A glaring false-hood within the LXX consists in the lifespans of the Patriarchs. Without going into too many details, this spurious translation dates Methuselah’s death to be 14 years AFTER the flood!
This is just one of many instances of the timelines of the Patriarchs not even corresponding to those of contemporaneous historians.
The occult world in the highest echelons utilize the Masoretic text when dating sacred history. Albert Pike’s ‘Morals and Dogma’ and Blavatsky’s ‘The Secret Doctrine’ immediately come to mind.
I too conclude this to be the work of Origen and another typical Papal forgery to add to their pile of infidelity to the truth.
speak the truth and this is what you get! rome had to make itself look good to the people so they made heretics of these brave men. we will meet in heaven!
I discovered Richard Bennett’s website and Dave Hunt’s when I was researching the origin of the Catholic Church. I still like to read articles on Richard’s website. Mike Gerndon is the pastor that presented information that I knew I had to leave the Catholic Church. I saw a video and then went to his website. His mission is to get people out of the deception of the Catholic Church. I think I used links from his website to Richard’s. Mike is very blunt about the truth of the Catholic Church. He was raised Catholic and was an altar boy. He gets a lot of grief from Catholics. However he also gets a lot of support and gratitude from ex Catholics like me.
So the same Lafayette who apparently was portrayed while making a Freemasonic sign and participated in the Jesuit French revolution seriously critized the Jesuits?
the earth can not be our sister, or mother or anything else, that’s pagan. the bible says clearly the world and all its works will pass away with a roar. it is wearing out as a garment.
Karl Rahner is also quoted as saying that ‘the Christian of the (near) future will be a mystic, or not at all’ I’m quoting from memory.
Since this statement was made before his death in 1984, it is instructive to see how this is being fulfilled through the Ignatian Spiritial Excercises shooting up like wild fire through Protestantism.
“To the Law and to the Testimony. If they speak not according to this word it is because there is no light in them.”
Isaiah 8:20
Thank you James for your highly important work and mission of exposing the Darkness of popery and the light of Jesus Christ!
Daniel 9:27 indeeds talks of the final antichrist. There is no other who will keep the peace for three years, then cause the abomination of desolation in the temple. And the antichrist will not be a papacy, but one individual (2 Thessalonians 2:3-4). Perhaps that individual will sprout from the papacy, but antichrist is a man, a living breathing human.
There is NO WAY you can get a final antichrist out of Daniel 9:27! If you are honest, you will admit you were taught that by some Bible teacher or preacher. You didn’t get it by reading Daniel chapter 9 by yourself. The same with me. I too was taught the same as you. When I was a babe in Christ 50 years ago, and the pastor told me Daniel 9:27 is about a final antichrist who will make a 7-year covenant with Israel and the Jews so they could rebuild their Temple, who was I to question it? I hadn’t studied Daniel chapter 9 before, and the pastor was older and much more learned than me. I just accepted it and all the other things he taught about Daniel chapter 9. It was 40 years later in 2014 I was introduced to a web article that opened my eyes to the fact that Daniel 9:27 was fulfulled by Jesus Christ and His Apostles! Through the preaching of the Gospel to the House of Israel, Jesus CONFIRMED, not made, but CONFIRMED the Covenant of verse 4 of the same chapter, namely the Covenant of grace through belief in God’s Word that God made with Abraham. “Even as Abraham believed God, and it was accounted to him for righteousness. – Galatians 3:6. Moreover, to say that the Antichrist is not the papacy, tells me you need to education yourself about the Protestant Reformation. To a man, ALL Protestants taught that for the first 3 centuries after Martin Luther! If you belittle the Protestant Reformation, it means you have no idea that the it was the Protestant Reformation that bought you all the Constitutional liberties you and I enjoy today. Please do a bit more research on these subjects.
I just finished reading Daniel chapter 2 for the umpteenth time, focusing particularly on those parts concerning the iron and clay. I’ve heard others say that the iron are fallen angels who mingle themselves among the common man (adam) who was made from clay, but that, to me, is silly. I looked at each word in the Strong’s Concordance to get a feel for how the Hebrew words are used throughout the bible. Iron, going back to it’s primitive root, is basically oppression. Iron shatters the clay. I came to a similar conclusion in that the iron are the few (elite) who control the many (clay) through their policies that never benefit the common man. Their policies are oppressive in nature, designed to further the interests of the few. Take Elon Musk for example. America voted Trump in because they do not want anymore foreign immigration, but Elon wants H1B visas to further the interests of his many companies. America has the talent to fulfill those positions, but Elon and Vivek tell you that Americans are stupid and lazy and we need these people. That is the furthest thing from the truth, they can pay these foreigners far less than an American, fire them and send them back if they don’t work out and also get an 80 hour work week out of them for less pay. Trump was against these H1B visas, but now he is on board to help out his buddy Elon. Yeshua said in Matt 20:25: “But Jesus called them unto him, and said, Ye know that the princes of the Gentiles exercise dominion over them, and they that are great exercise authority upon them.” So yes, I agree with your interpretation of the iron and clay, we came to the same conclusion from different perspectives.
George, nobody’s perfect, nobody. Some Bible teachers are strong on some points and weak on others. Thank God for the rock solid foundation of the Scriptures! We’re only responsible to God for what we know the Bible says, not what somebody else says the Bible says.
sending you this link James Henry Grattan Guiness believed in the pretrib rapture and was influenced by Plimouth brethern.
Good article with a lot of info.
One thing I don’t agree with is that one should always go to the scriptures for confirmation, but the scripture testifies that the Lord said ‘My sheep know my voice and they follow me’.
One can not know due to the scripture, unless the Holy Spirit leads to a specific part which He (or It) doesn’t have to do with every believer the same way (in my case, it happens some times, but not often).
Should one go to a bar and sit there for an hour and drink (alcoholfree) beer?
Generally no, but what if God wants you to engage a conversation with someone there? Or if He wants to show you something which happened to me last month.
The scriptures can’t answer such questions, but the Spirit of God can convince.
Thank you for this contribution and God may bless your new year brother James!
I think the person meant we should go to the Scriptures for confirmation of doctrine, not what to do at a specific time of day. We have the Holy Spirit to tell us that.
I agree, but even then the first thing should be the Voice of God Which might use directly bible verses from different books to test a doctrine, or for example another person to answer our questions. I mean some of these SDA teachers are great regarding these topics. But have they really asked the Lord about the doctrines of their domination? Just like you I’m wondering how they can be so discerning and naive at the same time.
Now, one can use Bible verses spaghetti to justify their own opinions and doctrines which Satan also did. But often only sincere prayers can really open the eyes in such cases.
I celebrate Christmas. I know we don’t know when Jesus was born but it’s just a day to remember his birth. I love Christmas tree decorations. God made the trees. We live in a pagan world. All the days of the week and months are pagan. We can get too legalistic. I think if you want to celebrate Christmas it’s fine and if you don’t that’s fine too. I don’t like Santa Claus either because he takes the focus away from Jesus.
I don’t think it’s too legalistic to follow Paul’s admonition in Romans 12:2 about not being conformed to the world. Yes, God made trees. He made the sun too. The problem is some people want to worship God’s creation rather than the Creator Himself. The evergreen tree is connected to sun worship. I met a sun-worshiper once at Waikiki beach, Hawaii, in 1999. He was playing bongo drums while watching the sun set over the ocean. He told me, “There’s nothing more powerful than the sun.” He’s deceived by some seducing spirit, poor guy.
I just think of the little fiberoptic trees as decorations. They’re my favorite Christmas decoration along with deer. (Not Rudolph.) We have a lot of deer where I live and I just think they’re pretty. I’m keeping little green trees with snow as my winter decorations. When spring comes back to flowers and sea shells. I don’t think Christians should argue so much about Christmas. Now Halloween is different.
i would say it will be a big role of idolatry. look at so much of the world. look at what it says in the psalms : ‘the gods of the nations are idols’. there will be more of it. it will continue to be a major part of the mass deception; ishtar worship athena worship, most any female diety.
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