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Roman Catholicism By Lorraine Boettner Chapter IX The Confessional — 4 Comments

  1. I’m a former Roman Catholic from the US. I never heard of anyone saying the prayer “I confess to Almighty God,etc” in confession. That’s the prayer said at the beginning of the mass. Maybe it’s said in other countries.I’m so happy God freed me from that indoctrination. I have learned a lot from your website.

    • Thank you, Terri, for your encouragement. I’m a former Roman Catholic from the US too, from Chicago, a city flooded with Polish, Irish, and Hispanic Catholics. I didn’t have any non-Catholic friends until I served in the USAF from 1970-74.

  2. I’m slowly reading all your content. I find former Catholics do the best research. Do you know that the Jesuits are full of homosexuals. Actually the whole Catholic priesthood. Many Catholics have exposed them. Yet they still stay there confessing to a possible sodomite. I was a Catholic in name only during most of my life. I went back to the Catholic church in my 50s. I because friends with a Baptist woman. When I began to read the Bible more carefully and my friend always challenging me with questions did I start to do research on Catholicism. I found Mike Gerndon’s website and Richard Bennett’s. I think I read all their content and now yours. Some Catholics are very anti Protestant. I wasn’t because I always thought they were Christians because they believed in Jesus. That helped me. I can’t share what I know with my sister and brother because they are totally indoctrinated. They don’t want to discuss it with me. I just pray for God to open their eyes. Thanks for what you do.

    • Thank you for sharing that, Terri! I’m working on a tract about Purgatory, something short and simple that I can print to hand out to the Filipinos. As a former Catholic, I would say hardly Catholic can say with certainty they will go straight to Heaven when they die. Most think of spending some time is Purgatory. And why? Because the Catholic idea of sainthood is total denial of pleasures of the flesh! But the priests themselves don’t deny the flesh. Most of them drink alcohol. And as you say, homosexuality is rife among Catholic clergy. And here in the Philippines, priests were notorious for committing adultery with married women. That’s why when America took the Philippines over from Spain in 1898 and Protestant missionaries began to come, Filipino men welcomed them! They knew Protestant pastors had their own wives and would not be running after theirs.

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