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Ex-Jesuit Alberto Rivera exposes Jesuit inflitration into Protestant Denominations — 11 Comments

  1. I am glad that there have been some willing to stand up and speak out regardless of the consequences. People act like they are going to live forever, Here. The Here and Now is the only opportunity we have to truly make a stand for God, Christ and Truth. I’m always amazed at how fearful, naive and resistant people are to either pursue the Truth or acknowledge the Facts.
    I do recommend most of the content on your site. I’m surprised to see so many important subjects that were common knowledge a few decades ago and are now completely lost to the Masses and average Christian.

    • Thank you, Roscoe, for your encouragement! There are few who can see and understand why I hold the viewpoints I hold. I’m always blessed to meet one who does! God bless you!

    • I am starting to think few know the scope of what Rome did because they don’t look into history and compare it with the Bible plus Rome is good at whitewashing. I spoke to a Catholic lady online a few months ago and mentioned the sale of indulgences. She responded that they had never happened then tried to link me to a well written article by some RCC bishop on the matter on a Catholic site. I suspected it was a white wash job (but she didn’t thanks to that article) because the sale of indulgences is a well established fact that helped spark the Reformation. Learning and being able to sort through 2,000 years of Christian history to obtain the salient facts isn’t that easy. I knew Rome had opposed the Bible being translated into the vernacular from high school history class but it was a really long time before I came across people who showed me she had also put the Bible on the forbidden books list at one time and even counterfeited a few scriptures. See Chris Pinto’s youtube film on the counterfeiting. A lot of Christians do not want to check for truth or go back and revise their belief systems. They don’t want to change at all. That’s not the teachable spirit amenable to correction and that leaves you even more subject to deception when Christ himself criticized tradition. Christians like the Pharisees have fallen for tradition all over again.

  2. Why the tablet advertisement at the end?

    I always knew such thing, but please also look into what other churches do.
    Protestants also have a large influence on the plan, in Brazil where i come from a guy Edir Macedo who calls himself an Apostle has just built a third temple, he calls it the Temple of Solomon and it can seat up to 10,000 people.

    Edir Macedo is a Protestant and has been proved many times that he is a lier, he requires money off people, he has millions on his accounts, he owns a channel in Brazil which is just the same as any other, brain washing the masses.

    Please i say, look at your own church and you will see, it is not just the Catholic but rather ALL of them, why are there pastors if Jesus never said their would be one? He said, dont have masters or leaders.

    • I removed remarks as to the specific tablet I use. Thank you for your input! I agree that Protestant churches have also be infiltrated by the Devil’s people and doctrines.

      • The bible *clearly* identifies the Roman Catholic Church *system* as THE little horn/antichrist/beast/Whore of Babylon by over a dozen precise markers in Daniel/Revelation
        ALL the early reformers came to the same interpretation proclaiming so loudly and unambiguously in their own writings.
        Apostate Protestant America is the land beast/false prophet who will make (is making) the image of the first beast

        • Walter Veith in the video you posted Bill is a 7th Day Adventist. Note the 7th Day are still observing some Old Testament laws in contradiction to Romans 7. Now we have the law of love written in our hearts. We are released from the OT law which was a schoolteacher and shadow of things to come.
          I have seen other Veith videos and agree with him alot still they claim Ellen White (the founder of 7th Day Adventism) was a false prophet because she plagiarized from others’ works. Don’t let Veith get you back under the law again. People can make mistakes in interpreting the scriptures. A lot of people have erroneous doctrines mixed with good ones. Abide in Jesus, love God and put Him first and love everyone else.
          Read 1 John 4 on what core doctrine is. Does doctrine really have to be these long systematic unified systems that people have to keep straight and like to fight over or is it suppose to be love in your heart? Maybe churches should stop being so overly authoritative and controlling. A seed from Jesus sown in a human heart brings great personal transformation and that’s personal truth. So why do the churches try to dictate the truth to everybody? The trust is to be placed in Jesus not men but today we have tons of doctrinal infighting trying to control us. But spiritual growth is a mystery. People need to work out their own faith to continue to grow. Follow Jesus but question church leadership. The RCC already lied about the salvation of all cf. 1 Tim 4:9-11.

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James Japan