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The Six Seals of the Apocalypse: A Synopsis of History from Christ to the End of Time — 13 Comments

  1. Hi James,

    An interesting post. If Matthew Henry is correct in his application, the sixth seal is identified with the overthrow of Paganism in the time of Constantine! While I have a lot of respect for Matthew Henry it does not seem logical that the “seals” cover the history of Christianity and is almost complete in 313 a.d. (the “history” of the church that is!). And, Is the mark of the Beast the mark of the Dragon of chapter 12, the mark of the first beast of chapter 13, or the mark of the second beast of chapter 13? In other places you have identified the 1260 day prophecies of Daniel 7 and Revelation 12 and 13 with the period of Papal supremacy and the beast therefore as the rule of Papal Rome. I presume you still believe that. But if that is true, the Mark of the Beast must have something to do with it’s power to change times and laws as indicated in Daniel’s prophecy. Whose “times?” Whose “laws?” Your reprint of pages from “Romanism and the Reformation” by H. Grattan Guinness was quite enlightening on that front. Thanks for your post and I hope it will stir many minds to study the prophecies, for surely they have importance for our days.

  2. Dude, you have been badly deceived. You are probably reading an edited version of Matthew Henry. Get the version of Matthew Henry that is complete and unabridged. You are being lied to. I have several of Matthew Henry’s Commentaries. I couldn’t believe it when I started comparing them and found out the Jewish publishers were putting words in Henry’s mouth. Henry believed Revelation was about the judgment of the Mother of Harlots which was oral law Judaism. The altered versions of Henry’s Commentaries added in Dispensational and partial preterist opinions. Please stop spreading lies about Matthew Henry and spread the truth and warn people to only buy the complete and unabridged Commentaries by Matthew Henry.

    • I got this from what is supposed to be a trusted source. I’m only presenting what I consider to be non-Futurist interpretations of the Book of Revelation. I’m pretty dogmatic about my view of the 70th Week of Daniel, but the Book of Revelation? No way can I be dogmatic about any particular interpretation. If YOU think you got it down pat, dude, you’re the one who is deceived by your own arrogance.

  3. I’ve learned alot about prophecy from the website called Revelations Timeline Decoded by David Nikao Wilcoxson.

    I think his studies opened my eyes.

  4. Actually I think the seals, although historical in nature, refer to a future time, which may even include now. The reason why I say this, is that if you read the previous chapter, Apocalypse (Revelation) 5:7-10 (World English Bible), it states:

    Then he came, and he took it out of the right hand of him who sat on the throne. Now when he had taken the book, the four living creatures and the twenty-four elders fell down before the Lamb, each one having a harp, and golden bowls full of incense, which are the prayers of the saints. They sang a new song, saying, “You are worthy to take the book and to open its seals, for you were killed, and bought us for God with your blood out of every tribe, language, people, and nation, and made us kings and priests to our God; and we will reign on the earth.”

    I think there a good possibility that it is referring to those who have already passed on in Christ and a later time, because 1st Peter 2:9 confirms that the Christian is now God’s people. Those who passed before Christ but were in faith looking forward to Him are also included according to Hebrews 11:39-12:1 (the great cloud of witnesses). Revelation further states in 5:11-12,

    I looked, and I heard something like a voice of many angels around the throne, the living creatures, and the elders. The number of them was ten thousands of ten thousands, and thousands of thousands, saying with a loud voice, “Worthy is the Lamb who has been killed to receive the power, wealth, wisdom, strength, honour, glory, and blessing!”

    In Matthew 22:24,25, Christ says that the resurrected believers are like angels in Heaven. In the Dark Ages about 1,000 years ago, there was something like only 300 million people living at the time. In the past 20th Century alone, there have been easily that many people killed by wars, despotic actions and disasters.

    I don’t say with certainty that my interpretation is correct, but given the numbers mentioned and the audience urging the Lamb of God to break open the seals, I think Revelation Chapter 6 refers to a much later time than Matthew Henry foresaw.

  5. My further comments:

    James Arendt (JA): “Is COVID an acronym for Certification Of Vaccination IDentification as some say it is?”

    Net search yielded: (CO)rona (VI)rus (D)isease, suffix (19) is 2019. Note, all colds and flus are Corona Viruses (same family). Could it have a different meaning? I don’t know.

    JA: “I definitely believe we are in the time of the Sixth Seal!”

    It could be that, but I have a slightly different perspective. (Again, I do not vouch with certainty that my view is the correct one.) Several times, the people of Gog have attempted the great reset to kick off their NWO, but it was always stopped to include WW-1 and WW-2, although they made certain gains through these worldwide conflicts.

    Some think it is the J-ws, but Christ was referring to an even greater class of people under Satanic control, starting with the pre-flood martyr of Abel to the martyr of Zachariah (2 Chron. 24:20–22, both mentioned as martyrs in the Scriptures at the time of Christ) at the hand of King Joash. Both rebuked leaders for forsaking the Lord. The scribes (lawyers) and Pharisees were of the same class of people (Matthew 23:13-36), referred to as the most poisonous of serpents, the vipers, a reference to Satan. These are not even afraid to kill their own kind for the sake of greater monetary gain.

    I am thinking that these seals represents the Lord’s final time table to bring Satan and his followers under final control and demise, and close man’s history on earth.

    The Lord allows Satan limited freedom under His watchful eyes (see Job 1:8-12, 2:3-6), and it is ultimately all to glorify the Lord. Past history, the NWO has tried to establish itself as a one world government entity, but something (by the Lord) has always brought it to an end without this happening. True, there has been much death and destruction as a result, most of it in the last 100 years. So, here is the way I see it (and again, I don’t say I am absolutely right):

    1st Seal. The white horse’s rider is not identified. Other passages, for example Revelation 19:11,13 shows specifically that the rider of a white horse as the Lord Jesus. I think this rider is someone else doing the conquering. The international Pharisaic banking system through one family from several centuries ago to now controls all countries’ money supplies except for North Korea. (See https://educateinspirechange.org/3-countries-world-without-rothschild-central-bank/ ) However, in this case, I think it represents the final act of conquering, now in progress through the great worldwide pandemic, with all nations following in lock step without regard to national laws protecting individual freedoms and rights. I think this is where we are at now.

    2nd Seal, red horse of wars. This conquering process has been through the funding of wars on both sides, through much murder to position itself with sole control over a country’s money supply. The more recent event of 9-11 allowed the conquering of last of the countries not a part of this banking system, now leaving only North Korea as the last stand out. It won’t be long until it falls. However, I am thinking that the following will be the next step (seal). With people alarmed by their removal of freedoms and resisting mandatory jabs, to include various individuals governments and military, will be widespread wokedness in all nations, with widespread destruction and death. Wars will also be a means of population reduction treasured by the Satanic elite.

    3rd Seal, black horse of economic disaster. I think this is the outcome of the great reset, “you will own nothing but be happy”. I favor James Arendt’s research of “yoke” instead of scales, which means an extreme hardship burden will be placed upon people for the most basic of necessities.

    4th Seal, pale ashen colored horse. Massive horrible deaths will occur worldwide through widespread crime, government culling actions, hunger, plagues (spell jab and reintroduction of engineered and reintroduced heinous diseases – black plague, small pox, etc.), and predatory animal action through disarming people living near these wild animals, predators lacking sufficient prey, etc. Think of it as a massive reenactment of Stalin’s Holodomor toward the Ukrainian farmers, but now is worldwide.

    5th Seal, massive Christian martyrdom. Christ said they will be hated by all (Matthew 24:9), and this Godless new government will consider Christians as the new traitors, societal enemies, anyone sharing the words of Jesus as hate speech deserving death. (Reflections of the people of Gog, may I interpret the “rapture” as being a relatively painless bullet to the brain for an early departure? 😛 ) We already see the mechanisms being put into place, making this a possibility.

    6th Seal, earth physically reeling from being defiled (Isaiah 24:5). The earth undergoes drastic transformation with mountains shifting and islands disappearing, and strange roaring of ocean waves (continual tsunamis?, Luke 21:25), announcing God is ready to start His vengeance. We now see much increased volcanic action worldwide with dormant volcanoes waking up, rings of fire more active than ever, to include recent La Palma.

    I don’t swear any absoluteness on the correctness of my interpretation, but personally I am seeing this as being a greater possible outcome. Perhaps it would be a good sequel to James Arendt’s Junkyard Theology? https://www.jamesjpn.net/basic-bible/junkyard-theology/ 😉

  6. James Arendt (JA): “Is COVID an acronym for Certification Of Vaccination IDentification as some say it is?”

    Net search yielded: (CO)rona (VI)rus (D)isease, suffix (19) is 2019. Note, all colds and flus are Corona Viruses (same family). Could it have a different meaning? I don’t know.

    JA: “I definitely believe we are in the time of the Sixth Seal!”

    It could be that, but I have a slightly different perspective. (Again, I do not vouch with certainty that my view is the correct one.) Several times, the people of Gog have attempted the great reset to kick off their NWO, but it was always stopped to include WW-1 and WW-2, although they made certain gains through these worldwide conflicts.

    Some think it is the J-ws, but Christ was referring to an even greater class of people under Satanic control, starting with the pre-flood martyr of Abel to the martyr of Zachariah (2 Chron. 24:20–22) at the hand of King Joash. (Jesus mentioned both as martyrs from the Scriptures available at His time.) Both rebuked leaders for forsaking the Lord. The scribes (lawyers) and Pharisees were of the same class of people (Matthew 23:13-36), referred to as the most poisonous of serpents, the vipers, a reference to Satan. These are not even afraid to kill their own kind for the sake of greater monetary gain.

    I am thinking that these seals represents the Lord’s final time table to bring Satan and his followers under final control and demise, and close man’s history on earth.

    The Lord allows Satan limited freedom under His watchful eyes (see Job 1:8-12, 2:3-6), and it is ultimately all to glorify the Lord. Past history, the NWO has tried to establish itself as a one world government entity, but something (by the Lord) has always brought it to an end without this happening. True, there has been much death and destruction as a result, most of it in the last 100 years. So, here is the way I see it (and again, I don’t say I am absolutely right):

    1st Seal. The white horse’s rider is not identified. Other passages, for example Revelation 19:11,13 shows specifically that the rider of a white horse as the Lord Jesus. I think this rider is someone else doing the conquering. The international Pharisaic banking system through one family from several centuries ago to now controls all countries’ money supplies except for North Korea. (See https://educateinspirechange.org/3-countries-world-without-rothschild-central-bank/ ) However, in this case, I think it represents the final act of conquering, now in progress through the great worldwide pandemic, with all nations following in lock step without regard to national laws protecting individual freedoms and rights. I think this is where we are at now.

    2nd Seal, red horse of wars. This conquering process has been through the funding of wars on both sides, through much murder to position itself with sole control over a country’s money supply. The more recent event of 9-11 allowed the conquering of last of the countries not a part of this banking system, now leaving only North Korea as the last stand out. It won’t be long until it falls. However, I am thinking that the following will be the next step (seal). With people alarmed by their removal of freedoms and resisting mandatory jabs, to include various individuals governments and military, will be widespread wokedness in all nations, with widespread destruction and death. Wars will also be a means of population reduction treasured by the Satanic elite.

    3rd Seal, black horse of economic disaster. I think this is the outcome of the great reset, “you will own nothing but be happy”. I favor James Arendt’s research of “yoke” instead of scales, which means an extreme hardship burden will be placed upon people for the most basic of necessities.

    4th Seal, pale ashen colored horse. Massive horrible deaths will occur worldwide through widespread crime, government culling actions, hunger, plagues (spell jab and reintroduction of engineered and reintroduced heinous diseases – black plague, small pox, etc.), and predatory animal action through disarming people living near these wild animals, predators lacking sufficient prey, etc. Think of it as a massive reenactment of Stalin’s Holodomor toward the Ukrainian farmers, but now is worldwide.

    5th Seal, massive Christian martyrdom. Christ said they will be hated by all (Matthew 24:9), and this Godless new government will consider Christians as the new traitors, societal enemies, anyone sharing the words of Jesus as hate speech deserving death. (Reflections of the people of Gog, may I interpret the “rapture” as being a relatively painless bullet to the brain for an early departure? 😛 ) We already see the mechanisms being put into place, making this a possibility.

    6th Seal, earth physically reeling from being defiled (Isaiah 24:5). The earth undergoes drastic transformation with mountains shifting and islands disappearing, and strange roaring of ocean waves (continual tsunamis?, Luke 21:25), announcing God is ready to start His vengeance. We now see much increased volcanic action worldwide with dormant volcanoes waking up, rings of fire more active than ever, to include recent La Palma.

    I don’t swear any absoluteness on the correctness of my interpretation, but personally I am seeing this as being a greater possible outcome. Perhaps it would be a good sequel to James Arendt’s Junkyard Theology? https://www.jamesjpn.net/basic-bible/junkyard-theology/ 😉

    Regarding Matthew Henry’s interpretation, we must remember from Daniel 12:9, that certain words of prophecy would be concealed until the end times. He was speaking from his insights of his time, with portions yet uninterpretable. Now it appears to be the end times as more and more of these prophecies appear more clear and relevant than ever.

  7. James, I lost a whole page of commenting on this. I’m sorry I don’t have time to redo it. But, I’m glad you have become historicist in Bible prophecy. The other methods of prophetic interpretations were designed to point the finger at an anti-christ in the distant past or in the distant future (from 1585) so that the Vatican could no longer be called the anti-Christ. Keep your heart open to Jesus and He will use Bible prophecy to guide you in these last days. 🙂

  8. James, I lost a whole page of commenting on this. I’m sorry I don’t have time to redo it. But, I’m glad you have become historicist in Bible prophecy. The other methods of prophetic interpretations were designed to point the finger at an anti-christ in the distant past or in the distant future (from 1585) so that the Vatican could no longer be called the anti-Christ. Keep your heart open to Jesus and He will use Bible prophecy to guide you in these last days. 🙂

    But, keep with Matthew Henry. His Reformation roots keeps him fundamentally true to the Bible, and Protestant. To claim Evangelicalism is to join with the Vatican in its Ecumenism. Every denomination that unites with the old enemy from the Dark Ages, finds itself to lose every distinction from the pagan philosophy and rites that fill the dogmas and despotism of Revelation’s enemy of God.

    • Sorry to hear you lost what you wrote. It happened several times to me too. I learned to write the most important stuff in an off-line on my PC application that automatically saves it and then copy and paste it when I’m done.

      I see more than ever now how the Jesuit doctrine of Futurism has blinded people to what is happening today. I believe the Beast of Revelation 13 has orchestrated the entire Covid-19 paranoia leading to worthless mask-wearing as a sign of compliance to the Beast System, social distancing, and the so-called vaccines which according to medical professionals who I listen to are bio-weapons. And some of my friends who I once greatly respected as men of God have recently told me the “falling away” of II Thess 2:3 has, “obviously not yet happened.” And so of course the brother doesn’t see what is happening today is a major operation by Satan in the very end of days! Talk about great deception! I told them that falling away happened long ago when people started to look to the Popes of Rome as the Voice of God on earth.

  9. DAVID BURDICK, I use a simple text editor that does not add any font or paragraph formatting information. In Windows, this can be notepad or an equivalent. In Linux, it can Pluma, Xed, Vim, Gedit, etc. As I compose my message, I do periodic saves to the hard disk. Then when I am ready to post, I do a copy and paste, a little review to see if it pasted properly plus any other tweaking as necessary. Once I am satisfied, I add name and email, send it. Thus, I am not at the whims of any systemic problems albeit software, server, Internet or otherwise.

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James Japan