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The Popular but False Doctrine of the Rapture — 3 Comments

  1. Thank you James for that terse but most accurate post concerning the Rapture and a more accurate interpretation of Matthew 24. It was also encouraging for you to open the possibility that the last half of the chapter (or maybe the whole of it) may have a larger application (larger than the immediate crisis the writer may have had in view in the coming destruction of Jerusalem in 70 a.d.) for God’s people at the end of the Christian era i.e. our generation or at least yet future. I am not a “futurist,” in the sense of the rapture doctrine, which I believe along with you that it was concocted as part of the counter Reformation strategy to distract people away from understanding who the true “antiChrist” is and was. But I am a futurist in the sense that all true prophecy foreshadows the end of evil and the ultimate victory of Christ. That is why the apostle Paul could say, “I am determined to know nothing among you except Jesus Christ and him crucified.” Anyway keep up the good work.

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James Japan