James, here’s a link to a rare find I haven’t read the contents – about 120mb file. The Works of King James: http://www.jesus-is-lord.com/workes.pdf
The site www.jesus-is-lord.com has lots of info re King James Bible,
Roman Catholicism, and many other things besides. This is not an endorsement of everything on the site…
Just wanted to get your viewpoint regarding the Lord’s call to come out of Babylon. What does it entail & is Acts 2,3,4,5 a model of what it should be like to come out of it?
Coming out of Babylon means having as little to do with the world’s established systems in order to serve God. Yes, the model of Acts 2:44,45, i.e. Christians living together communally and sharing their possessions is a great help economically toward putting God’s Kingdom first without having a 5 days a week 9 – 5 job. I know. This is how I lived for years and still do. Please also see http://deeptruths.com/letters/dropouts1.html for what my pastor says about this subject.
Sorry but because I am no longer of fan of Alex Jones, I am not familiar with Dr. Corsi. I see he is heavily critical of Barack Obama. A quick search of the Internet shows me he is accused of spreading disinfo about Iran. I just cannot form an opinion about him now.
Actually, pre-Islamic Arab Christians used “Allah” to refer to God as it is a generic name for God in Arabic.
Some scholars feel that the word “Allah” is similar to the Hebrew Elohim (Lord/God/Diety) which itself came from “eloah” a semitic word for God.
“They are still yet only ignorant of Jesus Christ and His sacrifice for the sin of mankind on the cross, but they do acknowledge the doctrine of sin and that all humans are sinners. “—-That is not so—Muslims are very aware of Jesus Christ(peace be upon him) as he is mentioned thoroughly in the Quran.—However, Muslims do not have the doctrine of “original sin” (Neither do the Jews)—both Jews and Muslims believe Man is created inherently good. In Islam this is called the “fitra”. Neither Jews nor Muslims believe a sacrifice is required for God to forgive sin—because God is most Compassionate and Most Merciful therefore he forgives sin to those who ask for forgiveness.
Hi James, do you have any scripture that brings you to the conclusion that “the image of jealousy” is God’s throne. Someone else said recently that they thought it is the obelisk/masonic phallic symbol. Just a thought (mine)…maybe it’s the image that is mentioned in Revelations 13:14-16. Another interesting thought re the image of Revelations: Alexander Hislop in his book The Two Babylon’s suggests that the image of Revelations may be an image of Mary (the false Mary of course). If so, It could be a computerised Mary Image. Interesting the info about the logo of UN. I hate this organization with its usurping of God’s righteousness and replacing it with man’s righteousness (humanism).
It is the most wicked time in history in two ways 1/ Obvious apparent evil and 2/ It is also the most self-righteous time as well.
Hope I haven’t been too all over the place for you to follow 🙂
Hi Sam, Please see the video in the article how Mike Hoggard explains the image of jealousy. I myself will see it again right now. Thank you for your input!
The implant may well be a step toward the mark, but it is evident from Daniel that the temple needs to be in existence first Dan. 9:27. Matthew 24:15-22 also needs to be taken into consideration doesn’t it? – the abomination of desolation has to be set up in the temple which marks the time of the trib. One other comment, there may be a bit of mistranslation re “in” or “on” in the KJV, see Rev. 20:4 it has both “apon” and “in.” I tend to trust KJV the most but I don’t believe its perfect as a translation.
I agree that the 1% own all the wealth and people with power will do anything to keep that power but – if you listen to or read the entire speech, it has nothing to do with conspiracy theories. The speech is about publication of material that could be detrimental to national security because of the ongoing COLD WAR. There is no conspiracy, just very very greedy assholes (not referred to in this speech)
There is a conspiracy and JFK knew about it as well as Ron Paul knows about it.. Look up New World Order, understand the vast and increminating history and understand that the world is so much worse put together than you think..
One more thing: if you are so anti-nationalist, then you are the perfect vehicle for the new world order. The New world order is more correctly the liberal world order, as readily admitted by neocons such as Robert Kagan and George Bush. If you champion lack of national/racial identity, then you are a champion of the new world order. If you are a champion of nationalism and conservatism, then you are anti-new world order. This is all widely held knowledge.
“True Christians are not supposed to hold an allegiance to any nation more than their allegiance to the Kingdom of God. That includes racial identity as well”.
The emphasis is *more than*. I served 4 years in the USAF and vowed to protect my country from its enemies and to uphold the constitution of the United States of America. I still think the US Constitution is a wonderful document. I think America would not be facing many problems it faces today if the government kept Constitutional laws and principles. Too bad many American legislators do not seem to hold that opinion any longer.
“True Christians are not supposed to hold an allegiance to any nation more than their allegiance to the Kingdom of God. That includes racial identity as well”.
If this is true, then Christianity is a path toward communism and slavery. What you say Christianity disavows are the ONLY political protections from such hell. Perhaps the tenets of Christianity are designed to disarm such protections, and therefore Christianity is the purposeful religion of the slave class? Food for thought.
Furthermore, you pose a danger to the people with whom you share a country, given your beliefs. You would have them give up their unity, and hence their political defense from opposing political groups, most often based in race, that would exploit them. If you (Christians) were ejected from your countries for any reason, and quickly needed to find a home and protect yourselves from political danger, you would very quickly gain a sense of group nationalism, perhaps even based in race. Your liberalism is a luxury that is allowed to you via the benefits of a measure of nationalism, retained by your country, that you do not appreciate. The real world would disabuse you of your liberal “no nation, no race” notions very, very quickly. Stop being a liability to those with a sense of politics and identity, who protect you, and wake up and help them defend you by gaining a sense of nationalism.
Well James, thanks for posting a link to my video on your website (The True History and Purpose of NASA). I was checking out your website as well, and found it to be very interesting. Although my religious background is different from yours, we seem to have many beliefs in common. So many people are into the conspiracy of US aggression (which is true and valid) yet they fail to realize that the Vatican is the ultimate source of all these problems. And I thank you for the interesting video link on how Coconut Oil can help Alzheimer patients, for my mother is in need of something that will bring her back to her former self. Thanks again, Glenn.
I’m still enclined to believe that the ten nations have to come out of the old Roman empire – five from the east and five from the west. Dan. 2 vision is where I draw this conclusion from.
Did you have a redundant setup? It is normal for power outages, hard drive phantom writes, or writing in the wrong spot, or perhaps cosmic rays, to kill a drive (rarely, but normal nonetheless). But ZFS was designed to correct these using redundancy and checksums to find which of the 2 copies is correct, and repair the damaged one, and BTRFS is supposed to be the same. Is it, or did you just not use redundancy? (raid1, raid10, and not yet in btrfs: raid5, raid6)
“the real reason the Japanese Tokugawa government of the 16th century began to persecute Christians in Nagasaki…..” I didn’t know this either! Very interesting James!!
The sixth amendment to the constitution was a result of the end of the civil war, and equal rights for ALL men, after the emancipation proclamation, which was passed to get supporters in the north (not because of rights of humans)…the gov’t will pass anything for a temporary solution. Everyone is in it for themselves, and their family. Unless we wipe out the entire human race evil will exist in the world.
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