Why I Will Never Go Back To The Church Of Rome – by Charles Chiniquy
Former Catholic priest Charles Chiniquy’s powerful letter to Rev. Bishop Bourget of Montreal on why he will never return to the Roman Catholic Church.
Continue reading →Former Catholic priest Charles Chiniquy’s powerful letter to Rev. Bishop Bourget of Montreal on why he will never return to the Roman Catholic Church.
Continue reading →The dialogue between Jesus dying on the Cross and the repenting sinner, is the most touching summary of the design of the mission of Jesus Christ upon earth, as it is the measure of the unlimited confidence that the penitent sinner ought to place in the mercy of the Saviour.
Continue reading →In order that both Protestants and Roman Catholics may understand that we are perfectly correct when we say that the Church of Rome makes a god of a wafer, and is, in consequence, an idolatrous church, I copy here the blasphemous decrees of the Council of Trent.
Continue reading →Romanism is the old idolatry of Babylon, Egypt and Rome, under a Christian mask. But this new form of idolatry is so boldly denied by some of the great dignitaries of Rome, and so skillfully concealed by others, under the spotless robe of Jesus, that not only the too unsuspecting nominal Protestants, but even the “very elect,” are in danger of being entrapped and deceived.
Continue reading →From their own deeds and words, Soros and the Jesuits are actively promoting a one world order where socialism, social justice and equality of outcome is promised instead of equality of opportunity. One globalist strategy is to overwhelm the American welfare system with illegal immigration from third world countries, establishing an unstoppable socialist voting base to erode U.S. sovereignty.
Continue reading →This is an entire book that Charles Chiniquy wrote and not the same article in Chapter 36 of his book, Fifty Years in the Church of Rome. That one is entitled “The God of Rome Eaten by Rats” and not just “a rat.” It has a lot more information in it than chapter 36 of his other book. The God of Rome Eaten by a Rat With: – Papal Idolatry: … Continue reading →
The attack on the Word of God which was once the sole ambition of only a few academic theologians in Europe has become a malignancy in America, one that threatens to overtake and destroy the vitality of the Christian faith.
Continue reading →True Bible believing conservative Lutherans do exist! I used to think they were all apostate and totally ignorant of everything Martin Luther taught!
Continue reading →Anyone who tries to discuss contemporary moral issues finds himself enmeshed in well-rehearsed arguments which do not seem to address the real issues. For this reason, many orthodox Christians feel constrained to withdraw from the field of battle rather than endure the aggravation of reasoning against emotional tirades and visceral attacks.
Continue reading →Charismatics are mainline members who have adopted the chief doctrine of the Pentecostals, tongues-speaking, while remaining in their liberal denominations. Pat Robertson, the founder of the Christian Broadcasting Network, is a charismatic Southern Baptist.
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