The Antichrist: His Portrait and History – Chapter III. Characteristics.
Whosoever, in the pride of his heart, falsely assumes to be the oracle of God and Christ’s Vicar, cannot but utter “great things and blasphemies.”
Continue reading →Whosoever, in the pride of his heart, falsely assumes to be the oracle of God and Christ’s Vicar, cannot but utter “great things and blasphemies.”
Continue reading →The execution of the great ringleader of the apostasy was an act of judicial rigor established by the accounts of the deaths of both Tammuz and Osiris. This forced further apostasy to go into hiding. Hence the creation of the “mystery religions.”
Continue reading →The Antichrist of prophecy is a false Christian, a veiled enemy of Christ, of heathen gentile origin, and not a Jew.
Continue reading →As the women of Egypt wept for Osiris, as the Phoenician and Assyrian women wept for Tammuz, so in Greece and Rome the women wept for Bacchus. They are all the same person!
Continue reading →The true meaning of Antichrist, not an all powerful superman, but a liar and a deceiver who claims to be the head of the Church when Jesus Christ in Heaven is the ONLY head of the Church!
Continue reading →The god worshiped as a child in the arms of the great Mother in Greece, under the names of Dionysus, or Bacchus.
Continue reading →The Antichrist is not just an End-time personage only, he’s been with us in every pope of at least the past 12 centuries.
Continue reading →The gods of Egypt linked to the gods of Babylon which Nimrod instituted in rebellion to God the Creator.
Continue reading →In Papal Italy all appearance of worshiping the Godhead is almost extinct, while the Mother and the Child are the grand objects of worship. Exactly so was it in Ancient Babylon.
Continue reading →The ancient Mysteries of Egypt, Greece, Phoenicia, and Rome are all united in Babylonian character.
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