HomeHealthDr. James Lyons-Weiler | Coronavirus Vaccine Safety Warning PA Medical Freedom Press Conference in Text Format


Dr. James Lyons-Weiler | Coronavirus Vaccine Safety Warning PA Medical Freedom Press Conference in Text Format — 1 Comment

  1. I received the comment below by email from a visitor whose name is Wayne.

    Hi, been to your website which has a lot of great information. The world is about to enter into complete anarchy, the vast majority of the population has no idea what is about to hit them. The powers that control the planet have been waiting and planning this event for a long time.

    The covid 19 vaccination is far worse than most realize, and I’m not even talking about the mRNA and the nano particle’s in the vaccine, they are of little consequence in the big picture. The worldwide vaccinations are a complete ruse to force the population into a digital currency and tracking system, the vaccine will implant a microchip in all who are vaccinated,
    it will also place a tattoo under the skin which can only be seen under UV light.

    The tattoo is made of a crystal dye called quantum microdot’s, the pattern made by the dye will store your ID and vaccination records, very soon vaccination’s will be mandatory, no one without the vaccination will be allowed to work or conduct any kind of business, they will scan your tattoo for vaccination compliance. This system is called the human implantable quantum microdot microneedle vaccination delivery system, quite a name is it not. The quantum microdot’s use an enzyme called Luciferase which allows the dye to illuminate under UV light.

    The microchip implant is designed to interact directly with 5G technology to control, program, and track all individual’s worldwide, and to access the soon coming digital currency that’s already developed. When this system goes hot, everyone connected to it will all at once became enslaved and under complete control. This plan has been in the works for years, they were waiting for the perfect storm. They are now in a really big hurry for someone is soon returning in the clouds, they don’t have much time… Wayne

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