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Genesis Chapter One Indicates a Spherical Rotating Earth — 4 Comments

  1. Assuming there are truly satellites. According to many NASA video from Space station there are none…not a one. In fact, not one rocket has ever broken through the established firmament. There are videos on this as well. Virgin Space Tours can’t even figure out why none of their craft can get into “space”. Just want to add that your exposing of Rome and the Jesuits should at some point lead you to NASA. Shortly after Auguste Piccard revealed to Popular Science Magazine that the earth is flat NASA suddenly came into being. There is video with old footage revealing Nixon had the moon landing filmed (in England) and lots of interesting information from those who worked for NASA as realism artists who made paintings of the earth. These paintings are most of the “pictures” of earth from space. I can’t even type enough or fast enough to explain all of this. As I mentioned in another post, this is really worth a looking into. In fact, just about EVERY THING we have been taught about or world is one big lie after another propigated for the use of the New World Order and their coming Extraterrestrial Messiah.

  2. Hello there… I used to comment on your page a long while back.. Please look up Michelson Morley experiment and decide for yourself if the Earth is indeed moving.. Scientists have always assumed that the earth is moving and when their results suggested little or no movement of light waves through the Aether, they came to the conclusion that the Aether does not exist because they always believed that the Earth is moving. Einstein’ special theory of relativity was also concocted to explain the results of this experiment.

    Glenn Gaspar

    • Hello Glenn. Movement is something that is relative to other objects. That was my observation a few weeks ago when I was reverse parking between two cars, and suddenly the car on my right pulled out which gave me the illusion my own car was going backwards faster than it should! I panicked and slammed on the break but it had no effect which freaked me out even more! Than I realized what happened. I am talking about the rotation of the earth relative to the sun, not about the movement of the earth through space. That movement is relative to what? It could very well be that the earth is stationary and the rest of the cosmos is moving around it. I think there is no way to say either way from our perspective. The subject of this article is to dispute what Flat-earthers say about a flat earth.

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