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The Evangelical Ecumenical Return to Rome Movement Exposed — 2 Comments

  1. I love this commentary and have posted a link to it on our Website. My wife and I (who have served the Lord more than a decade in Mexico, Central America and South America) have been aware that Romanism is an evangelical field. These people, after more than six-hundred years of spiritual, military and political oppression, are ripe for the picking. The fruit is hanging low, very low, brethren, for those of you who don’t mind challenging gunshots, malaria, cholera, threats, defamation of character and ministry, etc., to reach these hungry masses.

    When they encounter our optimism and smiles, our “Let’s do it!” attitude, our dedication to and firm reliance on the Bible as our source of inspiration and guidance, and when we either visit them in their homes or when they visit ours, they are astounded by the radical difference between ourselves and the Catholic status quo.

    We’re heading back down in a couple of weeks, this time to the mouth of the Amazon River in Brazil, to Belem, to open a Christian missionary home fellowship. Please keep us and our travels (by land, for the most part) in your prayers!

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James Japan