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Adam Clarke’s Commentary on Matthew 24 — 4 Comments

  1. I was watching this video this morning re the tribulation and the abomination of desolation perhaps you may take a look at it:)

    I believe he raises some valid points. Beside this video, my comment is we know there are false teachers and Jesuits that have done the Devil’s work. But there are distortions out there about what they are responsible for, so I don’t jump on board with all of it…But this I do get on board with as it’s the final decider: “nevertheless what saith the scripture.”


      • Thanks for looking at the video and for your link. One of the points that stood out for me particularly was that Israel (those circumcised in heart) get “delivered” at the time of the trib. – Dan. 12:1 – however in 70ad they are coming under judgment.

        Do you see what I’m getting at?

        • Sorry I don’t. The Jews have been under judgement since the time they rejected Jesus as their Messiah. John 3:18 makes that perfectly clear:
          John 3:18  He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God.

          Some people raised Jewish do come to believe and trust in Jesus as their Savior.. I have met several in my lifetime. Dr. James Tour (who I have not personally met) is one of the most famous of them in my opinion. If you haven’t heard him, you can find him on YouTube. He’s a world-class scientist who will tell you he loves Jesus more than anything!

          Dalton Thomas incorrectly attributes the great tribulation to the end of days. That’s why I did the comparison of Matthew 24 with Mark 13 and Luke 21. Mark says “days of affliction” and Luke says “days of vengeance”. Affliction on whom? Vengeance on whom? The context tells me it was only the Christ-rejecting Jews who were afflicted by the Romans, not the Christians because they obeyed Jesus and fled Jerusalem and Judea when they saw the Roman army coming! The Christ-rejecting Jews believed the false prophets, fled to the Temple, and were all killed.

          I greatly dislike hearing the term, “replacement theology.” It’s entirely incorrect. The Church did not replace Israel. The Church is a continuation of true Israel, the children of Abraham by faith.

          My friend David Wilcoxson calls Dalton Thomas a false teacher. I respect David Wilcoxson’s opinion. He’s the guy who opened my eyes to the true interpretation of the 70th Week of Daniel. You can read what David has to say about him on https://revelationtimelinedecoded.com/category/dalton-thomas/

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