Roman Catholicism By Lorraine Boettner Chapter IX The Confessional
Catholic Church says “In the confessional the minister has the power to forgive all crimes committed after baptism.” The Bible says only God can forgive sins.
Continue reading →Catholic Church says “In the confessional the minister has the power to forgive all crimes committed after baptism.” The Bible says only God can forgive sins.
Continue reading →One of the top goals of the Roman Catholic Church-State is the elimination of its competition! That is why for many centuries it has waged relentless war.
Continue reading →Christ’s sacrifice on Calvary was complete in that one offering, and that it was never to be repeated. But the Catholic Church repeats in daily in the Mass.
Continue reading →Fight the good fight of faith, lay hold on eternal life, whereunto thou art also called, and hast professed a good profession before many witnesses.
Continue reading →As evangelical Protestants we honor Mary, the mother of our Lord, but we don’t worship her or say we must come to Jesus through her.
Continue reading →John Wycliffe, Martin Luther, John Calvin, John Knox, Zwingli all preached that Jesus was the Christ and that the ROMAN PAPACY was the ANTICHRIST of Scripture.
Continue reading →This is the continuation of the previous chapter Roman Catholicism By Lorraine Boettner Section Two Chapter VI The Papacy. This chapter is very long which is why I am dividing it into two parts. 1 Mary’s Place in Scripture The New Testament has surprisingly little to say about Mary. Her last recorded words were spoken at the marriage in Cana, at the very beginning of Jesus’ ministry: “Whatsoever he saith … Continue reading →
The Thirty Years’ War, 1618-1648, was a series of conflicts that became the last great struggle of religious wars in Europe. It was fought almost exclusively on German soil…but before the war ended, it involved most of the nations of Europe. The underlying cause of the war was the deep-seated hostility between the German Protestants and German Catholics
Continue reading →The word “pope,” and the word “papacy,” the system of ecclesiastical government in which the pope is recognized as the supreme head, are not found in the Bible.
Continue reading →The popes of Rome hate liberty of conscience of democracies. Their goal is to bring the world back to a totalitarian society under the Catholic church as it was in the Middle Ages.
Continue reading →This is the continuation of the previous chapter of Roman Catholicism by Lorraine Boettner. 1 The Roman Catholic Position The controversial passage in regard to Peter’s place in the Church is Matthew 16:13-19, which reads as follows: “Now Jesus, having come into the district of Caesarea Philippi, began to ask his disciples, saying, ‘Who do men say the Son of Man is?’ But they said, ‘Some say, John the Baptist; … Continue reading →
Reverend Munther Isaac, the pastor at the Evangelical Lutheran Christian Church in Bethlehem Do American evangelical Christian pastors care that the government of Israel is mistreating Palestinian Christians? Not according to Munther Isaac, a Palestinian Christian. Doctrines of dispensationalism pastors learned in Bible school and seminary have led them to believe Christians must support Israel in everything the Israeli government does. This is based on the heretical doctrine of John … Continue reading →
This is the continuation of the previous chapter of Roman Catholicism by Lorraine Boettner. 1 What Tradition Is Protestantism and Roman Catholicism agree that the Bible is the inspired Word of God. But they differ widely in regard to the place that it is to have in the life of the church. Protestantism holds that the Bible alone is the authoritative and sufficient rule of faith and practice. But Romanism … Continue reading →
It is not Zionist or Khazarian Jews – or Israel – or Jewish neo-conservatives who have been – or are – running the USA, as some folks allege. RATHER, agents of Papal Rome have been running the USA for over a century!
Continue reading →There is no priesthood in the New Testament. Christ is our priest, not a man on the earth. Hebrews 3:1b “…consider the Apostle and High Priest of our profession, Christ Jesus;”
Continue reading →The church is composed of all who are true Christians, those who have been “born again,” or “born anew” (John 3:3), from all nations and denominations.
Continue reading →The best book to share with your Catholic relatives and friends to witness to them as to the unbiblical, unscriptural doctrines and practices in their church.
Continue reading →The title of this article is from an audio I found on I listened to part of it and knew I had to transcribe it for this website. I never heard of Darryl Eberhart before. I was shocked to see that his website, Toughlssues.Org is offline in spite of the super interesting topics on it! Someone made a PDF file of the home page of Toughlssues.Org. You can see … Continue reading →
Many Protestants have departed from the Protestant Christian interpretation of the prophecies in the Book of Revelation. Church history has not left us in ignorance concerning the dispensational interpretation of the Book of Revelation. Every Protestant should know and spread the following startling facts.
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