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Catholic Vs. Protestant Unity — 1 Comment

  1. This is a hard-hitting article post, but it is stating Facts. All orders, ordinances, ceremonies, decrees put forth by the Catholic church are installed in the masses by their own “mental apathy.” Never thought of it like that, but Yes!, the masses are told to comply, not asked for their approval or even understanding of what is being ordered into their compliance by “our Lord God the Pope.”
    The very last sentence is a good strong summarizing statement about the Catholic church and its way in representing “unity” – “It invariably opposes the spread of Divine Truth, which would expose the falsity of its pretensions, the corruption of its manners, and the heavy chains with which it has succeeded in binding so many captive to the decrees of a soul-destroying power.”
    This article is a very good critique on the subject of the Church of Rome. Many may be caused to think very seriously about their Catholic church.
    Thank you James for putting this post out!

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James Japan