HomeEschatology1948 Statehood of Israel does not fulfill Bible prophecy! Log in


1948 Statehood of Israel does not fulfill Bible prophecy! — 5 Comments

  1. Does this mean that all the dreams are fake. Why would the Spirit of Christ give false dreams. As for me as was showm that God will remove his bride before he pours his wrath on earth Revelation 3v10 I will also keep thee from the hpit of temptation that shall come upon the world to try them that dwell ipon the earth. Before the flood came Noah built an Ark for his familt and before God reigned fire in Sodom and Gomorah he removed Lot. God will do the same for his Bride before he pours out his wrath.

    • How do you know your dream came from the Spirit of God? Revelation 3:10 was given to a church in the first century, the church of Philadelphia. Even if you say it could apply to an End Time church, fine, but the majority of Christians today are NOT like the church of Philadelphia. They are more like the church of Laodicea! Yes, Jesus will come, but that very same day will also be the end of the wicked too! It’s not called “the rapture” it’s called “the day of the Lord.”
      2 Peter 3:10  But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night; in the which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat, the earth also and the works that are therein shall be burned up.

  2. James Arendt, i don’t believe 1948 was a fulfillment of Prophecy, but i am what You call a Rapturist! Nothing “Prophetic about Israel” can occur before the rapture! So the rapture can occur at anytime, there is no condition attached to when the rapture will be! The Body of Christ is nowhere to be found in the book of revelation, the 7 churches are kingdom churches (Israel/new covenant)! The # seven stands for completeness, we the Body of Christ are interestingly also represented by seven churches Rom-Thess !! By reading through the 7 churches of revelation, you will notice the doctrine opposes the Pauline doctrine of the Body of Christ! The word Rapture is not found in the Bible (so it is in the Latin vulgate/rapture), the doctrine is! My opinion is that the rapture is a doctrinal necessity to fulfill God’s plan for Israel! His heaven bound church is removed to bring a heavenly earth bound Israel kingdom on this earth! Rev 5:10! We go up they come down! By the End of the millennium we will have the dispensation of the fulness of time Ephesians 1:10 where God gathers together in Christ, what is in heaven (body of Christ) and what is on earth (kingdom of Israel)! It is not difficult if You believe the word of God as it is written! Paul constantly made a point to keep the DOCTRINE, HIS DOCTRINE, not the doctrine of Israel ! God bless You!

  3. I can’t agree more
    I became a christian as a result of reading “The Late Great Planet Earth” by Hal Linsey but I didn’t buy into when the socalled rapture would occur as I couldn’t find anything in scripture about when it would happen

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