HomeBasic BibleDutch man builds an exact scale replica of Noah’s Ark Log in


Dutch man builds an exact scale replica of Noah’s Ark — 2 Comments

  1. Brother,

    Just wanted to get your viewpoint regarding the Lord’s call to come out of Babylon. What does it entail & is Acts 2,3,4,5 a model of what it should be like to come out of it?


    • Coming out of Babylon means having as little to do with the world’s established systems in order to serve God. Yes, the model of Acts 2:44,45, i.e. Christians living together communally and sharing their possessions is a great help economically toward putting God’s Kingdom first without having a 5 days a week 9 – 5 job. I know. This is how I lived for years and still do. Please also see http://deeptruths.com/letters/dropouts1.html for what my pastor says about this subject.

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James Japan