Monthly Archives: February 2024
The Real Catholic Church Of Christ
Nothing has contributed more to discredit belief in God and the redemptive work of Christ than this attempt of Roman Catholic theologians to prove their dogmas by their trick syllogistic reasoning. It has driven many to atheism or complete agnosticism. Worst of all, it has caused many millions of well-intentioned and sincere seekers after God to lapse into religious indifferentism.
Continue reading →Jezebel Abroad In America
Much idolatry is flaunted in the faces of Christians today. Pictures of people suppliant before images abound in the secular press, and on tens of thousands of movie screens idolatrous displays and worshiping before images have become the regular diet of the American public.Paganization of the life of a people is a gradual process. Satan does not make his initial attack in the open.
Continue reading →A Kingly Priesthood
The history of the Popes is in direct contradiction to the teaching of Peter. Instead of following Peter, the Popes have imitated the Caesars of the Roman empire and the Pontifex Maximus of the pagan religion of Rome, whose title they appropriated.
Continue reading →Loyalty to the Catholic Church Above Loyalty to Country
Roman Catholic Church is a political organization. It’s treason for a Catholic to say he would fight against his country to serve the Catholic Church.
Continue reading →The Vatican’s New Place in World Politics
The Vatican had lost practically all its power; as by a miracle it has regained its old power and more. Could this be the fulfillment of Revelation 13:3? …one of his heads as it were wounded to death; and his deadly wound was healed:
Continue reading →The Vatican’s Immigration War
The current southern US border crisis is a plan formulated after the south and the Vatican lost the civil war with the Union. It’s aim is a Vatican takeover of America.
Continue reading →Paradise or Purgatory?
The Catholic Church delays the entrance of the believer into Paradise, and makes merchandise of the miseries which she says the believer endures in Purgatory.
Continue reading →Catholic Vs. Protestant Unity
Evangelical Protestantism holds “one faith,” although its various churches differ from each other in their forms of government, it has considerable unity, though not uniformity.
Continue reading →Bible Study of the Use of the Word “Abomination”
A study of all the verses in the Bible that contain the word “abomination” to see how it is used.
Continue reading →When The Pope Blesses
Pope Benedict XV was the Pope of the Catholic Church from 1914 to 1922. When he blessed certain people his “blessings” turned into curses on every one he blessed!
Continue reading →The Papal Church a Political Machine
So political is the Catholic Church that its religious aspect is a negligible quantity. In the Vatican the religious aspect of any question is little thought of. The officials of the Church there are not interested in true religion.
Continue reading →Are Indulgences Still Being Sold?
One of the historic abuses that fired the indignation of Martin Luther was the sale of indulgences. They are still being covertly sold today.
Continue reading →The Canonization of Joan of Arc; or, Rome’s Duplicity
Roman Catholic Church condemned Joan of Arc to death, burned her alive at the stake, and then canonizing her as a saint 488 years later! Talk about duplicity!
Continue reading →Liberty of Conscience in Italy
The King opposes the Pope and gives the Waldenses who were much persecuted by the Roman Catholic Church their civil rights!
Continue reading →Do You Confess Your Sins To A Priest?
The priest has no right to search out and discover all the secret sins of your life. It is none of his business. God knows your sins. Go to Him and confess them.
Continue reading →Crime And Religion
Certain religious teachings, far from helping to lessen crime in youths and adults, and among nations, may actually foster it.
Continue reading →The Third Temple Deception
A third temple would be an abomination. It would be blasphemous to build a temple. Why? Are you saying that the blood of Jesus isn’t good enough anymore?
Continue reading →Fake Relics And Miracles
II Thess. 2:9-11) warned of this “working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders, and with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in those that perish… And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie.”
Continue reading →The Dishonesty Of The Crucifix
Because the point of this article is Catholics should not worship the image of Jesus dying on the cross of Calvary, I am not including a picture of it. I am a former Roman Catholic. This is from a PDF file on It was published by The Converted Catholic Magazine which was edited by former Catholic priest Leo Herbert Lehmann. BETWEEN the two great declarations of the Lord’s death … Continue reading →