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The Reality Behind the Russian Invasion of Ukraine: Rome Vs. Moscow — 2 Comments

  1. I am always amused at how Mr. Putin is supposed to be evil. Yet these same people mention nothing at the probability, of course all circumstantial, that both Cheney and Bush were involved in staging 911. It’s possible that Putin may have had a hand in staging blowing up the apartment buildings in Chechna, no one has been able to provide proof or tie it together.
    I served in Vietnam in 1967/68 and saw first hand what the US government is capable of. I also was in Iraq and saw first hand the suffering of the Iraqis, so I don’t like fellow Americans telling me about terrorism abroad.
    Ukraine is the DIRECT result of surrounding Russia with NATO. Looks to me that the Russians got tired of saying no further.
    For anyone with an ounce of reading ability and energy in their duff, it’s easy to research the Jesuits as being the foremost murderers of the world. It’s a slight possibility that there may be another group or man as intermediary between themselves and Satan, but from my research, highly unlikely. Their black general with his round table of Jesuit advisers I think probably carry out the dastardly orders from split hoof himself without anyone else getting involved.
    Indeed the Orthodox church is the other leg of Daniel’s dream foretelling the last empire of earth. That division represented by those legs is perfectly embedded in Rome and Constantinople to Moscow of the Caesars. In fact that’s what Russian Czar means is Caesar.
    May the Lord continue blessing your work.
    I am a fellow believer that left the USA because of my personal belief that it’s not going to be around much longer. Where the scripture talks about the destruction of the Hammer of the whole earth, I personally believe its the United States of America. I don’t think that our Lord has such a benign opinion of the United States as most Americans. I think He clearly sees the awesome destruction it has wielded thru out the earth. Scripture says, it’s never to be inhabited again. Interestingly, Mr. Obummer, reiterated in one of his addresses, that to a hammer, all problems looked like a nail. Aptly put and I think Christ our Lord often gives us clues and answers to those who seek them. To me it confirmed what I’ve believed for a long time, the American Empire is the Hammer of the whole earth as spoken by scripture and at its demise that soon on the horizon, it shall mean death to many including believers who may begin their journey to Glory when it happens. But scripture is clear, that it shall be destroyed in 1 hour and shall be complete, never to be inhabited ever again.

    • “It’s possible that Putin may have had a hand in staging blowing up the apartment buildings in Chechna, no one has been able to provide proof or tie it together.” That’s not so! A bomb was found in another apartment before it exploded, and the bomb was traced back to the FSB, an undeniable fact. But of course just like the FBI or CIA doesn’t admit their failings, dirty deeds or having political bias, the same with agencies of other nations. The FSB sure won’t go out of their way to prosecute itself!

      Yes, Cheney and Bush, and everyone else involved with 911 are also evil, and so is everyone else responsible for 911. There’s no argument there. I agree with most of everything you wrote. I too left America for the same reasons you did. Thank you, Art, for your comments! I’m glad to know you’re knowledgeable about the Jesuits.

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James Japan