Apostolic Succession
The Bible shows there was no pope in the Apostolic Church, but it shows also that the laity undoubtedly shared in the management of the Apostolic Church.
Continue reading →The Bible shows there was no pope in the Apostolic Church, but it shows also that the laity undoubtedly shared in the management of the Apostolic Church.
Continue reading →Roman Catholic pilgrimages, Incense, Holy Water, Rosaries, Relics, scapulars, etc. are all from pagan religions such Hinduism and Buddhism. They oppose the true Gospel.
Continue reading →Christ endorsed Marriage, declaring that it was of divine institution “from the beginning.” Matt. 19: 4-6. He showed His approval by attending the marriage feast at Cana.
Continue reading →Holy Scripture teaches that the sole Object of Worship is the one true and living God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, not the Virgin Mary, not the saints, not images, and not statues.
Continue reading →The Lord Jesus Christ, is the only Head of the true Church of God. Peter’s words of faith, not Peter himself, is the rock that Jesus built His Church
Continue reading →The Word of God, the Sacred Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments, is the only rule of faith and obedience for all true believers.
Continue reading →The true biblical meaning of Church, the called out body of believers in the Lord Jesus Christ, not a man made organization such as the Roman Catholic Church.
Continue reading →An amusing story of the foolishness of believing God Who created the universe would allow one of His lowly creatures to harm Him.
Continue reading →Considering itself superior to the Civil Power, the Roman Catholic Church continues to interfere in the internal policy of governments.
Continue reading →The Bible not does not teach or allow persecution of unbelievers under any circumstances; for persecution is wholly contrary to the Spirit of Christ, and is of Satan.
Continue reading →The popes of Rome believe they are above all civil governments and laws! Moreover, they believe all governments and rulers must submit to them!
Continue reading →The Great Schism In the Christian Church in 1054 AD is the true beginning of the papacy and the Roman Catholic Church.
Continue reading →Views on Donald Trump, his shooter, Thomas Matthew Crooks, and Senator J.D. Vance, a man raised an evangelical Protestant who turned to embrace the Roman Catholic Church!
Continue reading →Exsurge Domine (Latin: Arise O Lord) is a papal bull issued on 15 June 1520 by Pope Leo X. It was written in response to the teachings of Martin Luther which opposed the views of the papacy. It censured forty one propositions extracted from Luther’s 95 theses and subsequent writings, and threatened him with excommunication unless he recanted within a sixty day period commencing upon the publication of the bull … Continue reading →
Why did the Secret Service agent allegedly shoot the alleged shooter AFTER Trump was shot, as is being reported, and not BEFORE?
Continue reading →I first posted this article about drugs and medicine in 2015, but when I came across it the other day, I saw the video was no longer available. I found another copy of the video on YouTube and so I’m re-posting it today. If the video is not visible on your phone, you can open it by clicking on this link. Transcription. (Each paragraph is a different person talking.) What … Continue reading →
Preparations to make the Pope Infallible.—The Bishop’s Oath.—Their Theory of Government.—Defense of the Ancient Rights of the Papacy.
Continue reading →Roman Catholics in the United States. Their Schools under Foreign Priests and Jesuits. They Accept the Pope’s Infallibility. The Hierarchy and Laymen. The Government of the United States.
Continue reading →The Roman Catholic Church demands not only spiritual authority over a nation, but civil authority as well.
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