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The Bondage Of Doing — 6 Comments

  1. good article. so many seem to miss the ‘grace’ thing. it is grace ONLY by the will of God through the act of Jesus in His gospel to us and death on the cross; our gift. ‘by His stripes we are healed’. it is no performance on our part. as a minister i try to tell people this, ‘ simply step up to the plate and ask for forgiveness and get under the blood of the redeemer. and to be a believer by faith. this is more proof that Peter had no founding to the catholic church. Peter understood faith that they don’t!

  2. i minister the gospel to any one. the church of our Lord. i even hitch hike with books and liturature for people. they need to hear the message. i am a fellow hitcher! bringing the word to all.

  3. i don’t think my message went through. it is not posted. i minister to a host of people many places, no particular church because so many are lukewarm. i have a hitch hiking ministry that works quite well. i do that around the locality where i live. we have a little in common. the gospel is to go into all the world any way possible.

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James Japan