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666 – The Anti-Christ to Come? — 16 Comments

  1. James, I subscribe to most all of the points made in this article. The exceptions to this is the authors interpretation of the beast and the two horned beast of Revelation 13. It is without doubt that the Dragon of Revelation 12 is the Roman Empire, who through it representative in Judea, Herod the Great, attempted to destroy Jesus “as soon as he was born.” But it is also said of the Dragon that he persecuted the woman for the prophetic period of 1260 years (I agree with the day for a year application). So the 1260 years applies not only to the “Beast” but also to the “Dragon.” The “Beast” is said to receive his “seat” of power from the Dragon, as well as his great authority. The fulfillment happened when Constantine moved his capitol to Constantinople from Rome and as the author clearly attributes to Justinian a transfer of authority regarding who would be head of the church i.e. the religion of the empire. Constantine and his successors claimed that authority. It is called Caesaro-papism before Justinian in church history. Therefore the second beast of Revelation 13 is not the same as the first beast. Neither does it continue for 1260 years. So “the death wound” to the first beast is not a death wound to the Dragon (as in an end of the Roman empire, because it did not end in 476- the date given by historians for the end of the “western” part of the Roman Empire, but the Empire continued on from Constantinople. At least twice in Rev. 12 it is said to continue to exist during the 1260 year period. So the “death wound” has to be something other than a transition of power to the papacy from imperial Rome. That is more like the beginning of something, rather than the “death” of something. Indeed it is the beginning of the “beast.” So many of the facts presented by the author, although true facts, are misapplied as if they implied the end of something i.e. the Dragons power, while they in fact depict a “death wound” to the beast that happen at the END of the 1260 day period.

    So the fall of Rome did not happen in 476 as many historians affirm. The Western part of the Empire began to come under the dominance of the Pope, but the Eastern part of the Empire continued on led by Caesars. It continues on today in a different form, Communism even in far away China.

    Now in regards to the second beast of Revelation 13 it seems obvious to me (and may not be to others) that it comes up subsequent to the “death wound” of the first beast, therefore it does it’s work after the death wound. I agree with the author in regards to the impact of the French REVOLUTION in destroying the power of the papacy. That I believe is the “death wound” depicted in the prophecy. But it is the second beast that will be instrumental in healing the wound. Your author does not believe the first beast will come back to life before the end BECAUSE he believes it is Pagan Rome. I believe that is false because I believe it to be Papal Rome. The second beast is the power that will be instrumental in restoring the fortunes of the first beast. And it will have world wide dominance so that it is able to cause the whole world to “WORSHIP” the first beast (i.e. the Pope) and impress the mark of the beast on all who worship that beast.

    If the “death wound” happened to the beast in 476 how is it that it is quite alive when Jesus returns and is cast alive in the lake of fire along with the false prophet. Revelation 19. It makes more sense to me that the death wound happened to the Papacy in 1798 and will be restored to power by the influence of a “world power” one hour at the end of time.

    In any case applying the characters along with the time period seems to be very important in Revelation 11-13. The 1260 year prophecy is mentioned 5 times in those chapters and does not apply to the second beast of Revelation 13.

    Finally, in Revelation 17 you have the introduction of a harlot woman riding on the back of the first beast of Revelation 13. We know that the first beast of Revelation 13 was given a death wound that would be healed. The beast upon which the harlot is depicted as riding “was, and is not, and is to come.” So the specific time of the view of the woman riding on the beast is at a time depicted as “is not” but at a time when it will be restored soon and will shortly come to an end. But before that end comes to the beast, the woman riding on the beast will be stripped naked and be destroyed by the beast she is riding on. In order to understand this passage a review of Ezekiel of 16 &23 is important for understanding who the “harlot woman” is at the time of fulfillment. The ten horned beast and the harlot are not the same at the time of fulfillment! The two horned beast and the harlot are not the same at the time of fulfillment!

  2. Dear James, I was trying for quite some time to sort the truth of the prophecies by reading various interpretations and now I suspect there could be a dual meaning. The historicist are more accurate than the futurists because in Revelation’s first paragraph it says these things come to pass soon. So it’s a mistake to put everything in the future like Ribera and Darby do.
    Still when we only look at the outward we may miss the inward meanings.
    On the “is, was and will be” site there is a writing called “The True Mark of the Beast”. It explains how man is the beast per Eccl. 3:18. Also man is the temple of God and doesn’t the old beast self act as a sort of antichrist sitting in God’s temple trying to rule?
    So after starting out with all the confusing futurist views I think prophecy has both a historical, future and personal spiritual application. It’s hard to keep track of all 3. Every generation needs to die to self right?
    The primary purpose of prophecy isn’t to foretell events like the futurists try to do because you can only know prophecy with 20/20 hindsight after it comes to pass (i.e. after the event happens). The purpose of prophecy is to demonstrate divine providence.
    Dr Ernest L Martin has an essay called Pagan Origins of the Catholic Church on the hope of Israel site. In it using the Book of Acts he shows how Simon Magus entered the Church of Rome to introduce Babylonianism to it by impersonating the Apostle Peter. God bless!

  3. Dear James, Wikipedia has an interesting link called “Historicism (Christianity) that endorses that futurism is from the Jesuits trying to counter the Reformation. I find it truly shocking when I see all the famous evangelicals deceived into promoting it. The Inquisition still exists in the RCC too but has been renamed a few times. The article “Inquisition“ on history.com explains it. Funny how 2 false doctrines: futurism and the pretrib rapture are traceable back to John Nelson Darby. It seems once these false teachings get out they are impossible to check or correct because too many Christians do not check the scriptures closely enough or the history. The teachings that tickle people’s ears are all over the place and the doctrinal corrections get little air time.

    • Susan, I think what Wikipedia has about the 70th Week of Daniel is excellent! It says:

      Prophecy of Seventy Weeks

      The prophecy of seventy weeks is interpreted as dealing with the Jewish nation from about the middle of the 5th century BCE until not long after the death of Jesus in the 1st century CE and so is not concerned with current or future history. Historicists consider Antiochus IV Epiphanes irrelevant to the fulfillment of the prophecy.

      The historicist view on the prophecy of seventy weeks, in Daniel 9, stretches from 457 BCE to 34 CE, and that the final “week” of the prophecy refers to the events of the ministry of Jesus. This was the view taught by Martin Luther,[38] John Calvin [39] and Sir Isaac Newton.[40]

      Like others before them they equate the beginning of the 70 weeks “from the time the word goes out to rebuild and restore Jerusalem,” of Daniel 9:25[41] with the decree by Artaxerxes I in 458/7 BCE which provided money for rebuilding the temple and Jerusalem and allowed for restoration of a Jewish administration.[42] It ends 3½ years after the crucifixion of Jesus. The appearance of “Messiah the Prince” at the end of the 69 weeks (483 years)[41] is aligned with the baptism of Jesus in 27 CE, in the fifteenth year of Tiberius Caesar. The ‘cutting off’ of the “anointed one”[41] refers to the crucifixion 3½ years after the end of the 483 years, bringing “atonement for iniquity” and “everlasting righteousness”.[43] Jesus is said to ‘confirm’ the “covenant”[44] between God and humankind by his death on the cross in the Spring (about Passover time) of 31 CE “in the midst of”[44] the last seven years.

      According to the New Testament, at the moment of his death the 4 inch (10 cm) thick curtain between the Holy and Most Holy Places in the Temple ripped from top to bottom[45][46][47] marking the end of the Temple’s sacrificial system. The last week ends 3½ years after the crucifixion (i.e., in 34 CE) when the gospel was redirected from only the Jews to all Gentile nations. Jehovah’s Witnesses have a similar interpretation, but place the period from 455 BCE to 29 CE, with the final “week” being fulfilled by 36 CE.[48]

      Some of the representative voices among exegetes of the last 150 years are E. W. Hengstenberg,[49] J. N. Andrews,[50] E. B. Pusey,[51] J. Raska,[52] J. Hontheim,[53] Boutflower,[54] Uriah Smith,[55] and O. Gerhardt.[56]

  4. Dear James, while I was online evangelizing and defending the Gospel in an atheist dominated forum I discovered the salvation of all. I now think the devil some how penetrates the Church to deliver bad systematic theology or doctrines to Christians. This started really early in the Church as Paul said it would in Acts 20 and as John talked about in his epistles. In fact we are already living in the Great Apostasy. Someone once showed me the verses showing that Mystery Babylon preceded even the start of RCC. Dr. Ernest L Martin explains some of it in his essay Pagan Origins of the Catholic Church on the hope of Israel dot com site.
    This could be why the Bible says “Come out from among them and touch not the unclean thing and I will receive you.”
    Look at 1 Tim 4:9-11.
    1 Timothy 4:9-11
    English Standard Version
    9 The saying is trustworthy and deserving of full acceptance. 10 For to this end we toil and strive,[a] because we have our hope set on the living God, who is the Savior of all people, especially of those who believe.

    11 Command and teach these things.

    That verse above says to teach the salvation of all but for centuries the church has not taught it. Yes, being born again is important but God can still penalize people 1,000 years of life and purify them in the Lake of Fire. There’s a free ebook exposing the translation errors and also the misinterpreted words of Jesus at the God’s Plan For All site. God Bless!

    • Susan, I know the doctrine of an eternal hell is controversial. The Baptists sure believe it but it pains me even to think about it. My previous pastor certainly rejected an eternal hell, but he was controversial also on other subjects. I just don’t know. But I do know the subject of hell does scare some people into wanting to get saved from it!

      • I never had the fear of hell, James. That’s why it may have been easy for me to switch to universalism. The wages of sin are death not hell. I think it’s a deceptive pagan doctrine that keyword translation errors from Jerome’s Vulgate version of the Bible. The errors allowed this transfer of false doctrine to occur more easily as well as other factors. There are so many “all” verses in the Bible and Jesus said from the Cross that he forgave all that didn’t know what they were doing to him. We are up against the mainstream literalist interpretations now but the Bible is spiritually discerned.
        1 John 4:14: 14 And we have seen and do testify that the Father sent the Son to be the Saviour of the world.
        This is something you may want to investigate. People like to say the universalists don’t have a scriptural case or are New Age but that’s wrong. Many early church fathers were universalist and the scriptural case is strong. I originally noticed Jesus saying to love your enemies which he did. Plus God is loving, holy and all powerful. The scriptures in my humble opinion must conform to His character. So if I am suppose to be like Jesus and love my enemies then he does too. That doesn’t mean some people won’t lose a thousand years of life and/or have to be purified in the Lake of Fire. There’s a missionary who wrote a book called Hope Beyond Hell. Have yet to read it but a quote from his blog he said neither Jesus or the apostles engaged in systematic theology.

      • James, whenever I examine people’s reasoning on the scriptures I find a lot of doctrinal error. I do not think God intended people to replace the simple Gospel with organized religion but that seems to have happened.

        1 John 4:18
        New Living Translation
        Such love has no fear, because perfect love expels all fear. If we are afraid, it is for fear of punishment, and this shows that we have not fully experienced his perfect love.

        I am starting to think anyone that believes in fear motivation more than God’s love has a heart issue and heart issues affect interpretation.

        Fear is so Old Testament and ministry of condemnation.

        We are under a whole new priesthood administration and the Law of the Spirit now. Died to the Mosaic Law with Christ as per Romans 7.

        God was not kidding when he said come out from among them and be ye separate and touch not the unclean thing.

        There is no need for doctrine if your heart is right with God and you’re perfect in love so why let all the false teachers control us? Become a true priest king/queen in Yeshua yourself.

        Why let a spirit of fear rule you. That’s what a hell doctrine puts on people. An evil spirit of fear but God’s children should be intelligent, truth telling and fearless…not made dumb by a spirit of fear.

        We are no longer living in Old Testament Times. We’re at the end of the Pentecostal Age close to the next age: the Millenial Kingdom so why think in an Old Testament way.

        God will always do right…

    • Good day,

      Very interesting what Mr Gunther explains. God’s Word must be interpreted in totality e.g. the former will explain that which follows and vica versa.
      A good example is Daniel 7:7,8 which mentions a beast with ten horns, but not seven heads, but we know it is the same beast as Revelation 13 and 17 with seven heads and ten horns but in different stages.

      I want to highlight the following disagreements with his explanation.

      1.The beast of Revelation 13 and 17 is the same as Daniel 7:7,8 but in different stages.

      2. The beast of Revelation 13:11-18 is the United Nations. The two horns of the lamb, is the only two articles of its constitution namely, 1. Equality of all nations 2. Peace among all nations. We all know that UN representatives all over the world is corrupt and immoral perverts molesting children like the Catholic priests. The UN forces nations to comply with homosexual laws etc or else finances are stopped = Lamb speaking like the dragon.

      God bless


    • My friend David Nikao Wilcoxson believes the Mark is symbolic. He says, the mark in your head symbolizes submission to Rome, and the mark in your hand symbolizes your deeds for Rome. However, we know no Mark has been enforced yet to the point the entire world cannot buy or sell without it. In my opinion, it would have to be literal for that to happen.

      • That’s why I wonder if eschatology can have historicist, futurist and personal spiritual meanings. A lot of prophecy has occurred yet the millineal kingdom and Jesus’ return is in the future. Plus your body is the temple of God. The Bible is a multi level spiritual growth book. God can be revealing on many levels while people try to boil all that complexity down to one simple meaning.
        Regarding hell potentially being a false doctrine…it could have been used by the RCC to control people. Why all the systematic false doctrine then an Inquisition set up to enforce it. The RCC wasn’t the only ones who liked to abuse their authority though. John Calvin had Servetus killed over a dispute over the Trinity. Some people act like they own the Gospel and have the right to enforce it and torture people. But read 1 John 4 especially verse 2: Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world.
        2 Hereby know ye the Spirit of God: Every spirit that confesseth that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is of God:
        3 And every spirit that confesseth not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is not of God: and this is that spirit of antichrist, whereof ye have heard that it should come; and even now already is it in the world.

        Isn’t only verse 2 what God expects of us? Why do they preach all these theological doctrines then persecute people who disagree? See 2 Cor. 6. Abide in Jesus. God bless!

  5. Susan is a very dangerous false teacher. On this website it is made very clear that the old King James Bible is the only correct Bible.All other translations was corrupted by the Great Harlot Romanism.They also have the false teaching of Purgatory Susan believes it is the lake of fire “Gods purgatory”. She suggest “the wages of sin is death “the Biblical teaching and then say “the Bible doesn’t say: the wages of sin is the lake of fire , suggesting it could have been so.The Biblical fact is all people are spiritualy dead and if you die in your sin you are spiritually dead therfore your eternal destiny is the lake of fire .There is no Biblicall teaching that fire cleanse us from sin only the precious blood of the Lord Jesus.Everyone who questionmark the Biblical teachings is a heretic.

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