Evidence for the Resurrection Part I
If the resurrection of Jesus Christ was a fabricated hoax, it was the greatest deception, and a vicious and cruel lie created by despicable, heartless men.
Continue reading →If the resurrection of Jesus Christ was a fabricated hoax, it was the greatest deception, and a vicious and cruel lie created by despicable, heartless men.
Continue reading →The World Powers assembled recognized Rome as the real Power behind the Great War (WW I). Not one Roman Priest was allowed at the Paris Peace Conference in 1919.
Continue reading →During the world wars the British Foreign Office was filled with Roman Catholics who were taking orders from the Vatican and undermining Britain’s war tragedies!
Continue reading →Two Jesuits published their respective but quite counter interpretations, Ribera in 1591 published Babylon and Antichrist, the Futurist scheme; the other, Alcasar, the Preterist; that the prophecies have all been fulfilled in the fall of Pagan Rome.
Continue reading →I was blessed to have found Christ in January 1971 through the ministry of the Navigators, a Christian outreach ministry that started in 1930 when young Dawson Trotman took up the challenge to memorize Bible Scriptures on salvation from a Sunday school memorization contest. Though he wasn’t saved yet, he won the contest! Within the following week, the Holy Spirit used the scripture verses he memorized to lead him to … Continue reading →
When the name LATEINOS is written in Greek letters, and their values added up, the total is 666, the number of the beast or empire of Revelation chapter 13.
Continue reading →Christ finished the Atonement on Calvary, yet these Roman and High Church priests go through the blasphemous daily sacrifice again.
Continue reading →Europe in the Middle ages was filthy because the Catholic Church forbid the people to read the Bible. They didn’t know the importance God puts on cleanliness.
Continue reading →Five leading scholars turned the finger-posts of Divine Prophecy round, so that ever since they have pointed the wrong way, and turned multitudes of ministers, scholars and students off the King’s highway down into two side lanes, whither they have led nearly the whole Christian Church.
Continue reading →This is the continuation of the series, Antichrist And His Ten Kingdoms – By Albert Close and the previous post, The Great Harlot’s Daughters. God has never in any age sent a messenger or preacher to cross, contradict or make void an interpretation of Holy Scripture revealed to an earlier generation; as for example in the case of the Reformers at the Reformation. The early Christians believed that Christ’s Second … Continue reading →