Bible Study of the Use of the Word “Abomination”
A study of all the verses in the Bible that contain the word “abomination” to see how it is used.
Continue reading →A study of all the verses in the Bible that contain the word “abomination” to see how it is used.
Continue reading →Pope Benedict XV was the Pope of the Catholic Church from 1914 to 1922. When he blessed certain people his “blessings” turned into curses on every one he blessed!
Continue reading →So political is the Catholic Church that its religious aspect is a negligible quantity. In the Vatican the religious aspect of any question is little thought of. The officials of the Church there are not interested in true religion.
Continue reading →One of the historic abuses that fired the indignation of Martin Luther was the sale of indulgences. They are still being covertly sold today.
Continue reading →Roman Catholic Church condemned Joan of Arc to death, burned her alive at the stake, and then canonizing her as a saint 488 years later! Talk about duplicity!
Continue reading →The King opposes the Pope and gives the Waldenses who were much persecuted by the Roman Catholic Church their civil rights!
Continue reading →The priest has no right to search out and discover all the secret sins of your life. It is none of his business. God knows your sins. Go to Him and confess them.
Continue reading →Certain religious teachings, far from helping to lessen crime in youths and adults, and among nations, may actually foster it.
Continue reading →A third temple would be an abomination. It would be blasphemous to build a temple. Why? Are you saying that the blood of Jesus isn’t good enough anymore?
Continue reading →II Thess. 2:9-11) warned of this “working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders, and with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in those that perish… And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie.”
Continue reading →Because the point of this article is Catholics should not worship the image of Jesus dying on the cross of Calvary, I am not including a picture of it. I am a former Roman Catholic. This is from a PDF file on It was published by The Converted Catholic Magazine which was edited by former Catholic priest Leo Herbert Lehmann. BETWEEN the two great declarations of the Lord’s death … Continue reading →
Before you get upset with me for telling you something that you may not like, please let me tell you why I think the way I do. First of all, I lived in Russia from 1994 to 1997 in the cities of Novosibirsk in Siberia, St. Petersburg, and Murmansk in the Arctic Circle, to share the Gospel with the Russian people. And I visited one of the most remote places … Continue reading →
By Joseph Zacchello This article is from a PDF file on written in 1944. It was published by The Converted Catholic Magazine and edited by former Roman Catholic priest, Leo Herbert Lehmann. If you see the word “recently,” just think it was recent relative to 1944. But I believe the subject of this article is still relevant today. If you’ve seen the film, “The Godfather,” I think you know … Continue reading →
Science and Roman Catholicism are essentially antagonistic. The former faces the untried future with experiment as its only tool and honesty to truth its only guide. Roman Catholicism fears the future, and is opposed to experiment and change as revolutionary and destructive of its fixed dogmas and religious practices.
Continue reading →This is one of the best talks I’ve heard to date that exposes so called Christian Zionism as a false unbiblical doctrine and deception of the enemy. The YouTube is an hour and 8 minutes long, but the speaker, Charles A. Jennings, speaks quite slowly. It’s faster to read what he has to say than listen to him. And he has very important things to say! Transcript Welcome to truth … Continue reading →
The ultimate aim of the Roman Catholic church is to reestablish its dominion over all nations.
Continue reading →A THOROUGH UNDERSTANDING of Roman Catholicism is not possible without a grasp of the peculiar structure of its system of moral theology. It is the key to its world wide political power.
Continue reading →David Nikao Wilcoxson is the brother in Christ who opened my eyes to the true interpretation of the prophecy of Daniel 9 and the true meaning of the 70th Week of Daniel. This was in December of 2014, a fraction of the time since I came to know Jesus and the Gospel after coming from Roman Catholic darkness in early 1971. I used to teach the Jesuit / Darby / … Continue reading →
This article is from a PDF file on It was published by The Converted Catholic Magazine and edited by former Roman Catholic priest, Leo Herbert Lehmann. 1. The Bible And The People THE OFFICIAL ATTITUDE of the Roman Catholic Church, concerning the Bible is a puzzle to most people and needs clarification for all fair-minded Christians. This attitude is so hesitant and contradictory that, even on the face of … Continue reading →
This is a section from Dr. Cathy Burn’s book, Billy Graham and His Friends, from the section, MARY IS THE CENTER. All emphasis in bold font are from the author. Vatican II, however, was the instrument that helped the Vatican open up the door to the ecumenical movement. New Ager and occultist, Robert Muller, bragged: “There is no doubt that Paul VI, together with John XXIII and John Paul II, … Continue reading →