HomeEschatologyHow Are Forced Covid Vaccinations Different From The Mark Of The Beast? They Aren’t! Log in


How Are Forced Covid Vaccinations Different From The Mark Of The Beast? They Aren’t! — 2 Comments

  1. Thank the Lord for directing me to this site. Last year during the Plandemic, while sequestered at home, I decided to do a deep dive into Revelation for myself, forgetting whatever I had been taught. Even read it backwards from the last chapter to the first hoping that might help to see exactly what it was saying instead of my preconceived ideas. Well, of course I don’t know it all, BUT I came to understand that the Beast from the Sea is the SYSTEM not a person for myself. It is all the past world kingdoms build on one another by the Great Dragon to create the ultimate BEAST System which he will give his power, authority & throne. While the False Prophet is a man/organization who becomes the spokesman to present and reconcile the evil system to the apostate church and ultimately to join all to the world. So, when I heard your sermon, God had prepared my mind and heart to understand. What a wonderful God we serve! I have a medical background, we are not vaxxed because I know almost everything your site has revealed about CV19 and “the wonder drug”. But only my husband will listen to me. It saddens me to see my Christian friends ignore the inconsistencies and lies BECAUSE they want to travel, visit family, and enjoy their current lifestyle. The true faithful are going to be called to lay down that lifestyle and the sooner the better. Of course, we shouldn’t give up without a fight to get the truth out and take a stand to support our fighters on the front lines of this war. Everyday is a gift, until there is no one left with ears to hear and eyes to see the salvation Jesus Christ offers, then the satanic forces will no longer be held back. My favorite verses for these times Luke 21:34-36“Constantly be on your guard so that your hearts will not be loaded down with self-indulgence, drunkenness(false teaching & doctrines), and the worries of this life(love of this world), or that day will take you by surprise like a trap, because it will come on everyone who lives on the face of the earth. So be alert at all times, praying(not depending on yourself) that you may have strength(in Christ) to escape all these things that are going to take place and to take your stand in the presence of the Son of Man.” AMEN

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James Japan