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The Flat Earth Movement is a Religious Cult! — 4 Comments

  1. Water runs down hill, you might take another look at God’s creation. I believe every word in Genesis chapter 1. Just read the words on the page. Did God create the Sun or light first? Again just read the words and let the words paint the picture. Here is link to God’s creation. Could it be possible that the globe is a fable?

    I know the definition of a cult. Is having a different opinion a cult? Where did heliocentric come from? Did the reformers teach heliocentric? Just the word heliocentric raises suspicion with the teachings of the Bible? Doesn’t the word heliocentric have pagan roots?

    I live on the face of the earth. Does a ball have a face? When we read George Orwell and “1984” we find that big brother was heliocentric. Do a Bible search on “the face of the earth” Is there a face on a ball? The Bible says the earth has a face.

    Quote Bible: Luk_21:35 For as a snare shall it come on all them that dwell on the face of the whole earth.

    Act_17:26 And hath made of one blood all nations of men for to dwell on all the face of the earth, and hath determined the times before appointed, and the bounds of their habitation;

    Do I believe someone is in a cult if he believes in heliocentric? NO. You see I have never witness the earth moving except in a earthquake. Never been in a globequake.


    2 Timothy 3:16 All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine,
    for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:

  2. It’s obvious you have done very little, if any, investigation into flat earth; your questions betray your ignorance.

    If you’re going to wax dogmatic, educate yourself:

    • It’s obvious you’ve never seen the sun set over the horizon. It doesn’t get smaller and disappear into a tiny dot, it appears larger. The sun’s circular shape gradually gets blocked from view when it sets. What’s blocking it? The earth itself! And why? Because the earth is a spherical shape! That’s why we can’t see the sun at night while the other half of the earth can see it. This is not possible on a flat earth. Please do consider that you have been duped by a CIA psyop that originated from Rome. To say the Bible says the earth is flat is to dishonor our Creator. You are marginalizing yourself in the eyes of the world if you are a Christian Bible believer and giving fuel to non-Believers to blaspheme God’s Holy Word.

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James Japan