The Papal System – II. The Ancient Irish Church
Interesting history of Patrick’s evangelism of Ireland and the fact the Irish originally were Bible believers and not under the authority of the Roman Pope.
Continue reading →Interesting history of Patrick’s evangelism of Ireland and the fact the Irish originally were Bible believers and not under the authority of the Roman Pope.
Continue reading →The Bishop of Rome claims absolute and lasting kingship over all the churches of Christ on earth; and he presumes to assert that he has exercised this authority by the gift of Christ from the first planting of Christianity.
Continue reading →In this article, Dr. Phil Stringer satisfactorily answers a question I have had for a while about the Septuagint, the Greek translation of the Old Testament. That question was, “If the Septuagint was the Scriptures that Jesus and all the New Testament writers quoted from, why did the translators of the Old Testament of the King James Bible use the Hebrew Masoretic text which was compiled by Jewish scholars hundreds of years later?
Continue reading →Most of you were raised on the notes of the Scofield Bible before you came into the truth. A lot of you were, I know, and that’s where you learned your dispensationalism. That’s where you learned your secret rapture. That’s where you went and bought your Clarence Larkin’s book, Dispensational Truth, but it’s far from anything near the truth.
Continue reading →It is fashionable in some quarters to deny that there is any such thing as certainty about religious truth, or any opinions for which it is worth while to be burned. Yet, 300 years ago, there were men who were certain they had found out truth, and were content to die for their opinions.
Continue reading →A Presentation Ministry of the Great Protestant Historical Interpretation of the Visions of Daniel and the Book of Revelation.
Continue reading →People like Glenn Beck, who have the power of the Fox broadcasting system behind him. That’s tremendous power. And he’s always speaking against those bad left wing Democrats with great conviction and great fervor and great truth. Nothing wrong with what he says. What’s wrong is what he doesn’t say.
Continue reading →This is a talk by Tom Friess which you can either listen to, read, or both. Tom is very passionate when he tells us that a rebuilt temple with animal sacrifices would indicate further rejection of the Blood of Jesus Christ, the Lamb of God, for our sins. The original title for the talk is The Third Temple Deception, but because I already have covered this subject on this website … Continue reading →
The CFR would control the Empire’s finance, government, industry, religion, education, and press. No one could be elected to the presidency of the United States without the Council’s consent, as the office would be a tool for the Archbishop of New York to subject to the vicar of Christ in Rome.
Continue reading →I think the similarities between the Lahaina fire on Maui in August 2023, and the fires now in southern California are too great to ignore. And I believe Ralph Epperson is an honest credible historian and researcher.
Continue reading →I am now very concerned for my friends living in the Los Angeles area. I visited them in December of 2014 and was in West Hollywood for a week. My prayer is not only for their safety, but that any loss they may experience doesn’t harden their hearts toward God. Unfortunate circumstances can make us either bitter or better. When we perceive something bad happening, we should call out to God for His help!
Continue reading →The historicist school of interpretation sees the fulfillment of that Antichrist, that man of sin, that son of perdition, that little horn of Daniel is the papacy. And the papacy has existed and has fulfilled the role of the Antichrist all throughout the history of the Revelation. Prophecy perfectly fulfilled in the papacy.
Continue reading →The Pope leads this huge global institution of the Catholic Church. There’s over a billion Catholics. He has ready access to them through encyclicals, through sermons that priests and bishops give. So because of that, and because I think he’s sort of prominently dressed and presented as a religious figure in a world that takes that seriously, he’s surrounded by a media circus of incredible intensity and attention.
Continue reading →A Vatican Council II document upholds the same principle of the “universal ownership of all goods.” The word universal, as is taught by the Vatican, is synonymous with Catholic. Those two words, although they are different spelling, have exactly the same meaning. Universal and Catholic are one and the same word. Universal ownership means Catholic ownership.
Continue reading →Now what is Pope Francis’ agenda? Throughout the encyclical, Francis’ environmental theme cannot be ignored. With over 170 references to global warming, climate change, environment and environmental issues, it is clear that this is a means to an end. Francis’ encyclical is not in any sense a labor of original thought. Both his analytical style and argumentative form are firmly grounded in the Vatican’s preeminent sense of its own self-importance and presumed lordship over every aspect of human life.
Continue reading →It is through the written Word of God that the true Holy Spirit convicts of sin and of righteousness and of judgment. You cannot arrive at Christ’s righteousness, Christ’s truth, any other way than the Scriptures. And that is what the Jesuits hate the most. They must replace the Scriptures with subjectivity, with vain imaginations, with imaginings, with visions.
Continue reading →The American people are being taken on one of the longest Trojan horse rides of history. We are being duped by our leaders who have been conspired against us. The declining American standard of living has been planned from the beginning. It is the result of planning at the very highest levels of America. A plan to fail, a plan to create insecurity and uncertainty, a plan to make the American people serfs in the New World Order.
Continue reading →I’ve been proving from scripture and from history that the office of the papacy is, was, and always has been and always will be what the Bible describes as the Man of Sin, the Son of Perdition, the Antichrist, the biblical, prophetic, and historical antichrist, and that Futurism is a lie. This idea that the Antichrist doesn’t come until the last seven years or so before Christ returned is simply to take the world’s eyes away from the historical antichrist, the papacy.
Continue reading →Vatican II had more than a century of preparation. Never does the Roman Catholic Church change. It only expands what is already there. It actually widens the net to catch more.
Continue reading →I beheld, and the same horn made war with the saints, and prevailed against them, until the Ancient of Days came, and judgment was given to the saints of the Most High. And the time came that the saints possessed the kingdom.
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