Know Your Enemy
The evil powers that be causes people to debate about the actors so that they don’t focus on the director who is controlling the whole narrative!
Continue reading →The evil powers that be causes people to debate about the actors so that they don’t focus on the director who is controlling the whole narrative!
Continue reading →We don’t have to accept the abuses of our constitutional liberties! We can pray that the Lord will defeat any government policy that is against our morals.
Continue reading →Most evangelicals today are teaching false Endtime doctrines based on a false interpretation of Daniel 9:27. Futurism originated with a Jesuit priest Francesco Rivera in the 16th century.
Continue reading →The erroneous belief that Russia is Magog can be traced back to a small group of 18th and 19th century theologians who wrote long before the primary evidence from the ancient Assyrian records was discovered, translated and made available to the public.
Continue reading →Fundamental to dispensationalism is the idea that God has two different peoples and He pursues his purposes for them in alternating dispensations. This is false!
Continue reading →Palestinian Christians must always confirm to the Christian Zionists theology or else we are deemed heretics or anti-semites. Christian Zionism is an oxymoron.
Continue reading →Millions of Christians today, especially American Christians, have been deceived by false doctrines of dispensationalism formulated by John Nelson Darby in the 19th century that say God has two covenant peoples, the Church and Israel. Dispensationalism rejects the longstanding teaching that there is one church that consists of both old covenant saints and new covenant saints. Dispensationalism rejects the teaching that old covenant Israel was the church and that, in … Continue reading →
I consider this article a key resource to understand why and how eschatology as understood by the evangelical world today is all messed up! If you are waiting for the “rise of the Antichrist” I highly urge you to read this! It is not long. I copied it from a 10 page PDF file somebody either sent me or I found on the Internet. It quotes a lot from an … Continue reading →
Christian Zionist pastor, John Hagee perceives the state of Israel’s establishment and conflict with Palestinians as part of an apocalyptic Endtime scenario, contrary to Christian teachings of love and peace.
Continue reading →This article lists the 8 top selling Bible translations in the USA. The KJV is ranked number 2. Do they all teach the same things about the prophecy of the 70th Week of Daniel? I consider the correct translation of Daniel 9:27 to be of utmost importance. Why? It’s because most contemporary Protestant evangelicals believe the “he” of Daniel 9:27 is the Antichrist, a secular humanist who makes an Endtime … Continue reading →
Without exception all the leaders of the Protestant Reformation looked at the Popes of Rome as the man of sin who sits as God in the temple of God – the Church – shewing himself that he is God.
Continue reading →The history of American Christian Zionism, why it’s bad theology, and how it’s used as a political weapon to fulfill the goals of evil selfish people.
Continue reading →Hermeneutics is the theory and methodology of interpretation of biblical text. They are all based on common sense.
Continue reading →I’m really excited to write this article! Until today I never fully understood Romans 11:26. I think I do now thanks to a good Covenant Theology preacher I listened to by the name of Ryan Rufus. But rather than share directly from him, I want to use the Bible and explain it directly from God’s Word. Romans 11:26 is often quoted by Christian Zionists as one reason for their support … Continue reading →
World War II, the Third Reich, and the Holocaust, were all birthed by Rome and the Jesuits as an integral part of this agenda. The horrors of Adolf Hitler, a Vatican puppet created by the Jesuits, as was shown by the ghost writer of Mein Kampf, a Jesuit priest named Bernard Stampfle, along with henchmen and monsters like Heinrich Himmler, a Jesuit seminarian, Jews were forced to find a place where they would not be persecuted.
Continue reading →American Christians have been deceived by dispensationalism to support a people, namely so called Israel, who are no longer God’s covenant people!
Continue reading →The historical roots, theological basis, and political consequences or political agenda of Christian Zionism
Continue reading →Replacement Theology is a misnomer. The Church has always been God’s covenant people. The Church did not replace Israel, it’s a continuation of Israel.
Continue reading →An excellent talk about what Dispensationalism is, the history behind it, and why it is a set of false heretical eschatological doctrines.
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