“Who Were Dominic de Guzman and Sir Thomas More?” – By Darryl Eberhart
History of the people who founded the Inquisition and murdered Christians because of their faith in the Bible which was contrary to Roman Catholic doctrine.
Continue reading →History of the people who founded the Inquisition and murdered Christians because of their faith in the Bible which was contrary to Roman Catholic doctrine.
Continue reading →There are photos below the text. On Friday, June 21st, I turned 74 years old. I’m thankful to my Creator, the Lord Jesus Christ, for reasonably good health at my age, normal blood pressure, no arthritis, and no diabetes as my father had, and for being completely off medication of any kind. And I’m especially blessed to have a ministry of sharing God’s truth, His Word, and the true views … Continue reading →
Few Americans are aware of the fact that Russian Czar Alexander II helped to preserve the American Union at the time of the American Civil War of 1861-65.
Continue reading →The 144,000 are those on the commencement of the Apostasy the saint depicted as the subjects of divine grace, elected out of the symbolic Israel and sealed.
Continue reading →A wise society takes God’s Word as the basis for justice. Society is now witnessing the tragic consequences when men throw out God’s Word or simply ignore it.”
Continue reading →“There was given unto him a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies.” This was surely fulfilled when the Pope assumed the title of Christ’s Vicar on earth.
Continue reading →The popes of Rome are the greatest enemies of democracy and liberty. They want to force the peoples of the world to become Roman Catholics.
Continue reading →Supplemental History Of The Adversaries Of The Church. Satanic Agency of Pagan Rome.
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