What Can the Bible Teach Us About Science?
The Bible is not a science text. It is a history book; it tells us HIS STORY OF THE UNIVERSE.
Continue reading →The Bible is not a science text. It is a history book; it tells us HIS STORY OF THE UNIVERSE.
Continue reading →A frequent visitor of this website sent me an article from Snopes in response to the article on this site, Coriolis Effect at the Equator: Evidence Against a Stationary Flat Earth. It says: “The notion that the Coriolis force determines which direction water spirals down drains is one of the most prominent scientific myths.” And it calls the following statement false: “The Coriolis force determines which direction water spirals down … Continue reading →
This is from chapter 11 of “All Roads Lead to Rome? The Ecumenical Movement” by Michael de Semlyen. Roman Catholicism is seen as a dual system. It is both a Church and a global, political power. Within or without the reciprocal ‘Mutual Assured Destruction’ capability of the superpowers, the Vatican wields the greatest political power on the face of the earth. ‘Although without armies, navies and super hydrogen bombs, the … Continue reading →
The good news is you ain’t going there because Purgatory doesn’t exist! Purgatory is an invention of man. It’s a word not found anywhere in the Bible. Neither Jesus nor His Apostles spoke about it. The following quotes are from chapter 11 of “All Roads Lead to Rome?” by Michael de Semlyen, a British author. ‘The love of money is the root of all evil.’ (1 Timothy 6:10); and the … Continue reading →
The unvanished history of the Vatican’s complicity in World War I and World War II.
Continue reading →Millions cheer Pope John Paul II during his first visit to Poland as pontiff. For years I was very much into researching all the details I could learn about the Illuminati and all its subgroups, i.e. Freemasons, Bilderberg group, Council on Foreign Relations, Skull and Bones, etc, but now I think it’s better to try to see the overall big picture of Satan’s plan for world conquest from a Biblical … Continue reading →
The “God of forces: and a god whom his fathers knew not” — the wafer god of Roman Catholic Mass, the Eucharist!
Continue reading →Did you know that the first time the number 13 is mentioned in the Bible, it is associated with rebellion? Twelve years they served Chedorlaomer, and in the thirteenth year they rebelled. Genesis 14:4 The description of Babylon the Great is ALL CAPS in the Bible (at least in the KJV), is exactly 13 words. Revelation 17:5 And upon her forehead was a name written, MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, THE … Continue reading →
Watch this neat experiment in Uganda, one of the countries in Africa that are intersected by the equator. Water in a bowl just a few meters north of the equator drains down a spout in a clockwise direction, and just south of the equator, water in a bowl drains down a spout in a counterclockwise (anticlockwise) direction. Right on the equator, water in a bowl doesn’t drain down in either … Continue reading →
Webmaster’s Introduction This book was introduced to me by Christian J. Pinto of the Noise of Thunder Radio Show. My wife and I love to listen to him because Mr. Pinto is one of the few Christians we know of who sees the power of the Roman Catholic Church behind politics. I was searching for the roots of antisemitism. My friend in Australia introduced me to a website “The Jewish … Continue reading →
Through Facebook Messenger, I had a strange conversation with someone calling herself Shirley who I believe is either a scammer or an AI chatbot or a combination of both. Why do I think so? Please read the conversation and tell me what you think. I saw you mentioned an interesting topic on facebook and I would like to hear your views and opinions. Sure. What topic are you referring to? … Continue reading →
What Bible believers up to the 19th century used to believe about Antichrist, and what they believe today and why. Prophecies about Antichrist and how they were fulfilled in history.
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