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Some Awaiting the 70th Week of Daniel Are Blind to Current Events — 8 Comments

  1. Hi James, I surely agree with your interpretation of Daniel 9. I have held that view most of my life, and was taught it in college and seminary. However, your interpretation of Matthew 24, while surely true in regards to the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 a.d., is void of an application at the end of the age, which is promised in the first verses of Matthew 24. It is evident from your citing the “reformers” that you believe that the church is the fulfillment of the “temple” type of the old testament physical temple. I do not understand why you do not “see” that the tribulation that attended the destruction of the physical temple at Jerusalem can also be a “type” of a future “tribulation” for the false church from which a “remnant” survives, just as happened in 70 a.d. and the test of survival will be rejecting a spiritual sign of allegiance to Christ as opposed to a vaccine. Although the vaccine mandate likely is a precursor to the real thing. And I have read your views on Matthew 24.

    • Richard, I am not sure why you think that about me. Where have I wrote there will be no future tribulation? Even now Christians are being killed in Africa and India, and some Muslim countries for their faith. And the entire world has suffered more or less under unprecedented tyranny from their various governments in the form of lockdowns, forced wearing of oxygen limiting masks, vaccine passports and mandatory vaccinations. I believe Satan is having a major attack right now on the world. Both God’s people and unbelievers are suffering. Lord Jesus, please come soon!

  2. Hi James,

    These must truly be the end times. There is every effort to force people to get the jab, by taking away almost every freedom unless they get it. The madness of it all is that the mRNA altering concoction doesn’t even make people immune, as huge numbers of vaccinated still get covid; and the jab has already killed many thousands of people, even the youngest and fittest of athletes in their 20s are dying of cardiac arrest.

    The mandates enacted to punish those with enough wisdom and conviction to avoid the jab are draconian. And seeing as the response to covid was almost exactly the same in EVERY country, I believe we already essentially have a one world government. And this worldwide beast of a government seems fiercely intent on coercing, tricking, threatening and even bribing as many people as possible into getting jabbed; the more they push for it they more it proves to me something is terribly wrong here. There was never such an intense campaign to force people to get flu shots, even though the flu killed the same number of people yearly as covid.

    If the “mark of the beast” is literal, which seems very likely now, then by all means we must avoid these jabs no matter the cost. And considering you can’t buy in many countries unless you have your “covid pass”, I think the jab IS the mark, or a precursor to it. So I will never get the jab, as I’m blessed to know my salvation is far more important than whether I live or die. Sadly I think most people are too blinded by the devil to see the spiritual implications of the jab; and many people who can see are too apathetic and complacent to take a stand and say NO. The world seems to be darker than ever before, but I believe because of that we’re also closer than ever before to our King Jesus returning to save us and judge the wicked who force these things on us.

    I don’t know what’s coming or how far this cov-insanity will go, but I am standing with you and I will not back down. I pray for you and Tess, and every Christian: that God shields us, protects us, and blesses us with the strength and conviction to stand up for our rights (covid response isn’t about public safety, it’s about taking our freedom) and that His Spirit fills us with His peace that surpasses all understanding.

    Your friend and brother in Christ,

  3. James, I gather your article is very focused on debunking the 70th Week futurist interpretation, as it already occurred two millennia ago with other topics covered elsewhere. I agree with you that their misfocused lenses cause them to misinterpret current events.

    I find it interesting that the death, burial and resurrection of Christ, the old temple location for the Holy Spirit’s presence changed to our own human bodies where He dwells, as it is written:

    1st John 2:27 (World English Bible) – As for you, the anointing which you received from him remains in you, and you don’t need for anyone to teach you. But as his anointing teaches you concerning all things, and is true, and is no lie, and even as it taught you, you will remain in him.


    1st Corinthians 6:19-20 – Or don’t you know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God? You are not your own, for you were bought with a price. Therefore glorify God in your body and in your spirit, which are God’s.

    Yet through stealth, a certain group of elitists have conspired to steal, kill and destroy (John 8:44) the body for the sake of profit, silencing any who reveals their sorceries. God helps us to identify who they are for rejecting Him. Their perverted sexual agendas described in Romans 1 help us to understand who they are.

    Of the ultra wealthy, it is interesting to note that although they claim a religious background as being holy, they openly embrace this perversion, which shows they are not a people of God.

    The same want to now enslave all mankind, not satisfied with what they already have. It has been illustrated that 1% own over 90% of all the world’s wealth. If that 1% were only to only give 10% of their wealth, much poverty, misery, hunger, disease, homelessness would be resolved.

    James, have you considered the possibility that the harlotries of this prostitute of Revelation 17 may be usury (government, corporate and personal debt)? (It has been said that approximately 40% of a product’s cost is the financed cost from loans to produce it. Look at the price of for example, automobiles. There really is no competition, because every manufacturer is in bed with each other. Even the styling across the board are all similar, no originality there but conformity.

    The extremely low interest rates have contributed to excessive costs of real estate. Rules favor those with personal debt, but give poor credit ratings to the debt free, affecting insurance rates to those following Biblical principles without debt. Nations such as Venezuela have purposely had their bank accounts with billions of their hard earned gold unrighteously seized (stolen), forcing debt and poverty with people because the harlot disagrees with their national policies.)

    Perhaps these 7 heads of the beast represent the kingdoms correlating to the martyrdoms of Abel (Cane’s murderous satanic worship) to Zachariah (King Joash murders this son of the father priest who saved him as a child), A to Z martyrs in the Bible of the time, mentioned by Jesus, and not the traditionalist view? They may be the satanic philosophies of past civilizations still living on as the brains of this forthcoming governing system?

    I gather that God will finally bring it all to an end (Revelation 17:16). This will cause the merchants (spell corporations) wailing that they are unable to sell their goods (Rev. 18), indicating the nature of the destruction of this financial system.

    Also, I think that the tares are so entwined and infiltrated nearly every society, club, government office, companies, etc., that they cannot be eliminated except by God. This may explain why in nearly every governing organization, rules start off as being reasonable. They have ultimately affected the policies of nearly all organizations to include government offices.

    For example in the area of automotive safety, various advances helped to improve occupant safety. But now it all has gone overboard where for example, the extra measure of costly air bags (someone made a handsome profit) do sometimes contribute to additional injury and/or death beyond the accident itself. We would have been a lot further along through seat belts, crash improvements, and above all education.

    I could go on and on, but these tares (leaders, Matthew 13:25-30) are also intertwined within Christian seminaries, who have altered the teachings of God, making salvation more complex (2 Corinthians 11:3). They have also caused changes to law where a person cannot practice their Christian faith to give alms, discuss or pray in public or the workplace in many countries including the US, or risk incarceration or other penal action.

    But, for humans to single these tares out except in straight forward criminal cases would indeed affect the cause of Christ, hence why God has limited this to His final judgment.

    Is the Vatican top leadership involved? I believe so. Are they the harlot as described? I think instead it refers to others who preside above them, as a puppeteer over their marionettes. Someone else, and ultimately Satan is masterminding things.

    Anyway, I do not say this is gospel truth, but thus far I gather there is more going on than others have interpreted.

    • George, thank you for your good comments! I agree with you that the harlotries of the prostitute of Revelation 17 may be usury (government, corporate and personal debt). That’s how the Devil runs the world. I take the harlot of Revelation to be the opposite of the Bride of Christ. If the Bride is the Church the Harlot must represent all false religions of which the RCC takes the lead.

  4. Isaiah 42:9 (WEB) states, “Behold, the former things have happened and I declare new things. I tell you about them before they come up.”

    You may wonder why that nearly all that is going on now, was declared before they happen. There is another verse I was looking for but can’t find, where God requires Satan to reveal his plans before he can execute them.

    Here is something of interest that may help to further enlighten all. I found on the following website that points to a free download available at a gov. site; suggest obtaining it before it disappears.

    Where found: https://www.whitetalkdaily dot org/?p=1241 web page title: “Jab Is Satanic Sacrifice”

    It is a 49 page well researched document used for training law enforcement awareness so they know the unconventional elements to deal with. This may help to explain why many dedicated are unable to fully recognize the situations unless trained.

    In reading it, you will find interestingly enough, this current worldwide situation has hallmarks described in this document.

    For example, on Page 3 it states, “Exactly How Is a Destructive Religious Cult (DRC) Defined? A ORC is any group which uses psychological manipulation (1) to impair, destroy or make captive an individual’s freedom of thought or reasoning abilities. This is done with the hidden purpose of promoting the wealth, power or vanity of charismatic cult leaders. The recruitment (2) practice is usually deceptive and the victim enters the cult without informed consent. Cult leaders demand blind faith in their teachings, restrict the freedom of their followers and direct them to engage in criminal activity.”

    Doesn’t this sound very familiar in our current situation?

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James Japan