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Authors of the Protocols of the Elders of Zion — Jews? Or Jesuits! — 10 Comments

  1. I find this article a bit bias and not altogether balanced and I don’t know anything about the person that has written it. The following quotes for instance:

    “the Protocols even today, cause people to trade the love heart motivator for that of hate” – this is a sweeping statement and even David implied that they were written about the Jews so was he on a hate campaign also then?

    “Alberto Rivera says that it was Jews aligned with the Pope who published the Protocols” and then goes on to say “Whether they used some traitorous Jews, or did it alone, is dabatable. What is not debatable is that they alone, were the ones who were able to bring this to pass”- The author here is bias and these are contradictory and misleading statements.

    “Their ultimate goal is the rule of the world, with the Pope of their making, from Solomon’s rebuilt Temple in Jerusalem. That’s their ultimate goal” – We are back to the Jewish connection here again!

    I think that you could go on forever with this argument and it’s extremely difficult and time consuming to reach a solid conclusion on it. One thing that is extremely important is that people should not get on a hate campaign here and to remember that God has done some wonder things through the Jewish race. Whether people like it or not, the fact is that God said to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob “In thee and in thy seed shall all the families of the earth be blessed.” God had chosen Abraham and his children’s children, right up to the birth of Jesus Christ, to be standard bearers. Simply put, Abraham was in a sense given God’s yardstick for the world. That yardstick being all based on faith as a gift of God. It appears to me, in this respect, that the Jews were chosen by God to hold a yardstick up to the world (Moses and the Ten Commandments) and to set an example to the world of what could be done through faith in the One True God, so not only were they holding up a yardstick to the world but they were setting an example too. The ultimate in this was set by Jesus Christ Himself. We are told in the New Testament that “All these things happened unto them for examples and are written for our admonition upon whom the ends of the world are come.” The picture you get is that there had to be one chosen people to present this yardstick to the world and the drama that played out throughout the history of the children of Israel was extremely important to the world in that we would see what happened when they obeyed God’s words and what happened when they did not. This had to be done through one chosen people and the people that God chose were the children of Abraham or what is called the children of Israel or what is called Jews. I have not got a problem with this as it makes every sense that God chose one particular race of people to be the standard bearers to the world. It is in a way as simple as mathematics, there has to be one yardstick or there would be confusion worldwide. This is all a fact and so we have the bible to look to, both the Old Testament and the New Testament. The New Testament being the ultimate example in that it’s Jesus Himself being the yardstick Himself if you like and the best example. What we must not forget is that God has done some wonderful things through the Jews and to write the Jews off is to write the bible off itself.

    A lot of people have become so anti Jewish that they fail to see any good at all in these people. Up until two thousand years ago, the bible has not been added to so it could be said it has now been written and the Jewish people have done their part in God’s plan of giving the world the bible as Jesus did his part in the plan. The ONLY chosen people on the world today however, are the ones that Jesus chooses (John 15:16 Ye have not chosen me, but I have chosen you, and ordained you, that ye should go and bring forth fruit, and that your fruit should remain: that whatsoever ye shall ask of the Father in my name, he may give it you). Jesus chooses people of any nation, whether thy be Jew or Gentile!

    The question we are talking about here is Who are the major players in bringing the Antichrist to power? Is it blood groupings, or merely organisations, CC or other? The battle royal, in a sense, was between Jesus and the Jewish leadership (back in the days of Jesus) so people tend to think that they are the worst ones for being antichrist because they crucified Jesus. To be fair, down throughout history from Egypt, Assyria, Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece, Rome (all Great World Empires and all non Jewish blood groupings) the world has always had a problem with blood groupings of people. Blood groupings have grouped together and assumed that their blood group or race is better than any other race. This leaves us with a big big question. Will it be as it always has been, a blood grouping of people that rules the world or will it be an organisation that will assume authority over the whole world during the reign of the Antichrist? There are many nations on the earth as there are many organisations so perhaps we should take our pick. One thing is for sure (Revelations 13: 7 And it was given unto him (the Antichrist) to make war with the saints, and to overcome them: and power was given him over all kindreds, and tongues, and nations, 8 And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him). So at the end of the day, it will be the saints verses all nations – The Kingdom of God verses the kingdom of man being the kingdom of the Antichrist!

    • Karen, thank you for your comments. It all boils down to this: I’ve been trying to show on this website that Rome and its mystery religions all the way from Egypt and Babylon are at the heart of the Devil’s conspiracy of covert world rule. I felt led and inspired to do that because of my research and because most people today do not consider the Roman Catholic Church or the Pope or the Vatican or the Jesuits as any kind of threat whatsoever! I told my friend, a former Roman Catholic from Colombia whose foot was actually washed by the Pope John XXIII about the Jesuit / Vatican conspiracy, and he laughs at me and says, “It’s the Jewish banking cartel, not the Vatican”. He has two uncles who are Jesuit priests! Don’t you find it odd that while there are millions of people blaming all the world’s problems on the Jews, hardly anybody points the finger at the Roman Catholic Church which is notorious for murdering and persecuting Jews? I certainly do.

      I based my conclusion of the RCC theory from writings of the leaders of the Protestant Reformation, and from people I consider solid resources such as Charles Chiniquy and Aberto Rivero. Both Daniel chapter 2 and 7 indicate it’s the Roman empire that rules to the end. Nowhere does it indicate in the Bible that the Jews infiltrate Rome to the point of leadership. But now you point out that John S. Torell, a preacher from Sweden, says the first Jesuits were Crypto-Jews. My gut feeling is, I just don’t know! There are some things about the Crypto-Jew theory that add up, and some things that don’t. Some websites say that John Paul the II was a Crypto Jew, others say he was a war criminal who sold cyanide gas to the Nazis to kill Jews. I just don’t know which is true if any of it.

      By the way, there is no Jew bashing or hate mongering on this website whatsoever. If you find any, please point it out and I will remove it.

      • James, taking into consideration everything that you have said, yes, it has to be emphasised that the RCC is a major player on the world stage. Clearly, they have a platform through the worldwide media system to be seen and heard by every person on this earth. So everyone on this earth, either directly or indirectly, whether they realise it or not, is influenced by the worldwide media outlets. The very fact that the pope is given a voice for us all to hear is subtly telling us all that the RCC is to be respected, so clearly the RCC is a major player as surely anyone should agree upon.
        I feel it important here though, to express my understanding of what we are talking about when we talk of Mystery Babylon the Great. MBG being that great city that rules over the kings of the earth, that rules over the kings of the earth as from the days of Ancient Egypt, through to the kings (leaders) of today’s world and on into the Antichrist Kingdom. MB as I understand it, is none other than Idolatry as listed in Rev 18:12 “The merchandise of gold, and silver, and precious stones, and of pearls, and fine linen, and purple, and silk, and scarlet, and all thyine wood, and all manner vessels of ivory, and all manner vessels of most precious wood, and of brass, and iron, and marble, 13 And cinnamon, and odours, and ointments, and frankincense, and wine, and oil, and fine flour, and wheat, and beasts, and sheep, and horses, and chariots, and slaves, and souls of men.14 And the fruits (or MB) that thy soul lusted after are departed from thee, and all things which were dainty and goodly are departed from thee, and thou shalt find them no more at all.” Clearly, anything you put before God, no matter how small or great, is classified as an idol and an object of worship. Not only is it an object of worship but also it is a medium to the spiritual. In worshipping an idol you are actually worshipping the Devil. This is what it means when it says in verse 23 “for by thy (her) sorceries were all nations deceived.” It goes on to say 24 “And in her was found the blood of prophets, and of saints, and of all that were slain upon the earth.” – (all slain because of idolatry or for the love of the whore) – or in other words, all wars have been fought for the love of money and power and the love of MBG.
        For this reason, I would have to disagree with you that Rome is the Great City that ruleth over the Kings of the earth. It is idolatry that rules over the so called kings (puppets). Idolatry (Babylon) as manufactured by the merchants of whom it says “were/are the great men of the earth.” It needs to be emphasised that ‘by her sorceries were all nations deceived’ and what is behind all of this idolatry has always been the spiritual, whether it’s the worship of yourself (ye shall be as gods) or whether it’s the worship of things or even a idea (Religion, Politics) it is all idolatry. Note that it also says slaves and the souls of men (that’s you and me) are all objects of worship, meaning that the powers that be wish to own us both body and soul – meaning that the Devil wishes to own us both body and soul.
        I will leave this here with David’s interpretation on both Daniel 2 & 7. This beast with the “great IRON teeth” corresponds to the legs of IRON in the Daniel 2 image and is, of course, ROME. This great and terrible beast of force and power “devoured and brake in pieces” all the known civilised world of its day. And yet so magnificent was the Roman concept of law, so noble their ideas and ideals, so learned their language and literature, that they were to influence all cultures and civilisations to come. This truly diverse beast literally “stamped the residue” of civilisations with the imprint of it’s culture! The 10 horns are the FINAL 10 KINGDOMS which evolve out of, or from the breakup of the Roman Empire.
        I’m sorry that this is so long but I just felt the need to emphasise the spiritual nature of MB that Great City that has always ruled over the kings of the earth – Spiritual Idolatry or Satan worship! I don’t think that it’s just talking about Rome, MB has ruled over ALL kingdoms of the earth and is That Great City that rules over seven mountains (seven world empires) not hills!

  2. hello, you mention that rome gets its mystery religions from egypt and babylon…how did they obtain these? where did egypt and babylon obtain these mysteries from? and why did the jesuits allow the formation of the USA? What was the true reason for the formation of israel in 1948? also are the illuminati, Comm. of 300, CFR, rothschilds etc. fairly irrelevant in regards to the jesuits agenda? sorry for all of the questions

    • Entire books have been written to answer your questions. I can only be brief.

      There are 13 obelisks in Rome, and 8 of them are from Egypt. This obviously shows Egyptian influence of Roman culture, and that influence includes its religion. The same can be said of the nations that comprised Babylon which Rome also conquered. The holders of the mystery religions eventually went to Rome.

      According to the Book “Rulers of Evil” by F. Tupper Saussy, the Jesuits were part of the actual creation of the USA! It’s purpose was to subvert the Protestant faith. They sure did a bang up job of that, don’t you think? Protestantism is dead in America because it no longer recognizes the Roman Catholic church for what it really is: A political body seeking world domination with the Pope at the head.

      The reason why Israel was formed was purposely to conflict with Islam and the Muslims and Palestinians living there to start WW3 which will result in a settlement making Jerusalem the capital of world religion and the recreation of Solomon’s temple. This is according to Albert Pike, the head of Freemasonry in the 19th century.

      The Illuminati is just another name for the Jesuits who have gone underground. Other groups are all under the Jesuits. Rothschilds are bankers for the Vatican. I’m not positive that the Committee of 300 even exists. The Queen is certainly not the most powerful person on earth!

      I know these are all simplistic answers to deep questions. Please do you own research. You might find articles on this site that can help you.

      • Thanks for the info. Sorry, I was not asking for 50,000 words for an answer, just what you gave me is perfect; a starting point, a few leads, an expansion off of what you describe in your article and your previous comments. I have been researching these types of subjects for about 8 years and unbelievably I just stumbled upon The Protocols. Thank you for your speedy reply and info and I appreciate your knowledge on the matter. God bless.

      • and yes they have done a fine job of that. The church is a mess. Emergent, seeker-friendly churches, so called preachers like kenneth copeland teaming up with the pope.

      • just read your about section. I was born and raised in michigan city, IN. and spent some time in chesterton, which is only a skip away from hammond. small world

  3. Catholicism is Judaism giving to the gentiles. The high priest is the pope!! That’s why the pope and the cardinals wear the Jewish beanie and it is right in plain sit. Catholicism and communism are just fronts for Judaism.

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James Japan