It is not the NWO we should fear. It is the Old World Order that should be feared the most. Most of our founding fathers were freemasons and their ideas forged the U.S. Constitution. If Ron Paul is a freemason, great!
I spent year studying conspiracies, and use to think there was some NWO conspiracy in the works. Then I found a site about the true illuminati, not the fabricated garbage. It is the power bankers and elite that run our world now. Why would they want to change that. We are already their slaves. The true illuminati are about humanity evolving to it’s true potential.
I doubt that the power bankers and elite have the common person’s best interests in mind. They refer to us as “cattle”! One of the aim’s of the Illuminati is to depopulate the world! Ref: The Georgia Stones.
My perception of history tells me that the world is getting worse, not better over time. 1913 was the year that Woodrow Wilson sold the country out to the bankers, and you know what happened after that: wars, wars and more wars, every one of which that average Amerian citizen realized were not good for the country, only for the bankers. Call that evolving? I would call it devolving.
I hear that Fedora 15 will have Gnome 3.0 installed by default. I hope I can get used to it or that Gnome 3 is not Gnome Shell but it has an option to use the original Gnome interface in case I don’t like Gnome Shell. We will see.
It took a long time to mess up Americas economy,if you look at the history it was Jefferson that kicked out the international bankers and warn Americans to never let them come in and take over the economy or our children would wake up homeless in their own country which should never be.
That’s why Ron Paul is going after the Fed. Reserve bankers. It makes sense because that is how the bankers took over the country back in 1913. Believe it or not the Federal Reserve has nothing to do with the government. They are just a group of bankers that got control of the minting of money away from congress. They are another tentacle of the Rothschild family.
No, he doesn’t speak of the people behind the curtain ,perhaps he has seen what happens when you do so he’s just trying to fix the problem rather than the blame.
I myself was an ex Muslim ,and i praise the Lord Jesus for His mercy and grace . I do believe in this gentleman’s testimony .I’m a Christian now and a servant of the Lord Jesus.My testimony can be shared also .Jesus is God like he mentioned that a man will never be God but, God can be man because He is able.
Yup ! Jesuits !
I call them loserfairy’s
They belong to loserfairy .
We know loserfairians lose , cos, we read the next chapters and books ! lol
Hey y’all loserfairies; Bring it !
Walter Veith’s vids are great too- shame he has not ‘come out’ yet from what I try to tell him to . But maybe God & him know more than I do .
Poor fellow who understands not Islam or his own true self, but his desire for other than Allah, for a great many truthful men have come to the fold of Islam in earnest. Thank you those cunning missionaries who but misguide innocent souls to the Fire. You sell your merchandise in the poor corners of the hearts. Remember, in Truth, nothing exists, except God. I witnessed it myself.
Perhaps I’m being superstitious, but I have been struggling with my faith in the Christian God. After reading this, however, I am almost certain that he exists. Because as good at these commandments sound, I highly doubt that they came from our true God. God would never allow people to die needlessly! He wouldn’t allow that many people to be killed!
… No, I have never read this. I will save it and read it! I have been reading so much, and still have much more to read. I look forward to reading it.
Thank you James.
While Ron Paul wants to audit the fed he never speaks directly about who the people are behind the fed. Nor does he mention or go into it’s history. So Ron Paul’s quest to audit the fed is nothing more than a dog and pony show.
You can also get an inkling of what an individual is all about not only by what he says but by what he never says. His demand for “transparency” of the fed’s activities is laughable. He doesn’t know that they have been robbing us blind for the last 97 years?
Speaking of private central banking not many people know that the nation of Japan from 1929 until the end of World War 2 had a government run bank. Money was put into ciculation free of debt. For sixteen years, the rest of the world was experiencing a severe economic deppression while Japan was experiencing a 240 percent economic growth and expansion. At the end of the war the first thing that Franklin Roosevelt wanted in Japan was a private central bank and that he did. A gentleman by the name of Dodge, on orders from Roosevelt setup this private central bank in Japan.
“I consider it a real miracle to run into him just when I needed a ride most desperately!” Ever heard of GODincidence? 😉 Sounds like you had an interesting trip! Let me know if you need donations for Activated next time!
Anyone who knows and is familiar with the conduct of Bill Maher knows that he just doesn’t hand out gratuitous treatment to his idealogical or philosophical opponents, in the form of handshakes or otherwise. His policy toward opposing views is one of ridicule humiliation and scorn. So why does he bend this engrained code of conduct for Ron Paul?
Its as though Ron Paul has some magical power of persuasion over Bill Maher.
Please, give me a break!
Who is judging by outward appearances only? Henry Makow, a researcher whom I trust, had some things to say about Paul that disturbed me, and then I found that photo. I loath to spread falsehood about anybody, and did *not* specifically accuse Ron Paul of being a Freemason. The title is a question of wonder; “Is Ron Paul a Freemason?” I like to let the readers of my blog come to their own conclusions, and try to avoid dogmatic statements that others seem to be overly prone to make.. (ahem!). God is the true revealer of truth, and He will do any convincing that needs to be done.
Yes Paul said a lot of things I like, but that quote by Lenin I posted now makes me wonder about a lot of the so called “opposition” to the NWO. For example, Alex Jones. I got me doots about that guy. I seriously wonder now about his infiltration of the Bohemian Grove that maybe he had some guarantees beforehand that he wouldn’t be shot for trespassing! Trespassers have been shot and killed for walking on property of much lesser importance. I can’t see now why the guards of an area of such high security could have allowed Jones to get in and do that filming. Some heads must have rolled afterward — unless it was all planed. They just don’t seem to care anymore who knows what about them.
From Robert on Is Ron Paul a Freemason?
From James Arendt on Is Ron Paul a Freemason?
From James Arendt on Is Ron Paul a Freemason?
From Markus on Using Gnome Shell
From James Arendt on Using Gnome Shell
From Andy A. on Ron Paul - Why Alex Jones Can Work for the Elite & Expose them
From Andy A. on Ron Paul - Why Alex Jones Can Work for the Elite & Expose them
From Mohammad Sameer on A Muslim's testimonial of conversion to faith in Christ
From Leo on Ron Paul - Why Alex Jones Can Work for the Elite & Expose them
From Angela on A Muslim's testimonial of conversion to faith in Christ
From James Arendt on A Muslim's testimonial of conversion to faith in Christ
From Sehena on The Georgia Guidestones - the 10 commandments of the Antichrist?
From James Arendt on The Georgia Guidestones - the 10 commandments of the Antichrist?
From Gad on Eighteen New Age Lies
From Gad on Hitchhike adventure to Sendai through Fukushima
From Helen on "BEHOLD A PALE HORSE" - by Milton William Cooper
From Colin on "BEHOLD A PALE HORSE" - by Milton William Cooper
From Aaron Dinnison on "BEHOLD A PALE HORSE" - by Milton William Cooper
From Dennis James on Ron Paul - Why Alex Jones Can Work for the Elite & Expose them
From Lu on A Poem: Just Let It Pass
From Jan Domaradzki on A Poem: Just Let It Pass
From Panama Chiriqui on Another look at Ubuntu 10.4
From Tirzah on Adventure Hitchhking During Golden Week
From Dennis James on Is Ron Paul a Freemason?
From James Arendt on Is Ron Paul a Freemason?
From James Arendt on Is Ron Paul a Freemason?