HomeBasic BibleFuturist Interpretation of Matthew 24 Exposed as Folly by John Gill - Page 2


Futurist Interpretation of Matthew 24 Exposed as Folly by John Gill — 2 Comments

  1. So turniing Mathew 24 away from what Jesus actually SAID by using all sorts of human analogies, opinions,is to a simple person whom Christ died for interlectual accountable to God.Does God put a stamp of approval on all this.That is the BIG AS QUESTION.Is your life staked on this?

    • Rich, I’m not sure I understand either your statement or your question. Who has turned Matthew 24 away from what Jesus actually said? Not John Gill or me! It was John Nelson Darby who did that, and C.I. Scofield further promoted it with his Scofield reference Bible which promoted Zionism and pre-tribulation rapture based on his interpretation of Daniel 9:27 which RIPPED OFF the final Week of the 70 Weeks of Daniel and threw it into the unknown future — ALL LIES FROM SATAN’S JESUITS!!! If you ask if my life staking on exposing Satan’s lies, you can bet on it, for that is exactly what I am doing, basing at least part of my life trying to educate deceived Christians, and especially Baptists and Pentecostals.

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