HomeGovernmentJohn F. Kennedy’s Speech on Secret societies and Freedom of the Press transcribed into text Log in


John F. Kennedy’s Speech on Secret societies and Freedom of the Press transcribed into text — 18 Comments

  1. or to without from the press
    or to withold from the press

    to lead, mold, education and sometimes
    to lead, mold, educate and sometimes

    some ‘or’ became ‘and’ and vice versa.

    great speech! thanks

  2. “covet” to “covert”
    Add “For” to begin the sentence “From that scrutiny ”
    And its Athenian Lawmaker Solon

    I only recently heard this speech and looked around everywhere to find a full transcript of it. Crazy how this is the only place I could find it on the whole web. Almost makes me think that there is a conspiracy to censor, conseal, stifle and subvert this speach…

    • Thank you for your corrections, and especially the one about the Athenian lawmaker, Solon! I didn’t know about him.

      Maybe the reason there is only one transcript of this speech on the Web is because I’m the only one who took the time to transcribe the entire speech it and post it. I’m nobody but I do like to share information that I think would be helpful to others. Hope this encourages others to share any beneficial information they have.

    • You gather verifiable facts that expose the evildoers and present them to the person you are trying to enlighten. And you encourage the person to do their own research. Anybody who sincerely researches the subject is bound to find the truth.

  3. I agree that the 1% own all the wealth and people with power will do anything to keep that power but – if you listen to or read the entire speech, it has nothing to do with conspiracy theories. The speech is about publication of material that could be detrimental to national security because of the ongoing COLD WAR. There is no conspiracy, just very very greedy assholes (not referred to in this speech)

    • There is a conspiracy and JFK knew about it as well as Ron Paul knows about it.. Look up New World Order, understand the vast and increminating history and understand that the world is so much worse put together than you think..

      • Thank you, Peter, for your supporting comments. At first I thought you were talking to me, but later I saw you wrote to Daz, not to me.

  4. These are our Jerry Springer moments, where everything really relevant lies beyond the sight of our eyes and we revel in the excitement and frenzy of conspiracies everywhere. Do we need to spend so much of our precious and limited time on what are (at best) speculative subjects and commentary?
    If you are really interested in doing something genuine to change the world for the better, and to prepare for the very best millennium the world has ever know, which we born in this or prior generations will never experience, think about autonomous, self-governing organic home fellowships. Just think about even the term, “autonomous, self-governing” and how that will be received by the world.
    Come on! Let’s get away from the negative and embrace the positive, because that’s where God is leading His children!

    • I do not consider the words of a speech of a U.S. President while still in office, “speculative subjects and commentary”. No matter if true or false, they have weight of influence because of the man’s position. If what JFK said in his speech is true and secret societies are indeed the true policy makers of the U.S. Government, I would think that it’s those who are supporting a certain political party the ones who are wasting their precious and limited time. I know many of such people, even some close friends who should know better! This article was geared to them, not to those who know the conspiracy.

  5. Mr. James – you are not no one. Ive read 2 of your articles so far . Jfk was my favorite president. He was amazing. Many landmarks and pyramids were built to honor the good and not evil like the chicolate hills of Bohol i have seen picture evidence when they dug and recovered one of the pyramids underneath, they are pyramids. Stonehenge was created as a marimba type musical instrument for spiritual healing, it balanced the pattern of vibrations in the brain. There are many other artifacts and beings covered by water and land but the flower of life is on most, and it is NOT illuminati. God the Creator sent it to us so we can reach the highest vibrations in our physical form by unveiling different images from it and connect with him/her, whatever you believe, if youre interested. Thank you. Your info helped

    • As a Christian I hold the Bible to be the Word of God and the Truth for my life. Pyramids and Stonehedge may have some power as you say, but according to the Bible and compared to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ, that power is very weak.

      Galatians 4:9  But now, after that ye have known God, or rather are known of God, how turn ye again to the weak and beggarly elements (earth, water, fire, air), whereunto ye desire again to be in bondage?

      Colossians 2:6  As ye have therefore received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk ye in him:
      7  Rooted and built up in him, and stablished in the faith, as ye have been taught, abounding therein with thanksgiving.
      8  Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world, and not after Christ.
      9  For in him dwelleth all the fulness of the Godhead bodily.
      10  And ye are complete in him, which is the head of all principality and power:

  6. RIP President JFK Kennedy USA, Thank you for your honest true speech done in the Spirit of Jesus Christ I believe. This was very important speech to the world and requires implemented as he said “all secret Free Masonry and societies secret oaths must be abolish”
    Our tribute to President Kennedy who was murdered for speaking the truth.
    Lets us all carry out his wishes and bear witness to truth of this greatest President of USA
    “Please endorse Late President JFK Kennedy speech and walk in the light with freedom”

  7. Powerful true speech by the most honest late President JFK Kennedy USA deserves implemented.
    His message is not just to USA but for freedom of every man in the World.
    Today as Christians we see the signs of the second coming of Christ.
    The tragedy of one of the great President of USA that was murdered for his speech of truth

    “All secret societies,oaths,and free masonry must be abolish said by President JFK Kennedy”
    I believe bad spirits walk in the darkness and hide from the light of Sovereign Christ.
    Pride, loyalty comes before a fall, but they could repent and truth will set us all free

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James Japan