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Know Your Enemy — 5 Comments

  1. I absolutely agree!

    I’ve studied all of David Nikao Wilcoxson’s website and own his 3 books.

    His knowledge on prophecy is huge and he’s definitely a strong person of faith which has helped me understand this world.

  2. James wrote: Most Christians today don’t understand who the enemy is because they have been misled by a false interpretation of Scripture regarding the Man of Sin, Son of Perdition of II Thessalonians chapter 2, and a false interpretation of Daniel 9:27 regarding the 70th Week of Daniel. [David Nikao:] “In order to defeat the enemy, we have to think at a higher level. The enemy causes people to debate about the actors so that they don’t focus on the director who is controlling the whole narrative.”

    James, have you considered the possibility that we need to think even higher above the so-called Vatican involvement, that its higher leadership is just one of the cogs along with the Darby/Schofield takeover of the Southern Baptist Convention, not to mention also nearly all the Christian church denominational headquarters?

    Here is why I say this. Revelation 13:3 (World English Bible) – “One of his heads looked like it had been wounded fatally. His fatal wound was healed, and the whole earth marvelled at the beast.”

    Remember what I mentioned about God in your other article, Gog and Magog identified: Turkey, NOT Russia! dated April 30, 2015, about who current Gog is (also misinterpreted by the dispensationalists).

    Don’t you think there is a good possibility that the dead head (news media, research its definition regarding newspapers, lol! listen to Don Henley’s Dirty Laundry 😉 ) occurred in AD 70? The miraculous healing occurred in 1948?

    According to Revelation 20:10, the beast and the false prophet are cast into the lake of fire and sulphur, prior to the final judgment of the non-believing. Thus I gather they are not humans, but Satanic beings.

    Perhaps already occurred whole human cloning would have provided living cadaver(s) for possession by these demonic spirits now in the world?

    Thus, I think the Vatican is only part of the puzzle, not the whole plot. He is just only one of the many antichrists. There is something greater going on, which Christ hinted at in John 8:44. Don’t you think?

    • George, first of all, I see the Beast of Revelation 13 as a government, a hidden global government. Daniel chapter 7 uses the word beast as a metaphor for governments or empires. The fact that the pandemic scam is global tells me the Beast is orchestrating it.

      I believe the Whore of Revelation chapter 17 is the Roman Catholic Church (RCC) that rides on the Beast. The 10 horns on the Beast will destroy the RCC.

      Revelation 17:16  And the ten horns which thou sawest upon the beast, these shall hate the whore, and shall make her desolate and naked, and shall eat her flesh, and burn her with fire.

      The reason for that is the RCC has to go if the world will have a global new religion. Pope Francis has been working hard to undermine and weaken the RCC, and many if not all traditional Catholics are outraged! This is what a traditional Catholic told me.

      You may be correct about higher leadership over the Vatican running things. If the RCC is going to be destroyed, the Vatican goes with it. But the Jesuits and the Superior Jesuit General will still be around. My friend David Wilcoxson believes the Jesuit General is at the very top of the pile of evil.

      I interpret the Beast’s deadly wound was the Protestant Reformation and the loss of power of the Whore that rides the Beast. It was restored gradually. The headquarters of the Beast is in Europe and Europe is stronger than ever. Notice it’s also reverted back to tyrannical governments pushing ungodly medical mandates.

      That’s the way I see it. I’m not saying, “thus saith the Lord” about any of it. I think we really won’t thoroughly understand prophecy fulfillment until after it’s fulfilled. The Apostles certainly didn’t understand the meaning of the prophecies of Christ’s death until after His resurrection.

  3. James, I don’t think it is as simple as some Protestant theologians think it is. For one, I think they are trying to fit the pieces together equating similarities as though they were gospel. Chuck Baldwin has come close to hitting the nail on the head. He has found that contrary to many current thinking Protestant pastors, that for some odd reason, a good number of Catholic priests seem to have a better handle on the Satanic hand involved with the current pandemic situation than the Protestants. I think it has a lot to do with an ingrain hate developed through theological positions through the years, which may not necessarily be from the Lord.

    For example, https://chuckbaldwinlive.com/Articles/tabid/109/ID/4211/How-Do-Some-Catholic-Priests-See-What-Most-Evangelical-Pastors-Dont-See.aspx

    Chuck has this to say:

    * begin quote *
    How Do Some Catholic Priests See What Most Evangelical Pastors Don’t See?

    One of the most mysterious paradoxes of the modern church is how most evangelical pastors can be so deaf and dumb when it comes to the Biblical Natural Law principles of Liberty. And nothing illustrates that reality any more graphically than the way most evangelical pastors have rolled over and played dead regarding the antichrist Covid narrative. As I have said before in this column, most of the resistance to Fauci’s fascism is coming from outside the church. On the whole, the evangelical church has submitted to the beastly Covid Empire lock, stock and barrel.

    By submitting to the beastly Covid narrative, evangelicals have demonstrated that 1) They have zero awareness and discernment regarding all things antichrist and 2) They have zero resistance to all things antichrist. This means that in their heart of hearts, they have already submitted to the spirit of antichrist.

    This is in spite of the fact that evangelicals claim a born-again relationship with Jesus Christ, which if true, would mean that they would be indwelled with the Holy Spirit, Who Jesus said would “guide [them] into all truth.” (John 16:13) Certainly, this Holy Spirit instruction would reveal the system of antichrist to them. I have brought several messages over the past 21 months showing from the Scriptures how the Covid narrative is a devilish, beastly, antichrist system. …

    In my mind, any pastor or Christian who does NOT see the antichrist nature of the Covid narrative is more than blind; he or she is spiritually blind, which casts much doubt on their spiritual confession.

    To make it even more perplexing, there are several outspoken anti-Covid narrative priests, bishops and cardinals from the Catholic Church who are courageously resisting the draconian Covid system.

    It is a very strange and very sad day when leaders from a false religious system have more understanding regarding the God-given Natural liberties of man than do leaders from within Christian orthodoxy.
    * end quote *

    And, observations by this Christian writer (although I don’t agree with all his opinions expressed on his website):


    * begin quote *
    Does the Roman Antichrist theory actually derive from an unhealthy hatred of the Roman Catholics by Protestant scholars? Ask yourself this question: Do the Roman Catholics fit John’s own definition of Antichrist?

    “Who is the liar? It is whoever denies that Jesus is the Christ. Such a person is the antichrist—denying the Father and the Son.” ~ 1 John 2:22 (NIV)

    Do the Roman Catholics deny that Jesus is the Christ? No. Do the Catholics deny the Father and the Son? NO. Do they have some jacked-up beliefs and traditions? Yes. Were the Catholics responsible for most of the paganization of Christianity? Yes. Were the Catholics a good representation of The Christ throughout the ages? NO.

    BUT, do any of these things qualify the Roman Catholics to be Antichrist by John’s very own definition? No, they do not.

    I would absolutely agree with anyone that asserts that the way the Catholics worship and exalt the Pope is an Antichrist characteristic. The name “Antichrist” not only means against Christ but also means ‘in place of’ Christ’. A false Christ.

    And there is no doubt that the Catholics put their pope ‘in place of’ Christ’. But, I personally still don’t think that the Catholics fit John’s description of Antichrist.

    To me, the hills described in Revelation 17:9 are symbolic of kingdoms led by the scarlet beast, which I believe to be Antichrist himself, and/or his coalition of nations or kingdoms under his rule.
    * end quote *

    May be, in spite of some of the misgivings of certain Catholic traditions, that perhaps there are priests who do have Jesus residing in their hearts, and whom because of such and their love for Jesus, God has revealed to them certain truths about the current situation?

    Afterall, the Catholics are pro-life, pro-marriage, pro-family. Also, some of its leadership does express soundness in their position on current events, for example:


    As you see, Henry Makow has also included comments from the Protestant side, which vehemently opposes as though nothing good can come, but I see it that the man has expressed good points. Also in:


    expresses opinions by this bishop, which mirrors Chuck Baldwin’s observations. Perhaps the reason why the Lord allows certain Catholic priests to understand the current situation is because of their love for the Lord and for people?

    After all, 1 Corinthians 13:13 (WEB) states, “But now faith, hope, and love remain—these three. The greatest of these is love.”

    Personally, I would rather be under a loving priest than a condemning, fire breathing Baptist preacher. I even had a Pentecostal pastor tell me, after my wife and I attended their church for about a month and we were faithfully tithing to them as visitors, that because I didn’t speak in tongues, I didn’t belong to their church. Yet my Bible states,

    1 Corinthians 12:30 (KJV) – “Have all the gifts of healing? do all speak with tongues? do all interpret?” That pastor’s attitude was certainly not in love, nor in the Lord.

    Thus, I am adapt to think that although there were dark periods in its history, the RCC of itself is not the Anti-Christ (or beast). Christ spoke of another group of people, whose attitudes date back to the martyrdom of Abel at the hand of Cain near the beginning of man’s time through the martyrdom of the prophet Zachariah.

    https://bibleask.org/who-was-the-zacharias-that-was-murdered-in-the-temple/ states,

    * begin quote *
    The Bible tells us that Zechariah was the son of Jehoiada the high priest, who was stoned to death in the courts of the Temple upon orders from King Joash, who reigned from 835 to 796 B.C. Jewish history outside the Bible also mentions this murder that shook the nation when it took place.

    Zacharias was murdered because he warned the people of his time saying, “Thus says God: ‘Why do you transgress the commandments of the LORD, so that you cannot prosper? Because you have forsaken the LORD, He also has forsaken you” (2 Chron. 24:20). So, the people instead of repenting got angry against him, and at the command of the king they stoned Zacharias in the court of the house of the LORD.

    And as he died the prophet of God said, “The LORD look on it, and repay!” (2 Chron. 24:20–22). Jehoiada had saved the life of the infant king Joash and elevated him to the throne, and now the king had so little gratitude for the kindness that had been shown him that he ordered the death of the son of the man that saved him.
    * end quote *

    This group of leadership basically had infiltrated the Judean society of the time of Christ, who were bent on establishing their own kingdom, without Christ. They were heavily involved with finances and the practice of usury. Christ overturned their tables in the temple, because they were exacting usury in the exchange of money to pay the temple tax and for purchase of “acceptable” sacrifices. Not only that, but the outer court was reserved as a place for Gentiles to be permitted to come to the Lord for prayer. Of interest, here is one of the best explanations of what was going on, and of all things, these Catholics seem more evangelistic than the Protestants in what they have to say:


    * begin quote *
    The Temple’s outer court, where the buying and selling took place, was supposed to be a place of prayer and worship for the Gentiles. This story isn’t just about money; its about salvation. Turning the outer court of the Temple into a market place effectively impeded God’s plan of salvation for the Gentiles. Thus we read the following in the commentary of the Ignatius Catholic Study Bible:

    “Because Israel failed to repent, Solomon’s Temple [the first Temple] was destroyed by the Babylonians in 586 B.C. Jesus similarly confronts Israelites who presume their covenant relationship with God will remain secure despite their sin….Their impenitence will result in the Temple’s second destruction in A.D. 70 [by Roman armies]. *** Here too the mountain of Jerusalem and its Temple must be pushed aside to make room for a new Temple: the true house of prayer built of Christian believers quarried from all nations….” (Gospel of Mark, Chapter 11 footnotes)
    * end quote *

    Hence, this is why I said that something greater is going on. Basically, every major organization has been infiltrated by these Satanists. Is the pope compromised? I believe so. But, even the Southern Baptists have been compromised through the Schofield notated Bibles and through the late Jerry Falwell, who received a multi-million dollar corporate jet from Gog for justifying its actions on the doorstep of the Palestinians, who according to Ezekiel 38:10-12 are now plundering their properties.

    My current thoughts are the beast is not the RCC for the following reason, Revelation 13:3, “One of his heads looked like it had been wounded fatally. His fatal wound was healed, and the whole earth marvelled at the beast”, does not refers to Protestant reformation. For one, the Catholic church did not die. It lost its power as a monarchy. Yes, it had dark chapters in its history. But, other historians have pointed out its infiltration by certain Moranos, who carried the same attitudes described in John 8:44, which may account for the darkness. Was it all the Moranos? No. Some became faithful, to the chagrine of their others. Of good, the RCC brought a total end to the human sacrifices prevalent among the predominant Native American cultures south of the U.S. border.

    I don’t see the world marveling at the RCC at all. The world overall has been on a downward spiral in embracing Christianity overall. The churches in some countries (or should I say, Christian communities, not necessarily organized buildings) are flourishing due to persecution, but in others especially in the first and second world, diminishing because people love darkness rather than light (John 3:19). I don’t see people flocking to the RC churches. However, I do see people overall, particular the non-Semites (non-Arabic cultures) marveling at one event that occurred in 1948, presupposing it was from God, thinking these are. Regarding claims that certain liberal politicians are RCC particular of U.S., you look at their lives, they may claim that but their support of strange flesh and abortion shows that they are anything but. Once you notice their extreme wealth and nefarious ways of gain, basically they are made of the same cloth as those described in John 8:44.

    The beast is not only a system of future government, but also will be a person, although it is possible that the person is non-human, as Rev. 20:10 states he will burn along with the Devil, prior to the great white throne judgment. I have a very strong feeling that the harlotry fornication spoken of in Rev. 17 is usury accompanying loans. To best sum up my current sentiments, it appears that all except for the elite and their minions will be treated like Palestinians during the reign of this new government system.

    I am not stating this as gospel, but am keeping my mental options open as further world events unfold.

  4. George, while it’s true that true Catholics do not deny that Jesus of Nazareth is Christ, what about the Pope? Traditional Protestant churches and preachers up to the end of the 18th century all believed to a man that the “man of sin”, “son of perdition”, was the man who claimed to be the head of all Christendom, the Pope.

    2 Thessalonians 2:3  ¶Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition;
    4  Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God.

    Early Protestants believed this prophecy was fulfilled in the office of the papacy. The “temple of God” is the Church, and the Popes have claim to be Christ on earth! Is the “man of sin, son of perdition” the same thing as the Antichrist? Maybe not. It’s true that anyone who denies that Jesus is Christ is an antichrist, and the world is FULL of people like that! It was a Jesuit who promoted an endtime only Antichrist to get the Protestants’ eyes off the Pope as the antichrist always with them.

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James Japan