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The Illuminati and the Council on Foreign Relations – By Myron Fagan — 4 Comments

  1. Dear Mr James Japan,

    For sometime i discovered your website and i love to read the articles and learn a lot of them. A lot of knowledge many in the world do not know. Thank you so much and i will spread the news and most important the Word of Our Almighty in Heaven.

    God bless
    Nita from the netherlnds

  2. Hello James,
    I would beg to differ with ol Myron Fagan. Because Myron has written to absolve the Jesuits. And these Jackals ultimately are behind what is now happening, including these secret societies.
    After all, there’s ample evidence that Das Kapital and Mein Kampf were written by Jesuits, that to me is prima facie evidence that the real wheelers and dealers may have the bankers involved, but only as runners.
    Reading Napoleon’s testimony about the Jesuits and the fact he worked directly for them as well as the fact that Joe Stalin was also Jesuit trained and was a Jesuit priest in their organization answers many questions of then as well as of now.
    Truly enjoy your articles James.
    I’m a Vietnam Veteran, live outside the US with no intention of returning. Since, scripture says these jackals eventually will come to power for 3.5 years, I thought it the better part of bravery to prepare. So, although global government will be worldwide, our Lord often speaks about the wilderness being a refuge. So, I train my eyes on there as for now, I produce figs, grapes, plums, apricots, peaches and olives as well as lambs.
    Should you get hungry, come visit a spell.
    Not far from Patagonia.
    Kind regards in Christ our Lord

    • Hello Art,
      I’m glad to hear from you! You live somewhere in S.A? I’m far away in the Philippines.
      I too am a military veteran from the Vietnam war era but I didn’t go to Vietnam. The USAF sent me to Japan instead. And like you, I’m glad to live outside the USA.
      About Myron Fagan, I had no idea that he wrote anything to absolve the Jesuits. Do you think what he said about the Illuminati and CFR is really a smokescreen to conceal the Jesuits? If you think so, please tell me and I’ll remove the article. I want to expose the real enemy and not just chase Illuminati ghosts like I used to do.

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James Japan