been my sworn purpose to either kill you myself or find the man to do it, and you will be their victim!’

At this Mr. Lincoln’s countenance changed to a most peculiar visage, expressing determination, and with a sarcastic smile accompanying it, said: “Father Chiniquy, is that so?”

‘It is,’ answered Father Chiniquy.

‘Then,’ said Mr. Lincoln, as he spread out the due bill for my signature, ‘please sign my death warrant.’ Father Chiniquy signed the due bill, which he shortly afterwards paid, and kindly loaned to us in the year 1878, still in our possession, and which we had laid on a lithographic stone by Wm. T. Galloway & Co. of San Francisco, and several thousand certified copies of it struck off for our brethren and friends. It eventually proved to be the death warrant of Abraham Lincoln, as we shall endeavor to show in the following chapters, and that, as previously stated in Part First: ‘In whatever place of the Catholic world a Jesuit is insulted or RESISTED, no matter how insignificant he may be, he is sure to be avenged—and this we know.’”

With a man of the fidelity of Abraham Lincoln to justice, humanity, his oath to his countrymen, and his promise to an “Almighty Ruling Providence” to devote his powers “against that infernal power that was the enemy of all free government and of the free institutions of his country, that polluted the temples of justice with its presence and attempted to use the machinery of the law to oppress and crush the innocent and helpless,” is it strange that he had a “great purpose?” Would it be strange in such circumstances, that he would have an ambition that the war—‘That singular and unnecessary intestine collision, . . . at the mystery of which leading secessionists were so much puzzled that they declared it to be the effects of a general lunacy, was nevertheless in perfect harmony with the profound and. masterly policy of the Roman See which comprehends in its toils the events of ages, and from the first projection of a plot to its final consummation, shapes every intervening circumstance to the fulfillment of its grand design;” that, that war which he understood and we never did, should be the “SOURCE of new benefits” to us, our successors, and all classes and conditions of mankind.

Out of a personal experience which had inspired such a solemn dedication, the war practically closed, four years of opportunity for service to his country and humanity, opportunity ‘such as had not been had and appreciated since Jesus Christ, that he would have supinely allowed the buying and selling of crime, in and out of the courts of a people who had his solemn oath to uphold the fundamentals of their government, confided to him in the highest trusteeship on earth.

Lincoln belonged to no church; in fidelity to all that goes to make a Christ-like character, he towered above churchmen, Cardinals, Archbishops, Bishops, Preachers and laymen. Lincoln was God Almighty’s rebuke to American Protestants before his day, and the monument to their shame today. A man whispering the sentiment of Lincoln’s vow today, is branded as an intolerant bigot by Protestant and Catholic @like, and it was left for an individual then occuping the office of President, dignified by Lincoln, to rebuke a citizen of the United States who protesting against a Roman Catholic for President, “can be influenced by such narrow bigotry.”

We crowd the public service at home and abroad with adherents to the institution stigmatized by Lincoln as an “enemy to all free government,” insulting Lincoln’s memory while we hypocritically laud him and bnild monuments which belie us and belittle him, The Catholic ridicules the Protestant’s religious sincerity, and mocks him when he says: “In self-defense, Catholics must become independent, and vote for those only who will not deny them their rights as citizens because of their religion. The rights of conscience are more important than protection or free trade.”—Catholic Review.

With the Protestant, protection or free trade are more important, because exercising the rights of conscience is bigotry.

“Then, one of the twelve, called Judas Iscariot, went into the chief priests and said unto them, What will ye give me and I will deliver him unto you? And they covenanted with him for thirty pieces of silver. . . . Then Judas, which had betrayed him, when he saw that he was condemned, repented himself, and brought again the thirty pieces to the chief priests and elders, saying, I have sinned in that I have betrayed innocent blood, and they said, what is that to US? See THOU to that.”

The Protestants are Christianizing the world outside of the United States, and selling their votes to Rome for the prosperity to raise the money. Rome takes the money from the offices and appropriations the Protestants give her, furnishes more government situations for converts, until a standing inducement of Rome to a convert is prospect of a Government position.

Said President Lincoln: “Archbishop Hughes, I have invited you here as the chief representative and episcopal dignitary of the Roman Catholic Church in the United States, for the purpose of a conference with you, the result of which, I trust will be of benefit to the country and satisfactory to ourselves. . . . These Protestant religious societies, both clerical and laity, are purely local, and with no foreign spiritual head or Church government to direct or control them, and their pastors are chosen and accepted by the popular voice from among themselves. To a great extent, however, though they have gone in a wrong direction in national affairs, but they have followed out the American idea of self-government, and nine hundred and ninety-nine per cent out of a thousand in numbers are native and to the manor born, and in no portion of the United States, as you are no doubt well aware, is the prejudice against the foreign-born population so great as it is in the South. Yet throughout the South, and in a great many places in the North, as I am reliably informed through authentic sources and in the public press, the bishops and priests of your Church, acting under an implied if not direct authority from the Pope, whose declared sympathy is with the Rebellion, have absolved all Roman Catholic citizens from their allegiance to the United States Government, encouraged them in acts of rebellion and treason, and have consecrated the arms and flags borne by the insurgent troops which have been raised to fight against the Union. Bishop Lynch of Charleston, South Carolina, Fathers Ryan of Georgia, and Hubert of Louisiana, and others, have been particularly active and conspicuous in this work. I have sent for you chiefly on the score of humanity. I do not want this war, which has become so wickedly begun for the destruction of the Union To BECOME A RELIGIOUS ONE. It is bad enough as it is, but it would become tenfold worse should it eventually TAKE THAT SHAPE, and its consequences no one now living could foresee. There is an apparent coalition between the Pope and Jefferson Davis, at the head of the rebel government, and the acts of his bishops and priests in the South and elsewhere confirm this opinion. And if such be the ease, the others in authority and the laity in the North must naturally be influenced and governed in their actions by what is sanctioned and directed by their Spiritual Head at Rome. Their loyalty to the Government of the United States would NATURALLY wane; they would become neutral and passive if at last they did not become active sympathizers with the Rebellion, and they soon take up arms as auxiliaries against the Union. Your Church is a unit with.a supreme head and not divisible. Its chief is a temporal sovereign, who wields the scepter over the States of the Church in his own country, and so far as he can do so by concordats, treaties, or otherwise, enforces the establishment of the Roman Catholic Church as the religion of the State, with other powers where he is able to, and looks with a jealous eye upon all governments where he does not command the secular arm, or where his authority in temporal affairs is disputed. Now, what I desire to state to you is, the definition of the rights of an American citizen as towards his government so far as they aDAy to the matter in question, A native-born American citizen has the inherent right of revolution within his own country. If he does not like to obey the laws of his government or wants to set up a new government by exciting revolt and takes up arms to overturn it, he has the inherent right to do so within the limits of the territorial boundaries of his government, but not to destroy or segregate any portion of his common country from the rest, and he must take his chances of his treason and rebellion in the success or defeat of his object. Not so, however, with the naturalized foreign-born citizen; HE HAS NO SUCH RIGHT. He can not become a President or Vice-President under our own Constitution, and he is not accorded the same rights and privileges under the rebel government that he enjoys under that of the United States. Every naturalized citizen is bound by his oath in his RENUNCIATION OF ALLEGIANCE TO EVERY OTHER POWER, PRINCE, OR POTENTATE ON THE FACE OF THE EARTH, AND IS SWORN TO SUPPORT AND DEFEND THE CONSTITUTION AND GOVERNMENT of the United States against all its enemies whatsoever, either domestic or foreign… Now, after having taken that oath, he can not renounce it in favor of any other government within its territorial limits, and if found to be giving aid and sympathy or encouragement to its enemies, or is captured with arms in his hands fighting against the government which he has sworn to support, he is liable to be shot or hung as a perjured traitor and an armed spy, as the sentence of a courtmartial may direct, AND HE WILL BE SO SHOT OR HUNG ACCORDINGLY, AS THERE WILL BE NO EXCHANGE OF PRISONERS. If a naturalized citizen finds that he can not comply with his oath of naturalization, he must leave the country or abide the consequences of his disaffection and disloyalty. The position in which the bishops and priests of your church in the South have placed the naturalized citizens belonging to their faith, AS WELL AS THEMSELVES, is a perilous one, AND THEIR ACTS MUST BE RECALLED AND ANNULLED BY THE POPE, or they and their followers must abide the results of their perjured and treasonable action.

“Archbishop Hughes, nominally a Union man, and necessarily, for policy’s sake, if nothing else, compelled to be so from his official position in that church as ete man in the North, and himself a naturalized citizen, saw the status of himself and others in like condition, and feeling the full force of President Lincoln’ss argument, agreed to do what he could by his influence with the Pope to have the acts referred to annulled by the Pope, and this with other matters to prove his own loyalty and sincerity, went to Europe for that purpose as well as others with which he was entrusted with a special mission by President Lincoln, which he performed satisfactorily and received his personal thanks, .

“The effect”was a simulated neutrality, but the evil had been done already, and as the war had to be fought out to the bitter end, there was that which could not have been the result of accident, but rather of design, among Roman Catholic troops who were engaged on both sides, and in battle, as a general rule, they were not, as organized bodies, arrayed against each other, In northern cities they resisted the draft, created riots and performed acts of outrage, robbery and murder, which at last had to be suppressed by veteran troops sent from the field for that purpose. But the war had to come to an end, The original plan of the Jesuits and the Pope, both in the United States and Mexico, was to end in ignominous failure—the union cause to triumph and the Republic of Mexico to be restored. Protestant blood on both sides had caused to flow’ in rivers and drench the mountains and the plains, while the places of the victims of the internecine strife were to be filled with importations from Roman Catholic populations from abroad.

“During the long night of four years of sorrow and tears and death which swept every heartstone in the land, Abraham Lincoln, ever trusting and ever confident of the coming dawn of liberty, of peace, and the suctess of the cause of the Union, was in receipt of constant threats of assassination, In July, 1864, on being reminded that right must eventually triumph, admitted that, but expressed the opinion that he should not live to see it, and added, ‘[ feel a presentiment that I shall not outlast the Rebellion. When it is over, my work will be done’ But that the great crime of his assassination might not be fixed upon the real Jesuit conspirators and murderers, the South was to be made to unjustly bear the stigma of the horrid deed, which was to forever rankle as a festering thorn in the restored Union and keep alive the smouldering embers of sectional hate between the North and the South, and to keep Protestant Americans forever apart, while the balance of power should be augmented and retained in the hands of the Papal hierarchy, a sword whose blade Should be everywhere, but with its hilt at Rome.’” (pages 200-204.)

How many of the following principles. indulged and practiced by the Papacy,.endorsed as Christian doctrine by Protestants by their votes, accepted as patriotic by every party and public man who makes an alliance with Roman Catholicism, and licensed in return for votes by every party in municipal or National control, would have been sanctioned by Lincoln?

“It is a certain and a common opinion among all (Catholic) divines, that, for a just cause, it is lawful to use equivocation, in the modes propounded, and to confirm it (equivocation) with an oath.”—St. Liguori, Less I 2, ¢ 41, n, 47.

“The Pope is the proper authority to decide for me whether the Constitution of this Country is or is not repugnant to the laws of God.”—O. A. Brownson.

“Ecclesiastics sin not mortally in violating the laws of secular princes, because they are not directly bound by such laws.”—Escobar Theol Mor.

“The rebellion of an ecclesiastic is not a crime of high treason, because he is not subject to the king.”—Emmanuel Sa,

Lincoln told Archbishop Hughes he would not be bound by such a law, and such ecclesiastics would be SHOT OR HUNG. This was heresy, and Mr. Lincoln came under condemnation. McKinley said April 11th, 1898, “The only hope of relief and repose from a condition which can be no longer endured, is the enforced pacification of Cuba. In the name of humanity, in the name of civilization, IN BEHALF OF ENDANGERED INTERESTS WHICH GIVE US THE RIGHT AND THE DUTY to speak and act, the war in Cuba must stop.” Again: “Without abandoning past limitations, traditions and principles, but by meeting present opportunities and obligations, we shall show ourselves worthy of the great trust which civilization has imposed upon us, Thus far we have done our supreme duty. Shall ‘we now, when the victory won in war is written in the treaty of peace and the civilized world applauds and waits in expectation, TURN TIMIDLY AWAY FROM THE DUTIES IMPOSED UPON THE COUNTRY BY ITS OWN GREAT DEEDS? And when the mists fade and we see with CLEAR VISION, may we not go forth rejoicing in a strength which has been employed SOLELY for humanity and always been tempered with justice and mercy, CONFIDENT OF OUR ABILITY TO MEET THE EXIGENCIES which await us because confident that our COURSE is one of DUTY and our CAUSE that of RIGHT?—Atlanta, Dec. 15, 1898.

Again. in Senate Document No. 190 of the 56th Congress. 2d session. at page 2, I read from a report of the Secretary of War, dated February 19, 1901, to President McKinley, from which I quote: ‘The policy of the Executive to be pursued in dealing with titles to the lands held in mortmain or otherwise for ecclesiastical or religious uses in the Philippine Islands was declared in your instructions to the Philippine Commissioners, transmitted to them through me on the 7th of April, 1900, as follows: ‘It will be the duty of the commission to make a thorough investigation into the titles to the large tracts of land held or claimed by individuals or by religious orders; into the justice of the claims and complaints made against such land holders by the people of the island, or any part of the people, and to seek by wise and peaceable measures a just settlement of the controversies and redress of wrongs which have caused strife and bloodshed in the past.’

“In the performance of this duty the commission is enjoined to see that no injustice is done; to have regard for substantial rights and equity, disregarding technicalities so far as substantial right permits, and) to observe the following rules: That the provision of the treaty of Paris pledging the United States to the protection of all rights of property in the islands, and a: well the principle of our Government, which prohibits the taking of private property without due process of law, shall not be violated; .». . that no form of religion and no minister of religion shall be forced upon any community or upon any citizen of the islands; that upon the other hand, no minister of religion shall be interefered with or molested in following his calling, and that the separation between state and church shall be REAL, ENTIRE, and ABSOLUTE.’” Following which the Secretary of War says: “No one has, in behalf of the Government of the United States, entered into any obligation, other than that set forth in the late treaty with Spain, in regard to the disposition or maintenance of any alleged titles to such lands, nor has any other policy to be pursued in dealing with such titles been declared or announced.”

Upon September 6, 1901, President McKinley was shot by a Roman Catholic, and on September 14, 1901, he died. The Vice-President immediately succeeded to the Presidency.

In a public document, being “Hearing before the subcommittee of the Committee on Indian Affairs of the Senate “Indian appropriation bill, 1905,” I find upon page 22, a copy of a circular by “W. C, Nohe, secretary Catholic Club, 931 F street, N. W.,” dated “Washington, D. C., June 15, 1902.” “Dated ahead of actual writing,” “Reverend and Dear Sir: Our club wishes to bring to your attention certain events which will prove of interest to Catholics in general. While it is evident that we have still some uncompromising enemies in both parties, the facts which I herein present will convince you that a GREAT CHANCE HAS COME OVER THE REPUBLICAN PARTY AS FAR AS ITS POLICY.AND ATTITUDE TOWARDS THE CHURCH IS CONCERNED. This church has made it its business to watch closely the general trend of legislation, the attitude of the Administration, and the disposition of individual members of Congress toward the church, regardless of their politics. . . .

The plan of the Administration of buying out the friars and turning the money received for their lands over to the church is in line with policy of the church and the recognition of the Pope by this Government, by sending a commission to Rome to deal with his Secretary or STATE, and is by far the greatest step ever taken toward a peaceful solution of the Philippine question. The adoption of the Fairbault plan in the public schools of the Philippines is another instance of the enlightened policy of the Administration and of Congress. By this plan Catholic priests may teach a certain period of each school day the DOCTRINES of the CHURCH in any of the PUBLIC SCHOOLS of the islands.”

“Manila, P. I., June 4.—The entire educational system of the islands has been put under the charge of General James F, Smith, a devout American Catholic. The place on the Benes court of the archipelago, from which he was promoted, has been filled by Judge McDonough, of Albany, giving the Catholics a majority, counting the natives, on that tribunal. The number of American Catholics holding prominent places here in civil and commercial life is notably large; they will help to settle the religious question.”—Lincoln’s Letter to Boston Transcript.

So the United States already has one Federal Supreme Court where a majority are Catholics, which has*handed down one opinion as follows: .“The complaint alleged the title in the Roman Catholic Church. The defendant in his answer denied such ownership and alleged title in the province of Laganoy. That province being given permission to intervene, filed its pleading in intervention, alleging that it owned the property in question.” The court said: “We have said that it (that is, the municipality of Laganoy) could have no such title of ownership even admitting that the Spanish Government, was the owner of the property and that it passed by the treaty of Paris to the American Government. But this assumption is not true. As a matter of law, the Spanish Government at the time the treaty of peace was signed was not the owner of THIS property or of any other property LIKE IT\ situated in the Philippine Islands.”

“Gregory of Valentia: Commentariorum Theolicorum Tomus iii. Iutetiae Parisiorum, 1609 (Lut. Par., 1660, Ed. Coll. Sion), Without respect of person, may a judge, in order to favor a friend, decided according to any probable opinion, while the question of RIGHT remains undecided? . . . .

For the sake of his friend, he may LAWFULLY pronounce sentence according to the opinion which is more favorable to the INTEREST of that friend. He may, moreover, with the intent to serve his friend, at one time judge according to one opinion, and at another time according to a contrary opinion, provided only that no SCANDAL results from the decision.”

It is a very pertinent, a very material question, whether the allegiance of a majority of the Supreme Court is to the Pope, or to the United States. Whether Church law, or United States law is supreme, and may not be the ONLY question involved.

“Peter Alagona: S. Thomas Aquinatis Summae Theologiae Compendium (Lutetiae Parisiorum, 1620), ‘By command of God it is lawful to kill an innocent person, to steal, or to commit fornication; because he is the Lord of life and death and all things; and it is due to him thus to fulfil his command,” —Ex-prima Secundae, Quaest, 94.

“Charles Anthony Casnedi: Crisis Theologica. Ulissypone, 1711. So far from being false, I hold it to be most true, that a man sins not, when he does that which he consipers to be right, without any REMORSE or SCRUPLE of conscience.”—Tom. i, Disp. 7, sect. 3, § 2, n. 149.

“What is the seal of the sacramental confession? It is the obligation or duty of concealing those things which are learned from sacramental confession,” “Can a case be given, in which it is lawful to break the sacramental seal? Answer: It cannot; although the life or safety of a man depended thereon, OR EVEN THE DESTRUCTION OF THE COMMONWEALTH; nor can the supreme pontiff give dispensation in this; so that, on that account, this secret of the seal is more binding than tle obligation of an OATH, a vow, a natural secret, etc.; and that by the positive will of God.” “Dens, vol. vi.” “We shall find this strong language to mean that the priests keep the secret or-not, as it promotes the interest of the Church!” “What answer, then, ought a confessor to give, when questioned concerning a truth, which he knows from sacramental confession only? Answer: He ought to answer that he does not know it, and, if necessary, to confirm the same with an oath. Objection: It is in no case lawful to tell a lie; but that confessor would be guilty of a lie, because he knows the truth; therefore, ete. Answer: I deny the minor, because such a confessor is questioned as a man; but now he does not know that truth as a man, though he knows it as God, says St. Thomas, and that is the free and natural meaning of the answer; for when he is asked, or when he answers OUTSIDE confession, he is considered as a man.” “What if a confessor were directly asked whether he knows it through sacramental confession? Answer: In this case he ought to give no answer; reject the question as impious; or he could even say, absolutely not relatively to the question, I know nothing; because the word I restricts it to human knowledge.” Dens. “But if any one should disclose his sins to a confessor, with the intention of mocking him, or of drawing him into an alliance with him in the execution of a bad design? Answer: The seal does not result therefrom, because the confession is not sacramental, Thus, as Dominick Soto relates, it has been decided at Rome, in a case in which some one went to a confessor with the intention of drawing him into a conspiracy against the Pope. In fine, all things are reduced indirectly to the seal, by the revealing of which the Sacrament would be rendered odious, according to the manners of the country and the changes of the times; and thus Steyart observes, that some things are at one time opposed to the seal, which at another time are not considered as such.” Dens. “So, we find, that while the seal would prevent a Romish priest from disclosing a conspiracy, which was designed against the lives of the citizens or Government of the United States, he is free to violate it at any time, when the Pope or interests of his church require it. Hence a papist can enter a confession of his intention to take the life of a particular individual, either by assassination or poison, in our country, and return after the commission of the deed, make a confession of the fact, and be absolved from the crime!”—Delisser.

“Thomas Aquinas, the leading theologian of the Church of Rome, teaches that: ‘It is much more grievous to corrupt faith which is the source and life of the soul, than to corrupt money, which only tends to the relief of the body. Hence, if coiners and malefactors are justly put to death by the secular authority, much more may heretics, not only be excommunicated, but put to death.” —“St. Thom., 2nd 9, «i, art. 3.”

“A man proscribed by the Pope must be put to death everywhere; for the Pope has one jurisdiction indirect to the least, over the globe, even to the temporal.”—Musenbaum.

“Whatever man of the people, not to have other remedy, we can kill him who tyrannically usurps power; for he is a public enemy.”—Emmanuel Sa.

“Evidently it is lawful for any man to assassinate a tyrant, if having become powerful at the summit of power and not having other means by which we can cease the tyranny.”—Andrew Delrio.

“For we do not esteem those homicides who, burning with zeal for their Catholic mother against excommunicated persons, may have happened to slay any of them.”—Pope Urban.

“I shall never consider that man to have done wrong, who, favoring the public wishes, should attempt to kill him, who may deservedly be CONSIDERED as a tyrant. To put them to death, is not only lawful, but a laudable and a glorious action.”—De Rege et Regis Institutione Libri Tres Moguntiae 1605, (1640 Ed Mus Brit.)

“Subjects are by no authority constrained to pay the fidelity which they have sworn to a Christian prince who opposeth God and his saints, or violateth their precepts.”—Urban II.

“By advice of this venerable lady and holy prioress, on whom many of the wives of our National representatives, and even graye senators, looked as an example of piety and chastity, she cut her hair, dressed her in a smart looking waiter’s jacket and trousers, and with the best recommendations for intelligence and capacity, applied for a situation as waiter in Gadsby’s Hotel, in Washington City. This smart and tidy looking young man got instant employment. . . . ‘Those senators on whom he waited, not suspecting that he had the ordinary curiosity of servants in general, were entirely thrown off their guard, and in their conversations with one another seemed to forget their usual caution. Such, in short, was their confidence in him, that their most important papers and letters were left loose upon the table, satisfied by saying, as they went out: “Theodore, take care of my room and papers.’ . . . Now it was know whether Henry Clay was a gambler; whether Daniel Webster was a libertine; whether John C. Calhoun was an honest but CREDULOUS man. . . . In fact this lay sister in male uniform, but a waiter in Gadsby’s Hotel, was enabled to give more correct information of the actual state of things in this country, through the general of the Jesuit order in Rome, than the whole corps of diplomats from foreign countries then residing-at our seat of Government.”—Hogan-Alberger.

“It will be lawful for an ecclesiastic, or one of a religious order, to kill a caluminator who threatens to spread atrocious accusations against his religion.”—Tom. ii, Lib. viii, c. 32, n. 118.

“If you endeavor to ruin my reputation. . . . And I can not by any means avert th’s injury of character, unless I kill you secretly, may I lawfully do it? Bannez asserts that I may.

“Still the calumniator should first be warned that he desist from the slander; and if he will not. he should be killed, not openly, on account of the SCANDAL, but secretly.”—Cens., pp. 319-320.

It is a peculiar fact that the slayer of McKinley is denounced as and proven an anarchist and on. the trial he admitted he was educated in a Catholic school, Through the teachings noted, we have anarchy regulated by the church through the confessional.

We must not be too sure that the “know nothing” campaign of 1856 did not inspire and develop the immortal Lincoln, upon whose moral stamina and fidelity the Republican party went into power.

“In 1855 the Florence Gazette, an Alabama paper, thus addressed its readers: ‘And. pray, who are these hypocrites? Most of them are neither Episcopalians, Lutherans, Presbyterians, Baptists, Methodists, nor Congregationalists—men of no religion, who have no church (Lincoln had none), who never say their prayers, who do not read their Bible, who live God-defying lives every day of their sinful existence. We say these are the men, with faces as long as their dark lanterns, with the whites of their eyes turned up in holy horror at the Catholics, while they prate all sorts of nonsense about Protestant America.’ ”

Again: “Men who have never before on the face of God’s green earth shown any interest in religion, or taken any-part with Christ or His Kingdom —men who are the Devil’s own, belonging to the Devil’s church, These are the defamers of Catholicism, and the champions-of Protestantism.”—Chapman.

(“. . ,. The journals, the religious organizations, and the political parties, were all immeasurably subservient to the Slave Power.”—Greeley.)

“It is a well-known fact that the national platforms of the Democratic party, 1848 and 1852, are precisely the same on the question of slavery, with the exception that the latter connects itself with the compromise measure of 1850, During the presidential contest of 1848, Mr. Yancey, of ALABAMA, published an address to the people, in which we find a startling disclosure. Let it be remembered that fe was a member of the National Democratic Convention of 1848, and a member of the committee on the platform. He states in the address that it was proposed in this committee to amend the resolution which denies to Congress any ‘power over slavery in the States, by inserting-after the word States the words, ‘or Territories,’ so as to make the resolution deny, unequivocally deny, the power of Congress over slavery either in the States or Territories; but the amendment was rejected in committee, by a vote of seventeen to ten. We have. therefore, the authority of Mr. Yancey for asserting that the platform committee of the National Democratic Convention of 1848, actually voted against a resolution denying the power of Congress over slavery in the Territories. But this is not all. Mr. Yancey states that, failing to procure so important an amendment in the committee, he offered, in open convention, the following resolution, which was deliberately rejected, by a vote of two hundred and sixteen to thirty-six, to-wit: ‘Resolved, further, That, the doctrine of non-interference with the rights of property of any portion of the people of this confederacy, be it in the States or Territories, by any other than the parties interested in them, is the true Republican doctrine recognized by this body.’—Flag of the Union.” “If we could believe the assertions and interpretations of the anti-American party respecting the American platform on slavery, we would be compelled to conclude that the Democrats knowingly stood on notoriously unsound platforms in the days of their glory. Come, gentlemen, be honest, though you may be able to secure pardon for your manifold sins at the feet of the Pope, in whose service you now make war against the best interests of the religion of your fathers and the land of your birth. The platform of the AntiAmerican members of the* Thirty-fourth Congress, mis-called Democratic, LEAVES AN OPENING FOR THE NORTHERN MAN TO ADVOCATE A CERTAIN OPINION AND THE SOUTHERN MAN THE OPPOSITE. Does it say, we deny to Congress any power over slavery in the States or Territories? Not a word of the kind. Their resolution runs thus: ‘Resolved, That the Democratic members of the House of Representatives, though in a temporary minority in this body, deem this a fit occasion to tender, their fellow-citizens of the whole | Union their heartfelt congratulations on the triumph, in the recent elections in several of the Northern, Eastern, and Western, as well as Southern States, of the principles of the Kansas-Nebraska bill, and the doctrines of civil and religious liberty’ Will not this make the people appear as natural sons of Solomon? How instructive! Pray, what are the principles of the KansasNebraska bill? The resolution does not so much as name one. What is called squatter sovereignty is advocated in the North, and that which is the opposite in the South, and both may lustily talk on, for the resolution is as silent as death on the character of the principles of the bill. In short, the whole is designed to deceive; to let the Northern man believe this, and the Southern man that. Such is the corruption of the Anti-American members of Congress.” (Here, two years before the Lincoln-Douglas debates, a suggestion by a Southern Know-Nothing, the essence of the very question which Lincoln propounded to Douglas, split the Democratic party, and made Lincoln President.)

“If individuals, however, derive pleasure from being the dupes of political knaves, we have no inclination to rob them of their happiness. If Southern men believe that the Congress platform is sufficiently explicit, their faith afford them as much satisfaction as if it were founded on sober reality.” “Having shown how the leaders of the Democratic party disposed of the relation of Congress to the territories on the slavery question in 1848, and noticed the silence of the anti-American Congress platform of 1855 on the same subject, we are now ready to review a portion of the first resolution ‘of the Democratic and anti-Know-Nothing party of Alabama’ persuaded that it is an outrage on truth, a disgrace to the. originators, and a clap-trap for FOREIGN INFLUENCE. We are informed that ‘the proceedings of the Alabama convention were remarkably harmonious; that the Georgia platform. was adopted; and that the delegates were instructed, in case the National Convention fails to adopt an equivalent platform, to retire from that body.’ Mr. W. L. Yancey has the honor of offering the resolution. The first reads thus: ‘The perfect equality of privileges—civil, religious, and political—of every citizen of our country, WITHOUT RETERENCE TO THE PLACE OF HIS BIRTH.

. . ..’ What an untruth! ‘The perfect equality of civil privileges’ is at War with the Constitution of the country. Can a foreigner by birth sit in the Presidential chair? No. The fifth section of the Constitution, Article II, reads thus: ‘No person, except a natural-born citizen, or a citizen of the United States at the time of the adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the office of President.’

“Can a foreigner by birth become Vice-President of the United States? No. The third article, ‘Amendments to the Constitution, article xii, Laws of the United States,’ speaks as follows: ‘No person constitutionally ineligible to the office of President, shall be eligible to that of Vice-President of the United States.’ In the 1st article, 2d section, No, 2, we are thus informed: ‘No person shall be a Representative who shall not have attained to the age of twenty-five years, and have been seven years a citizen of the United States.’ Well may we here ask, is ‘the perfect equality of civil privileges’ entitled to the merit. of an ingenious conceit? But we are not surprised! Men who can afford to play the part of traitors to their country and Protestantism, for the sake, ‘the glorious sake, of maintaining a corrupt organization by the aid of the lowest class of the foreign population, can very easily afford to humbug, or at least try to do so, the uninformed citizen by birth. What next? This: ‘The Democratic and Anti-Know-Nothing’ Sanhedrim declares itself ‘in favor of the perfect equality of religious privileges.’ The Mormon will not record any particular objection to this; and as to the Romanist, he will look on the declaration as a clear endorsement of his right to embrace in his creed law, the decisions of the councils, and the claim of the Pope to depose rulers, and break up the oath of allegiance. The canon law speaks thus of the Holy Father: ‘He has plentitude of power, and is above law.’—Gilbert, 2, 103. And this is sanctioned by ‘the Democratic and Anti-Know-Nothing party of Alabama.’ The third General Council of Lateran, in its sixteenth canon, unequivocally styles ‘an oath contrary to ecclesiastical utility, not an oath, but perjury.—Labbeus, 13, 426. And this is sanctioned, too, by ‘the Democratic and Anti-Know-Nothing party of Alabama!’ Pope Gregory says: ‘Ever bearing in mind, the universal Church suffers from every novelty, as the admonition of Pope St. Agatho, that from what has been regularly defined nothing can be taken away—no innovation introduced there, no addition made—but that it must be preserved untouched as to words and meaning.’—P. Greg, XVI, Epistola Encyclica, ad omnes, Patriarches, Primates, Archiepiscopos et Episcopos, anno 1832. A bishop of the Romish Church in the United States, in virtue of the decision of the Council of Trent, excommunicated the trustees of the St. Louis Church, State of New York, because they would not violate the laws of their State, and tamely submit to the teaching of the Council of Trent, The Archbishop of Mexico, in the year 1855, refused to submit to the civil law until he should hear from the Pope—thereby giving the clearest evidence possible that allegiance to a foreign power was above that which he owed to Mexico. Roman Catholics, However, by the decision of the ‘Democratic and Anti-Know-Nothing’ Sanhedrim at Montgomery, Alabama, are at liberty to believe all this, and to show their faith by their works. Nor is this all; the delegates are instructed to retire from the National Convention, should it fail to sanction such privileges to Roman Catholics. A little more of this, and we would not give a jews-harp-for the glory of Protestantism in the United States. Suppose the Methodists, Presbyterians, and Baptists should unite, and declare oaths of allegiance perjury, if in conflict with the ecclesiastical policy of the North on the subject of slavery—should declare all slaveholders heretics, and record their determination to hang, imprison, or exterminate them at a suitable time; would Southern ‘Democratic and Anti-Know-Nothing’ meetings instruct their delegates to leave a National Convention, provided it should fail to acknowledge such religious privileges, O, no; their Anti-Know-Nothing skill would at once enable them to see that such an organization, with such an object and faith, ought not to be tolerated. When honest men, with elear spectacles, read that which precedes and that which follows, we think that they will heartily endorse every word of our representation. The language of the RAMBLER is: ‘You ask, if he (the Pope) were lord in the land, and you were in a minority, what would he do to you? That, we say, would entirely depend on circumstances, If it would benefit the cause of Catholicism, he would tolerate you; if expedient, he would imprison you, banish you, fine you, possibly he might even hang you; but be assured of one thing, he would never tolerate you for the sake of the glorious principles of civil and ‘religious liberty.’ We propose that all the members of the various Protestant Churches who are acting with the Anti-American party, send delegates to the National Convention, under positive instruction to leave if it should fail to put in the first article of its platform all manner of privileges for Roman Catholics—such as that of talking as they please, writing as they please, and acting as they please. Verily the old man at Rome has wonderful influence in this country! In a word, the resolution of the Democratic and AntiKnow-Nothing party of Alabama declares that the privileges allowed to one Church must be allowed to all—a perfect equality must be encouraged. The Romish Church claims the right to interfere in civil matters; and when we read of a Northern Protestant Church doing so, we hope, for the sake of common consistency, that the Anti-Americans of Alabama will allow the Americans to talk, and hold their tongues as if in a house of death. The Northern Methodists claimed.the right a few years ago to put their fingers on civil affairs; and because of this, the Methodists of “Alabama unanimously protested; and now more than a few of the same generation of Methodists vote against men who are contending for the principle on which they stood when the Church was divided. If true to the meaning of the resolution before us, and determined to vote the Anti-American ticket, they ought to ask pardon at the hands of the North, and gracefully return. In closing this chapter, we must be allowed to say, if we should live to see some of the children of the Anti-Americans punished according to the plan of St. Dominic, we are certain we would not shed a tear on account of the glorious deeds of their fathers. To say more, would be to indulge in cruelty; and so we close our review of a portion of the first resolution of a ‘Democratic and Anti-Know-Nothing meeting, held in MonTGoMERY, ALABAMA,’ and with it the chapter.”—Chapman.

President Pierce traded the Postmaster Generalship for Catholic votes, and fastened the Catholic vote upon his party. The opinion in the Dred Scott case was rendered by the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, a Catholic, and was concurred in by Mr. Justice Campbell, a Catholic from Alabama, “Justice Nelson, of New York, concurred also in the conclusion of the court, and favored an astonished world with the following sample of judicial logic: ‘If Congress possesses power, under the Constitution, to abolish slavery in a Territory, it must necessarily possess the like power-to establish it. It can not be a one-sided power, as may suit the convenience or particular views of the advocates. It is a ores if it exists at all, over the whole subject.’ But the power against which Mr. Nelson is contending is a power to prohibit by legislation certain forms of injustice and immorality. If, then, according to his reasoning, Congress should, by law, prohibit adultery, theft, burglary, and murder in the Territories of the Union, it would thereby affirm and establish its rights to reward and encourage these crimes.” Not unlike the way the Confessional works.

Mr. Justice Curtis of Massachusetts, in his dissenting opinion, says: “Where else can we find, under the laws of any civilized country, the power to introduce and permanently continue diverse systems of foreign municipal law for holding persons in Slavery.” Exactly what the Catholic Church were then trying to engraft on the United States, for which this would have been an ample precedent. “Mr. Justice Curtis cites Mr. Justice Gaston of North Carolina: “According to the laws of this State, all human beings within it, who are not slaves, fall within two classes. Whatever distinctions may have existed in the Roman laws between citizens and free inhabitants, they are unknown to our institutions.”

“Col. Benton, himself a life-long slaveholder and upholder of slavery, thus forcibly refutes, from a conservative and legal standpoint, the CalhounYancey dogma. ‘The prohibition of slavery in a territory is assumed to work an inequality in the States, allowing one part to carry its property with it— the other, not. This is a mistake—a great error of fact—the source of great errors of deduction. The citizens of all the States, free and slave, are precisely equal in their capacity to carry their property with them into territories. Each may carry whatever is property by the laws of nature; neither can carry that which is only property by statute law; and the reason is, because he can not carry with him the Law which makes it property.” The analogy with the Alabama resolution “the perfect equality of privileges— civil, religious and political—of every citizen of our country, without reference to the place of his birth,” can hardly be mistaken.

Mr. Justice Curtis said: “On so grave a subject as this, I feel obliged to say that, in my opinion, such an exertion of judicial power transcends the limits of the authority of the Court, as described by its repeated decisions, and as I understand, acknowledged in this opinion of a majority of the Court.”

“The New York Herald, Dec.9, 1860, has a Washington dispatch of the 8th relative to a caucus of Southern Senators then being held at the Capitol, which said: “The current of opinion seems to set strongly in favor of a reconstruction of the Union, without the New England States. The latter States are supposed to be so FANATICAL in their views as to render it impossible that there should be any peace under a government to which they were parties.”

“And Gov. Letcher, of Virginia, in his message of January 7, 1861, after suggesting ‘that a commission to consist of two of our most intelligent, discreet, and experienced statesmen,’ should be appointed to visit the Legislatures of the Free States to urge the repeal to the Personal Liberty bills which had been passed, said: ‘In renewing the recommendation at this time, I annex a modification, and that is, that commissioners shall not be sent to either of the New England States. The occurrences of the last two months have satisfied me the New England Puritanism has no respect for human constitutions, and so little rovers for the Union that they would not sacrifice their prejudice, or smother their resentments, to perpetuate it.”

“Wm. H. Russell, of the London Times, in his ‘Diary, North and South,’ writing at Charleston, April 18, 1861, says: . . . . Again, eropping out of the dead level of hate to the Yankee, grows its climax in the profession, from nearly every one of the guests, that he would prefer a return to British rule to any reunion with New England. . . . . It is not only over the wine-glass—why call it a cup?—that they ask for a Prince to reign over them, I have heard the wish repeatedly expressed within the last two days that we could spare them one of our young Princes, but never in jest or in any frivolous manner.”

On the fall of Fort Sumter, the Roman Catholic bishop of Charleston ordered a Te Duem, and later absolved Catholics from their allegiance to the United States.

The Pope, in writing to Mr. Jefferson Davis, on December 3, 1860, acknowledging “letters dated the 23d of the month of September last,” says: “And from the same most clement Lord of compassions we entreat that He will illuminate your Honor with the light of His Divine grace, and join you to us in perfect charity.”

“The Pastoral letter sent out to be read in all the Roman Catholic Churches by the Fourth Roman Catholic Provincial Council, which met at Cincinnati’ on March 20, 1882, reviews the progress of religion, and holds that all men are not created equal, but some should obey others.”

“When the Secession Convention of the Southern Confederacy met at Montgomery, Ala., Dec. 9, 1860, Mr. Memminger presented two flags in each of which was the cross, to take the place of the stars and stripes. One of them being sent by some Roman Catholic young ladies from Charleston, South Carolina. In his remarks he said: ‘But, sir, I have no doubt that there was another idea associated with it in their minds—a religious one; and, although we have not yet seen in the heaven the “in hoe signo vinces” written upon the labarum of Constantine, yet the same sign has been manifested to us upon the tablets of the earth; FOR WE ALL KNOW that it has been by the AID of revealed religion that we have achieved over FANATICISM the victory which we this day witness; and it is becoming, on this occasion, THAT THE DEBT OF THE SOUTH TO THE CROSS SHOULD BE THUS RECOGNIZED. This was the Latin or Papal cross, with the stars of the rebel States upon it, which had swallowed them all, the cross in blue, upon a field of blood. The objection to such a flag from Protestant and Jews caused them for awhile to adhere to the ‘stars and bars,’ copied after the ‘old flag’; but the secret compact and alliance of the chief conspirators with Rome must be kept, and the cross must be in the flag somehow, and the stars on the cross must be retained; but to silence the murmurings and objections of the Protestants and Jews the cross was made diagonal—a St. Andrew’s cross—with the intention in the future to restore the Latin or Papal cross to its original place. It was this flag that was presented to the rebel army by Beauregard, the Roman Catholic General, and that floated at the masthead of the ‘Alabama, when commanded by the Jesuit, Raphael Semmes, which was sunk by the Kearsarge.”—Edwin A. Sherman.

“In 1857, among other questions in which that of intervention or nonintervention on the part of Congress in the Territories was discussed, was that of subduing the ‘Mormon rebellion.’ Mr, Douglas was in favor of ending the difficulty by annulling the act establishing the Territory of Utah. Mr.. Lincoln took issue with him on that point, and declared himself in favor of COERCING the Mormon population into obedience to the United States Government and its laws, which declaration a few years afterwards found force in executive statement, when President, in December, 1864. He said: ‘WHEN AN INDIVIDUAL, IN A CHURCH OR OUT OF IT, BECOMES DANGEROUS TO THE PUBLIC INTEREST, HE MUST BE CHECKED.’ He understood the Mormon hierarchy in its governmental organization and its attitude towards free government of the people and the national authority to be precisely like that of Rome.”—Sherman.

Congress prohibited polygamy in Utah, then a Territory, and in the test case before the Supreme Court, Mr. Chief Justice Waite, in the opinion of the court, said:

“Laws are made for the government of the actions, and while they can not interfere with mere religious belief and opinions, they may with PRACTICES,

“As a law of the organization of society under the exclusive dominion of the United States, it is provided that plural marriages shall not be allowed. Can a man exercise his practices to the contrary because of his religious belief? To permit this would be to make the professed doctrines of religious belief superior to the law of the land, and in effect to permit every citizen to become a law unto himself, Government could exist only in name under such circumstances.”

Under this decision of the Supreme Court we may not take away the Roman Catholics’ religious opinion or belief that the Pope, Cardinal, Archbishop, Bishop or Priest, can license murder, treason, perjury, and other crimes, or forgive the same subsequent to commission, if not already licensed; but because treason, murder, and perjury happen to be crimes in this country. we can prohibit all sects from PRACTICING such licensing and forgiveness.

With the knowledge that such practices are carried on here, under the excuse that is a part of their religion, we simply have been licensing it until we may find the Roman Catholic Church claiming a prescriptive right, a rght existing and practiced in this country at the time of forming of this Government, and thus our Constitution was made subject to these practices then existing as a conceded personal right.

If this be their theory and through the confessional they license a man to kill, or absolve him from guilt for assassinating any or all of our Presidents who may in any way menace their institutions or the least of its interests, we never having in any way complained of or sought to stop such practices, where have we any right to complain? We bargain with them for votes to elect our Presidents. If we do happen to get a patriot instead of a politician, and he don’t suit them, why haven’t they under the license and the political bargain we have made with them, presumably to deliver value received for their votes; why haven’t they as a matter of practical politics, .and that is the basis we are now on as a nation; why haven’t they a right to rescind the contract by assassinating the President who does not represent their end of the bargain? If I kill the President, I am subject to the criminal statute or the common law, not having availed myself by joining the Catholic Church, of the seal of the confession, by which the Priest can effectually shield me. The law held higher than our law AND RECOGNIZED LOGICALLY BY US AS SUCH.

What then was Lincoln’s Great Purpose? What comfort is there in the classic of Gettysburg for the Roman Catholic Church? “It is rather for us to be here dedicated to the GREAT TASK REMAINING BEFORE US, that from these honored dead we take increased devotion to that cause for which they here gave the last full measure of devotion; that we here highly resolve that these dead SHALL NOT HAVE DIED IN VAIN; that this Nation under God, shall have a NEW BIRTH OF FREEDOM, and that GOVERNMENT OF THE PEOPLE, BY THE PEOPLE. AND FOR THE PEOPLE SHALL NOT PERISH FROM THE EARTH.”

In the Providence of the Almighty, on the 4th day of July. Luther disputed to his Popish antagonist, the Divine right of the Pope. In the Providence of the Almighty. on the 4th day of July the United States disputed the same pretension. Just disputed it. Then the United States and her Protestants went to the ballot-box with the Pope and commenced trading offices and power for votes, Out of the first big trade they got the civil war, and the death of Lincoln. The flower of the North and the South gone to bloody graves, and the Democratic party wrecked for fifty years. We are in the second big trade now, where they are entrenched in the Republican party as they were in the Democratic party at the beginning of the war. McKinley, the second great menace to the Church, sleeps at Canton, and within a year “a great change has come over the Republican party as far as its policy and attitude toward the Church is concerned.” McKinley’s death was necessary to secure that change.

Lincoln outside the church; stricken in a theatre; his country’s unity menaced by the open hostility of the Pope, rang true to the Divine purpose. He did not think it “cheapened” the Almighty to put upon onr coins. “In God We Trust,” and in his Administration it was done. Today Americans, patriots and hypocrites alike, laud him.

It remained for a Protestant churchman to take from our coins “In God * We Trust,” and be heralded as a “prime favorite of one Cardinal, several Archbishops, and a cLoup of Bishops.” Does not Protestant America owe to Abraham Lincoln the place Abraham Lincoln gave to Washington on February 22d, 1842? “Washington is the mightiest name of earth—long since mightiest in the cause of civil liberty; STILL MIGHTIEST IN MORAL REFORMATION. On that name no eulogy is expected. It can not be. To add brightness to the sun or glory to the name of Washington is alike impossible. Let none attempt it.

“In solemn awe pronounce the name and in its naked, deathless splendor leave it shining on.” At that time he little dreamed that civil and religious liberty in this country had not been achieved, and that within twenty years the Almighty would commission him to take the place he had accorded to Washington. That he did not accomplish that mission was no fault of his. That it has not been accomplished by us as the monument we owe to him, is a fault of ours.

Under the Pierce and Buchanan policy, patriots had to choose between the church and war. If the Republican party continues the Roosevelt policy with reference to the Catholic Church, patriots will have to choose between the Church and Socialism. The Church helps to make the industrial situation tense as both a capitalist and a potent influence upon the labor agitator and the individual laborer. She continually menaces the stability of our form of government through agitation calculated to show that republican institutions are not a success. It was her policy which brought on the war. It is her policy which propogates Socialism.

In the great hard coal strike intervened in by President Roosevelt. it was within the power of the Church to incite the strike, secure one of her Prelates on the Commission to assist in settling it, and take great publie credit for her influence in settling such difficulties. .

“A work is in the British Museum, called ‘Formulae Provisionum diversarum: a G. Passarello, summo studio in unum collectae,’ printed at Venice in 1596, There is a copy of these ‘Secret Instructions’ in manuscript, and at the end of it is this significant mandate: ‘Let them be denied to be the rules of the Society of Jesus, if ever they shall be imputed to us.’ . . . Chapter II treats of the way to become familiar with the great in any country. They are told to manage to get the ear of those in authority, and then. secure their hearts, by which way all persons will become our creatures, and none will dare to give the society disquiet. The priests are to wink at the vices of the powerful, and to encourage their inclinations, whatever they may be; but this is to be done with generals, always avoiding particulars.” Section 4: “It will further us in gaining favor, if our members artfully worm themselves by the interests of others into honorable embassies to foreign courts in their behalf, but especially to the Pope and great monarchs. Further, great care must be taken to curry favor with minions of the great, who, by small presents and many offices of piety, we may find means to get faithful intelligence of the master’s inclinations and humors, and thus be better qualified to chime their tempers. How much the society has benefited from their engagements in marriage treaties, the houses of Austria, Bourbon, Poland, and other kingdoms, are experimental eyidences. Wherefore, let such matches be with prudence picked out, whose parents are our friends, and firmly attached to our interests. . . .” Ladies of quality are easily gained by the influence of the women of theirebed-chamber. By all means pay attention to these, for thereby there will be no secrets in the family but what we shall have disclosed to us. . . .” “In directing the consciences of great men, our confessors are to allow the greater latitude that the penitents may be allured with the prospect of such freedom, will depend upon our direction and counsel. Princes, Prelates, and all who are capable of being of signal service must be so favored as to be made partakers of all the merits of the society.” “Let it be cunningly instilled into the people, that this society is entrusted with a far greater power in absolving, in dispensing fasts, with with paying and demanding debts, with impediments in matrimony, than any othet.. They will then have recourse to us, and thereby lay themselves under the strictest obligations. It will be very proper to give them handsome entertainments, to address them in a complaisant manner, to invite them to hear orations, sermons,” etc. “Let proper methods be used to get knowledge of the animosities that arise amongst great men, THAT WE MAY HAVE ‘A FINGER IN RECONCILING THEM; AND GRADUALLY BECOME ACQUAINTED WITH THEIR SECRET AFFAIRS, . . .” etc.

The corresponding section in the edition used by Mr. Sherman is given thus: “12. It will be very convenient to take to our care the reconciliation of the great, in the quarrels and enmities that divide them; then by this method we can enter, little by little, into the acquaintance of their most intimate friends and secrets; and we can SERVE OURSELVES TO THAT PARTY which will be most in favor of that which we present.”

“We must inculcate this doctrine with kings and princes, THAT THE CATHOLIC FAITH CAN NOT SUBSIST IN THE PRESENT STATE, WITHOUT POLITICS; but that in this, it is necessary to proceed with much certainty. Of this mode, we must share the affection of the great, and be admitted to the MOST SECRET COUNSELS.”—Chap XVII, 3. Sherman.

“It will be no little advantage that will result, by secretly and prudently fomenting dissensions between the great, ruining or augmenting their power. But if we perceive some appearance of reconciliation between them, then we of the society will treat and act as pacificators ; that it shall not be that any others will anticipate to obtain it.”—XVII, 5. Sherman.

“But if we do not hope that we can obtain this, supposing that it is necessary that SCANDALS shall come in the world, WE MUST BE CAREFUL TO CHANGE OUR POLITICS, CONFORMING TO THE TIMES, AND EXCITE THE PRINCES, FRIENDS OF OURS, TO MUTUALLY MAKE TERRIBLE WARS THAT EVERYWHERE THE MEDIATION OF THE SOCIETY WILL BE IMPLORED; that we may be employed in the public reconciliation, for it will be the cause of the common good; and we shall be recompensed by the PRINCIPAL ECCLESIASTICAL DIGNITIES; and the BETTER BENEFICIARIES. 9. In fine, that the society afterwards can yet count upon the favor and authority of princes procuring THAT THOSE WHO DO NOT LOVE US SHALL FEAR US.” —Chap. XVII, 8-9.

“Forasmuch there will be opportunity and conductive notices at repeated times, that the distribution of honors and dignities in the REPUBLIC is an act of justice; and that in a great manner it will be offending God, if the princes do not examine themselves and cease carrying their passions, protesting to the same with frequency and severity, that we do not desire to mix in the administration of the State; but when it shall become necessary to so express ourselves thus, to have your weight to fill the mission that is recommended, Directly that the sovereigns are well convinced of this, it will be very convenient to give an idea of the virtues that may be found to adorn those that are selected for the dignities and principal public changes; procuring then and recommending the true friends of the company; notwithstanding, we must not make it openly for ourselves, but by means of our FRIENDS who have intimacy with the prince that it is not for us to talk him into the disposition of making them.”—Chap. IV, 2, Sherman.

“Among the peoples where our fathers reside, we must have PHYSICIANS FAITHFUL TO THE SOCIETY, WHOM WE CAN ESPECIALLY RECOMMEND TO THE sick, and to paint under an aspect very superior to that of other religious orders, and SECURE DIRECTION that WE shall be called to assist the POWERFUL, PARTICULARLY IN THE HOUR OF DEATH.” “That the confessors shall visit with assiduity the sick, particularly those who are in danger, and to honestly ELIMINATE the other fathers, which the SUPERIORS will PROCURE, when the CONFESSOR sees that he is obliged to remove the other from the SUFFERING, to REPLACE and MAINTAIN the sick in his good INTENTIONS, Meanwhile we must inculcate as much as we can with PRUDENCE, the fear of HELL, &C., &c., or when, the lesser ones of purgatory; DEMONSTRATING that as water will put out fire, so will the same ALMs blot out the sin; and that we can not employ the ALMS better, than in the maintaining and SUBSIDIZING of the persons, who, by their VOCATION, have made PROFESSION caring for the SALVATION of their neighbor; that in this MANNER the sick can be made to PARTICIPATE in their MERITS, and find. SATISFACTION FOR THEIR OWN SINS; placing before them that CHARITY covereth a multitude of sins; and that also, we can describe THAT CHARITY Is A NUPTIAL VESTMENT, WITHOUT WHICH NO ONE CAN BE ADMITTED TO THE HEAVENLY TABLE. In fine it will be necessary to move them to the citations of the Scriptures, and of the holy fathers, that, according to the CAPACITY of the sick, we can judge what is MOST EFFICACIOUS to MOVE them.”—Chap. IX, 14 and 15. Sherman.

“This code of Jesuit laws is not to be made known to every class of Jesuits. They have bold, daring, infamous men, ready for desperate deeds, by steel, bullets or poisoned chalice. These know what others do not. They have disguised agents in mask. These “know something peculiar to their work, They have crafty, shrewd, courteous, polished men, who associated with the distinguished and powerful; they have instructions, unknown to others. They have decent, serious, moral men, sent out to ensnare the moral serious and unsuspecting. These teach that their vow is one of poverty, that they have nothing to do with politics or wealth; their sole object being to put down heretics. Hence, all classes swear, that they know no ‘Secret Instructions.’ ’—Delisser.

Now can you see how the physician is a most valuable ally to get the rich widow, widower, old maid or bachelor to a Catholic hospital?

Now can you see why the growing disposition to remove, under any reasonable excuse, a case to a hospital, using the fear of bacteria complication; exploited largely in my opinion to secure this end?

Now can you see why, that the allopathic system descended from Catholic Monks, is claimed World-wide as the “regular” system of medicine? Regular through apostolic succession.

Now can you see why, partaking from its Mother, it has been a system of professional and social proscription, augmented and for many years made effective through monopolistic privilege with the Army, Navy, and Public Health and Marine Hospital Service, to the prejudice of the people, against the spirit of our institutions, and by political power rather than merit?

Now can you see that in Catholic Hospitals, “Institutions of Public and Private Relief, Correction, Detention and Residence,” the allopath is practically the only man admitted to favor and practice, and his monopoly of the practice of medicine must be secured through a National Health Department to control or obliterate other systems, or that valuable arm of the Catholic Church must fail her?

Now you can see that the allopathic system of medicine directed through the American Medical Association has been one of the masks behind which of the Catholic Church, and the allopathic being the only system of medicine secured National and State appropriations?

Now can you see that the allopathic system of medicine being a child of the Catholic Church, and the allopathic being the only system of medicine used in the public service, the United States being a member of the American Medical Association, and by detail sitting in the legislative body of that Association, there is as a matter of fact and law, to that extent a union of Church and State in this country?

Now can you see that the augmentation of that relation through a National Health Department to the 140,000 or more physicians organized for co-operation, and co-operating with the Catholic Church in every township in the United States is a serious menace to our moral and physical health, the National, and every State treasury, and the Nation itself?

Now can you see that having corrupted both our morals and bodies, and through more intimate association preparing to augment that work, we may more nearly come to RELY for RELIEF for BOTH upon the institutions which has corrupted both?

Now can you see that the ostentatious announcement of medical theories engaging instantly the World’s attention; Heralded to the hope, to end in disappointment, could be only the devices through which our lives and health were played with; that our hopes and fears could be used to the political professional, and financial aggrandizement of these Institutions; mother and child?

Now can you see the vaccination of Jenner, established against the best medical attainment of the day; established solely by political power and political favor: through political power, and ONLY through political power has been upheld, to the cowing of the proficient in the profession, and the applause of those unable to rise above the low standards of instruction of this system. that by its own competents, are branded as “parrots” and “murderers;” a by-word to their betters, and a menace to society, “for he carries his DEVILISH CONCEIT and PRETENSE into homes already devasted by sorrow and affliction.”

Now can you see how the germ theory, and germ chasing, may not only he another scheme to MAGNIFY and GLORIFY the allopathic interest; to hold the public eye; to educate the public confidence; to secure the public boost into a National Health Department?

Now can you see, that in the Pure Food and Drugs Act, Congress might have been played for position, to put the National Health Department scheme through?

Now can you see why Dr. Harrington said: “The National Food and Drug Act, I repeat, is not primarily a health law and from the standpoint of health it was not needed. It is rather a law against misbranding and fraud, but those who clamored for it THOUGHT they were Saving their Lives when they succeeded in forcing its passage?”

Now can you see how allopathic medicine, its theories exposed and exploded by those who dared its medical and political power; the “modern treatment!” Osteopathy, Christian, and Mental Science, and the “constant and reproachful object-lesson of homoeopathy,” today faces annihilation, unless rescued by legislation of Congress?”

Now, can you see how the suffering of the continued existence of the American Medical Association, by the State, is a great moral and physical menace to the people?

Now can you see why true to the instinct and tutelage of its Mother, the Catholic Church, the allopathic interest almost from the foundation of the Government up to and including today, has fought Nationally. and in every State and Territory, for laws giving it an advantage professionally, and in the control of appropriations. and Institutions?

Can you see that the “regular” more properly Apostolic physician is an integral part of the economy of the Roman Catholic Church. “often necessary to man’s spiritual progress.” “. . , a means of carrying out her laws and discipline.” “The physician’s authority is recognized in many of her most important laws.” “In her laws the physician is specially honored” (and they don’t recognize any as “regular” but their own apostolic. True. The American Medical Association since 1903 has recognized Homopathists and Electric. Electric have been using them to help get the Cabinet office to crush “heretical” medicine —a departure from means, justified by the ends sought. Just a smooth game.

“It is sometimes impossible for the candidate for holy orders to receive them without the authority and aid of the physician.” “On the physician, therefore, AS MUCH AS ON THE Bishop or Pope, frequently DEPENDS the RIGHT to be a priest of the Catholic Church.”

“The ONLY authority in the diocese which the Bishop is BOUND to respect is the authority of his physician.”..“The Church will not canonize a saint without the sanction of the physician.” “Thus the physician very often makes the saint.” “Thus the physician is the Priest’s BROTHER.” —Rev. Henry A. Brarn, D. D., in Catholic World, Vol. 62.

Now, can you see that the American Medical Association is only the American mask of the priesthood of the Roman Catholic Church? “Regular,” because Apostolic medicine.

Now, can you see that every time a physician claims to be a “regular” he claims Apostolic succession, membership in the priesthood, and an integral part of the economy of the Roman Catholic Church—a living BROTHER of the framers, expounders, and enforcers of their theology and its APPLICATION GENERALLY. “Once in the Roman Catholic Church, always a part of the Roman Catholic Church.”

Now, can you see that every Commonwealth University teaching “regular” medicine is a union of the State with the Church, recognizing the Pope’s pretensions, and endorsing his theological teaching?

Now, can you see that every Protestant Denomination teaching “regular” medicine in its Universities, recognizes the Pope and his Church and the “regularity” of the Apostolic succession of their system of medicine, and the theological economy of which he is a part, and is turning out and _giving diplomas to physicians, accepted and commissioned by the Roman Catholic Church through their “regular” apostolic succession, and who, “as the representative of Christ and the CHURCH, purifies the soul of the babe from original sin and makes it worthy of angelic association.” In the sacrament of baptism the physician often takes the place of the priest and gives the sacrament when no one else could do so with propriety.”—Rev. Henry A. Brann, D. D., Catholic World, Vol. 62.

Now, can you see in the European situation of today: Russia having been the friend of the Union, while the Pope was plotting and aiding its destruction; the Roosevelt Administration markedly favorable to the Pope: “In defiance of all the rules of the diplomatic game as played for centuries” volunteering between Russia and Japan undoubtedly to Japan’s advantage, Russia’s resources allowing of the financial devastation of Japan in a prolonged struggle; William, neither an ally gr bondholder, applauding; applauding and aiding to the saving of Japan’s navy which he now seeks to utilize with his own; the Pope’s anticipation of William’s susceptibility before his coronation, in the arbitration between Spain and Germany as to the Caroline Islands wherein the Pope within a month, awarded as between the Roman Catholic Majesty of Spain and the Protestant Majesty of Germany, equality for commercial and industrial pursuit, and to the Protestant a NAVAL STATION, and freedom of navigation throughout the Archipelago; Austria through concordat being in bondage to the Pope; Austria’s recent breaking of the treaty of Berlin, and her backing by William to the humiliation of Russia, England and France; the present disturbance in France fomented by the Pope: the backing heretofore of the Sultan of Turkey by Germany; Emperor William “making an implicit alliance of the Vatican and the German schools in his anti-revolutionary policies;” the sending of Prince Henry to this country; the sending of gifts to America bv William; the particular friendship of Roosevelt with the late German Amassbador; Roosevelt’s friendship for the Pope, and the moral effect for him of sending our squadron around the world; the almost frantic attitude of Roosevelt in the California-Japanese incident; the weakening of the AngloJananese alliance. attributed to Germany’s ambassador to Japan; that the United States may have been used morally through he popular acclaim of Roosevelt, to the action of Austria and the Sultan; that such action may assist to bring about an alliance between Germany and Japan with an amalgamation of their navies, the Pope’s temporal power restored in Italy; England’s navy engaged by the alliance while William lands an invading jorce, and her navy beaten by the alliance in detail; the United States forced to aid England against such an alliance, or be ‘herself beaten in detail, not being able at the same time to hold alone, the Philippines, and enforce the Monroe doctrine, detested by William; the Pope firmly, and in the Bureau of Printing and Engraving and the Government Printing Office overwhelmingly entrenched; the other Departments and Army and Navy honeycombed, could, while William and Japan were engaging us on the outside, paralyze Government Adminstration and revenue internally, and if we resisted turn upon us his military organizations in every considerable town, armed, equipped and drilled; that the struggle in Constantinople is the pick: et fire of the final struggle inaugurated by the Pope against civil and religious liberty, with William and the Sultan, his allies, Franz Joseph his slave and Japan a prospective ally; and we have considerably aided our enemies and contributed to the massacre of Christmas, Can you see the value of Washington’s advice against the “insidious wiles of foreign influence,” “a reason of attempted centralization of power in very recent years, the piling up of expenditures, the multiplying of offices, and the wisdom of a tariff bill framed to meet a probably world’s conflict in which we will be involved?

Now, can you see that, in such an imaginary crisis, our foreign embassies filled with Catholics, owing their first allegiance to the Church, could aid despotism and repress liberty? As a matter of fact the Pope could rightfully command their allegiance, and if they were good enough Catholics to secure the positions because they were Catholics, they would be good enough Catholics to respond to the commands of the Pope. The analogy is thus shown: “The committee, consisting of Jefferson, Gerry, Read, Sherman and Williams, reported: Resolved, that it is inconsistent with the interest of the United States to, appoint any’ person, not a natural born citizen thereof, to the office of minister, charge d’affaires, consul, vice-consul, or to any other civil department in a foreign country, and that a copy of this resolve be transmitted to Messrs, Adams, Franklin, and Jay, ministers of the said States, in Europe.”

Now, can you see that there have been two kinds of Protestants in this country: Abraham Lincoln, who stood absolutely alone in his dedication, “that while an Almighty Ruling Providence permitted him to see, the light of day and breathe the pure air of heaven, and so long as he had a brain to think, a heart to feel and a hand to execute his will, he would devote them all against that infernal power that was the enemy of all free government and of the free institutions of his country, that polluted the temples of justice with its presence and attempted to use the machinery of the law to oppress and crush the innocent and helpless.” God gave to Lincoln, stricken in a theatre, the greatest dignity and honor of earth. God honored his cause but no church. No denomination. Through all of Lincoln’s life, from the tribute to Washington in 1842; through the debates with Douglas, and thru his Administration, in messages and addresses, God called to his followers through Lincoln. God accepted the dedication of Lincoln, and used him to the accomplishment of so much of the Divine purpose as he was permitted to fulfill. From the day of Lincoln’s death, no organization bearing the name of Christ, has caught the inspiration, or taken up the work of achieving his great purpose. What Lincoln stimatized, they court. What he declared an enemy of his country, they load with honors and appropriations. What he called the poluter of our courts of justice and oppressor and crusher of the innocent and helpless, they would deliver the care of the Nations’s moral and physical health to.

Today you see in the courts of this District a criminal action involving in disgrace the seller and buyer of Government secrets in land transactions, and a Japanese making sketches of our forts is treated as a spy, while the “formost Catholic layman in the United States,” is admitted to the secrets of the very weightiest questions of State. Neither can this gentleman, with all of his legal acumen, the Jesuitical sophistry, maintain that he can, at the same time, be a SINCERE PATRIOT and a SINCERE ROMAN CATHOLIC. He could not, I insist,, remain there claiming both, without being there as an actual SPY, compelled by his BELIEF and religious allegiance to admit to his confessor in the confessional’ his sin of participation in an heretical government, which, if carrying out the object of its institution, is the open, avowed an uncompromising enemy of his highest spiritual and temporal allegiance.

Read in the Washington Post of April 21st, the attitude of Rome to the Government of the United States as shown through Cardinal Kopp, the Catholic Bishop of Breslau. An ambassador of the United States, denied for his daughter a Protestant religious ceremony, even with a Catholic religious ceremony conceded to the Roman Catholic contracting party.

If Protestants of America where Rome can prevent it be denied a Protestant religious ceremony in the most sacred earthly contract they can make, then American patriots who have a spark of respect for their wives, and love their daughters, are stultified in their allegiance to any party which feeds a Roman Catholic at the public crib.

Yet we, the pusillanimous slaves of Rome’s Pope, will pick up no gauntlet of his slapped in our very face. Long since refusing to resent insults to our men, we are become so low, that we swallow insults to our daughters. Our franchise sold to him at the polls, our lives a sacrifice to his interests, we enrich him with licensed crime, muzzle our press to his deviltry, and will in due time deliver to him our soul which he may now rightfully claim, Republican France protects this daughter of America in a civil marriage. Rome, a foreign power, makes this condition for our daughters; she sets the example, makes the precedent. No patriotic American son or daughter but would willingly submit to both, a civil and religious ceremony, and we are justified in public policy in a ‘general law recognizing in our courts none but civil marriages. This has the further advantage of being a partial bar to our sons and daughters being coerced by Rome through the marriage contract, into bringing up the issue in the Catholic faith. This is of the highest public policy, Make the civil marriage fee nominal, that it be no impediment.

Thus our sons and daughters will be freed from one species of religious intolerance and coercion. Consider this humiliating protest of an Ambassador of the United nas to ies ge France: “Both my public and private life demonstrate my freedom from religious bias; but under the cireumstances, AND AS THE REPRESENTATIVE OF A COUNTRY EMINENT FOR ITS RELIGIOUS TOLERATION, ALTHOUGH PREDOMINANTLY PROTESTANT, I have decided not to attend the service at St. Joseph’s, the more so as there are several recent precedents for a Catholic ceremony and_one of another denomination.”

This Government, saved by Lincoln, dare not protest, and you will soon hear of a demand by. Rome for Ambassador White’s retirement to private life for daring to publicly utter such intolerant and bigoted sentiments.

“Paris, April 27. . The archbishop of Paris, it is understood, said that the Catholics in America were too liberal. AND THAT THE OPPORTUNITY TO MAKE AN EXAMPLE IN THE CASE OF THE AMERICAN AMBASSADOR SHOULD NOT BE NEGLECTED.” Washington Post.

Now can you see any significance from the following from Washington Times.

“Cleveland, Ohio, April 16—A national movement among the Knights of Columbus of America to secure the appointment of another member of President Taft’s Cabinet, to be known as the Secretary of Health has been started here.”

Now can you see how the obtaining of practically a PERMANENT Cabinet office through a National Health Department, and the establishing of the allopathic system as the State system of medicine, it would be a precedent for the establishing or further entrenching of religion upon the State?

Now, can you see why the Roman Catholic Church honors the physician and their version of the scripture praise him?

Now, can you see why in the Roman Catholic economy, in the sacrament of baptism, the “regular” physician, through his apostolic succession, “as the representative of Christ and the CHURCH, purifies the soul of the babe from original sin and makes it worthy of angelic association?”

Now, can you see that the United States being a member of the American Medical Association, it being the governing body of the allopathic system of_medicine, the allopathic physician being “regular” through apostolic succession to the Catholic Monks, and apostolically empowered to administer the sacrament of baptism, the said physician, to all intents and purposes an integral part of the Catholic priesthood; the allopathic interest enjoying monopostolie privilege in the Army, Navy, and Public Health and Marine Hospital Service; the United States as a matter of fact, and the several States of the Union are daily baptizing children into the Catholic faith and Church; and can you now see that one of the aims of this National Health Department scheme?

Now, can you see that a Children’s Bureau Bill, introduced for and advocated by the Committee of One Hundred on National Health, the tool of the Catholic Church, is only part of this Catholic scheme, to throw the weight of the Government in the direction of their own interest, either independently through such a bureau or it as a part of the National Health Department scheme?

Now, can you see that a Children’s Bureau Bill, introduced for and advocated by the Committee of One Hundred on National Health, the tool of the Catholic Church, is only part of the Catholic scheme, to throw to weight of the Government in the direction of their own interest, either independently through such a bureau or it as a part of the National Health Department scheme?

Now, can you see that the Pope, CLAIMING to be a temporal sovereign; CLAIMING sovereignty over the United States; having recognized the Southern Confederacy; having with and through it plotted and aided the attempt to disrupt the Union and overthrown its sovereignty; having by his agents, integral parts of his political and ecclesiastical economy; absolved persons claiming to have been naturalized citizens of the United States, from their oath of allegiance to the United States, and incited them to acts of warfare against the United States; and having in other and divers ways incited, encouraged and permitted acts of war against the United States during the Civil War; having by his agents, members of his spiritual and temporal armies, through such encouragement inciting and permission of acts of war, encompassed by force of arms, the death of Abraham Lincoln. the President of the United States; and having at the time of the war of the United States with Spain. given spiritual aid, comfort. blessing and encouragement to Spain. our enemy; having by his Archbishop of Manila, in a pastoral letter. in 1898, inciting his claimed subjects under such pastorates to acts of hostility, calling the flag of the United States. “the flag of the enemy,” saying in substance: “Dark days broke when the North American Squadron entered swiftly our brilliant bay, and despite the heroism of our sailors destroyed the Spanish ships and succeeded in hoisting the flag of the enemu on the blessed soil of our country.

“Do not forget that in their anger they intend to crush our rights: that the stranger tries to subject us to the yoke of the HERETIC: tries to break down onr religion and drae us from the holy family of the Catholic Church. I KNOW YOU ARE PREPARING TO DEFEND YOUR COUNTRY. You must all have recourse to ARMS and prayers; ARM, because the Spanish population, though attenuated and wounded, shows its patriotism when defending its RELIGION (WHAT AN AWFUL REBUKE AND DEFIANCE TO THE PROTESTANT); prayer, because victory always is given by God to those who have JUSTICE on their side. God will send his angels and saints to be with us, and to FIGHT on our side.” Having said through his confessionals in the Philippine Islands, and by his special and direct and ennobled agent Chapelle the following as stated before the Philippine Commission, Senate Document No. 190, 56th Congress, 2d Session, page 141, testimony of Senor. Don Felipe Calderon (lawyer), of Manila:

“. . .And even at the present time there is not the slightest doubt that they have said to the American authorities that all of the Filipind people were a lot of anarchists and insurgents who were conspiring to overthrow constituted authority, while to the people of the Philippines they say the American Government will place a chain around the waist of each of them; I do not make this assertion as an emanation from myself. I have seen it in writing. In the confessional they say to them: ‘How can you be in favor of the Americans when they are absolutely the enemies of our religion? And they Say that constantly to their secular clergy, adding that woe betides the poor Filipinos who deliver themselves over unconditionally to the American Government, and I have heard this from the very lips of Monsieur Chapatie ” (As an index of the moral health promoted by the Roman Catholic clergy in the Philippines, and as a recommendation for their Health and Children’s Bureau scheme, as made by a Commission of the United States Government, this document is commended to the careful perusal, and prayerful consideration, of Protestant clergymen who thirst to know just what an apostolic representative of Christ in the Catholic Church is, and will interest Protestant women who aspire to know just what the Children’s Bureau they petition for might turn out to accomplish . . . provided always this document is procurable.) Having by such acts of permission, incitement, and encouragement of enmity, encompassed the death of William McKinley, President of the United States; having declared war upon our form of government, and upon civil and religious liberty and seeking to extirpate the same; having first bound the binds, consciences and actions in allegiance of his adherents to his decrees and desires; having established in this country a system of espionage through the so-called confessional, from his Nuncio, Cardinal, Archbishops, Bishops, and Priests bound by oath to him, and each other of his adherents; having by and in these spies, secured in the administration of the Government of the United States itself, declared by him, his Councils, and representatives as their civil and religious enemy, and have so logically declared their enmity to’the United States, having in such espionage extending to the least of his adherents, at the Capitol as Washington, of said United States, approximately fifty per cent more or less of the administrative force of the said National Government; having head of the Bureau of Printing and Engraving, printing for the said Government the paper money and postage and other stamps used and for use in her, administration, with approximately seventy per cent of the skilled and other employees thereof adherent to said Pope and his commands, and absolutely subjecting our paper medium of exchange, postal carriage and internal revenue to paralysis in a crisis, upon attempt to enforce the said pretensions of the said Pope; having by his said agents and adherents offended, and now daily offending against the law of the land, assuming to license, and absolve from guilt of such’offenses, independently of and above such law of the land; having accumulated vast and valuable properties both improved and unimproved, and held largely through incorporation acts invoked to protect such property to said Pope, and used for the purposes of domicile, of plotting, teaching and revenue to secure the destruction of the said Government of the United States, which said artificial creature, having divested the said Catholic Church of property interest, and such artificial creature devoting said properties wholly to the purposes of subversion of the Government’ of the United States, the said incorporation for such purpose being against the peace, dignity and integrity of the several States and of the United States, stand at law abatable and contraband of war, independent of any claim by the United States as to the temporal or spiritual pretensions of the said Pope, and upon the claims of the said Pope, his councils and adherents alone, and so stand confiscate at the hands of the properly constituted authority, upon demand and possession. Can you imagine that of the essence of Lincoln’s “GREAT PURPOSE?”

Can you not see that such war is yet being waged; that the absolving of allegiance, the blessing and consecrating of flags of insurgents at home, and of enemies abroad, the assassination of Lincoln, the pastoral letter of the Archbishop of Manila, the assassination of McKinley, were the logical, legal circumstantial expression in overt acts, of the anarchistic teaching, as held in the opinion of Mr, Chief Justice Waite, in the Utah case?

Now, can you see that we have no moral right to object to the infraction of laws, when we license the infraction independent of our laws, and acknowledge a power of absolution upon the earth, in our midst, yet above the State?

When we take these Catholic authorities at their word, recognize that independent of our laws they license and regulate anarchy; when we realize that they are tolerated as a religious institution, for their votes, or other reason; we are partners in this traffic; that defying our own laws for the benefit of a foreign sovereignty, the blood of Lincoln and McKinley is upon our garments, as well as that of every person who falls by the hands of a Catholic subscribing to such beliefs; then by our acts we admit, that our rraise of Lincoln and McKinley is pure cant; that we are just what the Papists call us—a lot of heretics, nationally and religiously.

Let the Catholic keep and enjoy his religious belief and his religious opinion; he insists upon the removal of the Protestant bible from the public schools, ‘complains of their being “Godless” and wants “religion” taught there; let us then in full justice to them and to the State, make, if not in the public schools, in the State Universities that belief and opinion a part of the information imparted. Let it for the purposes of contrast and discussion be placed beside the Declaration of Independence, and the Constitution of the United States. Bring to the light of day the Constitution and secret instructions of the Jesuits, the doctrines propounded by Councils and Popes, and the hidden exposition by their theological writers. Let this theology in plain English expound itself. Education ever has been, and must ever be our security. Hach State, as a patriotic safeguard, provides a University; put this information at the disposal of these students, we may trust the intelligence that we train. Whatever may be suggested, we owe it so long as the Catholic Church exists unchanged. to disseminate its hidden precepts and theology. To the voung man equipped and ambitious to serve his country in the Presidency, he should have the opportunity to know that its patriotic administration invites assassination, and its subservient administration to this Catholic form of government demonstrates treason. That in the humble and unnoticed walks of life, the enmity of this power means absolved perjury in our courts, and its implacable hatred knows no crime but scandal.

We may thus realize as the late Archbishop Spaulding of Baltimore declared in 1870: “That if the public schools were rigidly maintained in this country, and the public funds were withheld from parochial schools, and compulsory attendance laws were enforced, that Roman Catholicism would lose most of her people in one or two generations. UNLESS SHE HONESTLY ADAPTED HERSELF to the changed conditions.” Whatever Lincoln’s method may have been. in the light of his utterances. we can not doubt his “Great Purpose.” nor forget the obvious significance of his sacrifice. Consistent with our dignity; consonant with the spirit of our institutions; commending itself to every patriot and paralyzing every protest, we may thus educationally build to the glory of the immortal Lincoln a monument not appealing to the sensual sense, or an evidence of cant, but a living, virile force, potent alike abroad and at home, “and to all classes and conditions of mankind.”

Under the dome of the Capitol, in the hall dedicated to American patriots, Marquette, the Jesuit, was placed in marble, to the shame of Wisconsin and the National Congress; disputing the patriotism of Washington and his compatriots, the while life of Lincoln and the results of two wars for freedom. ‘There they stand in the Hall of Liberty, representing the two ex-extremest, and extremest types, of antagonistic allegiances of earth. “The one the com: mon right of humanity, and the other the divine right of kings. It is the same principle in whatever SHAPE it develops itself.’—Lincoln. From this time forth, may every member of Congress, until the Pope shall abolish Congress and throw out the statue of Lincoln from the Capitol, hear every time he passes through statuary hall or sees the features of Lincoln portrayed, the dedication of Lincoln, and see upon the Jesuitical garb of Marquette the blood of the man whose memory it insults,

“Dead, he speaks to men who now willingly hear what before they refused to listen Now his simple and weighty words will be gathered like those of Washington, and your children and your children’s children shall be TAUGHT to ponder the simplicity and DEEP WIspoM of utterances which in their time passed in party heat as idle words. Ye people, behold a martyr whose blood, as so many articulate words, pleads for FIDELITY, for LAW, for LIBERTY.” —Beecher.

From the popular and political odium which will come upon me for such utterances, I take refuge in the record and words of Lincoln and of Washington, and those who find political comfort and applause in an opposite course may reap their legitimate fruits.

“REAL patriots who may resist the intrigues of the FAVORITES are liable to become suspected and odious, while its TOOLS and DUPES USURP the applause and confidence of the people to SURRENDER THEIR INTERESTS.”—Washington’s Farewell Address.

The Primary Reason Behind the US Border Crisis the Mainstream Media Won’t Tell You

The Primary Reason Behind the US Border Crisis the Mainstream Media Won’t Tell You

The evening of May 9th, my wife Tess and I listened to a talk by Christian J. Pinto on Noise of Thunder Radio about the US border crisis. He talks about it in his latest message, Globalists Fomenting Civil War.

This website is both to share the saving Gospel, the Good News of eternal salvation by Jesus Christ through faith in God’s Word in the Bible, and to also to expose the devices of Satan which many people, including God’s people, are sadly ignorant of. I don’t mean to purposely go out of my way to offend groups of people, but if objective truth and empirical evidence becomes offensive, I would say the person offended needs to reconsider his or her worldview.

For example, a Catholic priest wrote me objecting to my article, The 50 Most Dangerous Cities in the World: Mainly Roman Catholic. He wrote,

I am a Catholic priest. I have given my life to our Lord Jesus Christ. The trouble spots you indicate are anything but Catholic – just as the United States of America is anything but Christian. Your comments are false, uncharitable – and are not, in any way, in the Spirit or Word of Christ and His Gospel. I will pray for your conversion to Christ.

My reply to the priest:

Sir, thank you for sharing your opinion. Now please give us some facts to prove this article “false” as you call it. From the statistics I read in the news, I can say with certainty that entire nations like Italy, Spain, France, and the Philippines where the Roman Catholic Church is strong have much higher rates of crime than Protestant nations such as Norway, Sweden, Finland. And even nations where the Roman Catholic Church has always been weak though not predominantly Protestant Christian such as Japan where I live is much lower in crime than American cities where the local governments are under Catholic control. Now why is that? The Catholic Church is linked to the Mafia and corruption in all nations where it rules. I wonder how much money the mafia pays your church for indulgences to commit murder? Please read what former Roman Catholic priest Jeremiah Crowley has to say.
I was raised a Roman Catholic in Chicago the first 20 years of my life. I didn’t know anything other than the Roman Catholic faith until I left that wicked city high in crime and murder and RUN BY IRISH ROMAN CATHOLICS FOR A century. These are facts, sir, not just my opinion.

Maybe you can already sense the direction this article is heading. I can’t share what Chris Pinto had to say in his podcast, but I remember he said documentation is abundant to prove his point about the reason of the American border crisis. Here are some:

  • Government using charities to hide just how much money is going to illegal immigration
  • Quotes from the article:

    If you’re a taxpayer — in New York or anywhere in the US – you’re getting scammed by groups like United Way, Catholic Charities and the Central American Refugee Center (CARECEN). You may think these are charities. Truth is, these groups are hauling in millions in taxpayer dollars — your money — under government contracts to facilitate illegal immigration.

    It’s money laundering. Democratic politicians want to maximize illegal immigration, but they don’t want their fingerprints on it. The remedy: pay so-called charities that will do the work for them. Who’s in on this scam? President Joe Biden, and politicians across the country including Gov. Kathy Hochul, DC Mayor Muriel Bowser and our own Mayor Eric Adams.

  • Catholic Charities Involved in Largest Illegal Alien Invasion in US History
  • Quote from the article:

    Catholic Charities is the largest NGO (non-governmental organization) involved in the trafficking of illegal aliens on both sides of the border. Catholic Charities receives millions of dollars in federal grants to essentially operationalizes Biden’s illegal alien invasion strategy.

  • Bishops’ Heads About To Explode As Congress Introduces Bill To Cut-Off Funding Their Illegal Immigration Activities
  • Quotes from the article:

    For more than two years now, the Biden administration has been encouraging and mass-releasing millions of illegal aliens into the country. To accomplish its goal of unlimited illegal immigration, the administration relies heavily on NGOs to receive, process, transport, lodge, and counsel the illegal aliens.

    These NGOs and the Left hide behind faith-based organizations to keep their federal grants flowing and to distract from the horrific results in terms of human devastation, death, sex trafficking, forced child labor, national security and public safety threats, and more. Unfortunately, the faith-based organizations are more than willing to lead the pressure campaigns to safeguard their revenue streams.

    I submit to you these “faith based organizations” are all Catholic ones. The “bishops” are of course Catholics.

  • The Catholic Church and Illegal Immigration
  • Quotes from the article:

    Certain organizations in the Church, including the Vatican, are assisting in the ongoing invasion of the United States by illegal immigrants.

    That complicity starts at the top. As Malkin points out, Pope Francis “donated $500,000 nine months ago from his Peter’s Pence fund to assist illegal immigrant caravan participants.” Malkin then proceeds to list some of the religious orders participating in this attack on American sovereignty – the Franciscans, the Jesuits, the Scalabrinians – along with naming some of the safe houses they operate.

    Why does the Catholic Church want to support illegal immigration to the USA from Mexico? To flood the USA with more Roman Catholics! This is the vision the Catholic Bishop gave Charles Chiniquy in the 19th century. You can read it on this website: The Plan To Take Over America.

    Some quotes of Catholic Bishop Vandeveld of Chicago in his letter to Charles Chiniquy:

    You are aware that the lands of the State of Illinois and the whole valley of the Mississippi are among the richest and most fertile of the world. In a near future, those regions, which are now a comparative wilderness, will be the granary, not only of the United States, but of the whole world; and those who will possess them will not only possess the very heart and arteries of this young and already so great republic, but will become its rulers.

    “It is our intention, without noise, to take possession of those vast and magnificent regions of the west in the name and for the benefit of our holy Church. Our plan to attain that object, is as sure as easy. There is, every year, an increasing tide of emigration from the Roman Catholic regions of Europe and Canada towards the United States. Unfortunately, till now, our emigrants have blindly scattered themselves among the Protestant populations, which too often absorb them and destroy their faith.

    “Why should we not direct their steps to the same spot? Why should we not, for instance, induce them to come and take possession of these fertile states of Illinois, Missouri, Iowa, Kansas, ect. They can get those lands now, at a nominal price. If we succeed, as I hope we will, our holy Church will soon count her children here by ten and twenty millions, and through their numbers, their wealth and unity, they will have such a weight in the balance of power that they will rule everything.

    There you have it right from the horse’s mouth! The Catholic Church wants to increase Catholic population in America to better control the American government. It doesn’t matter to them if that immigration is legal or not. Chris Pinto confirmed the Vatican does not recognize borders because it considers all the nations of the earth to be under its authority.

    I feel very sorry for those poor people who want to have a better life in the USA rather than live in their poverty stricken countries, but why are those countries so poor? They are all Roman Catholic nations!! There’s so much crime, drugs and corruption. Are the Catholic priests and bishops in those nations living in poverty? Correct me if I’m wrong but I don’t think so. And the fact is I know homeless white people living on the streets in America. Why doesn’t the government help them? An American I knew in Japan who had a regular income teaching English came back to America for a visit, and because of the pandemic, he was unable to return to Japan and ended up homeless with no income!

    Clash of the Worldviews

    Clash of the Worldviews

    Tess and I enjoy listening to Ken Ham’s talks about the importance of knowing and believing the Book of Genesis. He says it’s the very foundation of the Christian worldview.

    Kenneth Alfred Ham (born 20 October 1951) is an Australian Christian fundamentalist, young Earth creationist, apologist and former science teacher, living in the United States. He is the founder, CEO, and former president of Answers in Genesis (Source: Wikipedia)

    The woke, leftist, liberal, atheist, secular worldview is based on the word of man. A true Christian worldview is based on the written Word of God, the Bible.

    What is a worldview? The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines worldview as a comprehensive conception or apprehension of the world especially from a specific standpoint. In other words, our worldview determines how we interpret what we see and hear. For example, a person who believes in evolution looks at the Grand Canyon and sees millions of years of erosion by the Colorado River. A person who believes in the Genesis account of Creation looks at the Grand Canyon and sees one of the results of the Great Flood of Genesis chapter 7.

    The foundational doctrines of the Word of God are in all in Genesis chapters 1 to 11. A Christian’s worldview should be based on what Genesis 1 to 11 has to say.

    What Ken Ham has to say about the importance of Genesis chapters 1-11:

    Genesis 1 to 11 is the foundation for the rest of the Bible for our worldview as a Christian, for all doctrine for the Gospel, for everything you know. I find a lot of churches today are more interested in Revelation than they are in Genesis.

    Revelation is not the foundation for the rest of the Bible, Genesis 1 to 11 is. Revelation is not the foundation for all your doctrine, Genesis 1 to 11 is.

    Christians who don’t know or appreciate the Book of Genesis do not have a strong foundation to refute the lies and popular falsehoods of the secular worldview. If the Book of Genesis is a bunch of fables as many academics claim it to be, why did Jesus Himself often refer to it? Jesus referred to the great flood of Noah of Genesis chapters 6-8.

    Matthew 24:38  For as in the days that were before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noe entered into the ark,…

    Jesus quoted from Genesis when He referred to gender as binary and marriage as a union between a man and his wife.

    Matthew 19:4  And he answered and said unto them, Have ye not read, that he which made them at the beginning made them male and female,
    5  And said, For this cause shall a man leave father and mother, and shall cleave to his wife: and they twain shall be one flesh?

    The first three chapters of the Book of Genesis are especially important. They refute the false ideologies that the left, American Democrats, and liberals are trying to shove down the throats of the world.

    1. God, not the big bang, created time, space and matter:
      Genesis 1:1  In the beginning (time) God created the heaven (space) and the earth.
    2. God, not random material processes, created all living things:
      Genesis 1:11  And God said, Let the earth bring forth grass, the herb yielding seed, and the fruit tree yielding fruit after his kind, whose seed is in itself, upon the earth: and it was so.
      Genesis 1:20  And God said, Let the waters bring forth abundantly the moving creature that hath life, and fowl that may fly above the earth in the open firmament of heaven.
      21  And God created great whales, and every living creature that moveth, which the waters brought forth abundantly, after their kind, and every winged fowl after his kind:
      25  And God made the beast of the earth after his kind, and cattle after their kind, and every thing that creepeth upon the earth after his kind: and God saw that it was good.
      26  And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.
    3. Man was created in the image of God. Mankind is therefore not in the same class as animals:
      Genesis 1:27a So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created He him;
    4. Gender is not a social construct, it’s a creation of God. Gender is binary, not a spectrum, only male and female:
      Genesis 1:27b … male and female created He them.
    5. God makes the rules of life. Breaking God’s rules results in death and the reason why death is in the world.
      Genesis 2:16  And the LORD God commanded the man, saying, Of every tree of the garden thou mayest freely eat:
      17  But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die.
    6. God created woman from man and ordained marriage to be between people of the opposite sex, a man and a woman. There is no same sex marriage in the Bible.
      Genesis 2:22  And the rib, which the LORD God had taken from man, made he a woman, and brought her unto the man.
      23  And Adam said, This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh: she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man.
      24  Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh.
    7. Satan’s first tactic is to get us to doubt God’s Word:
      Genesis 3:1  Now the serpent was more subtil than any beast of the field which the LORD God had made. And he said unto the woman, Yea, hath God said, Ye shall not eat of every tree of the garden.
    8. Satan is a liar and deceiver.
      Genesis 3:4  And the serpent said unto the woman, Ye shall not surely die:
    9. Satan uses the lust of the eyes, the lust of the flesh, and the pride of life (knowledge and wisdom) to cause Eve to sin.
      Genesis 3:6  And when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was pleasant to the eyes, and a tree to be desired to make one wise, she took of the fruit thereof, and did eat, and gave also unto her husband with her; and he did eat.
    10. Rather than confess his sin and ask God for forgiveness, Adam blames his wife.
      Genesis 3:9  And the LORD God called unto Adam, and said unto him, Where art thou?
      10  And he said, I heard thy voice in the garden, and I was afraid, because I was naked; and I hid myself.
      11  And he said, Who told thee that thou wast naked? Hast thou eaten of the tree, whereof I commanded thee that thou shouldest not eat?
      12  And the man said, The woman whom thou gavest to be with me, she gave me of the tree, and I did eat.
    11. Eve also doesn’t take responsibility for her action and blames the serpent. Mankind has been passing the buck for their failures on others ever since.
      Genesis 3:13  And the LORD God said unto the woman, What is this that thou hast done? And the woman said, The serpent beguiled me, and I did eat.
    12. Disobedience to God’s commandment is the reason why human childbirth is so hard for the woman.
      Genesis 3:16  Unto the woman he said, I will greatly multiply thy sorrow and thy conception; in sorrow thou shalt bring forth children; and thy desire shall be to thy husband, and he shall rule over thee.
    13. There is only one race of people on earth, the human race. What is called “race” today is a social construct based on Darwinism. A more accurate term is ethnic groups. The human race today are all the children of Noah’s three sons.
      Genesis 3:20  And Adam called his wife’s name Eve; because she was the mother of all living.
      Genesis 9:19  These are the three sons of Noah: and of them was the whole earth overspread. (Overspread with people!)
    14. Sin is coming short of God’s righteousness. Morality is not relative. God, not man, sets the standard of righteousness:
      Genesis 4:7  If thou doest well, shalt thou not be accepted? and if thou doest not well, sin lieth at the door…

    Part of Ken Ham’s message is one cannot truly understand the Gospel without knowing and believing in what the Book of Genesis teaches. The Japanese heard of the story of Adam and Eve and the temptation of Satan in the Garden of Eden, but they don’t understand the significance of it as it applies to them. I would often tell the Japanese if they know and understand the first three chapters of the Book of Genesis, they will know more about the meaning of life than most university professors in the world.

    We first learn of the concept of sin from Genesis chapter 3. There is no specific word for “sin” in the Japanese language! The word for sin in the Japanese Bible is tsumi 罪, but it’s doesn’t have the nuance of a moral crime of breaking God’s commandment. It just means “crime.” Calling a person a sinner in Japanese is the same as calling someone a criminal! How did I get around that? I had to define exactly what sin is to a Japanese or Buddhist person. For example, murder is a crime in both man’s and God’s eyes. Strong hatred toward a person, however, is not a crime according to man’s laws, but it is a serious crime and sin in the eyes of God according to the Bible.

    1 John 3:15  Whosoever hateth his brother is a murderer: and ye know that no murderer hath eternal life abiding in him.

    There’s a lot more I could add to this Bible class but I think this may be sufficient for you to get the point that belief in the Book of Genesis is foundational for our faith. It’s not contrary to true science at all! Genesis 1:1 confirms Einstein’s Space-Time Continuum theory. There ARE scientists today who accept all of the Book of Genesis as truth.

    I hope this inspires you to listen to Ken Ham’s talk!

    Spiritual and Biblical Based Insights Behind the Nashville School Shooting

    Spiritual and Biblical Based Insights Behind the Nashville School Shooting

    On March 27, 2023, a mass school shooting occurred at The Covenant School, a Presbyterian Church in America parochial elementary school in the Green Hills neighborhood of Nashville, Tennessee. The shooter, Nashville resident 28 year old Audrey Hale, had no previous criminal record before opening fire at The Covenant School, killing three children and three adults. Hale identified as a transgender man. Jonathan Cahn has some surprising insights behind the shooting that that shooter herself may not have been aware of!


    I’m going to reveal a mystery behind what happened in the shooting at the Christian school in Nashville, a stunning truth you’re never going to hear in the news.

    This is Jonathan Cahn. I’m not in the studio right now. I had no time but I wanted to do it right here.

    What happened in Nashville, that shooting at the Christian School was horrifying. And though the target was Christian children and Christian adults there wasn’t one single article in the mainstream media speaking of anti-Christian hatred or violence. Why was that? Some of the media actually appeared to be blaming Christians for the shooting since Christians are not generally for transgenderism and the shooter was transgender. Many a media outlet didn’t even mention that.

    But months before this happened, a video game came out that was created by a transgender video game designer encouraging virtual violence and killing against those who were not in favor of surgical altering. In the game they are to be killed, including a virtual minister.

    And before the massacre happened a transgender activist planned a Day of Vengeance, a trans-day of vengeance was planned.

    The Bible speaks of spirits. In Hebrew they’re called the “shadim“. Translated into Greek it became the word “daimonia”. We get the word demon from it, demonic. Shadim means the destroyer, those who bring death. When they possess a person, they seek to remove the individual from his or her nature and purpose, whether that means their humanity, their gender, their sexuality, their personhood. That’s how they begin destroying him or her.

    The possessed person becomes a danger to others and to himself or herself, harming others, harming themselves. The Bible says that the shadim or the daimonia, the demonic spirits, were behind the gods of the ancient world. Two thousand years ago the gods were cast out of Western civilization by the power of Jesus. But behind the gods are spirits, and Jesus gave a warning, which can be translated into modern terms to America and to the world as this: Any culture, any nation, any civilization that’s been delivered of these spirits or gods, if it should ever turn away from God, these spirits, these gods, the demonic entities, will come back to repossess it, repossess the culture, repossess the people.

    America has cast out God. Now we are witnessing the taking over of our culture by these spirits. That’s why what we’re watching is so irrational. That’s why it’s so demonic.

    When I wrote “The Return of the Gods”, I wrote these words. I said if the gods or spirits that were cast out with the coming of Christianity returned, would they not come back with a vengeance? And would not their vengeance be focused on those who cast them out? Well, who cast them out? Christians did. So these returning spirits, demonic spirits, will turn their vengeance, their fury, against Christians.

    Now, think of what happened in Nashville to those Christian children and adults. I wrote of the plans of demonic spirits to attack Christians in “The Return of the Gods”. It came out in September 2022. Seven months later the attack took place in the Christian school in Nashville.

    Now when I wrote the book, I revealed three central gods or spirits that are now taking possession of America and the West. I call them the Dark Trinity in “The Return of the Gods”, spirits that lie behind everything what’s happening, what’s happening to your children. One of them was called the Enchantress in the book. I reveal that ancient inscriptions concerning this goddess. It says that she turns a man into a woman, and a woman into a man. This is the god or the spirit that alters gender, transitions man into woman, transitions woman into man.

    The inscription also reveals that the god, she’s the god of parades that celebrate the bending of gender. And she especially possessed a culture in one month. Which month? The month of June from ancient times. She was the goddess of pride and she possessed June.

    She had a priesthood called the Asinu or the Kalu. They were men who dressed up and acted as women. Some of them were surgically transitioned with organs cut off. One of the ancient transcriptions I put in the book describes the transition, men dancing in front of the goddess carrying scalpels as if to celebrate their transition.

    The spirit is taking over our culture and our children as I speak. It’s not about the people, it’s about the spirit behind them. The spirits are as much against those whom they possess and use, as the ones who oppose them.

    The word “shadim” means Destroyer. These spirits bring destruction. They’re always after the children from ancient times to now, whether killing babies in the womb, or outside of the womb. They target children and they target Christians. Now Christian children are all the more in their cross-hairs of the goddess and of the spirits.

    The goddess took possession of her priesthood. So the men who appeared as women and the women who appeared as men were possessed by the goddess. But Jesus warned that when the spirits come back, they come back worse. So now that same spirit that bends gender is seeking to possess an entire generation of children, to confuse them to start transitioning them, to surgically remove their organs. How could we do that to them? What could possess somebody to do that? A spirit could possess them.

    The trans-woman shooter was one of the confused souls of this generation. Now, could there have been an actual demonic possession behind what happened at that Christian school? And could there have been an actual sign that what happened really was from the spiritual realm behind the news?

    In the gospel account of the demoniac or the demonically possessed man, it goes like this: Since they came to the other side, the disciples with Jesus, of the Sea of Galilee into the region of the Gerasenes, when he got out of the boat immediately a man from the tombs with an unclean spirit met him. He was living among the tombs and nobody was able to bind him anymore not even with a chain or with shackles. The chains have been torn apart by him and the shackles were broken into pieces and nobody was strong enough to subdue him. Constantly night and day he was screaming among the tombs and in the mountains cutting himself with stones. He dwelt in the tombs. The tombs would have been caves in the rocks. They were hollows, hollowed out space. He dwelt in the hollow. In Matthew’s account it says the demon possessed man was so fierce that nobody could pass that way. He terrorized the people of the town. He presented a danger of physical harm, and he harmed himself by cutting his body.

    So the shooter at the Christian school sought to bring destruction to others and then to herself. She wrote a note saying, “I plan to die this day.” The demonic spirits bring destruction. The demoniac or the demon-possessed man dwelt in the caves, the tombs, the hollows. The demon-possessed person dwelt in the hollows.

    The one who killed the Christians that day was named Audrey Hale. What does Hale mean? Her name means “the one who dwells in the hollows,” the killer’s name. The Bible reveals the demon possessed dwell in the hollows. The name of the killer actually means the one who dwells in the hollows.

    Could there be even more signs of a dark mystery taking place in the spiritual realm that you’re never going to hear on the news? In the Book of Revelation it is revealed that the number of the Beast, the Antichrist, is 666. I’m sure you’ve heard of it. You see it in movies like The Omen about demonically satanic possessed people. Six six six. The number six is linked to man. Man was created on the sixth day in the form of three six six six, the number of gods. So six appears as three. It’s man as god, the Beast. the Antichrist.

    How many people died how many Christians were killed by this woman named Hale, the one who dwelt in the hollows? She killed six people. She killed three adults. How old were they? One was 60, the other 61, the other 60, six, six, six, they’re all just about 60. Did she know that? I’m sure she didn’t, but the spirits do.

    Six six six, the Mark of the Beast, the number of Satan. As in one who is possessed by a demonic spirit, the killer had no idea but the spirits that possessed, had an idea.

    In the worship of Satan, signs and numbers are often inverted as in up turned upside down, as the enemy is an inverter. How many children were killed? That was the adults, 666. How many children were killed? Three. What were their ages? Nine, nine, nine. What happens if you turn it upside down? Six, six, six. Nine, nine, nine, is the inversion of 666. So three adults, 666, three children, the inverted six, six, six. The shooter had no idea, the spirits did.

    The changes that are taking place in our nation and western civilization and the world are not natural, they’re not rational. They’re part of a mystery in the realm of the spirit. And they’re not just possessing troubled individuals, they’re possessing celebrities, pop stars, organizations, institutions, media, school systems, government, leaders, cultures, our culture. And for you who are a follower of God, you who are a Christian, you’re a true believer, be warned, they’re after you. And even if you’re not, if you’re created in the image of God, they’re after you. They are affecting everyone, every one of you watching this right now. You’re dealing with it in one form or another, whether you know it or you don’t. They’re after you. You’re a target.

    That’s why I wrote “The Return of the Gods”, to reveal, and to arm those who would be armed for what’s coming. There’s only one power and force that’s able to overcome these things. It’s the power of God, the presence of Yeshua Jesus the Redeemer, and that’s why you need him in your life. We war not against flesh and blood, it says, but against powers, principalities, rulers spiritual forces in high places. God is greater. Make sure you’re right with Him, make sure He’s in your life, make sure you received Him for real, make sure you’re born again, you’re saved.

    If you don’t want to miss the messages that are going to come forth from this site in the future, make sure you press subscribe. And until next time, this is Jonathan Cahn saying be strong in the power of His might. Shalom.

    (End of transcript)
    My friend Dr. John Gideon Hartnett first posted this article on his Bible Science Forum website and asked me transcribe the YouTube video by Jonathan Cahn. The transcription contains Dr. Hartnett’s edits which I certainly appreciated! He’s the one who found confirmation on the meaning of Audrey Hale’s surname of, “one who lives in the hollow.” For more information about this subject, see what John Gideon Hartnett has further to say about it from his article, Why Are Demons Manifesting Now?

    The Flat Earth Psyop

    The Flat Earth Psyop

    The video is a seminar by my good friend, Dr. John Gideon Hartnett, an Australian physicist and cosmologist, and a Christian with a biblical creationist worldview. His biosketch.

    It’s my prayer that any person who is a true born-again believer in the Lord Jesus Christ who believes the earth is flat would please consider what Dr. Hartnett has to say. It’s one thing for a Christian to believe the earth is flat, but I consider it far more serious to actively promote it! Those who do are unwittingly being used by people who do not have our best interests at heart!

    Partial Transcript

    I don’t want anyone to take anything I say personally because what I’m talking about here today are models and theories and conspiracies. So it’s not on the person, it’s on the content.

    My argument today will be that the Flat Earth arguments are in fact a modern day pysop, psychological operation.

    Now who here believes the Earth is flat? I would say 30, maybe more. I would argue that you wouldn’t if not for the existence of the internet. My contention is that this psyop is actually a CIA designed psyop designed to discredit primarily Christians as crazy people to divide the truth community and distract us all during this very serious time when tyranny is so rapidly rising.

    The psyop may also be a mechanism to eventually justify a clamp down on misinformation. You see they provide the misinformation, and then they clamp down. That’s problem, solution, right? This is the typical plan that they use.

    So how did the internet, YouTube primarily, help spread a conspiracy theory? This article I’m going to read you now is from the BBC in 2019. I’m quoting from this article:


    But Google is a CIA controlled organization used to spy on everyone as well as manipulate what we think. It’s a real propaganda machine. So you start putting one and two together and you see where that leads.

    But modern day Flat Earth conspiracy stories, ideas, whatever you want to call it, really started with Eric Dubay with the publication of his book and video in 2014. And his videos very quickly spread through the internet and YouTube.

    Who is Eric Dubay? Well, let’s have a look. He’s written quite a few books, Two Hundred Proofs the Earth is Not a Spinning Ball, Flat Earth Conspiracy, The Atlantean Conspiracy, Flatlantis, Spiritual Science, The Earth Plain, Flat Earth FAQ. So he’s got a lot of these sort of challenging, I would call them true conspiracy concepts. Some of them are a little bit crazy in the time also depending on where you’re coming from.

    I could honestly state as a scientist that no way is he a serious scientist. I can say that unequivocally. I went to his YouTube page and he says: “I am a 40 year old author, Yogi and president of the International Flat Earth Research Society.” And over there on the right also not so clear he talks about Flat Earth and soul lure systems, and something called The Matrix Reincarnation Soul Trap. This doesn’t sound like serious science to me. So he’s not a Christian, he’s a yogi of some sort. So maybe he’s a Hindu, and that religion teaches the universe is 150 trillion years old. Even big bang Believers only believe it’s around 13.8 billion years old. He believes in this Matrix reincarnation, whatever that is. I don’t really know I don’t really care. But it doesn’t sound like science. He rejects all of modern physics. Now look this up on his website. All modern physics at least for the last 500 years and possibly going back even to 2200 years since Archimedes and Euclid and people like that. So why would you trust anything this guy says?

    Look I must admit, I don’t know what all the Flat Earth models are. I haven’t spent time to investigate them. But I have investigated his and what he says. Not all flat earthers agree with each other also. This is something I also found. They’re not monolithic, and they even dispute amongst themselves.

    (End of partial transcript.)

    Please listen to the entire talk by Dr. Hartnett if you are still convinced the earth is flat.)

    The Jesuit Roman Pope Francis I

    The Jesuit Roman Pope Francis I

    by Shaun Willcock, an independent Baptist pastor in South Africa. His bio.

    On 13 March 2013 a Roman Catholic cardinal from Argentina, Jorge Mario Bergoglio, was elected by his fellow-cardinals as the new pope of Rome, the official head of the most powerful religio- political institution on earth. He took the name of Francis I.pope Francis-

    His election was full of deep significance, and almost immediately began to have far-reaching, indeed global, ramifications. There was so much behind the choice of this man. But first and foremost is this fact: Jorge Bergoglio, Francis I, is a member of the Roman Catholic Jesuit Order! He is in fact the first openly acknowledged Jesuit to ever become pope of Rome! And nothing, nothing whatsoever, about the choice of this man is more significant than this.

    After his election I wrote an article entitled A Jesuit Becomes the Pope of Rome.1 Now, more than a year later, it is time to further analyse the man and the phenomenal success he is having on the global stage as pope of Rome.

    I have used that previous article as the basis for writing the present one; but I have added a large amount of new material as well.

    Jorge Mario Bergoglio, Francis I: a Brief Background

    Let us take a look at this man, the first openly Jesuit pope of Rome, the first pontiff from the Americas, the first from the southern hemisphere, and the first from outside Europe in over 1200 years: He was born in Buenos Aires, Argentina, in 1936. In 1958 he joined the Jesuit Order, the most powerful, sinister, hated and feared of all Roman Catholic religious orders, and was ordained as a Jesuit priest in 1969. This means that he passed through the rigorous, arduous discipline which trainee Jesuits undergo. This training is founded on the Jesuits’ manual, the Spiritual Exercises of Ignatius Loyola, founder of the Jesuits in the sixteenth century and its first general. These Exercises were created by Loyola with the aim of producing a unique kind of priest, utterly devoted to the Jesuit general. They are carried out over many days, and involve much use of the imagination, meditations, mysticism, etc. The Jesuit is broken down and then re-moulded in the image his superiors desire, a mere instrument in their hands.

    Bergoglio spent much time in his early years as a priest studying literature, psychology and philosophy – studies in which the Jesuits have always been prominent. He became a professor of theology and earned a reputation as a Jesuit intellectual. He rose to become in time the leader of Argentina’s Jesuits, and the Romish archbishop of Buenos Aires in 1998. He was made a cardinal in 2001, by the Roman pope John Paul II.

    According to his official biographer, Sergio Rubin, whose book about Bergoglio is entitled, simply, The Jesuit, he is compassionate, simple and humble. Of course, an official biographer does not expose the warts too readily, if at all, but this is the impression his fellow-cardinals want to give the world about him, particularly now that he is pope of Rome. Rubin said in an interview after the election: “It’s a very curious thing: when bishops meet, he always wants to sit in the back rows. This sense of humility is very well seen in Rome.”2 No matter what he was before, no man who accepts the exalted position of Roman pontiff is truly humble; and to say that the cardinals appreciate humility is preposterous, for in truth they revel in their power and their positions as “princes of the Church”; and what the Lord Jesus Christ said of the Pharisees is fulfilled just as much in them: “But all their works they do for to be seen of men: they… love the uppermost rooms at feasts, and the chief seats in the synagogues, and greetings in the markets, and to be called of men, Rabbi, Rabbi” (Matt. 23:5-7).

    As an archbishop, Bergoglio chose not to live in an ornate palace in Buenos Aires, but rather in a simple room heated by a small stove, where he apparently cooked his own meals and travelled by bus in the city instead of using a chauffeured limousine. All this of course is held up to the world as evidence of his humility, that he is a man of the people, but again: he was willing to accept the position of pope of Rome, which includes such arrogant papal titles as “Prince of the Apostles”, “Vicar of Christ”, “Supreme Pontiff”, “Holy Father”, etc. In accepting the position, he claimed to be the one who takes the place of the Son of God on earth! This is the meaning of the title, “Vicar of Christ”. Hardly an act of humility, but rather one of supreme blasphemy and arrogance; the very arrogance of Antichrist (2 Thess. 2:4).

    Not surprisingly, a fellow-Jesuit and the director of the Vatican’s press office, priest Federico Lombardi, also praised Bergoglio’s supposed humility, pointing out that when he came onto the balcony to greet the tens of thousands of well-wishers in St Peter’s Square after his election, he bowed to them and asked them to pray for him. Lombardi also said that the Jesuit Order is one “known for serving”, and therefore the new pope would be one who “wants to serve”. 3 Oh yes, much was made of his “humility”, and much has continued to be made of it! Even his choice of the name “Francis” was pointed to as a sign of this humility. But it was simply a very clever public relations move, and it paid dividends.

    The Roman Catholic “saint”, Francis of Assisi (1181-1226), is held up by Roman Catholics as a model of humility, simplicity of lifestyle, poverty, etc., and doubtless Bergoglio wanted to send the signal that he would emulate Francis; indeed, that he had been emulating him already. In addition, however, the original Francis believed that God told him to “repair my Church”; and at a time of massive upheaval, confusion and disillusionment within the Roman Catholic institution worldwide, chiefly (but not only) because of the global priestly sex abuse scandals, this new pope was doubtless wanting to send the world the message that he, like Francis before him, would “repair the Church” again.

    But there was still more to this choice of name. Another famous, or rather infamous, Roman Catholic “saint” of that name was the Jesuit “saint”, Francis Xavier (1506-1552), a contemporary of the Jesuit founder Ignatius de Loyola and a man who went to India to “evangelise” for Rome. Xavier was the first Jesuit missionary. Bergoglio, as a Jesuit and a man with a great desire for Roman Catholic evangelisation in the world, would have had this Francis in mind, too, when he chose his name.4

    The Jesuit “White Pope” Serving the Jesuit “Black Pope”


    The Jesuit General, Adolfo Nicolás

    For centuries, the Jesuits have exercised phenomenal influence over the Roman Catholic institution. They are the real power behind the papal throne. This is a fact so certain that the Jesuit general, the man in charge of the Order worldwide, is known within Papist circles as “the black pope.” Not because he is a black man, for he is not, but because he is the shadow behind the pope of Rome; the real power behind the scenes. At the time of Bergoglio’s appointment as pope, the Jesuit general was Adolfo Nicolás, and I have written about him before.5

    To quote from my book, The Jesuits: the Secret Army of the Papacy: “ever since its founding, the Society [the Society of Jesus, as the Jesuits call their Order] has been totally dedicated, first and foremost, not to the pope, but to the Jesuit General. The Jesuits are a law unto themselves. While outwardly acknowledging the authority of the pope of Rome, their real allegiance is to the Jesuit General. All orders come from the General; even the pope’s instructions are only passed on if the General sees fit. It is not surprising that the Jesuit General came to be known as the ‘black pope’.”6

    The Jesuits have always operated behind the scenes, secretly, furtively, pulling the strings of power where few could see them. Theirs has always been the world of cloak-and-dagger. This has suited their purposes. That they saw fit, in 2013, to boldly come out and appoint one of their own, openly, as the pope of Rome, indicates that they believed the times called for such an appointment. They believed none but a Jesuit could lead the Roman Catholic institution through the troubled waters ahead. For indeed these are times of great trouble for Rome.

    And thus, with the election of Bergoglio as the new pope, the Vatican had two Jesuits in the two highest positions of authority within the Roman Catholic institution! The first was the “black pope”, the Jesuit general, Adolfo Nicolás, the puppet-master who (as the Jesuits have done for centuries) pulls the strings of the entire institution behind the scenes; and the second was Jorge Bergoglio, elected as Francis I, the pope of Rome; on the surface the leader of the world’s 1.2 billion Roman Catholics, and yet a man who swore to obey the Jesuit general – his general, his superior – in everything! Again from my book: “Obedience is absolutely vital to the Jesuit Order. Every Jesuit must be in total obedience to his superior, obeying him without question. In the Constitutions of the Order, it is repeated some 500 times that the Jesuit must see in the General, not a fallible man, but Christ Himself! This was said by a professor of Roman Catholic theology.7 In the words of Ignatius [the founder of the Jesuits]: ‘We must see black as white, if the Church says so.’ The Jesuit probationer is required by the Constitutions to be as a corpse, able to be moved in any direction (Part IV, Chapter 1); striving to acquire perfect resignation and denial of his own will and judgment (Part III, Chapter 1). 8 According to the Constitutions (Part IV, Chapter 5), the Jesuit may even sin, if the superior commands it – for sin will not be sin in such a case!9 In the ‘Society of Jesus’, there is a greater authority than the pope, and a greater authority (as far as the Jesuits are concerned) than God Himself – and that is the General. For what God has declared to be sin, the General can declare to be no sin.”10

    Francis I, as a committed, loyal, and hardcore Jesuit intellectual, is a man utterly familiar with the Constitutions of the Order, and with the Spiritual Exercises of Loyola. Let us delve into these a bit more deeply. Ex-Roman Catholic priest Richard Bennett explains:

    “The goal of Eastern meditation is to unite oneself directly with God. In the 12th and 13th centuries in Europe, there arose a great interest in Eastern Mysticism. The Papacy had never embraced the true Gospel and thus was easily able to assimilate to itself the pagan practices it encountered within the borders of the Holy Roman Empire. Without true spirituality based on the Gospel and the Bible, the Papal Church became the perfect place for an Eastern Alexandrian Egyptian mysticism to flourish…. Then in [the] 16th century Loyola’s Spiritual Exercises was typical of the mystical movement in Roman Catholicism. However its genius was that it is an attempt, mainly through the imagination, to directly connect the thoughts and actions of an individual with what was called the grace of God. Thus Loyola was a propagator of mysticism by which a person was purportedly to achieve direct personal union with the divine…. The emphasis in the Spiritual Exercises is ever on one’s imagination. Imagine you can see the particular and gory details of hell; imagine you can smell the sulfur; on and on it goes stoking the heated imagination without mercy, without truth…. Jesuit spirituality and ethics are a very effective combination of mystical techniques and authoritarian propositions. The writing and teaching style of Jesuitism is heavily nuanced with techniques of suggestive dissociation. Disciples are lured ever so subtly into embracing new views of reality and ethical norms apart from critical reflection on either the intellectual or logical integrity of the insinuated dogmatic propositions. The smooth flow of suggestion and casuistic reasoning in Jesuit teaching material hinders mental resistance and diverts learners from appreciating that they are visualizing and emoting rather than thinking. It is a methodical technique of disarmament by dissociation that leads inevitably to surrender of the mind and will.”11

    This is precisely the state which every Jesuit has to reach: surrender of the mind and will. Again from my book:12 “The Spiritual Exercises work on the imagination of the candidate, helped by a ‘director’. Various biblical scenes are ‘relived’ in front of him, beautiful ones alternating with frightening ones. His sighs, inhalings, breathing, and periods of silence are all noted down. After a number of weeks of this, he is ready for indoctrination.”13 His mind and will are brought to the point of surrender to his superior.

    This is the atmosphere in which Francis I has spent his adulthood. He is a Jesuit through and through. He is absolutely familiar with the Spiritual Exercises. He believes in them; he follows them. And consequently he is an utterly obedient servant of the Jesuit general, having surrendered his mind and will to him long ago.

    Thus Francis I, although pope of Rome, is not the highest authority within the Papal system. He answers to the Jesuit general, the “black pope”, and in his hands he has to be as a corpse, having no will of his own!

    What an extraordinary situation! A Roman pontiff, supposedly at the pinnacle of power within the Papal institution, and yet, as a Jesuit, actually under someone else – his general! A Roman pontiff, believed by Papists to be the Vicar of Christ, “Christ Himself under the veil of the flesh”, and believed to be infallible when he pronounces ex cathedra on matters of faith and morals – and yet a Jesuit under his general! A man who sees in his general, not a fallible man, but Christ Himself! Even though all popes for centuries have had to obey the Jesuit general and lived in fear of him, never before has a Jesuit been openly elevated to this position; a man who has taken a vow to obey his general above all others, and at all times!

    Be sure that Bergoglio, as a faithful Jesuit under orders, a man sworn to obey his general with absolute blind obedience, only accepted the position of pope after his general gave him permission! Proof is found for this, not only in the open rules of the Jesuit Order, but also in The Secret Instructions of the Jesuits, which for centuries has been the top-secret instruction manual for the Order – so secret, in fact, that its very existence is unknown even to many Jesuits themselves, who are deliberately kept in the dark about it, while others are made privy to its diabolical rules and regulations. The following is taken from a translation of The Secret Instructions from the original Latin, Chapter 14, paragraph 8: “If any of our Order has certain expectations of a bishopric, or other ecclesiastical preferment, let him, besides the usual vows of the Society, be obliged to make another; namely, That he will always entertain a favourable opinion, and on all occasions speak honourably of us; that he will never confess, but to one of our members, nor determine, in any affair of moment, without first consulting the judgment of the Society” (italics added).14

    Jorge Bergoglio most definitely had “certain expectations of” the very highest “ecclesiastical preferment” – that of the Papacy itself. According to the secret Jesuit instruction manual, therefore, he has sworn that before he determines anything in any “affair of moment”, he will first consult the judgment of the “Society of Jesus”, and will only act in accordance with the instruction the Society (via its general) gives him!

    Nor is this all. In Chapter 17 of The Secret Instructions, paragraph 7, it is stated:

    “And lastly let us [i.e. the Jesuits] aspire to abbacies and bishoprics… for it would entirely tend to the benefit of the Church, that all bishoprics, and even the Apostolical See, should be hooked into our hands, especially should His Holiness ever become a temporal prince over all” (italics added).15

    Centuries ago already, the Secret Instructions expressed the Jesuits’ desire to take complete control over the entire Roman Catholic institution, including the “Apostolical See” itself, by seeing to it that a Jesuit would advance to the position of pope of Rome! In times past there have doubtless been other, albeit secret, Jesuits sitting on the papal throne; but Francis I is the first open Jesuit to do so.

    Who then runs the Vatican where Francis I is pope? Certainly not Francis, for it is actually not Francis’ Vatican! The black pope runs the Vatican. Francis swore absolute, blind obedience to his general.

    The Jesuits have always exercised power over the popes. How much more, over a Jesuit pope – one of their own!

    Two days before his official inauguration as pope of Rome, the newly-elected Francis I received, in audience, no other than his own master: the superior general of the Jesuit Order, Adolfo Nicolás.16 The black pope visited the white pope! The man who is the true power behind the papal throne came to see his servant, Jorge Bergoglio, now risen to the position of pope in accordance with the plans of the Jesuit Order and its general! There could be no question about it: Francis I was the faithful slave of Adolfo Nicolás. He had sworn to obey him without question, many years before when he became a Jesuit priest. This oath was just as much in effect now that he had been chosen as pope as it had been all those years before.


    The “black pope” and the “white pope”

    And after the Jesuit general sent Bergoglio a letter of congratulations upon his election as pope of Rome (well might the general congratulate his servant!), Francis wrote a reply in which he said:

    “I received with great joy the kind letter you sent me, in your name and that of the Society of Jesus, on the occasion of my election to the See of Peter, in which you assure me of your prayers for me and my apostolic ministry as well as your full disposition to continue serving – unconditionally – the Church and the Vicar of Christ according to the teachings of St. Ignatius Loyola.” 17 This was a truly Jesuitical piece of writing! For it is not the general who will be serving the Roman pope, but the Roman pope who will be serving the general.

    Francis went on: “My heartfelt thanks for this sign of affection and closeness, which I am happy to reciprocate, asking the Lord to illuminate and accompany all Jesuits…. I ask all Jesuits to pray for me and to entrust me to the loving protection of the Virgin Mary… I give you the Apostolic Blessing with special affection, which I also extend to all those who co-operate with the Society of Jesus in her activities…” Oh, the pontiff Bergoglio is a faithful, committed Jesuit indeed. In accordance with the Secret Instructions, he “speaking honourably” of the Order.

    An extraordinary situation, pregnant with ominous portents for the future. The Jesuits are now in a position of all-supreme power over the Vatican and the Roman Catholic system. They have taken total control because the crisis within Roman Catholicism demands their ruthless intervention at this level. And if Francis were ever to act in rebellion to the general, no one should be in any doubt as to what would happen to him. They would seek to murder him – just as they have murdered other popes before him!

    The Jesuits and Papal Murders

    Popes were murdered in office on many occasions, and for various reasons – usually by poisoning – prior to the sixteenth century when the Jesuit Order came into being. But once the Jesuits rose to become the dominant power within the Roman Catholic institution, they also became the predominant murderers of popes who stood in their way. As their power and sinister influence over the papal European nations grew, they became so hated and feared by Papists themselves that there were loud calls for their suppression and abolition. And at one time or another they were expelled from virtually every Papist nation in Europe. But they always returned.

    Calls for the suppression of the Jesuits came from powerful Papist kings, who even threatened the pope of Rome himself if he did not act. Finally, Clement XIII, pope of Rome from 1758 to 1769, capitulated and agreed to act against them. He made a proclamation announcing the suppression of the entire Jesuit Order. But before the document was made public, Clement was suddenly seized by a mysterious illness as he was going to bed, cried out, “I am dying”, and expired in great agony, experiencing convulsions. Rumours swirled that he had been poisoned; and the document disappeared before it was made public.

    He was succeeded as pope by Clement XIV. He actually took the extraordinary step of writing a papal bull abolishing the Jesuit Order in 1773 – and he even had the Jesuit general imprisoned! But he knew that in taking this step he had forfeited his life. “Clement XIV knew very well that, by signing [the Jesuits’] death warrant, he was signing his own as well: ‘This suppression is done at last’, he exclaimed, ‘and I am not sorry about it… but this suppression will kill me.’” 18 As he signed it, he was heard to whisper, “I am lost.” And after issuing it he tried to withdraw it, so greatly did he fear what would happen to him; but the Spanish ambassador had already dispatched it to Madrid, so it was too late. A few days after it was published, “posters started to appear on the palace’s walls which invariably displayed these five letters: I.S.S.S.V., and everyone wondered what it meant. Clement understood immediately and boldly declared: ‘It means “In Settembre, Sara Sede Vacante”, (In September, the See will be vacant – that the pope will be dead).’”19 He fell into what was described as “a singular state of agonizing prostration”, and died a very painful death. It was believed that he had been poisoned by the Jesuits,20 and there is no reason to doubt this and every reason to believe it. His body decomposed so swiftly that his face could not be shown to the public, and his funeral was hastened and conducted without the usual rites.21

    “Here is another testimony: ‘Pope Ganganelli [Clement XIV] did not survive long after the Jesuits’ suppression’, said Scipion de Ricci. ‘The account of his illness and death, sent to the Court of Madrid by the Minister for Spain in Rome, proved that he had been poisoned; as far as we know, no inquiry was held concerning this event by the cardinals, nor the new pontiff.’”22

    “We can positively affirm that, on the 22nd September 1774, Pope Clement XIV died of poisoning.”23

    But let it not be assumed for one moment that such murders are a thing of the past! Let us come to very modern times. There is every reason to believe that Pius XI was murdered in office. And there is solid evidence that John Paul I was murdered in 1978.24 Were the Jesuits involved? They were certainly not the only ones who had reasons to want modern popes dead, but there is every reason to believe they played an important role as well.25

    And then there was all the intrigue around, and the attempted murder of, John Paul II (1978-2005). This Polish pope, Karol Wojtyla, was anti-Soviet Marxism, but pro-Roman Catholic Marxism; in other words, he supported a brand of Marxism controlled from the Vatican, not Moscow. He was also a pro- Washington pope. In Latin America the Jesuits were up to their dog-collared necks in promoting the radical Catholic-Communist teaching known as liberation theology. John Paul II was not against liberation theology, but his American backers – namely, the Reagan Administration – wanted him to put the brakes on the Jesuits’ violent and bloodthirsty liberation theology activities in Latin America, because their huge support for Marxist revolutions on that continent was a threat to Washington’s own interests and plans. So John Paul II told the Jesuits to curtail their revolutionary activities there. This the Jesuits refused to do. Pedro Arrupe, the Jesuit general at the time, met with the pope in early 1981, but no common ground could be reached because Arrupe was supportive of the old alliance between the Vatican and Moscow, whereas John Paul II supported the new alliance between the Vatican and Washington. John Paul II then took the unprecedented step of ordering the Jesuit general to “retire”. This was a huge risk to take, and John Paul must have known it. Popes had tried to rein in, and even suppress, the Jesuits before, and had paid with their lives; would John Paul succeed?

    Arrupe then placed the Jesuits under one of his assistants; but John Paul II imposed his own “personal” papal representative to rule the Jesuit Order! This in effect meant the entire Jesuit Order worldwide was removed from the control of the “black pope” and placed under the personal control of the “white pope”. This had never happened before and was a huge shock to the Jesuits worldwide. One horrified Jesuit described it as “the most shattering thing that has happened to us since a pope suppressed the Order in the 18th century.”26 And what was the result? Just look at the chronology:

    Arrupe, the Jesuit general, first met the pope in January 1981, and again in April, but no compromise was reached. And John Paul II was shot, in an attempted assassination, the very next month – May 13, 1981! It is true that the Soviets were heavily implicated in this attempt on his life; but there can be no doubt whatsoever that the Jesuits had a hand in directing it. But it failed; and what happened next? Arrupe himself suffered “a sudden massive heart attack” just a few months later in August, which failed to kill him but left him partially paralysed for the rest of his life.

    Beyond all doubt this induced heart attack was meant to have killed him, and was the work of allies of John Paul II. As Vatican historian Avro Manhattan wrote: “It is obvious that all these ‘strokes’ and ‘massive heart attacks’ within a very exclusive influential circle were anything but accidental.” 27

    A deadly game was afoot between the pope and the Jesuits. The Jesuits (via contacts within the Soviet sphere) tried to murder the pope, and the pope (via his allies, possibly within the CIA) tried to murder the Jesuit general.

    So let there be no doubt in anyone’s mind of Francis I’s position. He is a faithful Jesuit under orders to his general. He serves his general with blind obedience. But if at any time he tries to go his own way, he will be severely dealt with in any way his general sees fit. And murder would not be excluded.

    But thus far Francis has shown every sign of servile obedience to the Order to which he has devoted his life.

    With the election of Bergoglio to the papal office, the Jesuits came into total control of the Vatican, and of the Roman Catholic institution worldwide. These are extraordinary times indeed.

    Why This Man was Chosen

    The question that cries out for an answer is: Why this man? Why, at this time, was an Argentinian Jesuit cardinal chosen to be the next pope of Rome? It caught many by surprise. His name was not usually mentioned among those considered to be the front-runners for the position, so that in many ways he seemed to come from nowhere. But within the conclave itself he was well known, for in 2005 he reportedly finished second in the election that saw Joseph Ratzinger become Benedict XVI. And from Rome’s perspective there were very good reasons for choosing him. Let us look at six of these:

    1. He is a Jesuit!

    jesuit-logo Francis I is the first openly Jesuit pope. When he was elected his new coat-of-arms, each symbol having a meaning, was revealed to the world. Prominent is a blue shield; and in this shield is the emblem of the “Society of Jesus”, most hated and feared of all Roman Catholic religious orders: a radiant, blazing sun containing the letters, IHS, in red, which they tell the world is the monogram of Christ. And thus does the emblem of the Jesuits now sit proudly within the coat-of-arms of the Roman pontiff!

    Clearly the Jesuits felt the time was ripe to openly raise one of their own men to the papal throne. And knowing how they operate – knowing that this must have been planned long beforehand – were they, then, behind his predecessor Benedict XVI’s sudden resignation? Oh, we can be sure of it! It is beyond question. Benedict’s resignation had nothing to do with his supposed shock and sadness about a so-called “gay lobby” within the Vatican, as the media enjoyed reporting. After all, as a man who rose through the ranks, from priest to pope, Benedict was fully aware of the huge numbers of sodomites within the priesthood. 28 This would have come as no surprise to him and would never have forced him to resign. Yes, his age and health were part of the reason; and yes, very possibly the false “prophecy” of Malachy was another part of the reason;29 but he had clashed with the Jesuits before,30 and they wanted a Jesuit to replace him. When the “Vatileaks” business erupted, involving Benedict’s own butler who stole his documents, beyond question on the orders of others behind the scenes, Benedict told some Germans who visited him that the butler had been giving him his medicine too; and Benedict would have in all likelihood feared for his life.31 And known who was behind it all. Whether Benedict was willing to depart on their orders, or whether they forced him out,32 they were involved. Deeply involved.

    But why did the Jesuits feel it was so imperative to place a Jesuit on the papal throne at this time? Usually content to operate furtively in the background, why this extraordinary step of placing one of their own, openly, in power?

    Above all other reasons, the general state of the Roman Catholic institution, reeling from the global priestly sex abuse scandal and various other high-profile scandals, was the main one. The fact is that, both in the religious and civil spheres, the Papacy has been losing ground in recent times, and it is the mission of the Jesuits to reverse this state of affairs. Historically, the Jesuit Order was founded at a time when the Papacy was reeling from the damage done to its cause by the Protestant Reformation. To prevent further loss of the Papacy’s temporal power, the Jesuits came into being and ruthlessly advanced the Papacy’s agenda. And in today’s world the Papacy is facing various threats, not this time from Protestantism, which is rushing Romeward at a phenomenal rate, but from an increasingly secular world, with even Roman Catholic Europe constantly going in directions not approved by the Papacy at all. Thus it was time, from the Jesuits’ perspective, to put a man in charge who could do something about all these problems faced by Rome. And very evidently Francis is proving to be just the man for the job – their job, that is.

    “It is a well-established fact that the Jesuits throughout their history have caused many serious disturbances by their nefarious schemes within the civil governments of many countries. Over the centuries, they have justifiably earned their reputation as troublemakers to the extent that they were denied residence in some nations for varying periods of time. Nevertheless, their objective of increasing Papal religious and civil power beyond its previous height remains unchanged. Therefore, in order to move forward the Papacy’s drive for power in the current religious and civil arenas, this Jesuit Pope must efface the historic image of the Jesuit Order.”33

    There is a global crisis in the Roman Catholic institution. The Jesuits have again come to the fore at this time, in accordance with their ancient mission, to save the Papacy.

    Despite Bergoglio carefully cultivating an image of being a gentle, kind, unassuming, modest man, beneath this image there is the iron will of the Jesuit. This man is no pushover. He did not rise to be the highest-ranking Jesuit in Argentina in a time of great upheaval and violence in that country by being a softie. He knows that he is there to perform a service to the Order to which he has devoted his life. The very first sentence of his inaugural address showed that he was utterly committed to using his position as pope with firmness and power. He said: “I thank the Lord that I can celebrate this holy mass for the inauguration of my Petrine ministry.” As pointed out by ex-Roman Catholic priest Richard Bennett: “Francis knew the claimed power that is embedded in the term, ‘Petrine ministry.’ As the official Catechism of the Catholic Church states, ‘…the Roman Pontiff, by reason of his office as Vicar of Christ, namely, and as pastor of the entire Church, has full, supreme and universal power over the whole Church, a power which he can always exercise unhindered.’ It is highly significant that Pope Francis began his speech by thanking the Lord that he could celebrate Mass for the inauguration of what he said was ‘my Petrine ministry.’ His opening sentence shows where his heart is; namely, in himself, in his position, and the power entailed in such a position. It is this particular idea, i.e. that the Pope is the Apostle Peter’s successor, which has been the undergirding authority for the Papacy’s identity in the world since the time of Pope Gregory VII in the eleventh century. The nature, indeed, the very identity of the Office of the Papacy of the Roman Catholic Church is at stake. Thus, the Papacy will concede nothing regarding this claim but rather use it to establish itself as the stable institution in the midst of current tumultuous times.”34

    2. He is Latin American

    Why is this significant? For at least two reasons. The first being that South America is now the continent with the largest number of Roman Catholics in the world – over 40 % of all the earth’s Romanists live there. In Europe, Roman Catholicism is in decline, but in South America the picture is very different. And for a Papal system that wants to control the entire world; that longs to exert total control, for example, over the United States of America, a country into which huge numbers of Latin American Roman Catholics are pouring as legal and illegal immigrants, which is impacting the demographics and the entire voting process in the USA35 – appointing a Latin American man as pope of Rome would give a huge impetus to these things.

    And the second reason why the choice of a Latin American is so significant is because this made Francis I a pope from the Third World! It is in the Third World – Latin America, Africa and Asia – where Roman Catholicism is experiencing its greatest growth, and choosing a non-European pope, a man from one of the ever-volatile, often poverty-plagued Third World countries, will do wonders for the progress of Roman Catholicism in these parts of the world. There had been a loud clamour, from various parts of the Third World, for a pope who understood them, and wanted to uplift them; a pope of liberal/leftist “social justice” policies. Some thought the cardinals would choose Peter Turkson, the cardinal from Ghana; but rather than take such a radical step and elect a black African, they chose instead a man who, although from a Third World country, was still tied very much to Europe. For the next point about Francis I is this:

    3. He is of Italian descent

    Yes – although he was born in Argentina, his father was an Italian immigrant. And this made him the ideal bridge between the non-European, non-Italian Third World and the predominantly European, predominantly Italian leaders of the “Church”. It certainly made him far more acceptable to the hierarchy as pope, even though he was from a country outside of Europe. He “brings together the first world and the developing world in his own person. He’s a Latin American with Italian roots, who studied in Germany.”36

    In the words of South African priest, Chris Townsend, spokesman for the Southern African Catholic Bishops’ Conference, the choice of Bergoglio was a significant acknowledgment that the “Church” of Rome’s “centre of gravity has moved out of Europe.” “It is a huge move from the cardinals,” he said. “We have in this man someone known to be very simple in his lifestyle, but as a Jesuit, he’s no fool.”37

    4. He is known as a doctrinal conservative

    He is a scholar of Roman Catholic theology who studied in Germany (home of Ratzinger/Benedict XVI). When he gave his first speech after being elected as pontiff, he said: “Tomorrow I want to go to pray to the Madonna, that she may protect all of Rome.”38 He left the world in no doubt of his full commitment to the Romish goddess Mary! His first public act was to pray before an idol of this goddess. On another occasion he once said: “Mary’s deep relationship with the Eucharist can guide the faithful and allow people to get closer to God. She is the ‘model of the bond between the Lord and his bride, the church, between God and each man.’”39

    He has expressed his opposition to abortion, having called it a “death sentence” for the unborn. 40 He has also expressed opposition to “euthanasia” and to sodomite “marriage”. When Argentina adopted sodomite “marriage”, Bergoglio, as archbishop, said “everyone loses” and “children need to have the right to be raised and educated by a father and a mother.” He labelled the “gay rights” movement as demonic in origin. This opposition put him at odds with Argentina’s president, Cristina Fernandez, who compared Bergoglio’s tone with “mediaeval times and the Inquisition”.41

    5. Yet – he is Marxist in economic and “social justice” matters!

    Latin America is known for the number of its priests – particularly Jesuits – who have advocated the radical Catholic-Communist doctrine known as “liberation theology.”42 And certainly Bergoglio is an advocate of Marxist “social justice” causes. In 2007, while still a cardinal in Argentina, he said that there is an “unjust distribution of goods” in the world – a truly Marxist expression, and one which has been used in recent years in official Vatican documents calling for radical Marxist social policies to be implemented by a world authority.43 These were his words: “We live in the most unequal part of the world, which has grown the most yet reduced misery the least. The unjust distribution of goods persists, creating a situation of social sin that cries out to heaven and limits the possibilities of a fuller life for so many of our brothers.”44 This is a classic Jesuit “liberation theology” statement! It teaches there is such a thing as “social sin”: sin within the structures of society, which needs to be removed and replaced by Communist structures so that wealth can be “re-distributed” from the rich to the poor.

    But his official biographer, Sergio Rubin, said of him: “Is Bergoglio a progressive – a liberation theologist even? No. He’s no third-world priest. Does he criticise the International Monetary Fund, and neo-liberalism? Yes. Does he spend a great deal of time in the slums? Yes.”45

    If we were to heed his official biographer – never a very wise course to follow – it would appear then that Bergoglio, despite being a Jesuit from Latin America where the Jesuits have been out-and-out Marxists, did not accept Marxism unreservedly, but preferred “social justice” causes without the classic Marxist extremist political activism and violence. But is this, in fact, true? By no means. As a South American Jesuit he certainly accepts Marxist economic and “social justice” concepts, and furthermore, as a Jesuit he would have no qualms about Marxist extremist political activism, if directed to it by the Jesuit general.

    Let us delve a bit more deeply into this:

    When he was the leading Jesuit in Argentina, that country was ruled by a brutal military regime; but it was an anti-Communist one. And Bergoglio had close ties to the regime, causing many to believe he was anti-Communist himself – which if true would put him at odds with most of Argentina’s Jesuits, who were fanatically and even violently supporting the pro-Communist revolution, readily taking up arms alongside the Marxist guerillas.

    But all was not as it seemed! Never forget – when the subject is Jesuits, nothing is ever as it seems!

    Two quotations, from two Roman Catholic publications: “[The 1970s and early 1980s] were the years of the military junta in Argentina, when many priests, including leading Jesuits, were gravitating towards the progressive liberation theology movement. As the Jesuit provincial, Bergoglio insisted on a more traditional reading of Ignatian spirituality, mandating that Jesuits continue to staff parishes and act as chaplains rather than moving into ‘base communities’ and political activism.”46 And: “He is a Jesuit… and during the terrible 1970s, when the dictatorship was raging and some of his confrères were ready to embrace the rifle and apply the lessons of Marx, he energetically opposed the tendency as provincial of the Society of Jesus in Argentina.”47

    And a Roman Catholic insider said, “He appears to be opposed to liberation theology and doesn’t approach ‘social justice’ from the political end.”48

    These quotations paint a picture of Argentina’s top Jesuit being opposed to the direction the Jesuits under him were taking, that of supporting Marxism. This was certainly how things were made to appear. In fact, so politically “right-wing” was he perceived to be that he was accused, in his native Argentina, of failing to publicly stand up to Argentina’s anti-Marxist military dictatorship when he was the leader of Argentina’s Jesuits; of doing nothing when victims of the State’s brutality and their relatives brought first-hand accounts of torture, death and kidnappings to Jesuit priests under him. And to this day many are convinced he was acting contrary to the Marxist Jesuits under him:


    Jorge Bergolia and Gen. Videla

    “There’s a wonderful picture that dates back to the 1970s – not a particularly cheerful time in the history of Argentina – of rotund Father Jorge Maria Bergoglio walking alongside lean, dapper, mass murdering General Jorge Rafael Videla. The stroll itself is hardly proof of collusion – it merely confirms that the Catholic Church and the Argentinian military regime were, occasionally, on strolling terms. But when one pairs the image with journalist Horacio Verbitsky’s devastating takedown, El Silencio, which is proof of collusion, we are able to understand the make of the man who now inhabits the Vatican.”49 What is El Silencio? It is an island in the Plate River, and there Bergoglio had a holiday home. And Bergoglio was accused of assisting the Argentinian navy to hide political prisoners there from the prying eyes of the Inter-American Human Rights Commission. “‘The most shaming thing for the church,’ wrote Hugh O’Shaughnessy back in January 2011, ‘is that in such circumstances Bergoglio’s name was allowed to go forward in the ballot to choose the successor of John Paul II. What scandal would have ensued if the first pope ever to be elected from the Jorge Bergoglio and Gen. Videla continent of America has been revealed as an accessory to murder and false imprisonment.’”50 Yet in 2013 the cardinals did elect Bergoglio, despite being believed, in liberal and Marxist circles, to be an accessory to murder and false imprisonment. Allowing of course for the undeniable fact that left-wing activists, media, etc., are prone to lying through their teeth to implicate those of the right in any crimes they can, it certainly is beyond dispute that Bergoglio was very intertwined with the military dictatorship.

    But was he, in truth, anti-Marxist, even so? No! Please read on:

    His supposedly “anti-Marxist” credentials were strengthened when in 2005 a human rights lawyer in Argentina filed a complaint charging Bergoglio with complicity in the 1976 kidnapping of two of his own pro-Marxist Jesuit priests by Argentina’s military regime. The two were found alive some five months later, but drugged and semi-naked. Bergoglio, not surprisingly, denied the charge. One of the two Jesuits, priest Orlando Yorio, accused Bergoglio of effectively handing them over to the Argentinian death squads by declining to tell the government that he endorsed their work. The other, Francisco Jalics, refused to discuss it after he went into seclusion in a German monastery. The charge was however rejected by some other human rights lawyers.51 Many years later, in 2010, Bergoglio told his biographer Rubin that both men were freed when he – Bergoglio – worked behind the scenes to save them. He also told Rubin that he regularly hid people on “Church” property during the dictatorship, and that he once even gave his own identity papers to a man with similar features to his, so that he could escape across the border. Yes, well, maybe, maybe not. We only have his word to go on, don’t we? A Jesuit will readily lie if he has to. Rubin said that at the time, failing to challenge the dictatorship was simply pragmatic, and that Bergoglio’s reluctance to tell his story was simply because he was so humble.52 Again, maybe. Maybe not. This sounds just like the excuses made regarding the Roman pope Pius XII’s behaviour towards Jews suffering at the hands of the Nazis: that it was simply for pragmatic reasons that Pius remained so silent in the face of the atrocities he knew the Nazis were perpetrating against Jews.53 Human rights attorney Myriam Bregman said that Bergoglio’s own statements proved that “Church” officials knew from early on that the dictatorship was torturing and killing its citizens, and yet they publicly endorsed it. She said, “The dictatorship could not have operated this way without this key support.”54 This is certainly true. Even though this was from a leftist herself, it still is all very reminiscent of how Roman Catholic leaders publicly endorsed Hitler and Nazism, but then later said that secretly they were fighting against it all along.

    What is beyond dispute is that there is very damning documentation which certainly indicates that Bergoglio did betray those fellow-Jesuit priests to the military dictatorship.55 His own testimony in his defence is worthless, given the Jesuit tactic of lying if it will further their own ends. So no denial out of his own mouth can be trusted. He is a faithful Jesuit, under orders. Equally worthless is the Vatican’s own press office denial of the allegations against Bergoglio, issued on March 15, 2013. 56 Of course the Vatican would deny any allegations made against its new Jesuit pope!

    But when one understands how the Jesuits operate, it makes perfect sense. And none of the above means that he was anti-Marxist. What we must never lose sight of here is that Bergoglio is a Jesuit! And with the Jesuits, nothing is ever as it seems. Nothing. Remember the words of their founder, Ignatius de Loyola: “We must see black as white, if the Church says so.” And in their writings the Jesuits have repeatedly justified the telling of lies if to do so would be advantageous to the Society. 57 Bergoglio is a Jesuit, and he is a Latin American Jesuit, who rose through the ranks of the Order in the volatile period when Latin American Jesuits were under orders from the Jesuit general to actively support the Marxist revolutionaries in Latin America. But the fact is that Jesuits are always deliberately positioned on both sides of any conflict, so that no matter who wins, they win. They were definitely in favour of Marxist revolutionaries coming to power in the 1970s and early 1980s; but just in case things did not work out as they planned, they also had Jesuits on the other side of the conflict – the side of the anti-Marxist governments against whom the Marxists were fighting!

    Bergoglio would have been ordered, as a faithful Jesuit under orders from his general in Rome, a man with no will of his own, a man as a corpse in his general’s hands, to support the military dictatorship of Argentina, while other Jesuits (under his command, for he was their leader) supported the Marxist revolutionaries. Jesuits will call one another names, accuse one another of crimes, etc. – and yet all the time be working in unison, although from opposite sides!

    Thus the truth about Jorge Bergoglio as a Jesuit in Argentina is hidden behind a dense fog of the Jesuits’ own making.

    According to the National Catholic Reporter, when he was almost elected back in 2005, “He appealed to conservatives in the College of Cardinals as a man who had held the line against liberalizing currents among the Jesuits, and to moderates as a symbol of the church’s commitment to the developing world.”58 He was therefore seen as the ideal compromise between two extremes: pleasing both conservatives and liberals, yet pleasing neither group completely.

    And there is yet another reason why this man was chosen to be pope of Rome at this time in history:

    6. He is perceived as being a Pro-Washington Pope.

    This may come as a surprise, and would be vociferously denied by many; and therefore it needs to be carefully explained, so that the reader grasps in what sense Francis is pro-Washington, considering that by “Washington” is meant the Washington of Barack Obama. And to provide necessary background information, it is valuable and very instructive to look at recent history and the involvement of the world powers in the elections of popes.

    The man in the street understands very little, in fact in most cases nothing at all, about the political intrigues behind the scenes at the election of every new pope of Rome. What is claimed to be a secret ballot, carried out by cardinals behind closed doors and beyond the reach of the outside world, is a fallacy. The fact is that the election of a new pope attracts the attention of very powerful governments. The reason? They well know that the man who is elected can literally sway the balance of power in their own countries. For no man on earth has such power as the pope of Rome (of course, as directed by the “black pope”). No man on earth controls the destinies of so many hundreds of millions of people, and entire nations.

    In every papal election of modern times, various governments have had their operatives at work behind the scenes, seeking to influence the voting; and in particular, the United States and the old Soviet Union, and today Russia.

    After World War Two, during which an alliance had existed between the pope, Pius XII, and Nazi Germany, a new pope – John XXIII – was elected in 1958. This man was a pro-Moscow pope. After him came Paul VI, another pro-Moscow pope. This was unacceptable to certain cardinals of the “Church”, as well as being unacceptable to Washington; it had to change. “Cardinals in Rome and elsewhere, having formulated a policy of opposition to Paul VI, jointly with high prelates in key positions in Europe and the Americas, had formed a kind of secretive but effective alliance with the most influential intelligence agencies of the U.S. Amongst these were the Directorate of the CIA, the Central Security Agency, the special strategic wing of the Pentagon, and other policy formulators of the American Administration. The Curia-CIA Coalition had come into existence with the precise objective of neutralising the pro-communist policies of Paul VI commonly known as the Vatican- Moscow alliance.” And so the Curia-CIA coalition began working “for the election of a pope who was willing to destroy the Vatican-Moscow alliance.”59 In order to accomplish this, the Vatican-CIA alliance began to promote a version of Communism not controlled from Moscow, but from the Vatican itself: a type of American-backed Catholic-Communism, particularly (at least initially) in the Third World countries of Latin America and Africa.

    And so it was that when the cardinals gathered in 1978 to elect a new pope after Paul VI’s death, the CIA hoped it would be a pro-American man. However, they were outsmarted by the pro-Russian cardinals in the conclave, who worked with the KGB to get a “non-political” pope elected: John Paul I. The Curia-CIA coalition then decided upon the deliberate “accelerated demise” of the pope, and to so manipulate the election of his successor that there would be no mistakes this time, and a pro-American pope would be elected. Accordingly, within 33 days the new pope was found dead. And the evidence that he was murdered is overwhelming.60

    “After John Paul I’s death, the Conclave reconvened to elect a new pope, the second within two months. This time, however, unlike before, the name of the papal candidate was already on the lips of some of the leading members of the Curia-CIA Coalition: Karol Wojtyla of Krakow, Poland”. The rigged election obtained the Papacy for him, and he took the name of John Paul II. “The CIA… had at last succeeded in electing their very own pope.”61 He was a Communist, but not a pro-Moscow Communist. He favoured the Vatican’s own brand of Catholic-Communism, and America supported it fully. So did various Latin American Communists, who despite their Marxism looked to Washington, not Moscow, for financial support.

    Jumping ahead now, to a different time and a very different global geopolitical stage, we see the same forces playing a deadly game in the election of Jorge Bergoglio as Francis I. The world has massively changed since 1978. It is not divided so neatly between the “free world” West headed by Washington, and the Communist East headed by Moscow of the old Soviet Union. Communism has not died, but it has metamorphosed. Today, the United States of America, under Barack Obama, has a Marxist government;62 and as for Russia, it may not be the old USSR anymore but it is still Communist and still very powerful (deliberately deceptive media reports notwithstanding). Obama’s Washington wants a Marxist-based New World Order, a world dominated by itself, but with its own version of Marxism. To achieve this, it needs a pro-New World Order pope in the Vatican who is pro-Marxist, but who is in alliance with Washington. And in Jorge Bergoglio it has its man. But again, it must be understood in what sense Bergoglio is Washington’s man.

    The Washington of Barack Obama is a very different place from the Washington of Ronald Reagan. The Obama Administration is pro-Marxist, pro-Muslim, and in some ways anti-Roman Catholic while in other ways (notably on Marxist economic matters) pro-Roman Catholic.63 And we must see what Obama’s Washington stood to gain from the election of Jorge Bergoglio to the Papacy in 2013. Yes, he is a doctrinal conservative, anti-abortion, etc. This was a decided negative to the Obama Administration. But what outweighed Bergoglio’s doctrinal conservatism was his political activism, his pro-Marxist policies. He is what is called a political “progressive”, i.e. a Marxist in economic and “social justice” matters. And – because of his previous 1970s support for the pro-Washington military regime in Argentina, he is perceived as being pro-Washington today! And this is a huge positive for Washington, because although it is pro-Marxist, at this time various South American governments, although also pro-Marxist, are Moscow-leaning rather than Washington-leaning. There is a massive build-up of anti-Washington sentiment in one Latin American country after another. Washington’s influence in the entire continent is under threat. Having the support of a pope from South America, then, is of immense significance to Washington.

    When the time for the papal election came about, Washington saw in Bergoglio the best man they could back for the position. Not an ideal man, be it noted! But the best man at the time. Politics is the art of the possible. Doubtless Washington would have wished for a better man (from Washington’s point of view) than Bergoglio. But in the absence of anyone better, Washington backed Bergoglio, working on the principle that a doctrinally conservative pope who was pro-Marxist yet hopefully pro- Washington was better than a doctrinally conservative pope who was also politically conservative. At least Bergoglio, as pope, would support Washington’s pro-Marxist stance, even if he was not in agreement on moral issues such as abortion. This was better than nothing.

    As noted previously (but it bears repeating here, with added detail), in the 1970s Argentina was ruled by a brutal military dictatorship, backed by Washington. The CIA supported the coup that brought the military to power there in 1976, as did the Illuminati branch known as the Council on Foreign Relations, or CFR, also often called America’s secret government; and it was supported by the Roman Catholic “Church”.64 The objective in supporting the military coup was to curtail Soviet influence in South America. Large numbers of Jesuits were supporting the Marxist revolutions on that continent, but at the very same time other Jesuits – notably Bergoglio, the highest-ranking Jesuit in Argentina – were backing the government, as shown above. So then, when the papal election rolled around and Washington was looking for a cardinal it could support to become pope, it is not surprising that Bergoglio became the candidate:

    “The election of Pope Francis I has broad geopolitical implications for the entire Latin American region. In the 1970s, Jorge Mario Bergoglio was supportive of a US sponsored military dictatorship. The Catholic hierarchy in Argentina supported the military government…. The Catholic Church in Latin America is politically influential. It also has a grip on public opinion. This is known and understood by the architects of US foreign policy. In Latin America, where a number of governments are now challenging US hegemony, one would expect – given Bergoglio’s track record – that the new Pontiff Francis I as leader of the Catholic Church, will play de facto, a discrete ‘undercover’ political role on behalf of Washington. With Jorge Bergoglio, Pope Francis I in the Vatican (who faithfully served US interests in the heyday of General Jorge Videla) the hierarchy of the Catholic Church in Latin America can once again be effectively manipulated to undermine ‘progressive’ (Leftist) governments, not only in Argentina (in relation to the government of Cristina Kirschner) but throughout the entire region, including Venezuela, Ecuador and Bolivia.”65

    Imagine the power of a pro-Marxist America backed by a pro-Marxist pope of Rome!

    Of course, this perception that Francis is pro-Washington needs to be put within the proper perspective. As a Jesuit whose mind and will is surrendered to the Jesuit general, he carries out the general’s orders. The Jesuits, unlike other priests or religious orders, are not men who act according to their own principles and political persuasions. Whereas a priest from another religious order might be personally pro-Washington or pro-something else, a Jesuit priest is whatever his superior tells him to be, and ultimately whatever the general tells him to be. The Jesuits have long favoured Marxism because it advances their purposes. And whereas Paul VI was pro-Moscow and John Paul II was pro- Washington, a Jesuit pope will be pro- whatever the Jesuit general orders him to be.

    obama-pope-francis This explains, also, Barack Obama’s visit to Francis I in the Vatican. Considering Obama’s track record, taking a decidedly anti-Roman Catholic stance in the US on various matters and even demanding that America’s powerful Roman Catholic hierarchy bow to his will on Obamacare and various other matters, it might be natural to assume that the Obama Administration and the Roman Catholic institution are poles apart. But what one must always understand is that Rome may oppose a particular government on certain matters, and support it to the hilt on other ones, if those other ones are deemed to be of greater importance at the time. And this is how to understand the relationship between the Obama White House and Francis’ Vatican. On pro-Marxist economic policies, on Roman Catholic immigration from South America into the USA, on pro-Marxist global one-world policies, Obama and Francis are far, far closer than many would imagine.

    When he was a young activist in Chicago, Barack Obama worked extremely closely with the Roman Catholic institution in its Socialist “social justice” activities amongst the poor working classes. He operated from a desk in a parish in Chicago’s south side. He did not become a Papist, but he was surrounded by radical Socialist/Marxist Papists during this formative period. He “fit seamlessly into a 1980s Catholic cityscape forged by the spirit of Vatican II, the influence of liberation theology and the progressivism of Cardinal Joseph L. Bernardin, the archbishop of Chicago”.66 One of his mentors at the time was Gregory Galluzo, a former Jesuit priest and a disciple of the Marxist Saul Alinsky. Of course, with the Jesuits one can never be 100% certain that a “former” Jesuit really is a “former” Jesuit. Often he is still a Jesuit in good standing, playing a deceptive game.

    In this Roman Catholic atmosphere the young Obama thrived and worked, although religiously he gravitated to the black American version of liberation theology preached by Jeremiah Wright (who became his pastor). But liberation theology, both the “Protestant” and the Jesuit versions, helped to shape Obama into who he became.

    Obama won the Roman Catholic vote in 2008 – the “Church” of Rome massively supporting him.67 But during his first term of office he alienated many Roman Catholics with his pro-abortion stance, and fewer Roman Catholics voted for him in 2012. Relations were strained.

    When the meeting between Obama and Francis was being planned, a senior Vatican official warned that the meeting would not be like the 1982 meeting between Reagan and John Paul II, which was a clear sign of the Vatican-Washington alliance against pro-Moscow Communism in Eastern Europe. “We’re not in the old days of the great alliance,” the official said.68 That may be so – but both sides knew there was much to the advantage of both in the meeting. Thus, while the Vatican-Washington alliance of Francis/Obama may not be anywhere near the strength of the Vatican-Washington alliance of John Paul/Reagan, it is still an alliance. Shakier, definitely, but an alliance notwithstanding – at least for now.

    obama-pope-francis-2 Indeed, Obama profiled Francis for Time magazine’s list of the 100 Most Influential People, saying: “His Holiness has moved us with his message of inclusion, especially for the poor, the marginalized and the outcast… His message of love and inclusion…distills the essence of Jesus’ teachings and is a tonic for a cynical age. May we heed his humble example.”69 Oh, sure, this is just what the world needs: the pro-Marxist Obama telling us what the essence of Jesus’ teaching is. But Obama loves it when Francis preaches liberation theology. This is the only “gospel” Obama understands. It is a false “gospel”, a lie from the pit of hell.

    Religious News Service analyst David Gibson wrote: “Political conservatives [in the US] are especially worried that Francis’ frequent blasts at income inequality are playing into the hands of President Obama and the Democrats”.70 Indeed they are, and this is all immensely pleasing to Obama and to all leftists and Reds everywhere in the western world.

    And, it must be noted, Bergoglio has deliberately gone out of his way to suppress too much talk, in high Papist circles, of the doctrinal issues – such as Rome’s official stance against abortion and homosexuality – which so anger liberal, leftist Americans and other westerners. Although he has stated he is anti-abortion and anti-sodomite “marriage”, he has deliberately sought to play these issues down when addressing those who would likely be pro-abortion. Reason? So as not to make things more difficult for his Washington buddies, with whom he is one on “social justice” if not on things like abortion. Again, he is a Jesuit, and he knows how to say the things his audience wants to hear.

    Thus, “In his interviews with those in the left-wing media he seeks to impress, Francis has said that the Church needs to stop being ‘obsessed’ with abortion and gay marriage, and instead of seeking to convert people, ‘we need to get to know each other, listen to each other and improve our knowledge of the world around us’…. he [has] insulted and severely damaged the work of [Roman Catholic] pro-life and pro-marriage groups with his comments…”71 Now why would a pope speak like this? Why would he risk alienating the doctrinally conservative Romanists with whom he apparently agrees in fact? Only one reason: he believes that it is more important to cosy up to the liberal/left on social and political issues than to support conservative Roman Catholics on such things as their opposition to abortion and sodomite “marriage”. Any why is this more important? For the simple reason that placing himself at the centre of the international political arena at this time in history is far more important (for the Vatican) than supporting doctrinal causes among conservatives. He was trying not to offend his western, liberal/leftist friends. Like Barack Obama, he is a chameleon. significantly, he is a chameleon like all top Jesuits are chameleons.

    Seen in the light of all the above, one can also then understand the meaning behind the meeting between Francis and Russian President Vladimir Putin in the Vatican. As we have seen above, the Jesuits always play both sides. This has been their tactic from their very beginning. This way they always win – no matter which side wins in any conflict or any stand-off. Putin, no less than Obama, wants the Roman pope’s support. Hence his trip to the Vatican, where he behaved like a religious believer, making the sign of the cross, giving Francis an icon of the Virgin Mary, and even kissing it. Putin knows what he would gain from receiving the papal blessing. As for Francis, there is an international power play unfolding, a geopolitical chess game, and the pro-New World Order pope will do what he can to influence Russia.

    The Roman Catholic “Church” and the KGB-controlled Russian Orthodox “Church” are seeking closer collaboration on the world stage. This is because they see the advantages of doing so to combat an increasingly secular world. It has also always remained Rome’s goal to finally conquer Russia for Roman Catholicism. Any moves in that direction – such as closer collaboration between Romanism and Russian Orthodoxy, and a Russian president professing to be a “Christian” sympathetic to the Vatican – will be encouraged by the Vatican for its own conquest objectives. Francis, therefore, met with Putin because Rome desires world domination, and Russia is a major world player.

    putin-pope-francis Still another reason for the meeting – and an explanation of Putin’s religious actions at the meeting – was that Putin in recent years has been deliberately positioning himself as an upholder of conservative values, shown in his public opposition to sodomy, and as a kind of protector of “Christian” minorities in the Middle East. The Vatican, therefore, sees the value of encouraging contact with such a man, because he can be useful to the Papacy in these fields. He is viewed as a very possible ally in the Vatican’s war against an increasingly secular and immoral West. Plus there is the matter of Roman Catholics in Ukraine, which Russia is warring against; and Rome-alligned “Catholics” in the Middle East, where Russia has influence. Truly, faithful and cunning Jesuit that he is, Francis keeps the door open to Russia, even while cosying up to America.

    Francis I’s Pro-Marxist, One-World, “Social Justice” Position

    mugabe-francis The pro-Marxist position of the brand-new Roman pope was shown on his first official day as pope of Rome, when he met President Robert Mugabe of Zimbabwe, shook his hand – and even bowed his head to him in greeting!72 Mugabe had been permitted to travel to the Vatican for the inauguration of Francis, defying an EU travel ban on the Marxist monster who has destroyed his country. The Vatican placed Mugabe in the VIP section at the inaugural mass. Just a slip? Not likely, when one knows that Robert Mugabe was educated by the Jesuits in Zimbabwe, and still considers himself to be a Roman Catholic! It was then surely the greeting of a Jesuit to a man who, despite all his abominable crimes, has nevertheless carried out certain Jesuit objectives in Zimbabwe.

    Once he became pope, Bergoglio began to raise his voice in support of economic and “social justice” Marxism. The evidence mounted up rapidly. Within weeks of his inauguration he criticised Capitalism and called for global financial changes along Communist lines! 73 He said, “Unbridled Capitalism has taught the logic of profit at any cost, of giving in order to receive, of exploitation without looking at the person.” The results of such attitudes “we see in the crisis we are now living through.” This of course is false: the present crisis in the world is not the fault of free market policies, but of the Marxist policies so dear to so much of the world in recent decades. Addressing diplomats, Francis called for global financial reform that assists the poor, promotes the “common good”, and allows states to regulate markets. All typical Marxist phrases. His words were that economic inequality is caused by “ideologies which uphold the absolute autonomy of markets and financial speculation, and thus deny the right of control to states, which are themselves charged with providing for the common good.” Actually, this is not the duty of states at all, and any form of State regulation is deadly to the true creation of wealth, which only happens when individuals are free from State interference. “The common good” – how Communists love to prattle on about this!

    When a pope of Rome is praised highly by the secretary general of the United Nations – that diabolical one-world, pro-Marxist organisation – then we can be sure of Francis’ Marxist leanings! This is precisely what happened on April 9, 2013, when UN secretary general Ban Ki-moon met the new pope in the Vatican and said afterwards that Francis was “a man of peace and purpose” whose choice of the name “Francis” (after Francis of Assisi) was a “powerful image for the many goals and purposes shared by the United Nations.”74 Oh, this pope of Rome is a one-worlder all right.

    Ban went on to say that Francis “speaks loudly of his commitment to the poor”, and that the two men “discussed the need to advance social justice and accelerate work to meet with the Millennium Development Goals. This is vital if we are to meet the Millennium promise to the world’s poorest.” Any doubts left, dear reader?

    Lastly, Ban called Francis “a voice for the voiceless” and invited him to the UN.

    Francis continued to return to Marxist economic themes, slamming the free market but speaking highly of Marxist doctrine. In July 2013, for example, he completed a papal encyclical begun by his predecessor, Benedict XVI, and in this Francis called for an overhaul of the financial system and warned that unequal distribution of wealth leads to violence – a very typical Marxist analysis of violence. Then, in November 2013 he again returned to such themes, attacking Capitalism and speaking in favour of Marxist policies. In a lengthy document known as an “apostolic exhortation”, he attacked unfettered Capitalism, calling it “a new tyranny”, and called on world leaders to fight poverty and growing inequality. The words he used were that they needed to “attack the structural causes of inequality” and strive to provide work, health care and education to all citizens. 75 When Papists, particularly Jesuits, speak of “structural causes of inequality”, they are speaking according to the doctrine of liberation theology, which teaches that “sin” is to be found within the structures of society. This is nothing but religious Communism! Nor is it the duty of governments to provide the citizens of the countries they govern with work, health care or education – this kind of Big Brother control, this overbearing State regulation of all aspects of life, is pure Communism. But the Lord never gave such tasks to governments. According to Romans 13 and elsewhere in Scripture, governments are there to maintain law and order. This is the limitation, biblically, on government authority. Providing jobs, health care and education is not their duty.

    As one Roman Catholic has written: “About communism, a destructive ideology that slaughtered millions of Catholics, [Francis] said: ‘Learning about it through a courageous and honest person was helpful. I realized… an aspect of the social, which I then found in the social doctrine of the Church.’ Not such kind words for the free market, however. In his recent apostolic exhortation he slammed unfettered capitalism, calling it ‘a new tyranny.’ Apart from the fact that there is no major nation practicing unfettered capitalism (like Obama, Francis loves attacking straw men) there is more real tyranny in socialist cesspools like Francis’ home of Argentina than in places where capitalism is predominant. In the document he rejects the free market and calls for governments to overhaul financial systems so they attack inequality… failing to see that free markets have consistently lifted the poor out of poverty, while socialism merely entrenches them in it, or kills them outright.”76 But Francis went even further, harping on about the “social justice” Marxism he so loves. He called on rich people to share their wealth. The “redistribution of wealth” (read theft from the rich to support the poor) is at the very heart of Communism, and always has been.

    Note how Francis, in true Jesuitical style, keeps mum about the Vatican’s own vast global wealth, greater than that of any Muslim sheikh sitting on some desert oil well.77 Quick to call on the wealthy to redistribute their wealth, he does not declare that the Romish religion, the richest institution on the face of the earth, will be “redistributing” its wealth to the poor anytime soon. Do not be fooled by this pope’s pretence at humility and personal poverty, living in an apartment and cooking his own supper. It is all a Jesuit act. He is a hypocrite of the first order.

    Beyond all question, Francis I, the Jesuit pope, has pushed the diabolical doctrine of liberation theology, religious Marxism, the doctrine so violently and fanatically promoted throughout Latin America and Africa by the Jesuits since the 1970s, to the very forefront of his devilish “ministry”. Even the secular press has noted this fact. In the London Telegraph, for example, in early 2014, an article appeared entitled “Liberation Theology is back as Pope Francis holds capitalism to account.” Its subtitle was: “Amid accusations of Marxism, Pope Francis has turned the Vatican into the spearhead of radical economic thinking.”78 Excerpts from the article:

    “Unfettered global capitalism has met its match at last. Ever since Bishop Bergoglio picked St Francis of Assisi to be his guiding inspiration and lead a ‘church for the poor’, all his actions have been in the same direction. Liberation Theology is taking over the Vatican… The ‘preferential option for the poor’ is back. The doctrine that so inflamed controversy in the 1970s and 1980s, famously wedded to Nicaragua’s Sandinista cause, now has a Papal imprimatur. It is close to becoming official doctrine for the world’s 1.2bn Roman Catholics under ‘Evangelii Gaudium’, the Pope’s first apostolic exhortation. This will have consequences…

    “The conservative power of the Papal Curia is being broken. All of a sudden the Vatican is the spearhead of radical economic thinking. The best-known of the Pope’s newly-minted Council of Cardinals is none other than Archbishop Reinhard Marx, the firebrand ‘Rote Kardinal’ of Munich and author of Das Kapital: A Plea for Man…

    “Professor Harvey Cox from Harvard University writes in the Nation that one of the Pope’s first gestures after his acclamation was to invite Peru’s Gustavo Gutiérrez to Rome. This is highly significant. He is the priest who wrote the original ‘Magna Carta’ for Liberation Theology in 1968, the symbol of the movement. They celebrated Mass together, then had breakfast.”

    What, then, happens to this idea that Bergoglio in Argentina was opposed to Jesuit liberation theology? It evaporates. In Argentina he was playing a role, as a faithful Jesuit under orders. He was not against what the radical Marxist Jesuit liberation theologians were doing while he himself was hob- nobbing with anti-Marxists – he was simply following orders!

    In December 2013 Francis continued his praise and support of liberation theology. He wrote a letter to Brazil’s “Base Ecclesial Communities” in which he expressed the hope that “the light of the Holy Spirit help you live with renewed enthusiasm the commitments of the Gospel of Jesus within Brazilian society.”79 All innocent-sounding – until one understands what these “Base Ecclesial Communities” were, and are. The following is from my book, “Holy War” Against South Africa:80

    “The ‘Catholic Base Communities’, as they were called [in Latin America], numbered over 53000 in Brazil alone by 1982. They were the equivalent of the classic Marxist cell groups which were extremely successful in pre-Soviet Russia, and they were usually led by priests, most often Jesuits. The indoctrination was ‘meant to develop a political approach to economic and social problems via active disruption or even violent militancy. The ‘communidades de base’ are, therefore, powerful revolutionary tools in the hands of a militant Catholic Church preparing them for use during the forthcoming commotions.’”81

    Thus, time and again, this pope voices his support for radical religious Marxism. He did it again on April 28, 2014, when he used Twitter to send out the following short tweet:

    “Inequality is the root of social evil.”

    Apart from it being a direct contradiction of the Word of God, which declares: “For the love of money is the root of all evil” (1 Tim. 6:10), it was a statement of pure Marxism.

    Then he did it again some weeks later, when he again condemned the world’s financial markets, at a conference entitled, “Investing in the Poor: How Impact Investing Can Serve the Common Good in Light of Evangelii Gaudium [the pope’s recent document]”.82

    Of course, so as not to alarm anti-Communist Roman Catholics too much, every so often Francis issues a statement which seems to indicate his opposition to Marxism. But in doing so he is again simply acting as a good Jesuit does. For example, he has said, “The Marxist ideology is wrong. But I have met many Marxists in my life who are good people”. 83 In saying Marxist ideology is wrong, he means atheistic Marxism; but religious Marxism, specifically Roman Catholic Marxism, is absolutely acceptable to him, for it was the Jesuits who came up with the doctrine.

    In an interview he said: “The Communists stole our cause. Rallying for the poor is Christian”, and it was so for 2000 years before Karl Marx picked up on it.84 Another example of how he turns criticism of his Marxist stance into something that makes him look good.

    In March 2014 Fortune magazine named Francis I “the world’s greatest leader”. This was high praise indeed. The magazine said that since his election, “Francis has electrified the Church and attracted legions of non-Catholic admirers by energetically setting a new direction”. It stated that “signs of a ‘Francis effect’ abound”.85

    The significance of this recognition from Fortune is that it is a global business magazine published by Time, Inc. It is therefore part of the one-world stable of leftist publications. Indeed, Time magazine itself named Francis as “Person of the Year” for 2013. Truly, this man is charming the liberal/leftist world!

    Francis I is the Current Antichrist of God’s Word

    In all these momentous events, let us not lose sight of the divinely inspired prophecies of the Bible. When Jorge Bergoglio was asked if he accepted the position of pope of Rome and he said yes, at that point he became the next one in the dynasty of men through the centuries who are called, in God’s Word, the Man of Sin and Son of Perdition; the Antichrist! (2 Thess. 2:3; 1 Jn. 2:18,22). At that point, he became the next one in the long line of men through the centuries who are described in God’s Word thus: “who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God” (2 Thess. 2:4). And thus, at that point, he set himself up in opposition to God the Father as the so-called “Holy Father”; in opposition to God the Son as supposedly “Christ on earth”, “Christ in office, Christ in jurisdiction and power”, “the Lamb of the Vatican”; and in opposition to God the Holy Spirit as the so-called “Vicar of Christ”, the vice-Christ, the substitute for Christ on earth. But to claim to be the one who takes the place of Christ on earth is to be nothing less than the Antichrist! For this is the very meaning of the Greek word.

    He, like Judas, is the Son of Perdition (Jn. 17:12), and will for his unpardonable blasphemy and wickedness “go to his own place” (Acts 1:25), even hell itself. But how true believers should pray for, and preach the true Gospel of Christ to, the poor, deceived, benighted followers of Antichrist, that the sovereign Lord would in mercy save many of them, plucking them out of the fire!

    August 2014

    Shaun Willcock is a minister of the Gospel. He runs Bible Based Ministries. For other articles (which may be downloaded and printed), as well as details about his books, audio messages, pamphlets, etc., please visit the Bible Based Ministries website; or write to the address below. If you would like to be on Bible Based Ministries’ email list, to receive all future articles, please send your details.


    1. A Jesuit Becomes the Pope of Rome, by Shaun Willcock. Bible Based Ministries, 2013.
    2.. The Washington Post, March 13, 2013.
    3.., March 13, 2013.
    4.. The Moynihan Letters, March 13, 2013.
    5.. The Jesuits Elect a New General, by Shaun Willcock. Bible Based Ministries, 2008.
    6.. The Jesuits: the Secret Army of the Papacy, by Shaun Willcock, pg.10. Bible Based Ministries, 2012.
    7. Les Jesuites, by J. Huber, pgs. 71,73. Sandoz et Fischbacher, Paris, 1875. Quoted in The Secret History of the Jesuits, by Edmond Paris, pg. 26. Chick Publications, Chino, California, USA.
    8. Footprints of the Jesuits, by R.W. Thompson, pg. 51. Published in 1894.
    9. Footprints of the Jesuits, pgs. 57-59.
    10.. The Jesuits: the Secret Army of the Papacy, pg.12.
    11. The Key to Pope Francis’ Identity: Master of the Jesuit Spiritual Exercises, by Richard Bennett.
    April 14, 2014. Berean Beacon. 12. The Jesuits: the Secret Army of the Papacy, pg.12.
    13. The Secret History of the Jesuits, by Edmond Paris, pgs. 21,22. Chick Publications, Chino, California, USA.
    14. Secret Instructions of the Jesuits, faithfully translated from the Latin of an old London copy, published by Charles K. Moore, New York, 1841.
    15. Secret Instructions of the Jesuits.
    16. The Moynihan Letters, March 18, 2013.
    17., March 22, 2013.
    18. Caraccioli: “Vie du Pape Clement XIV” (Desant, Paris 1776, p.313); quoted in The Secret History of the Jesuits, pg. 70.
    19. Baron de Ponnat, “Histoire des variations et des contradictions de l’Eglise romaine”, p. 223; quoted in The Secret History of the Jesuits, pgs. 70-1.
    20. Brewster’s Encyclopaedia, Vol. XI, p. 171, as quoted in a historical sketch of the Jesuits by W.C. Brownlee, given in a republication of Secret Instructions of the Jesuits, New York,1841.
    21. Murder in the Vatican, by Avro Manhattan, pgs. 73-75. Ozark Books, Springfield, Missouri, USA, 1985.
    22. Potter: “Vie de Scipion de Ricci” (Brussels 1825), I, p.18; quoted in The Secret History of the Jesuits, pg. 71.
    23. Baron de Ponnat: “Histoire des variations et contradictions de l’Eglise romaine” (Charpentier, Paris 1882, II, p.224); quoted in The Secret History of the Jesuits, pg. 71.
    24. See In God’s Name, by David Yallop. Jonathan Cape Ltd., Great Britain, 1984.
    25. See Murder in the Vatican.
    26. The Vatican Moscow Washington Alliance, by Avro Manhattan, pg. 49. Chick Publications, Chino, California, USA, 1982.
    27. The Vatican Moscow Washington Alliance, pg. 50.
    28. Is the Pope of Rome Guilty? by Shaun Willcock. Bible Based Ministries, April 2010. See also Child Sexual Abuse by Priests: Revelations of Shocking Crimes and Sinful Cover-Ups; Homosexuality in the Roman Catholic Priesthood; both by Shaun Willcock, as well as other articles, all available from Bible Based Ministries:
    29. See The Rat(zinger) Abandons His Ship: the Astonishing Resignation of the Roman Pope Benedict XVI, by Shaun Willcock. Bible Based Ministries, 2013.
    30.. The Jesuits Elect a New General.
    31.. The Moynihan Letters, March 11, 2013. 32.. See The Jesuits Elect a New General.
    33. Pope Francis Shows His True Colours, by Richard Bennett. Berean Beacon,
    34. Pope Francis Shows His True Colours.
    35.. See America’s Alien Invasion: the United States is Becoming Roman Catholic, by Shaun Willcock. Bible Based Ministries, 2006.
    36.. National Catholic Reporter, March 14, 2013.
    37.. Daily Maverick, 14 March 2013.
    38.. The Moynihan Letters, March 13, 2013.
    39.. The Moynihan Letters, March 13, 2013.
    40.. The Blaze, May 13, 2013.
    41.. The Washington Post, March 13, 2013.
    42.. See The Vatican Moscow Washington Alliance.
    43.. See The Pope of Rome Calls for a World Government, by Shaun Willcock, Bible Based Ministries 2009, and The Vatican and the “Occupy Wall Street” Movement, by Shaun Willcock, Bible Based Ministries 2011.
    44.. The Blaze, May 13, 2013.
    45.. The Washington Post, March 13, 2013.
    46.. National Catholic Reporter, March 14, 2013.
    47.. The Moynihan Letters, March 13, 2013.
    48.., March 15, 2013.
    49.. Daily Maverick, 15 March 2013.
    50.. Daily Maverick, 15 March 2013.
    51.. New York Daily News, March 14, 2013.
    52.. The Province, March 13, 2013.
    53.. See, for example, The Vatican Against Europe, by Edmond Paris. The Wickliffe Press, London, reprinted 1988.
    54.. The Province, March 13, 2013.
    55. Daily Mail, 16 March 2013. Art. “Special report: The damning documents that show new Pope DID betray tortured priests to the Junta.” Also Global Research, March 19, 2013. Art. “‘Change of Skin’, From Argentina’s ‘Dirty War’ to the Vatican: Pope Francis ‘Dissociates Himself’ from Father Bergoglio.”
    56., March 15, 2013.
    57. Fourteen Years a Jesuit, by Count Paul von Hoensbroech, Vol.II, pgs.301-319. Cassell and Company Ltd., 1911.
    58. The Blaze, May 13, 2013.
    59. The Vatican Moscow Washington Alliance, pgs.23-25.
    60. As, for example, by David Yallop in his unanswered and unanswerable book, In God’s Name.
    61. The Vatican Moscow Washington Alliance, pgs. 31-5.
    62. See Comrade Barack Obama: President of the United Socialist States of America, by Shaun Willcock. Bible Based Ministries, 2008. Also America: Communism Triumphant, by Shaun Willcock. Bible Based Ministries, 2012.
    63. See The Vatican/Obama Alliance, by Shaun Willcock. Bible Based Ministries, 2010.
    64. Global Research E-Newsletter, 14 March 2013. Art. “‘Washington’s Pope’? Who is Pope Francis I?”
    65. Global Research E-Newsletter, 14 March 2013.
    66. The New York Times, March 22, 2014. Art. “The Catholic Roots of Obama’s Activism.”
    67. The Vatican/Obama Alliance.
    68. The New York Times, March 22, 2014.
    69., April 28, 2014.
    70., 30 April 2014.
    71. Fox News, December 4, 2013.
    72. Daily Mail, 19 March 2013.
    73. The Southern Cross, May 29 to June 4, 2013.
    74., April 10, 2013.
    75. Reuters, 26 November 2013.
    76. Fox News, December 4, 2013.
    77. See The Vatican Billions, by Avro Manhattan. Chick Publications, Chino, California, USA, 1983.
    78. The Telegraph, 8 January 2014. Art. “Liberation Theology is Back as Pope Francis Holds Capitalism to Account.”
    79., January 8, 2014.
    80. “Holy War” Against South Africa, by Shaun Willcock, pgs. 185-6. Bible Based Ministries, Third Edition 2011.
    81. The Vatican Moscow Washington Alliance, pgs. 322,323.
    82. The Southern Cross, June 25 to July 1, 2014.
    83. The Telegraph, 8 January 2014. Art. “Liberation Theology is Back as Pope Francis Holds Capitalism to Account.”
    84. The Southern Cross, July 9 to 15, 2014.
    85., March 20, 2014. Bible Based Ministries

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    Winning the Cultural War

    Winning the Cultural War

    This is a moving speech Charlton Heston gave to academia, the Harvard Law School, 24 years ago at the time of this post. Back then, “transgender” wasn’t even a word. It used to be called “transsexual.” The Devil’s people had to change it to transgender in order to promote the lie that gender is a “social construct.”

    Sad to say, Mr. Heston’s advice to the academic world was not followed. According to Jordan Peterson, Woke ideology originated in the universities. And who planted those seeds of evil ideologies? Without a doubt it was Satan and his people.

    I’ve read this speech many times and am always moved emotionally when I read it. I thought I had posted it on this website years ago, but I can’t find it which is why I’m posting it now.

    “Winning The Cultural War”

    Charlton Heston; February 16, 1999
    Harvard Law School Forum
    February 16, 1999

    I remember my son when he was five, explaining to his kindergarten class what his father did for a living. ‘My Daddy,’ he said, ‘pretends to be people.’ There have been quite a few of them. Prophets from the Old and New Testaments, a couple of Christian saints, generals of various nationalities and different centuries, several kings, three American presidents, a French cardinal and two geniuses, including Michelangelo.

    If you want the ceiling re-painted I’ll do my best. There always seem to be a lot of different fellows up here. I’m never sure which one of them gets to talk. Right now, I guess I’m the guy.

    As I pondered our visit tonight it struck me: if my Creator gave me the gift to connect you with the hearts and minds of those great men, then I want to use that same gift now to re-connect you with your own sense of liberty … your own freedom of thought … your own compass for what is right.

    Dedicating the memorial at Gettysburg, Abraham Lincoln said of America, ‘We are now engaged in a great Civil War, testing whether this nation or any nation so conceived and so dedicated can long endure.’

    Those words are true again. I believe that we are again engaged in a great civil war, a cultural war that’s about to hijack your birthright to think and say what resides in your heart. I fear you no longer trust the pulsing lifeblood of liberty inside you … the stuff that made this country rise from wilderness into the miracle that it is.

    Let me back up. About a year ago I became president of the National Rifle Association, which protects the right to keep and bear arms. I ran for office, I was elected, and now I serve … I serve as a moving target for the media who’ve called me everything from ‘ridiculous’ and ‘duped’ to a ‘brain-injured, senile, crazy old man’. I know … I’m pretty old … but I sure thank the Lord ain’t senile.

    As I have stood in the crosshairs of those who target Second Amendment freedoms, I’ve realized that firearms are not the only issue. No, it’s much, much bigger than that. I’ve come to understand that a cultural war is raging across our land, in which, with Orwellian fervor, certain acceptable thoughts and speech are mandated.

    For example, I marched for civil rights with Dr. King in 1963 -– long before Hollywood found it fashionable. But when I told an audience last year that white pride is just as valid as black pride or red pride or anyone else’s pride, they called me a racist.

    I’ve worked with brilliantly talented homosexuals all my life. But when I told an audience that gay rights should extend no further than your rights or my rights, I was called a homophobe.

    I served in World War II against the Axis powers. But during a speech, when I drew an analogy between singling out innocent Jews and singling out innocent gun owners, I was called an anti-Semite.

    Everyone I know knows I would never raise a closed fist against my country. But when I asked an audience to oppose this cultural persecution, I was compared to Timothy McVeigh.

    From Time magazine to friends and colleagues, they’re essentially saying, ‘Chuck, how dare you speak your mind. You are using language not authorized for public consumption!’

    But I am not afraid. If Americans believed in political correctness, we’d still be King George’s boys-subjects bound to the British crown.

    In his book, ‘The End of Sanity,’ Martin Gross writes that ‘blatantly irrational behavior is rapidly being established as the norm in almost every area of human endeavor. There seem to be new customs, new rules, new anti-intellectual theories regularly foisted on us from every direction. Underneath, the nation is roiling. Americans know something, without a name is undermining the nation, turning the mind mushy when it comes to separating truth from falsehood and right from wrong. And they don’t like it.’

    Let me read a few examples. At Antioch college in Ohio, young men seeking intimacy with a coed must get verbal permission at each step of the process from kissing to petting to final copulation … all clearly spelled out in a printed college directive.

    In New Jersey, despite the death of several patients nationwide who had been infected by dentists who had concealed their AIDS — the state commissioner announced that health providers who are HIV-positive need not … need not … tell their patients that they are infected.

    At William and Mary, students tried to change the name of the school team ‘The Tribe’ because it was supposedly insulting to local Indians, only to learn that authentic Virginia chiefs truly like the name.

    In San Francisco, city fathers passed an ordinance protecting the rights of transvestites to cross-dress on the job, and for transsexuals to have separate toilet facilities while undergoing sex change surgery.

    In New York City, kids who don’t speak a word of Spanish have been placed in bilingual classes to learn their three R’s in Spanish solely because their last names sound Hispanic.

    At the University of Pennsylvania, in a state where thousands died at Gettysburg opposing slavery, the president of that college officially set up segregated dormitory space for black students.

    Yeah, I know … that’s out of bounds now. Dr. King said ‘Negroes.’ Jimmy Baldwin and most of us on the March said ‘black.’ But it’s a no-no now.

    For me, hyphenated identities are awkward … particularly ‘Native-American.’ I’m a Native American, for God’s sake. I also happen to be a blood-initiated brother of the Miniconjou Sioux. On my wife’s side, my grandson is a thirteenth generation Native American … with a capital letter on ‘American.’

    Finally, just last month … David Howard, head of the Washington D.C. Office of Public Advocate, used the word ‘niggardly’ while talking to colleagues about budgetary matters. Of course, ‘niggardly’ means stingy or scanty. But within days Howard was forced to publicly apologize and resign.

    As columnist Tony Snow wrote: ‘David Howard got fired because some people in public employ were morons who (a) didn’t know the meaning of niggardly,’ (b) didn’t know how to use a dictionary to discover the meaning, and (c) actually demanded that he apologize for their ignorance.’

    What does all of this mean? It means that telling us what to think has evolved into telling us what to say, so telling us what to do can’t be far behind. Before you claim to be a champion of free thought, tell me: Why did political correctness originate on America’s campuses? And why do you continue to tolerate it? Why do you, who’re supposed to debate ideas, surrender to their suppression?

    Let’s be honest. Who here thinks your professors can say what they really believe? It scares me to death, and should scare you too, that the superstition of political correctness rules the halls of reason.

    You are the best and the brightest. You, here in the fertile cradle of American academia, here in the castle of learning on the Charles River, you are the cream. But I submit that you, and your counterparts across the land, are the most socially conformed and politically silenced generation since Concord Bridge.

    And as long as you validate that … and abide it … you are-by your grandfathers’ standards-cowards. Here’s another example. Right now at more than one major university, Second Amendment scholars and researchers are being told to shut up about their findings or they’ll lose their jobs. Why? Because their research findings would undermine big-city mayor’s pending lawsuits that seek to extort hundreds of millions of dollars from firearm manufacturers.

    I don’t care what you think about guns. But if you are not shocked at that, I am shocked at you. Who will guard the raw material of unfettered ideas, if not you? Who will defend the core value of academia, if you supposed soldiers of free thought and expression lay down your arms and plead, ‘Don’t shoot me.’

    If you talk about race, it does not make you a racist. If you see distinctions between the genders, it does not make you a sexist. If you think critically about a denomination, it does not make you anti-religion. If you accept but don’t celebrate homosexuality, it does not make you a homophobe.

    Don’t let America’s universities continue to serve as incubators for this rampant epidemic of new McCarthyism. But what can you do? How can anyone prevail against such pervasive social subjugation?

    The answer’s been here all along. I learned it 36 years ago, on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial in Washington D.C., standing with Dr. Martin Luther King and two hundred thousand people.

    You simply … disobey. Peaceably, yes. Respectfully, of course. Nonviolently, absolutely. But when told how to think or what to say or how to behave, we don’t. We disobey social protocol that stifles and stigmatizes personal freedom.

    I learned the awesome power of disobedience from Dr. King … who learned it from Gandhi, and Thoreau, and Jesus, and every other great man who led those in the right against those with the might.

    Disobedience is in our DNA. We feel innate kinship with that Disobedient spirit that tossed tea into Boston Harbor, that sent Thoreau to jail, that refused to sit in the back of the bus, that protested a war in Viet Nam.

    In that same spirit, I am asking you to disavow cultural correctness with massive disobedience of rogue authority, social directives and onerous law that weaken personal freedom.

    But be careful … it hurts. Disobedience demands that you put yourself at risk. Dr. King stood on lots of balconies. You must be willing to be humiliated … to endure the modern-day equivalent of the police dogs at Montgomery and the water Cannons at Selma. You must be willing to experience discomfort. I’m not Complaining, but my own decades of social activism have taken their toll on me. Let me tell you a story.

    A few years back I heard about a rapper named Ice-T who was selling a CD called ‘Cop Killer’ celebrating ambushing and murdering police officers. It was being marketed by none other than Time/Warner, the biggest entertainment conglomerate in the world. Police across the country were outraged. Rightfully so-at least one had been murdered. But Time/Warner was stonewalling because the CD was a cash cow for them, and the media were tiptoeing around it because the rapper was black. I heard Time/Warner had a stockholders meeting scheduled in Beverly Hills. I owned some shares at the time, so I decided to attend.

    What I did there was against the advice of my family and colleagues. I asked for the floor. To a hushed room of a thousand average American stockholders, I simply read the full lyrics of ‘Cop Killer’-every vicious, vulgar, instructional word.


    It got worse, a lot worse. I won’t read the rest of it to you. But trust me, the room was a sea of shocked, frozen, blanched faces. The Time/Warner executives squirmed in their chairs and stared at their shoes. They hated me for that. Then I delivered another volley of sick lyric brimming with racist filth, where Ice-T fantasizes about sodomizing two 12-year old nieces Of Al and Tipper Gore. SHE PUSHED HER BUTT AGAINST MY ….’

    Well, I won’t do to you here what I did to them. Let’s just say I left the room in echoing silence. When I read the lyrics to the waiting press corps, one of them said ‘We can’t print that.’ ‘I know,’ I replied, ‘but Time/Warner ís selling it.’

    Two months later, Time/Warner terminated Ice-T’s contract. I’ll never be offered another film by Warners, or get a good review from Time magazine. But disobedience means you must be willing to act, not just talk.

    When a mugger sues his elderly victim for defending herself … jam the switchboard of the district attorney’s office. When your university is pressured to lower standards until 80% of the students graduate with honors … choke the halls of the board of regents. When an 8-year-old boy pecks a girl’s cheek on the playground and gets hauled into court for sexual harassment … march on that school and block its doorways. When someone you elected is seduced by political power and betrays you … petition them, oust them, banish them. When Time magazine’s cover portrays millennium nuts as deranged, crazy Christians holding a cross as it did last month … boycott their magazine and the products it advertises.

    So that this nation may long endure, I urge you to follow in the hallowed footsteps of the great disobediences of history that freed exiles, founded religions, defeated tyrants, and yes, in the hands of an aroused rabble in arms and a few great men, by God’s grace, built this country.

    If Dr. King were here, I think he would agree.

    Thank you.