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I Will Curse Them That Bless Thee – Message by Dr. Chuck Baldwin — 2 Comments

  1. Pastor Balwin: you really need to be careful that you do not use the pulpit to advance the Devil’s agenda. ok I might agree with you on some things like the 501 C3 Church. I do not agree with you on other things. when you started defending zMax Waters and scum like that you lost me. Max Waters is a mental case. she belongs in the fricking Mental institution. you really need to be ashamed of yourself. I think you need to do your research before you utter one more false Statement especially against President Trump. I know for a fact that President Trump is a True Born Again Christian and that no wars were started under his Administration. how do I know Donald Trump is a born again Cristian. I know because I know. I am not going to go on with that because I know something every else does not have access to. I’m not going to go on with that one but it will come out eventually. but I think you are doing alot of damage to a descent man by attacking Donald Trump. whatever grudge you are holding against Donald Trump you need to let it go. we need to work together to destroy the Devil’s Kingdom. President Trump is a great man and God is using him. I am not getting paid to say this. this is a part of my freedom of speech. you really need to do more research on Donald Trump before you going further because you are in serious error and it may cost you down the line. I’m dead serious. you are right about George Sorros and the rest of these Clows. but you really need to lay off Donald Trump because He is not the man you are making him out to be. if I am wrong then let God deal with me about it. but what if I am right?. you probably don’t have the guts to publish this. but I stand with President Trump.

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