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Patent from Microsoft: Body Activity Data Cryptocurrency System — 4 Comments

  1. Hi James, The elite are as obsessed as the devil himself in tracking and total control aren’t they. You may find the link below interesting as well. Not an endorsement of the site I just go here and there for new developments related to endtime. Are you aware of Id2020? Also Agenda 2021 Agenda 2030 of UN?


    This site is useful for news including about the Vatican, I don’t agree with their leaven: http://www.end-times-prophecy.org/end-times-news.html

    • Hi James, I think if ever there will be a literal “mark of the beast” then this seems like a prototype for it. And the description reads of “awarding cryptocurrency” after completing a task, as though the unfortunate human with this implant were a lab rat seeking cheese. Disgusting. I wish more people were awake to the fact that pure evil exists in the world and we need to stand against it, this 060606 (666) implant is one of many proofs of said evil. If this implant is ever required to buy and sell I will rather starve than take it, because I value my eternal soul over my earthly life. I pray our Lord and Savior Jesus returns soon to destroy these wicked plans of the devil. And I believe our Lord is slowly crippling this end times Roman beast, as seen when the “holy father” died a prisoner and lost his temporal power after declaring his infallibility around 1870. I also believe this recent “plandemic” was divinely kept from fulfilling all the evil goals the devil wanted it to. I can’t remember the old testament verse offhand but I know God says he “limits the evil in the world”. And it is a little nerve-wracking but I’m excited to be living in this time because the world is getting so bad I know we are quickly approaching God’s final judgement on the Roman beast and the return of the King of Kings. And that hope will keep me strong until I see my Savior. Thank you for being a watchman James, God bless, strengthen and protect you and your loved ones in Jesus’name.

      • Thank you dear brother in Christ for your input and support of my efforts to bring the light of God’s truth to the world!

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James Japan