• From Tirzah on Inner Strength

    I agree: WOOF WOOF!!

    (Visited 53 times, 3 visits today)
  • From Peter joanson on Talking to a Soka Gakkai truck driver

    Hey nice post …. Keep up the great work

    (Visited 53 times, 3 visits today)
  • From Jacinta on Another blond joke

    Glad you liked it! 🙂

    (Visited 53 times, 3 visits today)
  • From Brian and Mieko Morris on Talking to a Soka Gakkai truck driver


    We follow your “journey” around japan with “total interest”.

    Have to say though, “not from a religous” point of view, if that dosn`t offend!

    The effort you put into this website is a great insite to travel and the way of life in Japan.

    We live – not so far from you – in Kita karuizawa,(close to Asama Bokujo) Gunma,

    We are in Japan (from uk) May till September) each year – good luck with all that you do and “perhaps” one day we might meet up!!

    (Visited 53 times, 3 visits today)
  • From Tirzah on Another blond joke

    Haha, thanks a lot!!
    ~ from a blondie 😉

    (Visited 53 times, 3 visits today)
  • From James Arendt on Candle wax on a plate

    What a wonderful sign from God to encourage you! Thank you Jesus!

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  • From Tirzah on Candle wax on a plate

    I’ll answer the email here: No problem, show them the picture!! I am still awestruck by it – I don’t have the heart to take the wax away!! I believe it too to be a sign from Heaven: I prayed much before a huge test I had today – and I feel it went really well! This wax WAS a sign for me!! Praise the Lord!

    (Visited 53 times, 3 visits today)
  • From Jacinta on Family International Music

    I remember seeing old footage of members singing this song while happily dancing! I was a little disappointed when I heard this studio-version because of the memories I had to it. But it’s a good song, by all means! 😉

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  • From James Arendt on The Doctrine of the Trinity: Is it Biblical?

    Susan, the Word of God in my article clearly shows the doctrine of the Trinity is biblical. Abraham in Genesis 18 was greeted by 3 men, and yet Abraham called them all LORD, Yahweh, or Jehovah in Hebrew depending on how you pronounce the 4 Hebrew letters, the Name of God! Jesus was NOT “birthed” as you say. That is dangerous HERESY! That is Arianism! The Body of Christ, the true Church, has rejected Arianism and calls it HERESY! Don’t be a heretic, Susan. God’s Word says, 1 Timothy 3:16  And without controversy great is the mystery of godliness: God was manifest in the flesh, …

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  • From James Arendt on The Doctrine of the Trinity: Is it Biblical?

    Jesus Christ is not a god small g, He is God Who was made flesh! My Bible tells me that so clearly in the first chapter of the Gospel of John, verses 1-14. I do not think that anyone who does not accept that truth can be called a true believer in Christ. John says
    7  ¶For many deceivers are entered into the world, who confess not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh. This is a deceiver and an antichrist.
    8  Look to yourselves, that we lose not those things which we have wrought, but that we receive a full reward.
    9  Whosoever transgresseth, and abideth not in the doctrine of Christ, hath not God. He that abideth in the doctrine of Christ, he hath both the Father and the Son.
    10  ¶If there come any unto you, and bring not this doctrine, receive him not into your house, neither bid him God speed:
    11  For he that biddeth him God speed is partaker of his evil deeds.

    Susan, if you don’t believe that Jesus of Nazareth was God in the flesh, please honestly tell me. It will save us both a lot of time.

    (Visited 53 times, 3 visits today)
  • From Take A on Why I stopped listening to Alex Jones

    Thanks for your consideration of my comments. You have permitted Tom’s comments to stand on this site and in this discussion.
    If someone like Tom has made comments here, which he did, it is reasonable and perhaps necessary to qualify those statements with his Reputation following him. It is a forum where he can either (1) present the logic and facts proving his statement correct, (2) admit that he can not prove his statement correct (and consequently stop making such unfounded statements), or (3) make statements which do not prove his statement correct but claim they do.
    Would you say that Alex Jones was suddenly attacked on this site ? (well, he was not attacked but his actions were questioned). Fair enough, why not Ask Better Questions?) When he corrects his errors, he will “be a better person” and we can take him more seriously. Thanks again.

    (Visited 53 times, 3 visits today)
  • From James Arendt on Why I stopped listening to Alex Jones

    Personally, Mr, A Gambil, AKA The Rupture, AKA Jade Antares, AKA L_, AKA D__ S_____, I don’t understand the concept of an attack upon intelligence. Intelligence is a quality a person has. Nothing a person tells us can make us less intelligent. It’s ultimately the individual’s choice to listen and believe what a person is saying. Our decisions are determined by our perceptions, and our perceptions are determined by on our paradigms of life. Our paradigm of life has a lot to do with our relationship with God, and our relationship with God has a lot to do with our attitude toward His written Word to us, the Bible.

    To tell you the truth, I do not know much of what Tom Gambill is saying because I haven’t listened to him very much. But for you to suddenly attack him about things not even talked about on any of my blog posts is discourteous and taking unfair advantage of me and this website in my opinion. If you think he is leading others astray and want to warn them, why not post it on your own website? I’ll leave your comments here for a while to see if others may comment. If nobody else does, I’ll remove them. I see no value to talk about things on this site that only you and those who do T. G. would know. I sure didn’t know them. Your target audience must be directed to an exceedingly small percentage of the population. I’m trying to aim at the general public in most of my posts on this website. Only a few are specifically for Christians or technical PC geeks. If you have something to comment about something I said, welcome to post it. But attacks upon other people via this site are not welcome and will be rejected in the future.

    (Visited 53 times, 3 visits today)
  • From James Arendt on Why I stopped listening to Alex Jones

    Mr. Take A Gambil,
    Yes, you’re right, I did forget that Tom Gambill did comment on this page. He said,

    “Ron Paul is a Rosicrucian. He as been a set up for up to 30 years. If you want the documentation I can send it to you.”

    But you say, “Tom is attacking our intelligence, so to speak, by stating as true something that he can not verify. ”

    But he says he CAN verify it! I’m going to write him now and ask him again for the documentation he promised.

    You also say, “James, none of us need to believe the Bible. ”

    My Bible tells me I DO need to believe the Bible to be saved from death and hell.

    John 3:36  He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life: and he that believeth not the Son shall not see life; but the wrath of God abideth on him.

    Luke 8:12  Those by the way side are they that hear; then cometh the devil, and taketh away the word (the Word of God, the Bible) out of their hearts, lest they should believe and be saved.

    One cannot believe on the Son, Jesus Christ, without believing His Word, the Bible.

    (Visited 53 times, 3 visits today)
  • From Take A Gambil on Why I stopped listening to Alex Jones

    So we are just pointing out when we see a glaring error. It is a Red Flag. And Red Flags are there for a reason. Communists find significance in Red Flags also. So when we see such an anomaly, let’s question the source. Falsehood is false. Liars lie.

    (Visited 53 times, 3 visits today)
  • From Take A Gambil on Why I stopped listening to Alex Jones

    I am not speaking about Toms Ron Paul
    Rosicrucian comment.
    Tom states unequivocally that there are no God-created alien life forms. Where is the proof ? To know this he would need to visit every planet and look under every rock. He has not done so, has he ? So his unverifiable silly, statement is annoying to the thinking public. And that’s just the tip of the iceberg with this guy.
    (ps. good to hear that Kent Hovind has retracted his pretrib rapture position. Just tell ur pastor to stop violating Peter’s directive not to have a private interpretation of prophecy and thus stop the pretrib rapture story line which is NOT in the bible. That time sequence is not stated.)

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