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Testimonial from a Former Government Agent Who Predicted the Pandemic 20 Years Beforehand! — 13 Comments

  1. I am new to your site and just beginning to read some of your articles. I certainly agree with the articles I have read thus far. My question on this article is how did Joe recall these things if his mind was “erased” ? Thanks for sharing.

    • From other testimonials I have heard from victims of the MK-ULTRA program, mind erasure isn’t permanent. The victims later in time remember what they did and what others did to them. If you never heard of MK-ULTRA before, please Google it. Even Wikipedia talks about it!

      • Thanks for the information. I have read some about MK-ULTRA. I believe what Joe says. I appreciate your articles because they confirm and reaffirm things I believe. So critical that people know what is really happening.

        • I agree. However I also think the truth about MK-ULTRA is too much for most people to handle. It shatters their faith in society.

  2. James, your articles on the history and future of the Vatican have been very biblical and spot on. But, when it comes to aliens I have to decline. The Bible speaks of Christ when Paul wrote, “[God] hath in these last days spoken unto us by his Son, whom he hath appointed heir of all things, by whom also he made the worlds…” (Heb 1:2). And in the first chapter of Job we see sons of God. Putting this together, I see that we should expect that the other worlds, which Jesus created with His Father, were similar to our own and that the inhabitants were similar to us. Those people would be in God’s image also. This new push for aliens and UFOs and Nephilim are part of the deceptions of the last days. Those impostures are designed to create self-preservation in us, so that we deep within seek to save ourselves. That way they cause us to lose our new spirit and lose the presence of Jesus. They are designed to disturb the children of God so that the peace of God leaves us while our imaginations continue see their scary faces and contemplate their unconscionable tortures. Those idols for nightmares are unbiblical, and the scriptures are our only safeguard for these last days (very last). Based on that I have to agree with the top comment, that the video was put out to snare many Protestants and other Christians, and lead them away from their Bible platform and fortress. The video is disinformation for the final great battle, Armageddon. And I have to believe the video was Jesuit disinformation psyop. Their work is to destroy faith in, and all correct interpretation of, the Bible. “For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect.” (Matt. 24:24).

    But I applaud you for your effort to warn everyone of coming troubles! Thank you! I want to walk arm in arm with you through the gates of New Jerusalem.

    • David,
      I certainly don’t believe the so-called “aliens” are from other star systems. They are demons and devils, the fallen angels of Satan! This isn’t clear from the article? I’ll read it again. I’m trying to educate people so that they will not be deceived by a future disclosure from the government that “aliens” from outer space are benign entities who are concerned for humanity.
      Thank you for your support and encouragement!
      Many blessings in Christ,

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James Japan