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The New Testament Jesus Referred to is the Covenant with Many of Daniel 9:27 — 6 Comments

  1. Thank you James for your latest post. If you do not mind I will copy and print it for use in Bible studies. Concise! This is Richard

  2. I differ greatly, as you have to understand the context of what is being said, rather than a word for word translation. It simply means an agreement. In the end Time, it is consistently written about in multiple books by various prophets, and confirmed by the Lord’s angel …. therefore confirmed by many is ten. Many in this case means ten nations, ten toes, ten kingdoms or as we know ten countries or ten leaders of 10 countries. 10 is an exact numerical figure. Its repeated multiple times. An agreement that secures a political, religious, military agreement or covenant or treaty or ACCORD such as the Abraham Accord. Semantics aside, it means the seventh world government composed of ten countries, that allows the 3rd Temple to be built, leading the way for the literal AC to establish his headquarters.

    • David, I know you differ greatly. You told me that years ago when I first told you our beloved shepherd DBB got the interpretation of Daniel 9:27 wrong. He got it from C.I. Scofield who got it from John Nelson Darby who got it from the lie cooked up in 1585 by Jesuit Francesco Ribera, who got it from the DEVIL! And you aren’t even interested to listen to the history behind the lie which took Protestant Christians’ eyes off the popes of Rome as the Antichrist. So sad!

    • There is NO prophecy that a third Temple of Solomon will be rebuilt in the future! The restoration of the State of Israel in 1948 was NOT a fulfillment of prophecy! It has only fueled the lie of a future Antichrist when the Antichrist has ALREADY been troubling the Church since Roman Catholic Pope gained the title for supreme power in 538 AD! What a trick of Satan to fool Christians to expect a FUTURE Antichrist when the Antichrist has been around troubling the Church since the Middle Ages! Just think, David Jay Jordon, all those who have gone to be with the Lord expecting the rise of the Antichrist have had ZERO influence from the expected Antichrist but have had PLENTY of negative influence from the Popes of Rome who are the REAL Antichrists!!!

    • And I see you are constantly changing the dates of your final 7 year timeline. On your website homepage, it says from 2020 to 2027 but on davidjayjordan.com/70YearsofMoses.html it says from 2017 to 2024. Face it, David, you DON’T KNOW when the Lord will return, and neither do I. Jesus said we can’t know. Only the Father knows. Moreover, there is NO FINAL SEVEN YEAR scenario! It’s a lie cooked up by Jesuit Francesco Revera in 1585. He purposely misinterpreted Daniel 9:27 which is really all about the Messiah Jesus confirming the covenant God made with Abraham to the Jews, and also the destruction of Jerusalem and the Temple in 70 AD. Christians rejected Revera’s interpretation up till the 19th century when John Nelson Darby started to promote it, sad to say. And the Baptists, very sad to say, bought it while the Presbyterians still stick to the original interpretation, God bless them.

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James Japan