• From Randy B Davis on Cycling adventure to the summit of Mt. Yahiko

    I do like those pictures and it looks like it could be a lot of fun there James. It looks beautiful there.

    We have Pikes Peak here in this region and they have a long trail to Pikes Pike summit called barr trail. I walked up it once when I was still in the U.S. Army with my company.built a railroad tie steps that goes almost straight up. It’s difficult to breath when you get that high in elevation. We also have a very steep hike that’s a little over a mile built with railroad ties that many people ascend up daily when it’s open called Manitou Incline. It’s been a while since I walked up the incline.

    Here are a couple of links to them.



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  • From Lou on Kent Hovind Changes His Position on the Doctrine of Pre-Tribulation Rapture

    [Just saw this shocking claim on the web!:]

    John Nelson Darby is not the ‘father of dispensationalism’ (the favorite feature of which is an imminent pretrib rapture)!…Incredibly, Darby wasn’t first or original with any aspect of the same system including this bedrock known today as the church/Israel dichotomy!…Darby’s own words at the time prove that he was posttrib from 1827 through 1838 and that he had no clear pretrib teaching before 1839 – nine years after Irving and his group had begun the clear teaching of it [in 1830]….After Darby’s death in 1882, one of his influential disciples wrote and published a series of articles in his own journal supposedly detailing the history of the Irvingites as well as that of his own group, the Darbyist Brethren. His aim was to give Darby lasting fame. He accomplished this by furtively adding, subtracting, and changing many words in the earliest, hard-to-locate “rapture” documents – Irvingite as well as Brethren – thus giving the false impression that Irving and his followers had not been first to teach pretrib dispensationalism. By dishonestly covering up and eliminating the Irvingites who truly had been the first in everything, he was able to deceitfully and wrongfully elevate Darby as the “father of pretrib rapture dispensationalism”!

    [To see all of this explosive article, which names all the names and dates in this long-covered-up fraud, Google “John Darby Did Not Invent the Rapture – by Dave MacPherson (March 19, 2015)”]

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  • From Freedom on The Founding Fathers of America: All opposed to the Gospel of Jesus Christ!

    Most of the founding fathers were Freemasons. This is historical fact.

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  • From Dianne on What Pope Francis wants to teach you about the Antichrist

    I am very interested in this topic. On the page explaining the “seven weeks” you said you intended to write more. I would be most interested in it. I would like to be better versed before I bring it up to my Christian friends.

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    • From James Arendt on What Pope Francis wants to teach you about the Antichrist

      I’m not sure what page you are referring to about me saying I will write more about the Seventy Weeks of Daniel. I wrote plenty on http://jamesjpn.net/basic-bible/eschatology/the-70th-week-of-daniel-delusion And if that is not enough for you, please see what my friend wrote on http://christianitybeliefs.org/end-times-deceptions/the-70th-week-of-daniel-prince-deception/ It is about as clear and aasy to understand as it gets!

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  • From Dianne on Famous American members of the Knights of Malta

    I have heard that Putin is a KoM. Do you know if this its true or not?

    (Visited 22 times, 1 visits today)
    • From James Arendt on Famous American members of the Knights of Malta

      http://vaticannewworldorder.blogspot.jp/2012/07/knights-of-malta.html seems to confirm what you say about Putin being a KoM. This surprises me because I thought he aligned himself with the Orthodox Church which traditionally is at odds with the Pope and the Catholic church!!

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  • From Aaron Dinnison on Email to a friend who holds the correct interpretation of Daniel 9:27

    Excellent James! Well written letter. I am glad you recognize the probability of end time deception so great that many will turn from their faith. I believe this may very well happen; rebuilding a false temple.
    Since Napoleon, and possibly before, this has been a goal of the Illuminists. World war 2 was a tremendous boost for such a cause. If the temple were to be rebuilt, it would just be par for the course of the “grand design”.
    However, if the city on 7 hills fell into the ocean today… 😮

    (Visited 22 times, 1 visits today)
  • From Zeljko on The True Meaning of the Word "Antichrist"

    Saint Peter never been to Rome, because he was sent to preach Gospel to Jews, Paul was sent to Rome. Catholic church from beginning standing on false teaching.

    (Visited 22 times, 1 visits today)
  • From Prashant Kumar Singh on The True Meaning of the Word "Antichrist"

    I m Deaf.

    (Visited 22 times, 1 visits today)
    • From James Arendt on The True Meaning of the Word "Antichrist"

      I hope not spiritually deaf. You don’t have to physically hear to learn something from this website. 🙂

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  • From David Montaigne on Comparison of the top 7 Popular Bible translations of Daniel 9 verses 4 and 27 to the KJV

    You make a very interesting point to consider. I have read quite a bit on the subject while researching my latest book (Antichrist 2016-2019: Mystery Babylon, Barack Obama & the Islamic Caliphate) and I never came across this concept before. And I agree that substantial mistranslations are rampant, and that relying on one version of the Bible in English alone will cause some misunderstandings.

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    • From James Arendt on Comparison of the top 7 Popular Bible translations of Daniel 9 verses 4 and 27 to the KJV

      David, I’m glad you found me and liked that article. I used to believe in a final 7 years of the reign of Antichrist which precedes the return of Jesus Christ, but now I believe this doctrine was based on an incorrect interpretation of Daniel 9:27. Please see my other article on this site, http://jamesjpn.net/basic-bible/eschatology/the-70th-week-of-daniel-delusion where I explain further.

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  • From Randy B Davis on Comparison of the top 7 Popular Bible translations of Daniel 9 verses 4 and 27 to the KJV

    I wanted to see how a Jewish/English Holy Bible translated the same verses:

    Daniel 9:4 Complete Jewish Bible (CJB)

    4 I prayed to Adonai my God and made this confession: “Please, Adonai, great and fearsome God, who keeps his covenant and extends grace to those who love him and observe his mitzvot!

    Daniel 9:27 Complete Jewish Bible (CJB)
    27 He will make a strong covenant with leaders for one week [of years]. For half of the week he will put a stop to the sacrifice and the grain offering. On the wing of detestable things the desolator will come and continue until the already decreed destruction is poured out on the desolator.”

    I checked out this Spanish Holy Bible called: Español Reina Valera 1909
    and translated it to english, see below:


    Daniel 9
    9:4 Y oré á Jehová mi Dios, y confesé, y dije: Ahora Señor, Dios grande, digno de ser temido, que guardas el pacto y la misericordia con los que te aman y guardan tus mandamientos;

    9:27 Y en otra semana confirmará el pacto á muchos, y á la mitad de la semana hará cesar el sacrificio y la ofrenda: después con la muchedumbre de las abominaciones será el desolar, y esto hasta una entera consumación; y derramaráse la ya determinada sobre el pueblo asolado.

    Spanish to English using http://Google.translate.com

    9: 4 And I prayed unto the LORD my God and confessed, and said, O Lord, the great God, to be feared, who keeps covenant and mercy with them that love him and keep his commandments;

    9:27 And in another week confirm the covenant with many, and to half of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation for the overspreading of abominations he shall make it desolate, even until the consummation, and that determined shall be poured upon the desolate.

    Note: Google translate didn’t do a very good job translating old Hebrew to English but it seemed to do an excellent job translating Spanish to English but I have no way to verify it.

    (Visited 22 times, 1 visits today)
    • From James Arendt on Comparison of the top 7 Popular Bible translations of Daniel 9 verses 4 and 27 to the KJV

      Your Spanish Bible is definitely more accurate than the Jewish/English Holy Bible. Jesus did not “make” the covenant when He began His ministry, He confirmed the covenant that was already in existence from the time of Abraham. To say “make” is a mistranslation. And why was it mistranslated? Either the manuscript was bad, or it was intentional to deceive Christians with false doctrine.

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  • From David on What Pope Francis wants to teach you about the Antichrist

    Yeah James, they are the masters of deflecting blame away from Rome. What’s interesting is that the book says “He (the Antichrist) destroys Rome, kills the Pope and all the Cardinals.” And Revelation 17:16 says “And the ten horns which you saw on the beast, these (the Jesuit leaders) will hate the harlot, make her desolate and naked, eat her flesh and burn her with fire.” The Harlot is going down in flames.

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    • From Richard Hirst on What Pope Francis wants to teach you about the Antichrist

      David, I would not think to answer for James, however the prophecy you alluded to in Revelation 17 ends with the beast and false prophet being destroyed at the coming of Christ (chapter 19) What you reference in regards to the beast hating the “whore” and making her desolate happens in relation to the sixth plague in Chapter 16. Chapter 17 is a further explanation by the angel of the plague on Babylon as to the meaning of the “Fall of Babylon.” The beast hating the “whore and making her desolate” (and I agree in part with your application, however the Jesuits are included with the Cardinals) is a prelude to the destruction of the beast and false prophet. Therefore the “false prophet” and the “whore” are not the same. The “beast” and the “whore” are not the same, although they have been working in tandem through the centuries. The “whore” is destroyed by the beast prior to the Advent of our Lord. The “false prophet” is the second beast described in Revelation 13. It causes the whole world to worship the first beast of that chapter. So to identify the false prophet you must identify the power that has world wide power and is promoting the policies and worship of the beast. And the beast is that power which has received it seat, power, and great authority from the dragoon, i.e Imperial Rome. Revelation 13:1-4

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  • From m on The 70th Week of Daniel Delusion

    BTW Brothers I have gotten ahold of some old Dad tapes on Daniel and other topics, I’ll be posting them. Here’s one:


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  • From m on The 70th Week of Daniel Delusion

    fascinating!! I’ll have to read this in detail and youtube it later. . . thanks for your faithful hard work brother! The work David did was often exploratory and not by any means the final say … and yes indeed Jesuits are creeping around everywhere, influencing everybody everywhere especially any Christian groups like ours, we’ve spoken on this before. GBY!

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  • From jon on A Key to Determine a Truth Telling Website From a Disinformation Website

    good fact. that is a fulfilment of prophecy. what you have put from the book of timothy. that is what so many so-called christians want to hear; this washed down sermon of prosperity & soft-ness. they need to wake-up & understand that they need to take up that cross daily & walk with jesus. narrow is the way to life.

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  • From myrtill on Interesting facts about the Japanese Language

    japanese learning is easier for us, hungarians. our phonetics are similar, we have all sounds and this makes speaking a lot easier. the writing problem remains though 🙂

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  • From m on Japanese Summer Festivals Are Linked to Hebrew Old Testament Traditions!

    Thank you dear Brother! And let’s keep praying this internet keeps workign while the govt. is pushing to regulate everything! I’m sure the Enemy is threatened by something the Lord wants to do through it. Can’t wait to see what else God has up his sleeve! You have tons of great articles here. Any in particular you’d like recorded and posted up on youtube? It’s just audio, but I have 1300 subscribers and it’ll get some attention, I suppose. Lots of people find things on youube they otherwise wouldn’t go read elsewhere, so this has been my latest experiment.

    Just let me know if there are any specific articles you’d like to have up on youtube, and I’ll link to your site!

    Blessings from Taiwan!

    (Visited 22 times, 1 visits today)
    • From James Arendt on Japanese Summer Festivals Are Linked to Hebrew Old Testament Traditions!

      Michael, from the recent articles I have been posting, you might know I’m really into the historicist interpretation of Bible prophecy these days. This is opposed to what is called “futurism”, i.e. the concept that the Antichrist is a single man coming only in the future, the last 7 years of man’s rule on earth just before Jesus comes. I used to believe this for it is what DBB taught us, and I still love him, but now I think dear Dad was misled by Jesuit doctrine that seeped into Protestant churches. It was the early Protestant interpretation of Daniel 9:27 that really convinced me of that. Please see http://jamesjpn.net/basic-bible/eschatology/the-70th-week-of-daniel-delusion That article is among the list of featured articles you can find in the side bar of my website. That or any of the featured articles would be cool if you want to share them on your YouTube channel.

      (Visited 22 times, 1 visits today)
      • From m on Japanese Summer Festivals Are Linked to Hebrew Old Testament Traditions!

        very interesting, I’m open to seeing other interpretations and will do so later when I have the time. I finally got around to editing together a short video with the above, of course I ended up commenting on a lot of things, sorry for running off on a tangent! Other people are enjoying the content though and it’s a lot of fun to continue to explore and discover more of the mysteries in the Word together!


        (Visited 22 times, 1 visits today)
  • From James Arendt on Japanese Summer Festivals Are Linked to Hebrew Old Testament Traditions!

    Sure Michael! But my guest. Anything you see on this website you are welcome to share.

    (Visited 22 times, 1 visits today)
  • From m on Wordpress Webmaster Woes

    I would like to get a more professional site going, perhaps wordpress isn’t the answer? I am so thankful for you, Brother James, you are so saavy on these types of things and you’re also humble enough to share your experiences with hosting a big website like this one and DeepTruths.com . . . I have enjoyed the free blog setup they have though, and found a lot of good uses with it. Your site just has so much more character to it, though. Hopefully someday we’ll have more disciples like you witnessing like this online! I think that day is coming soon!

    (Visited 22 times, 1 visits today)
    • From James Arendt on Wordpress Webmaster Woes

      Thank you, M, for your encouragement! I am experimenting now with Drupal CMS. It has a function that makes it easier to publish books in chapters. WordPress cannot easily do that by default. However with the aid of a plugin it can. But Drupal is not nearly as easy to work with as WordPress. I still haven’t figured out some essential things. I also tried Joomla but consider it overly complicated. So far WordPress has been the best for me. I’m still sticking to it for now.

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  • From michael basham on Japanese Summer Festivals Are Linked to Hebrew Old Testament Traditions!

    Tremendous! I had similar experiences which I’d love to share on this, that there are ancient Hebrew roots in Japan regarding their festivals. Can I repost this to my site with a link? Also I’d love to make a youtube video with the audio just reading your page and adding your pictures. What do you think, Brother James? GBY!

    (Visited 22 times, 1 visits today)
  • From jon on "And the Woman Was Arrayed in Purple and Scarlet Colour..." - Revelation 17:4

    and it continues, on & on. this plague of pagan falseness will go right to the end. then all these homos will go into the fire, alive. most all of them are nothing but a scourge. they have corrupted all that is good. they are nothing but a veil of christianity in front of a luciferian doctrine. false all the way.

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    • From Luke on "And the Woman Was Arrayed in Purple and Scarlet Colour..." - Revelation 17:4

      That is why Y H W H is calling every one to come out her in revelation 17&18 yeah even other Christian denomination. How because Christian is calling on the false name of the father and Messiah which not Lord god Jesus Jehovah. And Christian where also participating in other pagan holiday such as Christmas Easter Halloween and orders which is pagan in origin. And most Christian don’t realize that the name lord in Hebrew means Baal in fact Christians should come out her completely and start calling on the true name of the father and the son which is YHWH pronouns yahuwah and the son name yod shin waw aying which pronouns yeshua…… SO COME OUT HER MY PEOPLE

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