What exactly is the World Economic Forum?
I found a talk by Larry Alex Taunton that I like on my friend’s website Global Depopulation by WEF
Mr. Taunton has very interesting things to say about Klaus Schwab’s World Economic Forum. He gives the history and the motivation behind it.
Larry Alex Taunton (born, May 24, 1967) is an American author, columnist, and cultural commentator. He has personally engaged some of the most outspoken opponents of Christianity, including Richard Dawkins, Christopher Hitchens, and Peter Singer.
Quoted from the YouTube video:
In this, our fourth episode of the “Ideas Have Consequences” podcast, author and host Larry Alex Taunton cuts through the conspiracy theories and the WEF’s noble slogans to explain the history of this sinister organization and the anti-human ideas driving it. Taunton, who attended the WEF’s annual meeting in Davos, Switzerland as a kind of spy, brings a unique knowledge and experience to this important issue. This is THE podcast when it comes to ideas and the World Economic Forum.
Important points from the video
- The elite are telling us all how we need to reduce our carbon footprint. The carbon they want to reduce is you.
- There are a boatload of ideas that are driving the World Economic Forum. They are sinister ideas but the people themselves don’t think of themselves as sinister. Indeed they think of themselves as very decent good people who are doing what is the best for humanity.
- C.S Lewis once made the observation that the worst kind of tyranny is that which is done for your own good. And it’s because those kind of tyrants are individuals who tyrannize you with the approval of their consciences. They’re individuals who reassure themselves that at the end of the day what they’re doing even if it caused a little bit of harm, it was ultimately for your own good. It’s why a guy like Joseph Stalin when asked by a lady, “When are you going to stop killing people? He said, “When it’s no longer necessary.” He simply meant, to make the Socialist, the Stalinist, the Marxist omelet, you got to break a few eggs. And this is the mentality of the World Economic Forum.
- Human beings in the Socialist, Marxist, Communist, and Fascist way of thinking are simply raw materials for building the Utopian state, and this defines the World Economic Forum as well.
- Atheism is a major driving factor.
- The guys that are coming after you, they’re not going to have gone to Sunday school, they’re not going to be people who have been influenced to the degree that you are by the Christian faith. They’re going to be prepared to follow their atheism to its logical conclusions. They’re like Peter Singer (Australian moral philosopher and the Ira W. DeCamp Professor of Bioethics at Princeton University) who’s the most consistent atheist that I’ve ever met. They’re going to be willing to follow it all the way to where it goes which is to say there’s no ultimate meaning in life other than that which you assign to yourself which again has no real meaning, no transcendent meaning. It’s just kind of a fake meaning that you give yourself in order to feel better about this life. It means there’s no life in the Hereafter, there’s no hope, there’s no justice, there’s no ultimate right and wrong, there is only what happens. And if it means that you’re a genocidal maniac, who cares? There’s no ultimate right and wrong. And it means a guy like Stalin or Mao got away with it. There’s no one in the next life to judge them for what they did. (Or so they think!) Once a culture absorbs that kind of ideology, atheism at its core, it’s anything goes. And we’re starting to see that in the culture now.
- The World Economic Forum has moved beyond the debate over God’s existence to a place where their whole premise, their whole world view just more or less assumes there is no God. And they’re taking it to the next level, they’re taking it to its logical conclusion.
- At its core the World Economic Forum is about population control. They want to reduce the global population.
- They use the word “sustainability.” That is a word you should be very wary of any time you hear sustainability, economic sustainability, development sustainability, governmental sustainability, or agricultural sustainability. Nothing good follows on the backside of the word sustainability. It always turns out to be fundamentally anti-human and that is because the World Economic Forum is anti-human. Atheism taken to its logical conclusions is anti-human.
- A lot of these World Economic Forum types don’t believe in human perfectibility. They believe in societal perfectability. There’s a slight difference between those two. They recognize that human beings are flawed but they they think they’re flawed for a different reason. They don’t think it is because of the Fall as I believe as a Christian from the Genesis account of creation and the polluting of the human spirit from Adam all the way down.
- I remember how Richard Dawkins put this to me in his home some years ago. I said, “Do you believe in evil?” And he says, “I believe in genetic predispositions.” So he’s rejecting the premise that there’s an ultimate right and wrong, there are only genetic predispositions, and those pre-dispositions are divided into two categories, those dispositions that we like and those dispositions that we don’t like, that we consider to be anti-social and therefore things to be eradicated. That’s an evil philosophy because it leads you to believe that we can separate out the evil people and destroy them and we’re left off with a better humanity. This is what drove Hitler, just separate out the bad people and destroy them.
- The World Economic Forum itself was founded in 1971. Between 1965 and 1975 there was an obsession with the global population, that the population was getting out of control.
- This concern over population control had infected the thinking of academic elites, and so they were buying into this in a big way, and the Club of Rome comes along. This is a group that was established in Rome which oddly now is based in Zurich. They should be called the Club of Zurich. It was a group of about 25 people the goal of it becoming about 60 people, but I think they’re north of 100 members now. They’re mostly individuals who are think-tankish types. They are academics, they’re businessmen, they are influential people who gather together for the purpose of bettering mankind. That’s the stated goal of the Club of Rome. It’s a think tank, a vastly influential think tank.
- The club of Rome was saying, “Look we have a global crisis and the global crisis is overpopulation. Read what Paul Ehrlich said in the “Population Bomb.” We’re in trouble what are we going to do?” So they said, “Rather than doing what academics normally do and just producing a paper that’s full of theories and suggestions, let’s actually create an executive committee that acts on their recommendations of the think tank. We need to create the problem: Overpopulation.”
- Klaus Schwab, a German engineer, founded what he called at the time the World Forum. He would eventually change the name to the World Economic Forum. The World Economic Forum was created with the intention that it would act upon the think tank’s (the Club of Rome’s) recommendations.
- You have to think about this just a little bit how arrogant must you be to think that it is your job to act on behalf of the whole of humanity without being elected to so much as dog catcher! These are not elected individuals. At the time of its founding, the World Economic Forum wasn’t particularly influential. Now it is.
- This year’s World Economic Forum there were more than 50 heads of state, 115 billionaires and more than 600 CEOs of major corporations. Major multi-billion dollar corporations that are involved in this. And then there are peons like me who attended which are another 2700 individuals. And so I decided I needed to be there. I wanted to mingle among the 2700 others. I wanted to see what those people are about.
- Dennis Meadows (American scientist and Club of Rome member) is here saying, “Yeah, we need to reduce the global population by billions, but hey I really hope this can be done in a civil way, in a peaceful way.” It’s astonishing the way these people talk about peace. It doesn’t mean that everybody’s happy, but it means that conflict isn’t solved through violence and through force but rather in other ways.
- Dennis Meadows comes off as just your regular normal guy who lives next door and who you discover wants to rid the planet of seven billion people. Here’s a guy who says, “Gosh I sure hope that we can do it in a sustainable way.” And then you hear the absolute contempt for democracy, for the will of the people. This is the way these people think. They do not believe that you deserve a voice in this.
- We have Marxist regimes in South America that are destroying economies. We have seen Brazil fall to Marxists via dubious means Venezuela fell to Marxists, Peru has fallen to Marxists, Chile has fallen to Marxists. Stunningly the most stable democracy in South America has fallen to Marxists and Honduras, all of those countries have fallen. Colombia is another one that has also fallen to Marxists, and they’re destroying economies and those people are fleeing to the USA. Do you know what CNN said the reason was for these millions of people crossing our southern border? CNN said it was due to climate change! Complete nonsense! This has nothing to do with climate change. It has everything to do with the very policies that these people (the WEF elite) are trying to import into the United States.
- World Economic Forum agenda is fundamentally anti-human. It is anti-Christian. It is atheistic to its core.