HomeConspiracyThe Ultimate Purpose of the Lockdowns: The Creation of a New Economic System Run by the Global Elite Log in


The Ultimate Purpose of the Lockdowns: The Creation of a New Economic System Run by the Global Elite — 8 Comments

  1. Hi James, just came across your website. Is it possible to chat a bit? I’m due to give a class on the Endtime on Thursday. More on an overview of what we can expect to come to pass and how we can be prepared to face the coming events..
    I’m in the Netherlands.
    Are you on WhatsApp, then we can chat better.



    • I never said that! Where did I say that? If you tell me who you are talking about and convince me they are disinformation agents, I will remove any reference to them.

  2. No no, I apologize, I was asking you if you yourself was saying that they are good or bad people to follow. Im asking your opinion,Im sorry for the confusion.

  3. Dear Mr James,

    I love your articles and i do have a question. I love the above intervieuw with Mrs Catherine Austin Fits, so clear how she explains the sytem they want to implement in future… and all the many other articles, is it allowed to share some articles with others??? And what should I revere to… your name??? or website?? I live in the Netherlands and you are doing a great job may God bless you more than He has done already!!!
    Greetings, Nita

    • Ms Nita, sorry to get back to you so late! You are welcome to share anything on this website with anybody. Please refer back to the website URL. As I write this my website jamesjpn.net is having SSL problems and you will get a security warning when you access it, but please don’t worry. You will not be harmed.

      Best wishes from the island of Guam,

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James Japan